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12036085 No.12036085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats a /fa/ anime to watch?

I don't actually watch anime but would like to pretend I watch it to seem a little more edgy, only /fa/ anime though

>> No.12036092

Naruto, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Kill la kill, the list goes on.

Oh, also Akira. Can't forget Akira. Only true elite patricians have even heard of Akira. It's kind of a well-kept secret among anime fans.

>> No.12036097
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>> No.12036103

These are all mainstream even I know that, I actually have Akira on DVD but have never watched it. Just bought it for aesthetic appeal on my DVD shelf a few years back.

>> No.12036104

watch this, OP

every pleb-ass tumblrslut who wears way too much makeup and pastel colors will go after your dick if you tell them you watch JoJo.

It's also pretty good.

>> No.12036106

>Just bought it for aesthetic appeal on my DVD shelf a few years back.

Then you'll fit right in with fuccbois from techwear threads.

Here's the other secret:
You don't actually have to watch Akira, just namedrop it and everyone will think you're cool and an anime expert.

>> No.12036115

Okay, serious answer for OP if he wants to not be a fag.

Watch everything by Mamoru Oshii. It's not necessarily good. Some of it is even pretty bad. But the meditative 2deep4u atmosphere is always effay.

Next, watch Belladonna of Sadness
Next, watch Bride of Deimos
Next, watch the Neo Tokyo anthology
Next, watch Mononoke (not princess mononoke, just Mononoke)
Next, watch Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Next, watch Serial Experiments Lain

And then ascend to the next level and watch MD Geist and Violence Jack

>> No.12036119
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Fucking seconded

Also Hunter x Hunter is also top tier but nothing fucks you up quite like Jojo. Death note is also decent for all the memes and whatnot. Fulllmetal alchemist can be a bit much but is pretty aesthetic. Jojo is clearly the best option though because it's unironically fucking good like I'd put it one step below breaking bad.

>> No.12036125

You forgot Satoshi Kon and Masaaki Yuasa

You should also watch Monogatari OP

>> No.12036128
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>> No.12036131

Hunter x Hunter is a fucking basic 2000s shounen anime with ridiculous designs.

Yu Yu Hakusho is ten times more effay and it's still nowhere near the top most effay anime

Like, fuck, even Yu-Gi-Oh is effayer than HxH because the main character is a visual kei goth kid.

like seriously come on dude

>> No.12036132
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Satoshi Kon's films.

>> No.12036135

Yeah Satoshi Kon is good

watch his shit OP.

>> No.12036137

definitely sword art online. akira is a really sick pretty underground anime that will get you a lot of respect.

>> No.12036141
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Everything that's based on a Hideyuki Kikuchi novel and/or directed by Kawajiri is effay.

>> No.12036143

Initial D, Ping Pong the Animation, Tatami Galaxy, Yuri on Ice

Honestly manga is better though. Read Oyasumi Punpun, Aku no Hana, Ichi the Killer,I am a Hero etc

>> No.12036145

good recs but desu Punpun is for total twinks

>> No.12036153

Oh ya, also watch Gundam Wing

>> No.12036163
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additional benefit: ability to be pretentious about the upcoming movie

>> No.12036164

not all the way through though

like maybe watch ten episodes at most

I mean it has good character designs but it's still a fucking Gundam series, aka a repetitive slogfest with autistic dialog and boring drama

>> No.12036168

These guys are taking you for a ride, just so you know.

>> No.12036170
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Come on man. You don't even have to watch the animated movie to realize that the live-action one is gonna be mediocre as fuck.

I mean it looks like Aeon Flux with muted colors.

>> No.12036178
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What is wrong with Ping Pong, those manga reccs are weak though.

>> No.12036185

yeah Ping Pong is great

I wouldn't necessarily call it effay, since it has that "I don't give a fuck I'm an urban Jap slacker manchild I can draw how I want" visual style that's kind of tacky, but it's still a good anime.

>> No.12036189

Pick one

>> No.12036190

Ok I was joking about Yuri on Ice, but the rest were legit

What manga do you like? I need more to add to my reading list

>> No.12036192


>> No.12036193

Alright, as long as we're clear about that.

>> No.12036195

Any 80s/90s anime.

>> No.12036198

This looks pretty cool I'll probably check it out>>12036115
Neo Tokyo has a cool name thats another I'll have to look at
I'm already so /fa/ everyone I know feels intimidated by me, need to dork myself down a bit with an obscure interest like anime. Used to come to /fa/ years back so feel like anime will be the best geek thing to get into

>> No.12036200
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well not just ANY, but yeah it's usually a safe bet

>> No.12036203

>another one
No, you need to watch everything on that list, not just that one

>> No.12036204
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>western cartoons will never have the cache of pan faced trash

>> No.12036210
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>> No.12036213





>> No.12036219

I don't have much spare time on my own, I'm working away from home this weekend so I have time to kill watching this stuff

>> No.12036227

well you'll have to get around to watching them all eventually but yeah Neo Tokyo is a good start

you can skip the first segment though

>> No.12036231

Grifffith? More like did nothing wrong lmao

seriously watch Ping Pong and the first season of Monogatari if you are going to binge watch, if you are going for films first watch Perfect Blue and/or Millennium Actress, they're entry level and really, really, really good.

>> No.12036239


Akira's the one "mainstream" animes you should watch

the theories and supplementary materials that surround it go beyond autism

plus neo-tokyo is /fa/ material.

>> No.12036250
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Kino no Tabi

>> No.12036271 [DELETED] 
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is this the endgame?

>> No.12036289

Urusei Yatsura

>> No.12036306

>fem protagonist


>> No.12036714

If I wanted to watch Jo Jo do I watch the new cartoon or is there older ones that are good

>> No.12036731
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>> No.12036752
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check out masaaki yuasa u fucking loser

flcl and logh are pretty effay i think

also how is the thread this old with no eva or lain, definitely thought those would be like the first thing mentioned

so fucking triggered that kill la kill is in this list its like the most symbolically and thematically dense show ever made

very good list

hell yeah

are u me


surprised it took this long

read it

>> No.12036758

watch gintama its not very fa but its a great animu

>> No.12036765

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

>> No.12036819

Orange, Anohana, Your name, Eva, Lain, Ergo Proxy, Ghost in the shell, mirai Nikki, berserk, one piece, 91 days, yu yu Hakusho, HxH

>> No.12036890

Neon genesis evagelion