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/fa/ - Fashion

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12027035 No.12027035 [Reply] [Original]

give me a crash course on how to be effay.

>> No.12027037

Dress like a faggot, something you'd expect to see some tool wear with a fedora if they already didn't have negative associations with the INTx personality type

>> No.12027038

chill and don't care so much about how you look or how others perceive you.

>> No.12027039



>> No.12027051

how do I become, sensei?

>> No.12027073

1 be born with a propensity for artistry that is at least average
2 be attractive
3 develop a personality in adolescence that fosters narcissism, pessimism, despondence, moodiness
4 do not build relationships with other people

pro tip: most people here fit 3 of the 4 requirements; there arent many here who are truly effay

>> No.12027154

Almost sounds tumblrcore.

>> No.12027160

1. Be lucky genetically

2. Wear whatever you want

Fashion is just an extension of already natural gifts, if you werent born with them you will impress and appeal to no one

>> No.12027181

This. That $150 sweater ain't going to make you look any better friend.

>> No.12027183
File: 53 KB, 510x383, IMG_6072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The first step to having style is proper hygiene.

Can't dress nice if you can't take care of yourself.

2. The second & most important step to having style is being very selective with your purchases.

Don't buy anything you have to second guess.

3. The third and final step to having style is being independent.

If you let others words mold how you dress, you have no style.

>> No.12027187

what about the personality aspect? any tips in regard to this aspect?

>> No.12027190

Suck a couple dicks Bruce

>> No.12027193
File: 15 KB, 291x354, 1441246653696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying heroin-chic isn't the pinnacle of fashion

lmaoing @ ur life desu senpai

>> No.12027197

That falls under step 3 anon, if you're independent disregard what others say you'll be a likeable persob.

>> No.12027405

1. Wear clothes that fit correctly, at least while learning and developing your own style. I wouldn't recommend wearing over/undersized clothing until you're confident in your own style.
2. Develop your individual interests and hobbies. If you don't have any, go out and discover what activities and hobbies interest you. Tailor your style to your interests.

People often give the advice to "dress for yourself" but this can often be taken too seriously. If you're asking for advice from others, I assume its because you care about other peoples' opinions. If you live in a city with a lot of people with a lot of different styles then sure, find what you like and roll with it. But if you live in a less populated area where everyone dresses normal/similar, the standard of what is fashionable is going to be very different from /fa/'s standard.

The bottom line is that the opinions of the people you interact with day to day are more important than the opinion of an online board.

>> No.12027413
File: 221 KB, 400x1394, 162669M213004_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

follow trends that are popular but not too popular and then really over-evaluate your enjoyment of anything
also if you consider yourself to be a MALE
you have to never work out and stop eating
this is desirable only to your mirror
and no actual girl
you twig

: _)
make daddy proud

>> No.12027439

no but my 1000 dollar boots will

>> No.12027711

read the sticky

>> No.12027789


>> No.12027865

The only correct reply in the thread