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File: 46 KB, 480x360, SUBHUMAN HAIRCUTS TWENTYFIRST CENTURY MALE CROMAGNON CRANIUM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12038169 No.12038169 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12038182
File: 8 KB, 195x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyonei know has either the undercut / manbun / oniontop

I went to get a haircut last week and i asked for it short and the guy assumes i meant an undercut and had to show him a picture of pic related because he couldn't grasp that i didnt want a memecut.

>> No.12038184

Manbun isn't the end game for me, it's just a step on the road there. Ngl, quite liking it right now. Need nice hair to pull it off though.

>> No.12038196

I'm failing asleep looking at that haircut.

>> No.12038207

its literally just short hair

>I'm failing asleep looking at that haircut.
i didn't realize hair was supposed to be fancy and a part of your personality

>> No.12038211


>i didn't realize hair was supposed to be fancy and a part of your personality


>> No.12038212
File: 107 KB, 640x472, IMG_9212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't
I refuse to fall for the meme

>> No.12038216

I think it can say as much about you as the clothes you wear, which I would argue is a fair amount.

>> No.12038230

so if every retarded 18 year old has an undercut, what does that say about them?

>> No.12038254

That they're retarded 18 year old's?
That they're boring sheep with no personality?

>> No.12038259

Is that you Pigfuck?

>> No.12038363

That's a bit strong, but you could make assumptions along those lines. You could also be wrong and they're actually a dull guy who wanted 'short hair', but their barber was too thick to understand them.

>> No.12038403

Whopland, long hair and buzzcuts are the only acceptable haircuts

>> No.12038411

It's just a bun

>> No.12038420
File: 869 KB, 442x502, IMG_0382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12038477

Yeah, that's the story I based this thread on

>> No.12038632

Great job. Mods put this in the sticky

>> No.12038732

seriously unironically, what the fuck am i supposed to get then?

nothing looks good anymore

>> No.12038748

Caesar or bowlcut.

>> No.12038750

typical cromagnoid low cranium volume detected

>> No.12038781


>> No.12038951

neck yourself if serious tbveryhhhh

>> No.12038979



>> No.12039161

today op realized that people have haircuts

>> No.12039162

Buzzcuts, crew cuts, and 90s curtains are the only effay in early/mid 2017 cuys

>> No.12039176

Is the caesar actually bowlcut tier o rhas there been a secret bowlcut resurgence?

>> No.12039285

>c.e 2016
>looking like a neanderthal

>> No.12039822
File: 3.61 MB, 2674x2656, 20161128_191409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw was first person at my college to get an undercut
>got compliments all the time; girls mired, and guys would talk about how they wanted to do it but didn't think they could pull it off
>Got it cut like that in the early part of the fall semester, and by the time we got back from winter break, I started to see more and more guys with undercuts
>Pretty soon about 30-40% of guys on campus have the haircut
>Realize the meme has come and gone
>Grow it back out
>laugh at all the late adopters
>Realize I'm a piece of crap for doing that
The ride never ends

Anyway, pic related is my current hair after laboriously growing out of the awkwardness and doing almost-nopoo since about January
Much more comfy now, and much cheaper/lower maintenance/less styling involved

>> No.12039841

thats the issue with the undercut
its hard to find some other haircut to fall back on once you get it

i tried going buzz, and I dont care to maintain anything
i tried growing out but long hair is annoying to care for
manbun/topknot is literal garbage too

>> No.12039856

Both are the official haircut of America's resurgence and un-cuckening.

>> No.12040606

what some ppl sprout on their cranium smdh

>> No.12040621

caesar, crew or buzz cut
or pic related >>12039822
are the ones.

>> No.12040625

this guy

>> No.12041115

looking great man, also going for that style

what kind of product do you use?

>> No.12041119

You should post on /lit/ more

>> No.12041624

>i didn't realize hair was supposed to be fancy and a part of your personality

What are you even doing here?

>> No.12041791

Thanks man!
I use head and shoulders dandruff shampoo 1x/week, Garnier Fructis conditioner about 3x/week (depending on the weather), and wash with water only the rest of the time.

I also use a little bit of this Garnier Fructis anti-frizz serum every couple days to keep it smooth and give the waves some direction.
Oh, and I take a biotin pill every day to help w/growth.

Biggest difference maker for me has been washing with cold water though.
I never realized how much hot water dries out my hair and makes it unruly.

>> No.12043192
File: 370 KB, 2889x1601, 1481335632528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12043325

How do u think one can handle dry hair? Like even when I shower with cold water, my hair becomes dry again afterwards

>> No.12043329

so sam, how do you keep getting away with it?

>> No.12043987

Give it time, use less shampoo and more conditioner, wash it at least twice a day with cold water (this will help kickstart it into producing more natural oil regularly), take vitamins like biotin or a hair/skin/nails complex, and find an anti-frizz product.
Also, DO NOT over-brush it!
Most importantly, give it time.
My hair is naturally pretty course and when I had it in an undercut it was not soft at all due to my needing to put lots of product in it and use lots of shampoo to wash it out, so it took quite a bit of time to get it to be soft and smooth again. There WILL be awkward stages.
You might start seeing results within the first few weeks, but it won't REALLY change until you've given it a couple months or more.
Hope that helps you, my man.

>> No.12044020

>>almost seven years ago.

My plebdar is reacting.

>> No.12044058

w2c shades?

>> No.12044135

Got them for free from Pixlr

>> No.12044142

Undercut looks good since I have widows peak and need short hair for my career. Also most of my fits have military inspiration behind them.

>> No.12045448

Lmao fa fuccbois rekt op

>> No.12045466

Post a pic of your fits?

Undercuts are nice if you go with the classic style. Modern influenced undercuts just look plain retarded and faggy. They don't stick out anymore either. I also have an undercut geared more towards the 1940's style.

>> No.12045472
File: 87 KB, 736x1104, 19a65f698c0611fc2b8daf8b765f99df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closest pic i could find to mine without posting myself

undercut is better than this by a lot
lmao it's more important than clothes, you'll look like your mom took you to supercuts on the way to buy clothes at tj maxx if you get that cut. doesn't matter what you wear