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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 11 KB, 500x500, Marlboro-Gold-Filter-20-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12028351 No.12028351 [Reply] [Original]

So what do you smoke /fa/?

>> No.12028364

I live in the US, but I buy Seven Stars online. I can't stand US cigarettes ever since the FSC thing started.

>> No.12028368
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>> No.12028369

dominican detected

>> No.12028371
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>> No.12028373


>> No.12028376

I used to smoke American spirits but I had to switch to vaping. It got too expensive.

>plus sides:
>clouds are aesthetic
>no more cigarette smell
>no more morning coughing fits
>no more burns on my tongue
>tastes okay
>making your own juice is cheap as shit

>big tobacco propaganda means that smokers think you're a pussy
>big tobacco propaganda means that nonsmokers think you're a pussy
>Big tobacco propaganda means that you will think you're a pussy
>batteries die


>> No.12028389


I switched to vaping due to cost a few years ago and it ended up being more expensive and something was always malfunctioning. I ended up switching to RYO which ended up being much cheaper than vaping.

>> No.12028393

yeah i do both now. only smoke in public. if i want to smoke alone i just vape. i dont think i can go out to a bar and vape...

>> No.12028398


Every person that I've ever seen vaping in a bar was dressed like a magician. I'm not exaggerating here: every single one of them.

>> No.12028405

there really is a learning curve to this shit. my first year of vaping consisted of getting swindled on one product after another. now I only buy things that I have personally seen people put through hell.

I vape, I do it outside as a courtesy and from years of conditioning as a smoker. it's not so bad. occasionally a sex starved 40 year old will ask you if there is weed in it.

>tfw I dress like a magician.

>> No.12028419

At least I don't vape

>> No.12028426

you look like a huge fucking faggot

>> No.12028429

camel activate but they dont sell em anymore so switched to marlboro gold

>> No.12028439


>> No.12028647

I vape when I'm at home and I smoke in public. Vaping in public is just annoying. Juice leaks, RDAs get flooded or burn dry, tanks leak, batteries die and you look like a faggot and annoy people with clouds. It's just inconvenient.

>> No.12029223
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Camel Blues, and they just started selling them again where I live. Had to go to Benson & Hedges or Pall Mall.

>> No.12029237


>> No.12029238

>no more burns on my tongue
How the fuck were you smoking famm?

Also what he said.

>> No.12029391

if you don't RYO just end it you will never be effay

>> No.12029429

Players superking

>> No.12029596
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I like bidis sometimes.

But usually, most often, I don't smoke anything at all.

>> No.12029604

>not putting the cigarette in your mouth lit end first
s m h

>> No.12029605
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only the best

>> No.12029642

Honestly I wanna try these sometime, they look like they tastes pretty good and the pack looks fucking cool.

But the negative side of me says they'll taste like wood and burnt grass.

Has anyone actually ever tried them?

>> No.12029648

wheres georgian gauloises dude when we need him

>> No.12029654

Yea fuck, forgot about him.

>> No.12029670

Marlboro Reds

>> No.12029679


>> No.12029690
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>ingesting cancerous drugs at all

>> No.12029693

i bet youre a blast at parties

>> No.12029695

Classic junkie fags

>> No.12029699
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>you're some boring rube if you don't slowly kill yourself

>> No.12029727


>> No.12029742

>implying you are not slowly dying this moment
>implying you are not slowly killing yourself as well by posting on 4chan and not using your limited time optimally to slow the process of dying

>> No.12029770
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>> No.12029785

Rollies. Champion fuckn Ruby or Winnie Blues cunt.

>> No.12029794
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Rothmans. Used to smoke weed but it stopped affecting me and I wanna be clean for when I join the army so I went cold turkey and stopped. I would smoke rollies but cba rolling every time I wanna smoke and they don't give a good enough punch for when I wanna smoke

>> No.12029799

You live in the biggest tobacco producing nation in the world. American tobacco products are sought after around the world.The fuck are you doing buying weeabo cigarettes?

>> No.12029806
File: 136 KB, 260x350, main-qimg-601b68b5407ce485cc5ec0330425ade1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only when I drink

>> No.12029927

are you me

>> No.12029994
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>> No.12030062
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same but pic related.

How is Bali Shag?

>> No.12030080
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>Smoking cigarettes
>Not smoking cigarillos or cuban cigars

Explain yourselves, faggots. If you're going to kill yourself, at least do it the right way

>> No.12030082

apples and oranges

>> No.12030111

how do you roll? mine look like crinkled shit with tobacco falling out or sloppy joints

>> No.12030120

How is lucky strike? Been meaning to try them

>> No.12030134

Lucky Strikes, started buying them from Moldova because I can get them cheaper than in the US and they aren't FSC

>> No.12030141

Marlboro 100s guy

>> No.12030142

only fa cigs are the ones with yellow butts like red marlboro, white ones are for fags and girls

>> No.12030149

best unfiltered cigarette I have smoked so far and their filtered ones are pretty good at least last time I smoked them

>> No.12030151

thanks for the in-depth analysis, retard

>> No.12030163

what site do you buy them from?

>> No.12030170

a rolling machine and lots of practice. desu I've got big hands so I'm absolute shit at rolling by hand.

it's the best I've found. there's a subtle sweetness to it thawt I haven't found anywhere else.

I love cigars but I always feel really dumb when I smoke them. Like a fedora-lord. Also don't fall for the cuban thing, it's like swiss chocolate, it's just marketing bullshit.

>> No.12030407
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Vaping can be /fa/ pic related. You just got to do it right, and not buy a cheep as light up shit. Get a good mod and don't act like a tart.

Fell like a million bucks. Worth it.

>> No.12030412

p a r l i a m e n t s

>> No.12030419

i want to try them as well. im going to south korea in a few weeks i bet that the last place they would have them but im gonna look for some similar ones while im there

>> No.12030420



>> No.12030440

jps endless blue

>> No.12030448

>complaining about cancer
>on a taiwanese tamagotchi forum

>> No.12030706

bugler rollies

>> No.12030712


Nope. Only in pictures. Irl smoking is as un/fa/ as you can get.

>> No.12030725
File: 58 KB, 600x800, RYO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google search for RYO
>find pic related
>how would you smoke that?

>> No.12030733
File: 451 KB, 739x500, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either sobranies or I roll mac barens.

>> No.12030740
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>> No.12030807


>> No.12030809

i buy chop chop (tax free rolling tobacco bc fuck aussie taxes) 250g for $55, started using hemp papers so i can roll spliffs, but iunno if i like them

>> No.12030815
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>> No.12030866
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smells like bbq sauce kek

>> No.12030879


>> No.12030890

marlboro gold ftw

>> No.12031010


>> No.12031013


>> No.12031077
File: 23 KB, 500x496, Black-Girl-Short-Haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vaping, with friends :D
>"ayo wanna drag off this?"
>*inhales the non-approved FDA Chinese death juice*
>*blow out a fuck ton of smoke which your lungs are clearly not suppose to be inhaling*
>y-yah, it's healthy...

>Smoking, with friends :D
>*just some friends standing next to eachother and taking puffs off their own cigarettes*

>> No.12031113
File: 1.65 MB, 1304x1932, marlboro-red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marlboro Reds are the only acceptable answer, unless you're a girl.

>> No.12031178

Holy shit, i, glad im not the only one that thinks that, it totally smells like bbq ribs.

>> No.12031186
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Hey man if you find em make a thread and tell us how they smoke.

>> No.12031204

fuck oath cunt

>> No.12031251

>implying cigs are FDA approved

>> No.12031609

American Spirits, and only when I'm drinking or hiking

>> No.12031623

i like though

>> No.12031814


>> No.12031832
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>> No.12031923
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>> No.12032115

Why do all of you smoke? Is it legitimately enjoyable, or at this point only to silence cravings? Why did you start in the first place?

Not trying to stir shit, just honestly curious. The only people I know that smoke cigs regularly are asian international students and my quebecois friend.

>> No.12032288

nothing because im not a fucking faggot desu senpai

>> No.12032387

try it anon

>> No.12032456
File: 1.13 MB, 1808x2424, 20161208_203252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good mid priced cigarettes. Been smoking them for 2 years.

>> No.12032486


>> No.12032489

I've considered it but smoking-induced lung cancer is the reason I never had the opportunity to meet my grandfather. That always makes me hesitant.

>> No.12032710

Honestly, it was just okay at first, then after a while I started to love them after and while I was drinking, now i only have a few in a day if any, but i can finish of a pack in a night of drinking easy.

But yeah the taste, the feeling and the throat kick off of a good cigarette is really enjoyable.

>> No.12032761


I started smoking when I was 13, and quit when I was 19. I'm 20 now, so I'm close enough to remember all the "why" stuff now.

I started quite young, so it was mixed up with early adolescent abstract "freedom" and was genuinely enjoyable, plus I like the taste of tobacco. As time went on it became more of a social thing, but I still had an affinity for cigarettes. The thing is, the addiction part became real for me, and it's actually not fun at all. Not like a living hell or whatever, just a lot of money and you know that it's not good for you. Plus, as time goes on, they become more and more "empty", which is hard to explain.

Side note, they're enjoyable, but not THAT enjoyable. It's not like heaven or anything. I quit and relapsed when I was 18, and they were good, but not amazing. I just like doing something with my hands.

tl;dr it's not worth dying over, if you don't start you'll never miss it

>> No.12033064

You're already suckin' off fags, fag; who cares if you go a little more queer?

>> No.12033071


>> No.12033076

my feelings are hurt anon i love my parliaments i guess ill have to kill myself now

>> No.12033085
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>Being 15 years old

>> No.12033469
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I prefer Bali Shag to Bugler taste wise.

Price wise tho, a pouch of Bugler is $5 less and comes with papers.

They are sad uncle cigarettes. (They taste good tho)

Reds are cheap, but taste like trash. Not even manly trash. Just trash. It's also almost EVERYONES first pack.

pic related is my go to. lemme tell you y tho

>nobody snags em at parties because they shred most peoples throats
>you can haggle with liquor stores because they're just trying to get rid of em since not many people buy. (usually I can get 2 packs for $2 off each)
>great taste
>pretty soft packaging
>you can kick em out the top, great move.
>nobody clowns on em like they do with other cigs because they are unfuckwithable
>memes nigga

>> No.12033503

Can't you just cut the filter off a camel?

>> No.12033506

y tho?

>> No.12033514

Because I remember buying unfiltered camels for $9.50 and they still come out more expensive than a pack of filtered if you haggle down

>> No.12033515
File: 493 KB, 500x350, 1463342345996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marlboro reds; they're harsh and I don't smoke other than when I drink (which is once weekly).

I can do 20 a night because they burn fast.

>> No.12033522

what state are you from tho? some states tax them more than normal ciggs.

>> No.12033531
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it's not the type of thing where you smoke one and you're hooked. i know this is naive of me to say, but i've been smoking moderately for about three years and never felt cravings. i can go a month or two without smoking and never even think about wanting a cigarette. i smoke because i enjoy the taste and they help calm me down when i'm stressed out. the act of smoking, the deep breaths, the focusing on something that is not nothing but is still nothing important, can be really therapeutic. like taking an aside from the world for a few minutes. some people will say that i only find them de-stressing because i am addicted and i am only soothing my craving. but this isn't often. and if i am stressed out and don't have cigarettes nearby i will do something else like drink a cup of tea or go for a walk. cigarettes are very expensive where i live, and while i enjoy the experience i don't enjoy it so much that i feel the need to shell out regularly for them.

not encouraging you to try, i would feel bad if you got hooked and died lol, but explaining my reasoning.


>> No.12033560

What kinds of girls do they attract? All the girls I know unironically call them cancer sticks.

>> No.12033573

I'm not American but our tv shows some American morning shows. I think it was on Today this morning that they were talking about how young people are going back to cigarettes. Was pretty lol.

girls who like to party my man
art hoes wanna be intellectuals
most of the girls i hang out with do smoke

>> No.12033580

The kind that don't do annoying shit like that. Are said girls 14?

>> No.12033585

Art hoes are greater than or equal to freak hoes.

>> No.12033616

Michigan. Bugle is $4.00 for a 6oz pouch

>> No.12033623

My mom smoked. My friends smoked cigs after we smoked weed. I picked it up from depression and stress from a girl. After a few packs I started to notice the difference between them but by then it became stressful to stop

>> No.12033656

So the good kind

Mormon town

>> No.12033667

>Mormon town

>> No.12033704

dont let people get you down parliaments are the fucking best

if I were to get addicted to smoking for any reason it would be because of those beautiful parliament 100s

>> No.12033720
File: 14 KB, 350x138, 2010berettatube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Beretta tubes effay?

>> No.12033760

Get that shit the fuck outta my goddamn face

>> No.12033789
File: 102 KB, 444x650, cigarettes-parliament-lights-b1121112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else?

>> No.12033799

Not realizing weed is legal in quite a few states. Whats it like being a cuck.

>> No.12033805
File: 62 KB, 750x750, bhcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been smoking this from a while and they're pretty fine

>> No.12033877

you aren't supposed to inhale cigars dumbass

>> No.12033899
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>> No.12033933

red dunhill or blue camel desu
are moods nice?

>> No.12033950

camel turkish royal

>> No.12033973

how pleb are newports? I switch between those and american spirits but mostly because I enjoy smoking with literally any other drug, lsd, dmt, pot, smoking during those just feels nice.

>> No.12033980

The only correct answer here
Are Belmonts only Canadian or some shit?

>> No.12034015
File: 453 KB, 1791x2048, camel-cigarettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12034047

>Walks into loca>>12033805
l convenience store
>"h-hi can I get a pack of b&h please?"
>"of what?"
>"b-benson and h-hedges sir"
>"Oh, sure what kind?"
>"c-c-crystal v-violet, ya know like the anime heh"
>Cashier gives a strange look but starts reaching for the cigarettes
>you start sweating profusely in anticipation of the sweet release only crystal violets can provide
>Thankfully the brim if your fedora soaks most of garlic oil perspiration draining out you forehead
>he slides the pack across the counter in your direction
>You hand him several bills covered in a fine mist of miss vickies sea salt and malt vinegar flavoured chip dust and Nutella residue
>As he accepts the payment, you try to explain that Nutella is healthier than regular chocolate spread because it's made from real hazelnuts
>He gives you a polite smile and nod
>you grab your pack of Benson and hedges crystal violet ultra dub crush edition cigarettes and push them into you trench coat pocket
>"I bid you adieu my good gentleman" you say just loud enough to make everyone uncomfortable
>you finally make it outside into the crisp air and light a crystal violet with your pikachu lighter
>You tilt your head back and whisper "fuck yeah" into the night sky

>> No.12034062

gotta agree with this shit here. they're good for unwinding, or spacing up intervals of work or study. I personally have been smoking since I was 15 (22 now) and also go for up to a week and a half at a time without smoking when I'm broke or can't be fucked to buy them, or if I'm visiting my parents/siblings (they all know I smoke but I wouldn't want to smoke around my younger siblings.) Cravings are never that bad, or at least never so serious that it causes issues with work or school, which I would say is the defining characteristic of many more problematic addictions. With many smokers, the only real proof they're addicted is that they keep buying cigs.

>> No.12034123


>> No.12034265
File: 42 KB, 266x383, 00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level

>> No.12034274


>> No.12034288

fucking kek

>> No.12034292
File: 1.07 MB, 4891x2673, Marlboro-e1422524436156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red ofc

>> No.12034317
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no one?

>> No.12034365
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>> No.12034420

>smoking weed
>not cuck

>> No.12034442

I have smoked numerous times, have never had a craving to. I sometimes just smoke when shooting shit with all my friends, just to not be the only guy not smoking. Other than that, I never smoke. Have only bought my own pack once, lasted like 3 months

>> No.12034452

Looks like Polish chewing gum

>> No.12034515
File: 89 KB, 720x720, 15356823_1177249232311028_1009640409_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah some fine nigga

>> No.12034536

one summer, while back in my hometown in Sweden, I was celebrating my childhood and best friend's 18th birthday by over the course of a few hours buying him 18 shots of alcohol.
We ran into a trio of sisters in the bar, and the oldest one peaked up when I told her I lived in Hong Kong and as my friend passed out drunk in the couch we were sitting on, she aggressively came on to me at which point I found out she was 27 (I was 19).
We ended up walking back to the apartment of the oldest sister (about 40 minutes away) because at some point my friend (who is very handsome and a great guy) sobered up enough to groggily awake and get the youngest sister infatuated with him (who was 21). As we were walking, I started making out with the odlest sister a few paces behind everyone else, and she told me how much she loved that I pulled her hair when we kissed. She then proceeded to request being choked, in the middle of the street at night, while walking a few metres behind her sisters. I was kinda drunk and horny and went with it.
Ultimately, when we got back to her apartment, I sat on the steps outside with the oldest sister, while my friend went inside and got blown by the youngest one.
As we were hooking up on the stairs outside her apartment, I started to wonder what I was doing there, at about the same time she dug her nails into me hard enough to draw blood.
It was after this, at some point, when we were talking, that she cracked open a pack of colorful cigarettes for herself and was scolded by the middle sister (who had walked back home with the rest of us, while two strangers (me and my friend) hooked up with her older and younger sister).
These are those cigarettes. The next day she added me on facebook and I remember being amused by how pretty she was, considering how crazy she was, and I never responded to the request.

>> No.12034679

Lots of practice. The only way to learn it is to do it. Once rolled up like a qp all into J's just for the practice.

>> No.12034694

You won't read this but if you do, how do you even start the conversation of haggling with the liquor store clerk? Just like, hey can you give me a deal on the camel unfiltereds?

>> No.12034733

I usually ask how much for 2 packs. You can usually get the price dropped if you're buying a second pack. If they just give you original price times 2, just ask if you can get it dropped since you're buying two.

>> No.12034827

Spain or Argentina?

>> No.12034996


they're only canadian yes >>12031010

>> No.12035049

Fode sim, tuga

>> No.12035079

Nothing because smoking is stupid, terrible for you, and makes everything smell like shit
but i'm sure all your 16 year old friends think you're really cool

>> No.12035147

I believe so. Pretty sure they are made by Benson and Hedges

>> No.12035155

Good strat. Thx

>> No.12035188

It's more likely to work if you have to ask if they have em. If they aren't on display it means they don't sell a lot. If they have to look under the counter for em, they probably wanna get rid of them and will take a hit on the margin to do so.

>> No.12035216

You fucking wasted years of your life watching anime and you're complaining about someone else, fix your own life first you fat dumb weaboo.

>> No.12035219

It is really good though. One of the best. Want to try Gauloises rolling tobacco, since there's no Golden Leaf or these fancy Javanese/whatever brands. They good enough to consider buting from internet?

>> No.12035223


>> No.12035228

Not Spain that's for sure.

>> No.12035234

homeboy. They aren't attacking you because YOU don't think cigs are a good idea. They're attacking you because it's a dick move to critique other's life choices my dude.

People who rag on others for smoking in social settings are given the dirtiest looks of all time.

>i bet youre a blast at parties
He's not saying you're lame because you don't smoke. He's saying your lame because you feel the need to make others see how dumb they are and that you know best.

kill urself bucko.

>> No.12035244

>You ever had a Marlboro Red? Nah I wouldn't butter it. They're a bit how ya goin. It's like smoking a White Ox no filter, fuck that for a joke ay.

>> No.12035256

Rolling tips:

Use less baccy than you'll think you need, like make sure the filter is thicker than the rest of the dart. Also it's not a J so you don't have to pack it like one

>> No.12035260
File: 432 KB, 2448x3264, NAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about the nat sherms

>> No.12035263
File: 3.12 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20161209_153254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

98% for the nostalgia. Only smoke it a couple times a week, just love the smell of it in my coat. Takes me back to working with my great-grandfather in his shop.

Back when I smoked regularly, it was Camel wides. Cigs these days end up being whatever I can bum off of someone at the bar.

>> No.12035284
File: 74 KB, 600x459, Portroyal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Port royal over that shit any day. Don't be such a povo cunt, it's worth

>> No.12035298


Lol real talk though, only reason I can't quit is vaping in public makes you look like a gimp

>> No.12035305

Fucking A

>> No.12035342
File: 28 KB, 229x310, DunhillInternational.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunhills. Tastiest cigarettes I've ever had. Only downside is the pack makes you look like kind of a tryhard dickhead. Turkish Royals are a close second but something about the nicotine or carbon monoxide content or whatever knocks me on my ass.

>> No.12035368

same anon same

>> No.12035376

I used to smoke a pipe back in college and it felt so fedora, but I always liked the taste and the comfiness of doing it

>> No.12035671


>> No.12035686

why can't girls smoke marlboro reds, too? :(

>> No.12035717

>I switched to vaping due to cost a few years ago and it ended up being more expensive and something was always malfunctioning

too fucking true. this is literally why i quit, the technology was/is so laughably bad.

>> No.12035720

bali shag is GOAT

>> No.12035911
File: 14 KB, 336x256, Players_Filter_(new_design)_S-25-B_Canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12035922

>tfw spent more on coils than on fucking e-juice
fuck vaping, i'd rather have the occasional smoke

>> No.12036467
File: 172 KB, 536x329, 8oGbVnR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, that box will always remind me of the day I broke 15 cigarettes while drunk at my friend's house.

>"Dude watch me lit these 5 cigarettes in a single drag"
>Keep tumbling while I try to light on my zippo
>"Shit, I almost got it"
>Break the first four and barely manage to light one
>Same process goes on until I finally manage to light the last 4

I didn't realize that they recorded me until I checked my cellphone gallery a couple of days after that.

Being all of that said, I usually smoke Lucky strike reds although I recently started buying Marlboro kretek's just to check them out, holy fuck they are probably the tastiest cigarettes I've ever tried.

>> No.12036468

Where the fuck do you find them? Not a single convenience store or tobacco shop near me sells them

>> No.12037204

I think girls are meant so smoke Marlboro Golds.

>> No.12037230
File: 56 KB, 300x354, Luckystrikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or Pall Mall soft pack
American Spirits is also bretty good

Also when I don't feel like spending too much, Marlboro reds or blacks are a go to

>> No.12037237
File: 2.85 MB, 320x400, 3hdRRf-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12037789

from when i lived there, never saw them

>> No.12037802

how do you keep the leaves from getting all up in your grill