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11997789 No.11997789 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you losing weight? Why aren't you mewing? Why aren't you chewing falim gum?

You want to be aesthetic, don't you?

>> No.11997943
File: 371 KB, 435x483, tmp_1967-1479883869938-833329290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tf is mewing?

>> No.11997951

Pushing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, biting down on teeth and going mmmmmmmm or some shit like that. Its stupid af and its just something that ugly people born with 0 facial beauty try to do in order to look more attractive.

>> No.11997972

None of that shit does anything if you don't have good bone structure which is 100% genetics

>> No.11998087
File: 22 KB, 400x288, sisters nasal vs mouth breather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mewing will make no noticeable difference if you are older than 16

no entirely true, mouth breathing will ruin you

>> No.11998229

Back to PSL with you

>> No.11998474


>> No.11998536

>tfw my chin/mouth area is like on the right from excessive mouthbreathing as a child
It's true. I had like this thing with my nose where I couldn't breathe through it properly and my parents didn't even fucking look into surgery to fix it so I could breathe properly or anything like that. I'm upset. Trying to improve my mouth posture now and trying to breathe through my nose but it probably won't do much at my age. fuck im mad

>> No.11998569

the chubby version is hotter, not kidding

>> No.11998590

Falim is GOAT chewing gum though

>> No.11998927
File: 105 KB, 1092x734, 15218231_1185463534878598_1390206880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't you losing weight?
i am
summer to now

>> No.11998935
File: 86 KB, 948x606, lolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11998971

I'm fit right now and my face looks nothing like that guy, he hit a jackpot

>> No.11998977

Nice, good work bro!

>> No.11998986

Good job. That's massive improvement. I want to lose 15-20 lbs, tell me how

>> No.11998988

>falim and not mastic
When will they ever learn?

>> No.11998990

Tbh these pictures motivate the fuck out of me

>> No.11999016

<3 thank you!!
i just count calories and do between 500 or 800 weekdays or 1200-1500 at weekends
aw im blushing

>> No.11999043

I googled falim gum and all I found was ads and then a link to a website called sluthate. So I'm guessing falim is a product for the Eliot Rodgers and gullible sadboys of the world?

>> No.11999064

>Why aren't you losing weight?
because im underweight

>> No.11999354
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>between 500 or 800 weekdays or 1200-1500 at weekends
you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.11999361

>Why aren't you losing weight
It's hard is the best explanation I can come up with.
We all know deep in our hearts that losing weight is best road to happiness but personally I just can't stick to the solution. It would take me a year or more to get to the weight I want to be at and thats a lot of time without the things that bring me the most satisfaction in life: fatty foods and alcohol

>> No.11999364

also i'm already mewing and i'm barely 1 month in
apparently you see changes after 6 months

>> No.11999388

I've been at it for 6+ months, as well as chewing the mastic gum. My cheekbones are rock hard and the proper posture/swallow is second nature. My face looks more 3D, but it's hard to say if I look good because I started looking in the bathroom mirror by reflecting another mirror off of it, so I can see how I truly look and the "shock" of seeing my actual face leads me to registering everything wrong with it. It's unquestionable I look a lot better than before, though.

>> No.11999415


I'm cultivating mass broheim

do you even bulk brah?

>> No.11999423

>I started looking in the bathroom mirror by reflecting another mirror off of it, so I can see how I truly look
shit thought I was the only one that did this
it really creeped me out the first time I did it because i thought i was uglier than i imagined but i eventually realized the left side of my face is actually better looking (bigger jaw, better smile, etc.) and now I just always use it like this to make sure everything looks good
i've read that it distorts your face the first times you do it since you're so used to seeing your face in a mirror but after some time it looks normal again

>> No.11999430
File: 92 KB, 619x807, stopyourshitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11999441

Last night I stood and looked at the mirror for 30 minutes straight and my perception kept morphing from a retard, to someone who looked permanently "where are my glasses?" to somewhat of a Chad. I go back 2 hours later and look more retarded than before. I have a twin brother and am unable to see much asymmetry in his face, so I assume I am a monster in his eyes. I don't even look that bad in photos, but that mirror is horrible so far.

>> No.11999449
File: 98 KB, 850x565, 1341696408067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I end up losing 10 pounds but it's all muscle and I still look like a doughy fuck only now I'm weaker.

>> No.11999472


>body dysmorphia

I used to have that

are you depressed? anxiety?

maybe go see a doc dude, srs