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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 149 KB, 798x1182, 1481051542775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12025493 No.12025493 [Reply] [Original]

Well the jig is up, /fa/. Or should I say, /fa/scists!


>> No.12025520

>Stylish haircut that was popular in the west ~70 years ago is popular again
>Everyone who wears it must be a literal Nazi

Fuck the Jewington post

>> No.12025525

>Washington Post

Might as well post The Onion.

>> No.12025534

>Until a few weeks ago, you saw a man with that haircut and assumed he might be a good person to hit on, or to buy small-batch beer from, or to ask the whereabouts of the nearest bicycle shop. Now you see him and wonder if he’s trying to deport half the nation.

Maybe if you're a total retard

>> No.12025535

Why not both?

>> No.12025568
File: 212 KB, 1246x1010, hokjesdenken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Angry racist skinheads and earnest, lefty straight-edge punks have looked similar for decades

>angry racist
>earnest straight-edge

>> No.12025569

>hair can make you nazi
I could fucking dress up as Hitler if I wanted and it wouldn't make me a Nazi, these people are detached from reality

>> No.12025629

HAHAHA the fucking IRONY!
Hey, this haircut is reminiscent of fascist ideology, and fascism is bad. So I'm going to tell you why I believe everyone should be forced to follow my belief about not wearing this haircut that supports fascism.

>> No.12025725

> "it's okay to judge someone by their looks."

>> No.12025879

it's also poplar with tumbl

>> No.12025908

I don't care about the nazi association of this haircut, what really annoys me is the fact that everyone has it now.
Are there no other haircuts anymore?

>> No.12026149

Bowl cut or Caesar.

>> No.12026202

Not to mention in OP pic it looks fucking retarded. That's definitely not how "nazis" styled the undercut. That's how numale liberal faggots style it today

>> No.12026287

I'm liberal, but it's articles like this that make me really annoyed with the left.

It's just a fucking haircut. There are bigger issues out there than a fucking haircut.

It's precisely this whining about small issues, along with this pretentious tone, that drove people to vote for Trump this past election.

>> No.12026681


I'm pretty liberal myself and I think condescendingly focusing on menial shit like this is really bad for the cause. Instead of focusing on how modern Nazis are becoming way more prevalent, and are using pseudo-academic rhetoric to get more support, we focus on whether or not a certain haircut is ok because one prominent figure has it.

The alt-right is winning because the only equally vocal factions of the left are too irrational to actually face up against them.

>> No.12027044
File: 188 KB, 730x1024, bearded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be different times but all my life to even now I associated an undercut hairstyle with alternative culture. Growing up people who rocked this hairstyle got called faggots but were into bands like FLA, Front 242, Depeche Mode, Leaether Strip ect. now I see the weird barber culture bullshit and people always talk about michael pitt in boardwalk empire. a very simple hairstyle and easy to pull off if you're not fat or a nu-male. Also any one who pays $30 dollars for an undercut hairstyle is a fucking tard, you can do this shit in your bathroom or kitchen with some clippers..

pic related nu-male

>> No.12027741

>I'm liberal, but it's articles like this that make me really annoyed with the left
You talk as if left-wingers wouldn't look down on you for being a liberal. It's not the same thing at all.

>> No.12027743



>> No.12027881

Not gonna lie, I´ll be happy when the trend is over. I´ve been having that hairstyle since I was a kid (back then even with the fucking topknot) and I don´t intend on changing it. Kinda annoying seeing everyone around having it.

>> No.12027893

The alt right is winning because the alt right is right niggers and Muslims are chipping out everywhere and it needs to be stopped

>> No.12027954

And why is fascist a bad thing?

>> No.12028038

>Nguyen says he first noticed this trend in Germany about a decade ago, when young white nationalists were dressing as hipsters, but also as metal heads and hip-hop aficionados. “It’s a little scary.”

Yeah it couldn't possibly be that they are "white nationalists" who just happen to also be into those subcultures. It MUST be a concentrated effort to infiltrate youth culture and sway their political opinions. There's no other explanation.

These fucking idiots

>> No.12028101
File: 95 KB, 547x771, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have this hair cut
>I am unironincally a national socialist

>> No.12028108

that's the most based haircut desu

>> No.12028112
File: 57 KB, 591x620, hLhRc2a8ZZs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello brother

>> No.12028140

Even if this was fucking 100% true it wouldn't be a bad thing

This is the kind of thinking we need to accept:

>> No.12028151

Transcript of Slavoj Zizek in The Pervert's Guide to Ideology:
>"The German hard rock band 'Rammstein' - are often accused of flirting, playing with - the
Nazi militaristic iconography. But if one observes closely their show - one can see very
nicely what they are doing. Exemplary in one of their best known songs 'Reise Reise'. The minimal
elements of the Nazi ideology - enacted by 'Rammstein' are something like pure elements
of libidinal investment. Enjoyment has to be, as it were, - condensed in some minimal tics:
gestures, - which do not have any precise ideological meaning. What 'Rammstein' does is -
it liberates these elements from their Nazi articulations. It allows us to enjoy them in their
pre-ideological state. The way to fight Nazism is to enjoy these elements, - ridiculous as
they may appear, - by suspending the Nazi horizon of meaning. This way you undermine
Nazism from within."

>> No.12028158
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>> No.12028312

my deepest condolences
try to integrate into the human society again, I know you can do it!

>> No.12028341

I'm actually a fascist and I would never cut my hair like this. I do, however, hope that the left keeps focusing on stupid shit like this and leaves the actual neo-nazis alone to do their thing.

>> No.12028349

it should've been bowlcut

>> No.12028350

The people are waking up, brother.

Racewar soon. Fascism next.

>> No.12028353

Style was pretty much the only small redeemable aspect of most facists. So...yeah, good luck to you.
It´s like you picked a golden ring out of dog shit, just to throw it into the next river.

>> No.12028358


I'm unconcerned about your opinion of my ideology.

>> No.12028367

I wouldn´t have expected otherwise, people of your ideology aren´t known for being fazed by other opinions. Or facts. Or human decency. Or by conscience.

>> No.12028378

Not him but I don't think you understand or have any concept of what fascism is

>> No.12028387

I actually do know - or, well, as far as it´s possible, because facism isn´t really that defined.
But most "facists" nowadays are just a weak copy of german facist, trying to bring back "the glory of the past" without realizing that the glory wasn´t that glorious at all.

>> No.12028392

people like you are the reason why he turned to national socialism, I personally can't wait for the day of the rope in europe when all cucks and race traitors are exterminated

>> No.12028424

>people like you

No. No, I´m not the reason.

The reason why people turn to facism are other "facists", people far more intelligent then the brown mass they collect under their thumb.
People who use retarded "new-wave-fascist" to gain power, use the fact that their followers are too blind to see in colors other then black and white.The fact that these people don´t even begin to think about the idea that they´re judging millions and millions without knowing them. The fact that they don´t doubt that they are the good guys. The fact that they don´t think about the horrors the immigrants are fleeing from. The fact that they don´t research the numbers and just swallow what their leaders are shouting towards them.

Hell, I share some extremist ideas, myself. I´m for death sentences and I´m for deporting criminals without further ado, I´m for public executions. I´m for limited voting rights and I´m sure that the world can´t change for the better without a big war that sweeps over every nation - and that´s coming from a pacifist.

I´m just not dumb enough to fall for every damn lie that these people fall for, I´m not dumb enough for unrestricted, senseless hate towards the innocents just as much as the murderers.

And considering that I´m not dumb enough for this shit despite not being the sharpest tool in the shed myself...what does that say about those who fall for that kind of bullshit?

>> No.12028441

>And considering that I´m not dumb enough for this shit despite not being the sharpest tool in the shed myself...what does that say about those who fall for that kind of bullshit?

You mean you're not smart enough for it.

Define what you think fascism is.

>> No.12028452

Actually no, I don´t mean that. I think I made it pretty clear what I meant to say.

It doesn´t matter what I think that facism is. It´s defined as a political identity/ideology heavily influenced by and/or based on one of the "three big facist" ideologies - meaning WWII Japan, Germany and Italy. Definitions are a thing for a reason, you know.

>> No.12028455

You don't know what fascism is that's why you are not smart enough to be one.

>> No.12028466

Holy shit, are you really that dumb? I fucking know what facism is - and if you´d know, too, you wouldn´t be dumb enough to follow such an ideology.
It´s literally the only political movement that takes input from the right and the left and still manages to only choose the bad parts of both.

>> No.12028477

Explain what Fascism is in your own words so I can laugh at you

>> No.12028506

This has been done before. Any attempt for a white man to show masculinity is struck down by the media.

Doc martens? Nazi.

Leather jacket? biker, nazi, punk or a punk biker nazi.

moustaches? pedo.

Idk why this is done.

At this point, fascism is a buzzword that liberals use. Most of the Alt-right ascribes to some sort of "common sense" watered down libertarianism- which is the complete opposite of fascism.

>> No.12028512

Can´t retarded political arguments at least be kept away from /fa/? This is a board for discussing fashion, for gods sake.

Annoying enough that I have to read about this shit wherever else I go.

>> No.12028532
File: 73 KB, 462x636, e87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme isn't even false anymore.

Pretty much being a white, straight, traditional man is being a "nazi".

>> No.12028636

Literally pure bullshit.

90% of all DocMartens-Buyers are hipsters, instagram-girls and similar.

Leather Jackets are incredibly common, the only thing bad that´s brought into connection with them is bikers, and even that only with biker-patches on them.

Moustaches are only called pedo when they´re on a face that doesn´t fit them, making the wearer look creepy

Seriously, where do you guys get that shit from?

>> No.12028650

Accurate except for mustaches. Mustaches of all kinds are seen as creepy from what I've seen, they either call into memory images of Hitler, of pedos, or of middle-aged 70s womanizers (who, while they were obviously sex gods of the time, don't have as attractive an image today).

>> No.12028658

Might differ from place to place, then. Around here, Mustaches aren´t seen as creepy unless you´re ugly as fuck and look like a creep even without that.
Also there´s a difference between a well groomed, tidy mustache and a ratty, dirty one.
The second one gets shit all the time, obviously, but well...better that way.

>> No.12028724
File: 51 KB, 452x639, IMG_4414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more hair inspo

>> No.12029176

>Also any one who pays $30 dollars for an undercut hairstyle is a fucking tard, you can do this shit in your bathroom or kitchen with some clippers..
Surely you grab your shavette and line everything up perfectly, get the neckline and ears all pretty etc?

>> No.12029200

>anyone who pays more than $10 for a sweater is a fucking tard, you can do that shit in your living room or bedroom with crochet needles.

>> No.12029255
File: 29 KB, 497x750, 06934063470eb37bf49ba4b11cf94ac5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw paying 11€ (aproximately 60 USD) for a sleek as fuck slick back hy at my local barber.

>> No.12029310
File: 20 KB, 343x357, 1386047488917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My barbershop has 3 chairs, $25 for a cut, $35 for a shave, $50 for both, $15 for a buzz. Cash only.

I've been going to the same barber, following him to this current shop after he left the one in my actual town. I highly encourage people to find a solid barber and stick with him. I made it a point to build a good relationship with this dude and it pays off.

>literally impossible to get an apt at this place because they're so booked
>whenever I call and get senpai on the phone, even on holiday weeks
>uhhhhh yeah no I definitely got a spot for you today man, fersure

>> No.12029625
File: 70 KB, 700x454, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here.

>> No.12029698

National socialism was a form of fascism meant specifically for Germany and differed from Italian fascism in many ways. Every country needs it's own brand of fascism that caters to the people it is meant for and their way of living. A good example is Salazar's Portugal wich had it's roots in Catholic theology and lawmaking.

>> No.12029756

why do either of you think this is worth sharing

>> No.12029807

cant wait. doesnt matter what whites do, demographics dont lie bud, trump or not you people are doomed

>> No.12029814

jeez you people are such fuckin babies

>> No.12029829

I have an undercut. I'm not a fascist.
I am Republican though.

>> No.12029839

>Promoters of white nationalism — or the “alt-right,” as some call it — are coming out of the woodwork now. They say they have been emboldened by Donald Trump’s various calls to ban Muslim immigration into this country and deport millions of undocumented Latin Americans.

this is the most headass thing i've seen for a long time, thank you OP for the laughs

>> No.12029855

Uh... Trump disowned far right nationalists. There is no jig. Undercut is just an easy to maintain hairstyle.

>> No.12029924

Why is that a good thing?

>> No.12030175

certaintly not a bad thing... race is arbitrary who gives a shit

>> No.12030205

The left leaning media has been throwing a literal shit fit over everything that has been happening lately. The worst part is that they don't realize that they themselves are partially responsible for what is going the "rise" of the right.

Also, next time, use an archived link. You don't want these people making cash off of shit articles now, do you?


This is what I find most hilarious about the people who write these articles. They seem to be unable to think critically about another person's opinions and viewpoints and understand why they hold said views. They think that the groups and people that they write about can not possibly have normal lives and normal interests, instead seeing them as people who are only able to say mean things about minorities and talk positively about nationalism.

>> No.12030703

Come again ?

>> No.12030820
File: 52 KB, 418x482, 1480805879420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being persecuted for being white isn't bad
>race doesn't matter anyway

>> No.12030847

Mainstream Media is getting on SJW retard level recently.

>> No.12031118
File: 55 KB, 604x391, 1469239440068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this haircut every time and am also unironically a Natsoc

>> No.12031192

Not to criticize your political leanings but that flyer is completely composed of empty words that could mean anything and its opposite when observed from different angles. What a silly flyer.

>> No.12031195
File: 58 KB, 500x511, images.duckduckgo.com (copy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of you explain what fascism is, please.
I'm unter the impression that you are both in the wrong.
Impressive series of dubs btw d e s u

>> No.12031275

>says he can't wait for the white race to die out
>it doesn't matter race is arbitrary who gives a shit

Why are you excited for whites dying out then? Even if everyone was 100% white... race is arbitrary who gives a shit

>> No.12031327
File: 88 KB, 750x892, 1465739479792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this haircut is fascist!
>masculinity is fascist!
>X is fascist!
if you have a brain then you will quickly realize that people who will tell you that X or Y is a fascist is just fucking retarded social justice bullshit.

>> No.12032232
File: 94 KB, 500x329, afrikakorps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too.

>> No.12033417

This cuts been played out for multiple years now.

>> No.12033419

this haircut is cuckcore

>> No.12033876

dreams of purification are bad, anon
people dont deserve to be genocided so your society can be pure.

>> No.12033891


>> No.12034215

It isn't ironic at all, you cretin. Writing an article is not equivalent to smashing jewish stores and burning books.

>> No.12034242

Everyone who sports this cut knew exactly what they were doing.
As has been stated before the fashion of the times is ironic, at least amongst the pompous 'student' type all over the world. IE The hipster.
They have reached 16 and are the oldest and wisest theyve ever been, little do they realise that everyone who came before, and will since, has done the same as them.
We are talking a truly unique bunch who have learnt they are the only forward thinking clued up people on the planet.
Their rebellion knows no bounds, they wear glasses they dont need (crazy!) and have a haircut from the uk in the 20s that was then associated with Hitlers Youth.
No one can join those dots, my parents will never understand and my little brother will never be this cool.

The rest of the kids just pointed at the loser outside and said 'that, just fuck my shit up like that'


>> No.12034341

>Everyone who sports this cut knew exactly what they were doing.
Washington post is literally autistic.

>> No.12034354
File: 19 KB, 480x640, 2v1994h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, mein brudher..

>> No.12034369
File: 154 KB, 500x667, 2016-12-09 10.07.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They look similar, but the back looks better than HY (pic related) and they're more symmetrical. I got one but I don't do Elvis mode unless I'm being retarded.

>> No.12034377

>dat face bloat and fat
>dat poor skin
>dat shitty loose t shirt

you're not a fucking fascist m8, fascists have respect for their own personal hygiene and looks. you can't be /fa/scist if you're not aesthetic.

>> No.12034379

this desu

what do even do lads

the knot hair cuts look like shito burrito, so we cant get a manbun or that absolutely cancerous long hair+top knot sumo wrestler ninja samurai shit

and buzz only works if u have forward grown maxilla and masc features

>> No.12034455

this! same goes for the beard trend, been growing it since i was 22 im now 29.... i long to for the days to come back that people say, cut that filthy beard.

>> No.12034462

there is nothing wrong with beeing a nationalist. everything and everyone thats not white can pride of his heritage, when whites do it, its racism. im proud of my heritage and im proud to be white, its my right just as much as it is to other cultures/races to be proud

>> No.12034539

that picture is approximately ten years old

>> No.12034594

falling for the b8 this hard