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12019030 No.12019030 [Reply] [Original]

is drug abuse /fa/? currently puking my brains out on 200mg codeine

>> No.12019033
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When I had my addy script I enjoyed binge 'medicating' on those a lot. I'd take 120mgs and go workout or look up and read random shit online. Aside from that never really fucked with drugs except evil gateway drug marijuana.

>> No.12019036


>> No.12019037

no, are you dumb?

>> No.12019038

is celexa /fa/?

>> No.12019048


No junkie would ever in a million years lie to relative innocents about this matter. It's not effay, it's slavery. You have no conception of what that means, but narcotics are a slippery slope, and what starts out as fun ends as a permanent, 24 hour a day nightmare which you can never, NEVER excape from. That's real talk, anon. Try and ponder what actual slavery is - it's not a good life.

>> No.12019057

ill still treat junkies like shit because when only black people were junkies we treated them like shit.

>> No.12019066

Just do heroin you faggot.

>> No.12019073

Effay drugs: cocaine, xanax, oxy, ssris, adderall

But only if you can control yourself on them.

>> No.12019075


>ill still treat junkies like shit because when only black people were junkies we treated them like shit.

Decent people never did.

>> No.12019087


Lmao maybe in like a really crazy hot person who can look cool eating shit, otherwise they're literally just huge signs saying I'm retarded

Almost every other drug is effay. Bars, all kinds o opioids, ketamine for sure, coke obvs, phets, nah anybdrug except ssris

>> No.12019100

Are you itchy, OP?

>> No.12019103

Not op but the codeine itch is ridiculous, goddamn love it

Op should just drink some grapefruit juice and a bit of whisky and call it a night

>> No.12019104

just major anxiety and restlessness, my jaw hurts too for some reason

>> No.12019111

I always get a warm "I love everything and I'm happy" feeling from codeine. Are you a regular user of it or did you jump into 200mg?

>> No.12019113

Benadryl helps as well if the itchiness becomes overwhelming or annoying

>> No.12019123

Yeah but I find it puts me to sleep too much
I like nodding, not straight passing out and not getting to enjoy the high

>> No.12019126

Why not do some benzos/get a script?

>> No.12019127

jumped into it, i weigh 98 pounds and it hit pretty hard. probably just my internal issues pushing itself to the surface. i have an abnormal heartbeat too and i've been having heart pains off and on prob that too

very poor

>> No.12019140

Try out maybe 90 - 120mg next time. Maybe even see how 60mg affects you and go from there. You'll have a good time.

>> No.12019153

drug abuse that will easily kill you is very /fa/, such as heroin or cocaine
otherwise, not really

>> No.12019193

tried that honestly i feel sick either way, and if im going to feel sick may as well go hard. anything to not be sober

>> No.12019220

>Anything to not be sober

unfortunately I can relate with you there anon

>> No.12019303

Are psychadelics not effay?

>> No.12019362

Killing yourself is super /fa/ so just do it already fucking overdose on your cough pills already and fuck off with your kind outta here

>> No.12019463

Any antihistamine will do