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/fa/ - Fashion

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12039697 No.12039697 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have an Australian general.

>Discuss best places to cop shit
>Complain about shipping rates
>Talk shit

>> No.12039699


>> No.12039701

Where's the best place to cop gats for >$100 aud?

>> No.12039705

>it's so bad we don't even have stores like uniqlo or ascolour

>> No.12039708

Dude, fuck. Everyone dresses like shit. ((5051 here))

>> No.12039709


>> No.12039713

what are some good sunnies to cop for this summer

>> No.12039717

I'm not from Australia and therefore this is a discussion topic that doesn't interest me.

>> No.12039758
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I'm digging clear framed glasses this year. Also round lenses are p sick. Pic related is a good example, they're Monokel Barstows.

>> No.12039765

O shit - I meant <$100aud obviously

>> No.12039771

why do people tell me that trade secret is a girl's store?

>> No.12039775

fuck all american websites with overpriced shipping rates

>> No.12039783

Anyone know the best place for us aussies to get dreambox geo's? plz no hate on being poor and telling me to get real ones

>> No.12039785
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>See cool jacket
>hmm 118 doesn't look too bad
>Convert to AUD
>$200 fucking dollars


>> No.12039795

that's just like 1 week of cennalink m8

>> No.12039802

I'm not abo so no NEET bux for me

>> No.12039811

>tfw used my centrelink money on non effay purchases

Just fuck me up senpai

>> No.12039820

Racism isn't effay. Go back to your containment board.

>> No.12039821
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>> No.12039824

meme'd xDDDDD

>> No.12039825

How is stating a fact that abos get guvmint money racist?

>> No.12039827

I already work but i still get $290 a fortnight because I go to uni

>> No.12039831

cos calling the indigenous abos isn't racist hey

>> No.12039834

> 5051

thats probably why.

>> No.12039842


>> No.12039850

>Racism isn't effay
>Always threads about nazis and Dylan Roof

This board is basically /pol/ talking about clothes and hair

>> No.12039933

>no uniqlo
>only decent store, American Apparel, is closing down
Is there anything good left at all?

>> No.12039946

Went to the Fallow store recently. Pretty good shop they have there.

>> No.12039955


>> No.12040064

would appreciate advice on what to wear this summer for festival season
Going to BTV over New Years and looking for comfy shit to wear - especially sneaks

>> No.12040086

any brisbane boys?

>> No.12040099
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northside here

>> No.12040100
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Something that will dry out quick and shoes that you dont care about that can take a beating.

>tfw fond memories of bdo and soundwave

>> No.12040118

who here reps the fkn volleys mate

>> No.12040132
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fuck off kike

>> No.12040149

Lol good one dude

>> No.12040184
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>Want to cop some NB 574s or 420s from a shoe store at my local massive shopping complex
>only a few colours and non to try out in my approximate size, they don't even have a braddock machine which I wanted to use to check my foot size

Why is apparel shopping in this country so god forsaken?

>> No.12040236
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>mfw earning as much working as I would receive on centrelink not doing anything

this fucking sucks senpai

>> No.12040352

>still using the term "abo"

>> No.12040379

Sorry; Coon or boong then. I'm fond of Boon myself.

>> No.12040381

>that flag
you really like abos more than the people who founded and built your country?

>> No.12040390

The people who founded the country aren't apart of Australia tho. Do you see the union jack on the us flag?

>> No.12040395

The UK founded it but the entire country was settled by people from all over europe whereas straya was founded land settled iterally just by the English and Irish who built your country up from literally nothing. People like you disgust me, I bet you claim to be 1/16th abo and hate white people despite being a middle class suburban whiteboy, either that or you're a non white who is so insecure about it that you refuse to believe white people made your country what it is.

Abo's fucking RUINED your country by hunting down all the megafauna and burning down most of your greenery because they are literally sub human and you still put their flag (a flag made by pussies like you so it's not even 'theirs') over the union jack? You should be more proud of your heritage if you're a true aussie and if you're not an ethnic one then fucking off yourself or go back home

>> No.12040536
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northside too ayy

>> No.12040592

Lol being this mad

First off I'm like very white. I don't claim to be anything else but English/Irish.

>The UK were the only country that westernised Australia
Yeah sure, the UK brought in a load of people initially (mostly convicts), but within 100 years of the third and final fleet the gold rush occurred and more European and asain countries jumped aboard to get in on that shit.

>The indigenous ruined the country
Lol no they didn't. Not even close. How would they even manage to live there without any flora? Like are you actually retarded?
I find it funny that you're complaining about that when the English came and completely destroyed all native fauna n flora. I mean, the English were fucked. Before English settlement the indigenous population was 250,000+ and by 1920 there were less than 60,000.

>I should be proud
Fuck no, the UK were cunts. I'm not proud at all of that, why the fuck should I be?

You must be so caught up in your own bullshit fantasy stories that you can't even see past it. Get educated or kill yourself.

Fuck the alt-right are deluded.

>> No.12040678

If you think the English are cunts there is no way in the name of christ you are a true Australian
You also have a terrible grasp on history if you think the English destroyed your country and not the abos you spastic cunt. I'm not even alt-right i'm just utterly aghast at the hate you have for the people who basically spawned you and directly created the land you live on as you type this. The only way they could have a bigger claim on the creation of Australia would be if they were christ himself, that's how much they did for your nation.

>> No.12040703

Sorry, to be a true Australian I have to have citizenship (which I do).

Did I ever say that the English destroyed my country? It wasn't even my country. It was the indigenous people's. And yes they did fuck it up. There are no longer any full blooded Tasmanian natives anymore. You're acting like I don't have a right to think that what happened in the past is wrong. Do you think that all Germans should be proud of the Nazis? They helped make Germany what it is today.

I have total hate for what my ancestors did. Aren't I allowed to? I mean, going back to the German example, I'm fairly sure that they're ashamed too.

I don't know which is worse, the alt right or traditional rights.

>> No.12040857

lowe's and cotton on are my shit

>> No.12041878

Tfw bought Uniqlo socks one day, the next day they were on sale for a quarter of the price

>> No.12042037
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melbourne pls leave

>> No.12042229

/adelaide/ ya gong

>> No.12042269

white guilt isnt fashionable

>> No.12042280


>> No.12042292

Sorry, at any point did I say that I felt guilty?
Im saying that my ancestors fucked up Aboriginal culture and that I'm ashamed of that fact.

>> No.12042410

>Australia is fucked up because Tasmanian Abo's no longer exist

Yeah ikr think about where Australia would be right now if they didn't get rid of the cunts who's only invention was a bent stick that would come back to you :'(
Fucking leave this country you shit cunt. Come up to QLD and say any of this shit. It's not their fucking land anymore. We made Australia what it is today. If you think they have any claim on Australia you're a fucking autist. Coming to a place first is not the right to owning an entire place. And they were flinging spears at us from day one, who gives a fuck if we fought back.

>> No.12042467

Again, did I say Australia is fucked up? I said that the act of killing a whole culture is fucked up.

>People are only worth what they bring to society
What the fuck have you ever done you fucking neet?

>All Aboriginals did was throw sticks around
Are you actually that fucking stupid?

>It's not their land
Sorry they've lived here for ≈60,000 years. We came and stole the land from them ~200 years ago. Pretty sure living in a place for that long makes it theirs.

>Leave this country
Make me lol

>They were flinging spears
Oh so genocide is totally cool. My mistake.

Man, Queenslanders are the embarrassment of Australia.

>> No.12042478

>aus thread ruined by abbo's

can u fuck off cunt?

>> No.12042488

Name one beneficial thing abos did before we got here you gay cunt.
It isn't their land anymore. We made the land what it is. They were too busy chucking babies on ant pits.
They wanted to fight and we fought back. Get over it you pussy cunt.
You think I'm an embarrassment? I'm not the one kissing the feet of worthless abos, and feeling guilty about making a country brilliant.

>> No.12042501

Let me guess, you think Straya day should be moved hey? hahahaha fag

>> No.12042510
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>> No.12042562

Lol I started this thread, you fuck off.

>> No.12042619

Lol what have you done that's so good for society? The Aboriginal people survived and lived in unison with the land. They had religion and art and music and medicine. The same that modern Australia has.

They wanted to fight because they didn't want to have their land taken away from them. Wouldn't you?

Yeah, why not?
It's literally the day that the English first came here. What a shit day. The best date would be the day that Australia became independent. Most countries celebrate independence day, like the US.

>> No.12042739

I help people daily. I'm not going to talk about my job, but yes , I do contribute to society.

>Lived in unison
Cunt most tribes had completely different cultures and languages, and also fought frequently. Get fucked you dickhead, abos aren't fucking angels.
In Joseph banks' journal, the first entry he has after entering botany bay is about being pelted with spears just for entering it. They didn't even claim shit and still had spears thrown at em.

>wants to move straya day
Okay get fucked (by an abo) you un-Australian cunt. Your opinion is literally worthless because your feelings are hurt over something that happened over 200 years ago. Literally grow some balls and a cock. Have you ever had a girlfriend? I honestly can't imagine women being attracted to such a pathetic excuse of a 'man'. Do you wake up every morning, go across the road to the abos living off of gubmint benefits (quite comfortably) and apologize to them for being such an evil man that ruined their culture of killin babies because their rainbow snake god told them to? Honestly you cunts make me mad.
Be proud of this country. Shit happens, you faggots act like people were never ever killing people up until brits started colonizing

>> No.12042747

>unison with the land
aye mutt letsh just burd down da trees an kill off evryting mutt aye

>> No.12042850

>I help people daily
>B-but im not gonna talk about it

>They fought and had different languages
Therefore they're savages? Didn't the Scottish and the English have exactly that?

>They got pelted by the Aboriginals
Again, going back to the English that you worship so much, the Vikings came to take their land/loot and the English fought back. What's the difference?

>My feelings are hurt
Lol no, I feel for the people that had their culture ripped apart. 200 years ago isnt even that long. The Scottish are still bitter of the English. Why the fuck shouldn't they be?

>Be proud of this country
I am proud, just not of its history.

>> No.12042866


>> No.12042869

Dude you're so edgy

>> No.12042874

I love how butthurt the alt-right get if you have any opposing views

>> No.12042877

I'm a mechanic. I didn't want to pretend it was some glorious job where I'm saving lives, I was just stating how I do my part. faggot.

You said they lived in unison faggot, which they clearly fucking didn't. And their culture was backwards as fuck. It wasn't pretty, but that goes for most older cultures. Whats wrong with a culture that isn't good being destroyed?

The point that i was trying to make was the fact that the Abos fought without knowing what was actually happening (like savages). Banks went to botany bay to study the flora, and according to his journal, was willing to trade with the abos. But still, they fought.

I'm half scott and I don't give a fuck about Poms because I actually have testicles.

You're not proud, you're a sensitive faggot.

>> No.12042879

never buy retail

>> No.12042885

aye ya white dogg gimme a sec i just have 2 ruin this biodiversity real quick *burns down everything because reasons*

>> No.12042891

>Whats wrong with a culture that isn't good being destroyed?
How exactly does one determine whether a culture is good or not?

>> No.12042892

Gimme your fuckin boipussy and i'll tear that shit up with my big patriotic STRAYAN cock

>> No.12042895
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>does this culture sacrifice babies for religious purposes
>bad culture

bretty simble my dude

>> No.12042912

oh and don't forget when they just straight up ate them because they were hungry lol haha hehe

>> No.12042945

At least they got some sleep once the baby would stop crying

>> No.12043073
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does this look like a good culture

>> No.12043092

>How exactly does one determine whether a culture is good or not?
employing moral realism cuz

>> No.12043110

Lefty btfo'd, patriots win again

>> No.12043543

what a retarded argument. indigs aren't the flawless creatures corrupted by colonialism that small l liberals claim they are. therefore, they deserved to have genocide committed against them. what's more you want a reasonable person to not only be okay with this, but proud? might don't make right my friend

>> No.12043545

UPF pls go

>> No.12043555

kek how can anyone defends these savages

>> No.12043560
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>> No.12043564
File: 97 KB, 1160x1160, lg-v20_view1_jm-animal_elefantasia-ii_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a massive LG V20 phablet from JB yesterday and it's simply way to big for a case so I was looking at skins

Pic related is the only one that interest from a cast of neon African animals was the only one that interested me out of a sea of carbon fibre/faux wood/leather/metal skins.

Is it effay or at least passable? It's also half price so I'm leaning for it but I'm a drone so I need the okay from /fa/ before I decide.

>> No.12043574

pathetic Anglocuck

>> No.12043576
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We are the most powerful race on the planet

>> No.12043585

Wow nice edge kid. Let me guess, 19 and in second year of some shit tier uni, like RMIT? Top kek. Gas yourself you wog rubbish.

>> No.12043604

>The Aboriginal people survived and lived in unison with the land. They had religion and art and music and medicine. The same that modern Australia has.
Yep, they definitely had full professional healthcare with antibiotics, vaccines etc, and totally didn't usually die in infancy of a small cut that got infected
of course they had music, religion and art, every homo sapiens culture had all of those
I myself don't believe that technology makes people happier, but saying that the abbos were as advanced as europeans is just the worst kind of pseudo-liberal wishful thinking that should have died in the 90s
And yeah, I agree that genociding abbos was wrong, but let's be real here: it was a different time, the world seemed more dangerous and strange and if the abbos were the ones to achieve technological superiority, they would have colonised the rest of the world just as brutally

>> No.12043622

>.t abo

get fucked cunt, Australia day is here to stay. Take it as a constant reminder of how Australia is our land and that your place is naturally below us.

>> No.12043660

kek i've never seen an entire thread unite against one poster before
based aussies

>> No.12043663

Relax senpai were definitely getting an AS Colour on Rundle Street soon, shits gonna be tight. They're hiring apparently and I'm sick of supermarket work so I might chuck them my resume, unless someone redpills me on fashion retail work.

Either way, see you cunts there

>> No.12043665

New Farm here.
>implying anywhere but New Farm, Teneriffe, and the Valley is /fa/

>> No.12043680

yee lad Highgate Hill over here
Your idea of """""fashion""""" must be deluded 30 year olds wearing pants too tight for them and disgusting salmon shirts.

>> No.12043682

OP back, went out for the day.

>Their culture was bad therefore they deserved to die
What >>12042891 said. Define a good culture. If your only thing about Aboriginals being bad is a some dodgy article from some book written in the 1970s, you must be retarded.

Yeah but you've got to make sure your sources are credible before employing moral realism hey?

I personally don't think that a culture being less technically advanced deserves a genocide. Yeah nah, never said that the medicine was amazing, but they could see problems and tried to fix them.

I also don't think that the indigenous would have gone and colonized the rest of the world. I think that the UK have a 'gift' for that. There aren't too many countries that went and completely massacred so many other nations.

t. white guy* who thinks that Australia Day is totally cool if it includes all Australians.

These aren't me

>> No.12043697

they weren't even genocided , most of them cunts died of disease they weren't resistant too

>> No.12043705

>There aren't too many countries that went and completely massacred so many other nations.
that's just because they didn't have the means to do it. european culture isn't built on violence, and all of those tribes weren't exactly innocent angels either, they just didn't get the chance to develop better technology to conquer big areas and wage large-scale wars
and the ones that did were just as nasty as the europeans a lot of the time, i.e. the Aztec empire, which oppressed the other tribes horribly, to the point of using them as basically human cattle. the other tribes hated them so much that when the Spanish came they immediately helped them defeat the Aztecs

>> No.12043737

Some real sensitive boys in here, cute

>> No.12043753
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>aboriginal "genocide"

>> No.12043764
File: 13 KB, 300x187, History_of_violenc_3586810e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sure, look up Aboriginal Genocide. Im sure you won't find anything.

>European culture isnt built on violence
Look at pic related. It's a map of every battle entry on Wikipedia. It's looking pretty hot in Europe hey?

>> No.12043794

why were you at uniqlo two days in a row

>> No.12043799

Wikipedia is almost entirely written in English, French, German and Spanish. Shockingly, they mostly talk about England, France, Germany and Spain.

Do you really believe that Russians are less violent than the French?

>> No.12043804

you do realise that's because the old world was the only part of the world that was developed right? The new world has only just become 3rd world (with the exception of the old world colonies that became 1st world countries, funnily enough only the bong colonies became first world) so of course most battles would have happened in the old world due to us you know being developed enough to actually have a 'battle' and not just a mud wrestle because someone sneezed and the tribe chief though that meant they were possesed.

Like I said even now in 2 0 1 6 the majority of the new world is a comprised of third world countries despite the old world giving them the gift of technology, irrigation techniques and so on. What does that tell you?

>> No.12043808


>> No.12043821
File: 140 KB, 1536x906, 1447553765677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably bait but I'll take it

>Aboriginal Genocide. Im sure you won't find anything.
academic liberal bias on the part of indigenous studies departments all over the country. combined with australian historians having to justify their occupations by overplaying and sensationalising the "devastation" wreaked by white settlers.
In the grand scheme of things what happened to australia's indigenous people is a drop compared the suffering endured by populations throughout history, and surely not enough to justify reparations centuries later.

>It's a map of every battle entry on Wikipedia. It's looking pretty hot in Europe hey?
population density combined with accurate recording of historical events.
but I'm going to assume that you aren't an absolute dumb cunt and were just looking for a (you)

>> No.12043846

Yeah I guess that makes a little sense. Even still, you can't say that there was no bloodshed in Europe.

Lol wat


"They were ordered to 'disperse' any large numbers of Aboriginal people which meant 'nothing but firing at them' according to a contemporary police source. The force was also implicated in several massacres."

According to Australia.gov.au, massacres to indigenous people was definitely a thing.

>Australian historians overplaying the devastation
According to who? You? Can I get some sources on that mate?

>> No.12043851

Anyways, I'm going to bed. I'll see what other justifications of racism you guys can come up with tomorrow, yeah?

>> No.12043870

>aboriginal culture
What culture?

>> No.12043875

Dude, you're funny!

>> No.12043876


>> No.12043896
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>According to who? You? Can I get some sources on that mate?
liberal estimates put the number of indigenous murdered through direct conflict with settlers at 20,000 (approx. 2% of the total population), and the number of settlers murdered between 2000 and 2,500.

prior to colonisation there were estimated to be around 750,000 aboriginals. The indigenous population was reduced by about 90% following colonisation meaning that an overwhelming amount of Aboriginals died from the introduction of new diseases.

This is a far cry from the accusations of "genocide" pushed by liberal media and academia.

there are numerous examples of the distortion of the real historical significance of colonisation

an anecdotal example of this blowing out of proportion from the education system in my home state is the pinjarra massacre were 80 indigenous died. the event is taught in upper primary school and expanded upon in history classes at the lower secondary levels. compare this to the second world war and the holocaust that is only taught in year 11, let alone the rest of world history.

find the sources yourself

>> No.12043903


>> No.12043911

>This is my argument
>It's true cos I said it was

I'm actually Hitler. Like I really am.
But like nah you're just gonna have trust me on this one.

>> No.12043996


>these reddit tier arguments

Behrendt, L. 2012, Indigenous Australia for Dummies, Wiley Publishing Australia PTY LTD, Milton, Australia, pg.94

Reynolds, H. 2006, The Other Side of the Frontier: Aboriginal Resistance to the European Invasion of Australia, University of New South Wales Press LTD, Sydney, pg.126

Behrendt, L. 2012, Indigenous Australia for Dummies, Wiley Publishing Australia PTY LTD, Milton, Australia, pg.274

Green, Neville (1984), "Broken Spears: Aborigines and Europeans in the southwest of Australia"

Bates, Daisy M. (5 Aug 1926). "Battle of Pinjarra: Causes and consequences". The Western Mail. p. 40. Retrieved 2016-12-12.

>> No.12044035

Relax brahs. Remember sun screen boys

>> No.12044038

6 0 6 1

w2c shrooms in perth

>> No.12044656

bump :3

>> No.12045346

is centrelink /fa/

>> No.12045419

Ugh, it gets all greasy and I can't rub it in properly on my arms cause of all the hair.

>> No.12045433

>6 0 6 1
shit son

>> No.12045454

Any summer fits you homos?

Surely there must be some 30+ degrees inspo.

>> No.12045496


>> No.12045540
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Bra unless you are twink mode its pretty hard to be /fa/ in summer

>> No.12045556

Thongs, shorts and a singlet
You need a tan to pull it off
Nice repeating digits

>> No.12045637
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cothing retail is unbelievably shit do not work at a clothing store, worst job i have had ever

>> No.12045757


absolutely this you vegemite oriented flamin galahs

can't beleive we're stuck on whether or not that other anon is a racist which he is

so, how to be effay in shorts?

no preppy or schoolies level shit please

>> No.12045849
File: 1.03 MB, 2482x3806, IMG_20161213_152406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just pulled a Shia LaBeouf and cut a pair of my jeans. Idk it looks p good I think. The meme Smiths are my only summery shoe :(

>> No.12045894

I think >>12045540 is better than >>12045849
just because of the shoes desu senpai


>> No.12045900

ye, got some gats on the way
just pretend I'm wearing them

>> No.12045903

they are new balance

>> No.12046129

Fuckin Pauline Hanson as up in here, jus chill and smash a couple mangoes with the boys ya gammin cunts.
*these days turned out nothin like I had planned*

>> No.12046144

lol why cunt everyone says that

>> No.12046226
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don't have a fit on me to share but i'm so disenchanted with summer-wear i think the best op is to give up on looking 'fashionable' and just give in to the unfashionable: rugby shorts that ride too high, clashing colours, zany patterns.

Bascially, it's impossible to look cool, so embrace that and embrace the uncool. that said, your milage may vary.

>> No.12046229


>above the knee

nigga pls, how am I supposed to pray in these?

right now i use 3/4s and roll em up when I'm out so they look cuffed

I know, i think ill get a long denim/fatigue overshirt type thingy to go with it.

>> No.12046234

I copped some RETROSUPERFUTUREs, i really like how they look desu. but you have to get them online.


>> No.12046237

anybody flash buying before christmas?

fuck summer wear.
i need some bus casual shit, like ocbds and semi/dressy shoes for this new job.

anybody got recs for places to buy dressy shoes like brogues/chelseas?

also, are 1460 monos wearable with a suit?

thinking of getting 1460 monos but are there any alternatives?

>tfw 19 and only have a single suit to rotate

>> No.12046246

ayyy lads, north east here. desu I reckon Brisbane is going to become an /fa/ and cultural powerhouse in the next decade.

claim low income thresh hold dingus, get cenno + wage.

>the day Australia became independent
well we're fucking not independent and if you mean federation that was on January 1st, you know what else is on january 1st?
idc if we move it desu but not to federation.

>> No.12046348

>abo sympathizer

fucking filth

>> No.12046366

rm fucking willies?

>> No.12046370

is that it tho? i know they are quality tho. seems like they're the only ones then.

>> No.12046518

flag is fucking cancer
i would bet my life savings you have never engaged a coon and are probably from melbourne

>> No.12046527

>live in unison with the land
your a fuckwit
they are responsible for the extinction of a fuckload of species including all teh megafauna on the continent and their constant fucking fires raped acres upon acres of forest

>> No.12046547

universal store in rundle mall stocks some AS colour stuff

honestly tho adelaide is pretty dead when it comes to fashion, there's literally nothing for men's fashion aside from suits and mall-tier stuff

even women's fashion in adelaide is miles behind melbourne and sydney

>> No.12046769

well if you want anything higher quality, try doublemonk (hint $800+) which is probably way out of your price range and if you're a true blue aussie then the fuck you doing buying shit worse than willies (for a professional context)

>> No.12047438

>no replies


typical nigs

>> No.12048351

any madcunts in

>> No.12048472


>> No.12048502
File: 26 KB, 444x446, 1477717228001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking thread

Can we just nuke Melbourne and Sydney already?

>> No.12048686


i haven't been involved in any of this but

>trying this hard

just stop mate

>> No.12048808

Fashy goy here. You poofters are making us look bad

>> No.12048860

Fuck you and your shit flag, cunt.

>> No.12049224

>Brisbane is going to become an /fa/ and cultural powerhouse

I can see this happening, so many suburbs are gentrifying hard and I can't wait to see us turn into a mini-melbourne

>> No.12049236

only lesbians wear clear framed glasses

>> No.12049257

how's your smashed avo taste like

>> No.12049268
File: 450 KB, 3110x2073, fa brisbane meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here!

>> No.12049276
File: 60 KB, 500x374, 1470045220201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racism is extremely effay, are you an idiot? racism is a form of elitism, and elitism is the epitome of fashionability.
i'm not even an australian and even i know the abos are barely human. their "culture" is the only culture on earth that is not worth preserving.

>> No.12049303
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 0lBXFeW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open thread hoping to find some good aussie deals or stores I haven't heard of
>Thread has been de-railed by some numale from Melbourne
>Yet another Australia thread that has gone to shit


>> No.12049309

haha classic

>> No.12049310

>not wearing swiss sports shades with silver flames on the side
u r not true aussie

>> No.12049313

fuck you, you nu male Melbourne cuck, it took the starting post for you to derail this damn thread

hope you get cucked you fucking fag

>> No.12049320

>gets btfo

not even that guy but lmao

>> No.12049333
File: 286 KB, 500x496, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will this summers look be

Is mac demac core dead or does it still have some traction

Am I gonna have to go around dressed like a leb

Will I look like a tool if I still go around wearing my bucket hat

Are 90's airmaxes gay

>> No.12049628

Looks good actually, usually denim shorts look like trash on guys

>> No.12049649

youre only supposed to wear them while hitting the meth pipe lad

>> No.12049683
File: 54 KB, 350x350, 1465770618612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shoulder checking lone coons on the train

feels good being a big guy

>> No.12049866

it tastes so good that i forgot all about the investment property i'll never have

>> No.12049929

>If you think the English are cunts there is no way in the name of christ you are a true Australian

have you ever been to Australia
>three days late, but still

>> No.12050793

>Having pride or shame in something you never did
Man, your head is haunted; you have wheels in your head!

>> No.12050831

Oi, don't talk shit on RMIT, okay?!?!

>> No.12050914

Honestly, working retail isn't so bad as long as
A. You like the products you are selling
B. You get along with management

I worked at two places at my local outlet mall. First was G. H. Bass. Fucking horrible products and horrible management. I hated it.

Then I went to Levi's. The jeans are shit by our standards, but for Outlets standards shit was cash. It's was much more fun to sell jeans than to try selling Bass' shitty clothing that'll fall apart after a couple of months. And the managers were quite nice.

>> No.12051848
File: 527 KB, 914x612, tfwcoonswipedoutthemegafauna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12051872

>Sorry they've lived here for ≈60,000 years. We came and stole the land from them ~200 years ago. Pretty sure living in a place for that long makes it theirs.
you should read more

>> No.12052272

wtf i hate abos now
well not now because i already did but moreso

>> No.12052569

>their "culture" is the only culture on earth that is not worth preserving.

>Forgot Africans and Sand niggers

>> No.12052579

This. Also, no abos in Melbourne at a. Too many curry munchers and sudaniggers desu I'd rather boongs.

>> No.12052582


>> No.12052589

Why the FUCK does DESU keep popping up in my replies when I'm not typing it what the fuck is this weeaboo shit

>> No.12052592


>> No.12052679
File: 352 KB, 500x363, 1461712570110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is probably something worth praising about african culture, probably. maybe the fact that it isn't abo culture is worth praising in and of itself.
sandies suck but they were instrumental in developing a bunch of sciences back in the (pre muhammad) days. they are also not abos.

>> No.12054329

oi cunts

>> No.12055153

guess this makes four of us

>> No.12055172

>Austrian Aboriginals

>> No.12055226

Can I just say, the history of your flag is mental

>> No.12055271

Do you work in the Levi's that just opened in Rundle Mall?

>> No.12055298

who here western sydney lads

>> No.12055303

lefty btfo'd

>> No.12055306


snack packs and banh mi are all I eat

>> No.12055310
File: 361 KB, 858x725, 934675457378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I supposed to wear during summer apart from shorts and a tshirt?

FUCK THIS HEAT. Winter is so much fucking better for fits.

>> No.12055313


right here boi

>> No.12055545

>not just wearing shorts in summer

Wtf are you gay or something? I bet you get dressed up and dont even leave the house desu

>> No.12056282

going to Chadstone today, any good shops I should check out?