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File: 97 KB, 1168x657, shutterstock_bald-1168x657[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12017882 No.12017882 [Reply] [Original]

>if mom's dad was bald, you have a 66% chance to be bald
>if both your dad and your mom's dad were bald, you have a 100% chance to be bald

who /killing myself/ once the balding starts?

>> No.12017908

Shit boi does that mean I only have a 34% chance to go bald godamn.

>> No.12017931

I dont care if i go bald in my forties, i just dont wanna go in my twenties

>> No.12017937
File: 65 KB, 850x561, 33_27_06_11_6_52_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luckily there are things nowadays that are pretty good against male pattern baldness, since its pretty unavoidable for most people

if you go to a good salon to get your haircut they're pretty good about pointing it out before it's even signficant

>> No.12017941

both my dad and moms dad are not bald. My brother is completely bald almost at age 26 soooo this isnt true.

>> No.12017944

how does that disprove what OP said? that just means there are even more things that cause baldness, not that the ones he listed aren't accurate.

see here

>> No.12017953

it doesnt technically but it shows you that looking at your families genetics doesnt mean shit. My brothers bald and literally noone else in my family is

>> No.12017954

Not true, I've heard stories of people which no hair loss in their families whatsosever going bald and vice versa. Genetics are a bitch and random.

>> No.12017961

again the fact that there are other causes does not disprove that male pattern baldness is carried primarily on the X chromosome (moms)

>> No.12017974


Do you have a percentage though? Seems like nobody can substantiate this claim with numbers

>> No.12017991

people who are not balding are literally covering their heads from being exposed, not that they are naturally good looking, they need the hair to hide what is behind it lol

>> No.12017995

T. Hairlet

>> No.12018022
File: 12 KB, 201x170, smugmonstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it hits you and you remember the mailman was bald

>> No.12019282

>my mom's dad was bald at 40' or 30'
> my piece of shit drunk dad still has hair
> my brother is 4 years older than me, 30 years old
> went bald at 23
> i'm 26 now, still have full head of hair, thick as shit
> feels good, i hope

>> No.12019292

>tfw both grandfathers had a good head of hair well into their life

>> No.12019297

Apparently my grandad started going bald at 19 but at 21 I still have a strong hairline after pulling it back for years

I got a buzzcut instead ha who /notkillingthemselvestodayboys/?

>> No.12019416
File: 322 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-04-11-30-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the males in my family for about 4 generations back have had full heads of hair until they die

I love my life :)


>> No.12019425

>tfw mom's dad wasn't bald even when he died at 70+

Not sure how to feel about this, my other genetic traits are fucked up though. Even if i was balding i won't be bothered by it.

>> No.12019602

I sincerely doubt the 2% prevalence of side effects as reported by Merck.
Most of my friends experienced sides while on Fin.

>> No.12019610

>tfw neither of my parents or grandparents bald, but I am going bald

>> No.12019616

>still head full of hair

I just need 10 more years, I can do it

>> No.12019618

Balding comes from the mother's side ;)

>> No.12019621

Shit I read your post wrong

>> No.12019626

Why do people pride themselves upon having a full head of hair in twenties when it should pretty much be the way it is supposed to be? My alcoholic uncle that has smoked all life and hasn't lived healthy at all still has a full head of hair in his late 40's, while I see people as young as 18 losing their hair lmao.

Just lol @ your life.

>> No.12020044

Same, but didn't matter for me.

Starting thinning in early 20's but stopped it and reversed most of it with minoxidil and dermaroller, so it's not bad

>> No.12020366


>> No.12020480
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>Dad and all of my uncles were completely bald by 30
>Grandfathers on both sides had full heads of hair until they were stuck in the grave
dunno whats gonna happen desu

>> No.12020544

Starting to thin on the crown a little bit, hairline seems good still

My paternal grandfather and father have thick as fuck hair, but still a bit thinner on the back of the head like me, maternal grandfather and uncle from same side bald

i'm 21, what are my chances?

>> No.12020592

your little uncle would be a little bitch if he starting balding in his twenties, he would be moping around so sad he can't hide his forehead with hair

>> No.12020601

Baldness only matters if you're fat, ugly, poorly hung, and brokeass.

If you're bald, but fit, average or above, hung and are at least "blue collar" status, no woman worth fucking is going to care.

>> No.12020613

what if you're a grower but not a shower as far as the hung part

>> No.12020732

Erect length is the only length that matters.

>> No.12020735
File: 80 KB, 1115x865, 1472160058437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really fucking thick hair
>m2k-tier hairline


>> No.12020750

phew ok....

>> No.12020757
File: 192 KB, 348x348, H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mum went bald

>> No.12021844

>my grandpa is bald and his father was bald too (from moms side) also all of his brothers are bald.

>from my dads side: grandpa was full of hair with a nice widows peak all of my uncles have a head full of hair.

>mfw im starting to shed lots of fucking hairs and im 21 years old.

JUST end my misery.

>> No.12023493

My mother's dad has a fine set of silk white hair on the top of his head.
My dad is thinning with black hair at 45.

Neither started balding at a young age.
I have coconut brown hair, think Dylan Roof. Am I secure?

>> No.12023513

My mom's dad went bald
I have thick long hair at my late 20's
If I go bald I am going to an hero

>> No.12023523

>mother's father was killed by communists before able to bald
I guess I'm not going bald then.

>> No.12023546

If you care so much about your fucking hair why not just take finasteride or something?

>> No.12024332

both grandfathers on both sides of my family had full heads of hair when they died. my dad is almost 70 and isn't even close to having fully gray hair or balding and same with my mom

>> No.12024345

bro if my shit starts going i wont give a F
my head shape immaculate and im brown so i wont like a glans head ass

>> No.12024387



>> No.12024952

but you have a 66% chance of being killed by communists

>> No.12025639

>dad started balding when he was 20
>dad's dad was bald
>dad's older brother was bald
>dad's younger brother still has full head of hair in his 40s
>mom's dad started balding around 40
>both of mom's older brothers have full head of hair into their late 50s

>me, 18
>no noticeable signs of male pattern baldness, straight hairline

So when will it start?

>> No.12026105

I thought this was a myth. All the men on my mom's side are bald including her father, but my hair is very similar to my grandfather on my dad's side who has a full head of hair. I've got cousins reaching 30 on mom's side and no baldness.

>> No.12026113

Enjoy these next two years friend :/

>> No.12026125
File: 16 KB, 585x585, CR0290001_LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw parents and grandparents didn't experience balding or a receding hairline

>> No.12026342

My grandpas are both 70+ and have full heads of hair. Who else won lifelottery.jpeg?

>> No.12026858

Whew, finally a way in which I'm not a total genetic failure

>> No.12027071

Neither of my grandfathers went bald and my dad hasn't gone bald yet. Thanks OP

>> No.12027125


>> No.12027157
File: 40 KB, 505x431, nick-young-confused-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mums brothers all bald by 20
>every male on dads side thick head of hair well into their 50s

its a toss up lads

>> No.12027839

Good thing both my gramps had full heads of hair well into their 70s and 80s.

Wish I inherited their height and mass, but dad is a fucking dyel manlet.

>> No.12028074

Genetics is what gives the follicles on your scalp the sensitivity to DHT(basically an ultra form of testosterone) . If they are sensitive to DHT, you'll go bald eventually. But you can also do things to reduce DHT in your body. Orgasm releases a large amount of DHT, so if you masturbate a lot, cut down on that. There's also drugs that can reduce DHT, but can have side effects that make you more feminine.

>> No.12028126

>Tfw grandfather died at 83
>He had nearly full head of hair

>Tfw father is almost 60
>He has nearly a full head of hair

I'm living on easy mode tbhfamo

>> No.12028470

>what is penetrance rate?
God i hate those charts

>> No.12028527
File: 48 KB, 649x396, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a modern hair transplant once it's gone. No worries. Look at Daniel Tosh. The new methods are dope and do dope shit.

>> No.12028669

>tfw head full of hair and no perspective of it changing

It doesn't matter, anyway, im still 5'6

>> No.12029517
File: 679 KB, 500x500, beanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hair thick as fuck
>Wake up one day at 28. Can see the crown in the bathroom mirror.

It's like it happened over night. Everyone else has thick as fuck hair in my family. Atleast I got a beard. Time to shave my head and wear a beanie all the year around

>> No.12029539

>The new methods are dope and do dope shit.

If you have a ton of money. The average hair transplant looks like complete shit and even if you get good coverage it's very clear that it's not "natural" hair.

>> No.12029548
File: 69 KB, 512x339, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not 1998 anymore bro. Also it's a couple grand for a full top re-do. Look at any celebrity that has had it done, it looks good. See the pic you quoted and pic related
>spends thousands on clothes that will go out of style in no time
>won't save for a proper hair

>> No.12029560

>Look at any celebrity that has had it done, it looks good.
>If you have a ton of money.

Can you read?

The average strip method is a couple of grand yeah but there's a chance for scaring and if you're lucky yeah it'll look good. You still have to maintain it and there's a chance you'll have to go back multiple times before it's right.

Obviously if you've got infinite funds and time to take for it then it can look good. Also Lebrons hair is still fucked up, you can see it in games and he still has that hair band creep up his head.

>> No.12029584

>hair cut to 1mm
>transplant hair instead of shaving it

what a insecure babby

>> No.12029876

both grand dads died with full heads of hair
feels p. good.

>> No.12029975

No idiot, the NEW method is a couple grand, about $1-$2k per session, sessions depend on how bad. Call it $5k. KYS for being so stupid.

>> No.12030430

Just get surgery.

>> No.12030524

>tfw i have a Vegeta hairline
Jesus how do i stop this

>> No.12030633

It's a couple grand for a shitty doll hair transplant

Celebrities pay around $30k to $50k for hair transplants

>> No.12030641

What I still don't understand is why only the follicles on the top of the head are sensitive. Is there an explanation for this?

>> No.12030659

>literally this stupid
>google is a thing

>> No.12031031

Evolution fucked up.

>> No.12031072

can fin repair a shitty hairline?

>> No.12031132

>be cumskin
>Start getting bald by tha age of 25

>> No.12031590

its not so bad you just aren't look at as a sexual being no more.

>> No.12031880
File: 39 KB, 257x360, confused old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with kids these days?
Losing their hair at 20...

>> No.12032181

>I dont care if i go bald in my forties

Not yet.

You will.

t. approaching 40

>> No.12032189

Neither papa or grandpa are bald, I'm receding a little at 22 and my fringe isn't growing anymore.

Just being careful with hair styles but I used to buzzcut so if it comes to that I'm not going to be upset.

>> No.12032223

Agreed. People seem to think when you get older you suddenly have no life and don't care about looking good. People live to be 100 years old. 40 isn't even half way done.

>> No.12032263
File: 424 KB, 1080x1794, Snapchat-6774707095365755405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fell for the buzzcut meem and suddenly balding

just how bad is it fa

>> No.12032417

Underrated posts

>> No.12032427
File: 236 KB, 978x1024, messy bald look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bald with long hair is aesthetic

>> No.12032445

>mfw no one mentions the main cause of baldness, DHT

>> No.12032470

Japan has a stem cell treatment coming in 2020 thatll be very affordable. Rejoice bald ones.

>> No.12032562

>mums side pretty decent hair
>dads hair started thinning in late 40s

hopefully i can hang in there until baldness is cured, though i'm not expecting my hairline to hold up perfectly

>> No.12032697

Bullshit! I'm in my early 40's and ain't bald but my dad's bald. Another myth busted.

>> No.12032705

>dad has head of hair
>grandfather has head of hair
Cool! I'm just going to deal with the Hellhole of other genetic problems my family has but at least I'll die with a head covered in hair and no memories of the effay life it had

>> No.12032722

>I'm in my early 40's
the fuck senpai? go to bed

>> No.12032739
File: 43 KB, 500x502, 1337706956716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom's dad is 78 and has a full head of hair
>dad's dad was thinning at the top when he died, at 76 years old
>dad is 48 and has a full head of hair
>I'm 22 and have a vegeta hairline that shows no signs of stopping

why did the universe betray me so

>> No.12032742

I think your mother betrayed your father.

>> No.12032746

Neither of my grandfathers lost any hair
but I did get a pretty high hairline from my dad and my grandfathers grey by thirty genes

>> No.12032769

I honestly see it as this; Do I want to be happy and feel confident? Then yes, I definitely think it's worth it. If you feel like your hair doesn't matter then you should really care but It's really a long term investment on how everyone will see you for the rest of your life.

>> No.12032772

>Have Leo-tier distinct sharp widow's peak
>/fa/ making me paranoid about temple receding but it's how my hair's always been

I seriously need some crazy new stem cell method to come out and assuage my fears

>> No.12032849
File: 900 KB, 916x1632, suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest senpai

can any treatment fix this?

>> No.12032906

my maternal grandfather was balding, but he killed himself before he went fully bald. i think i might follow suit, considering my hairline is already receding.

>> No.12032930

My mother's father started balding in his 50s but never went completely bald. His father had a full head of thick white hair until he died in his 90s. My father's father had a full head of blond hair until he started getting chemo, but I believe as soon as it started to thin he preemptively shaved his head. He was a mad man.

So, I probably won't go bald, but they all died of cancer, so there's that.

>> No.12033099

No, but there's a lot of theories based on evolution.

Some say it's a signaling mechanism to women that the man is used up.

Others say it's a signal to women that the man is successful, because getting to the age where you are able to go bald is a sign of wealth. Most men didn't get to become old. A bald man must have a lot of resources. And because men with more testosterone bald quicker, it might show he's more of a boss. But old age is no longer a sign of status.

Others say it's to get more sun exposure. Some people think that people who go bald tend to not get enough sunlight. Bald heads take in a LOT of sun. They get sunburnt super easy.

For some reason, however, the bald gene still exists. Considering that historically women find older men attractive, I tend to believe that there used to be something attractive about bald men.

>> No.12033131

Finstasteride. It will prevent hairs from falling out anymore, but probably won't restore your hairline. It might to a small degree, but in general, when the hairline recedes, those follicles are dead. Thinning hair is easier to treat. Take a look at the research. Some people have side effects. Also, you probably don't need to take too much to still get benefits. But the problem is that once you start you have to continue it.

Try nofap. If you are shedding hair in the shower, you might see that you shed a lot less when you are not having frequent orgasms. Test it for yourself.

There are a lot of nutritional theories that nobody can verify. Some studies show that men who are pre-diabetic bald more. Also get enough vitamin D and gelatin.

>> No.12033583

Not me because both have amazing hairlines

>> No.12033606

>I dont care if i go bald in my forties, i just dont wanna go in my twenties

That's because you think 40 is old. Anyone who takes care of themselves can look young in their 40's.

>> No.12034714

>dad has head of hair
>grandfather has head of hair

Didn't stop my hair from thinning. Sorry to ruin your perception that you will definitely have your hair forever lmao

>> No.12034717
File: 174 KB, 367x319, 1478706162818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in my early 40's

Browsing /fa/?

No one over 25 should be here

>> No.12034719

Better hurry up and get on treatments, friend.

Can already see that shape forming

>> No.12034851
File: 662 KB, 1360x892, 10hoursmspaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12035242
File: 29 KB, 480x666, 2aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12035252

At least you guys arent like me

>tfw growing hair out for 2 years
>tfw shoulder lenght hair
>tfw 18 years old
>tfw started balding
>tfw already receeded hairline

should i suicide?

>> No.12035338

Just be glad you figured out early my dude. I'm 22 and started treatment last month but honestly should have started over a year ago. Just accept the trinity (Fin, Niz, Min)

>> No.12035351

Yeah gonna start Fin this month, already started Niz and Min, i dont have that much hope though.

>> No.12035359

I am in the same boat. I recently got a haircut and it doesn't look too bad, it's only in its early stages.

I'm only 18 and it's going away slowly, I also think my crown might be starting to thin.

..also i'm still in high school. is suicide my only option?


honestly for me, if balding could wait until i'm at least in my late twenties I would be fine with that. All I want to do is find a good girl and wife her by the time this curse turns me into a freak.

at least I can thank God that I've been called cute and have a good jaw and am pretty fit.

>> No.12035382

This is so fucking depressing man. Being only 18 and already losing all the fucking hair. It's just retarded. I wouldn't give a fuck about this if i was 30 or 40. But losing hair at 18 is just fucking retarded. I can't even focus on anything anymore because of overthinking about my hair. It's even more depressing if you have long hair. Fuck this

>> No.12035385

It's going to take some time and you probably won't notice until you look back. But I'm confident in myself and you in that as long as you stick to the regimen it'll work itself back for a good amount of years.

>> No.12035403

Yeah... I can accept all the sides except man-tits though. I don't even give a fuck about sexual effects. But I can't accept the mantits

>> No.12035410

Yeah idk. I'm hoping that it won't make any difference in myself as long as I keep a good weight

>> No.12036044
File: 223 KB, 277x351, i_view64_2016-12-09_20-55-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a receding hairline i'm 24 and just want to say that i look much better without buzzing. i think very few people can pull it off and thats okay. i keep the top at about 2-2.5 inches. i use a number 8 because thats the highest i have, i then grow it out for 2 weeks for the length i like and the sides are a number 2 with the clippers. this is the best i can do and its not that bad. its far better than buzzing for me, for others that may not be the case. any tips for people cutting their own hair? i think i need to blend or layer the top from shorter in the back to longer to the front.. is that right? its fine as is but i just want to know if there is something i might be missing.

>> No.12036224
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, kkkkkkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you look like the FUCKING WHITE MALE guy?

>> No.12036526



>> No.12036535

>have father with fullhead of hair
>still go bald anyway

this actually happens to people?

>> No.12036560

beautiful British genetics

>> No.12036568

>Grandfather, Mom's Dad, is 82 and still has a full head of black hair

Never met my Dad or his parents but I think I'm pretty good. Only shitty part of my genes when it comes to hair is I can't grow body hair so good and facial hair is middle-school tier.

>> No.12036636

no, not yet.

>> No.12036721

I'm 26 and my hairline hasn't changed at all. Don't even have a widow's peak.

But my hair has thinned by like 25%, am I going good?

>> No.12036829

>Mum's dad died before it became obvious whether or not he was going to go bald
I live in constant terror

>> No.12037671

Mine just startet thinning out like mad at 27. Was bald at 28. Hairline didnt change. Startet at the back.

>> No.12037851

>short life genes
>easy mode

>> No.12038077

Your type of balding responds better to treatment.

>> No.12038080

For what it's worth, my moms dad had a full head of hair his entire life. Also, he and his wife were very religious. They only ever had sex to have children and never seen each other naked. He probably also rarely ever masturbated. There's some evidence that frequent ejaculations lead to baldness.

>> No.12038091

theres also people that masturbate everyday on top of fucking, lead the shittiest diets, chain smoke and still have full heads of hair
genetics >

>> No.12038644

What if you have a 5 inch cock but are good in the other aspects?

>> No.12038883

what if my grandpa died at 86 with god tier hair but my dad balded at like 30, how fucked i am?
i am 20 and i have god tier hair for now