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/fa/ - Fashion

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11992798 No.11992798 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this considered cool, and fashionable?

pic related

>> No.11992808

No, it makes you look like an absolute fag

Only extremely muscular or intimidating people could pull that off, and they can literally wear jackets with flowers embroidered on them and still look good so why bother

>> No.11992813

Social media attention whores following what celebrities do


>> No.11992814

i've seen hungry skelly hypetrash wear them and it looks appropriate for the hypetrash aesthetic

>> No.11992816

It does not. People only wear it because there is an amount of hype behind it.

>> No.11992818


If you want to look like trash then sure, wearing literal trashbags with "I am trash" printed on them is just fine.

>> No.11992836

How did shit like this popular in the first place? I mean Supreme at least offers some designs and variety of pieces. ASSC are literally only bogos, not even Bape tier. Bape at least has Shark hoodies.

>> No.11992844

because being socially awkward, self deprecation, and being open about mental illness is "in" right now. So pretending to be anti-social, while still being social is a funny idea that got people's attention.

>> No.11993668

>implying anti-social people where giant logos indicating how anti-social they are instead of dressing as plainly as possible to not draw attention

>> No.11993703

Depression is a cool among kids.

In reality it's the worst thing you could imagine.

>> No.11993741
File: 9 KB, 228x221, 1019 - zfxb7hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because being socially awkward, self deprecation, and being open about mental illness is "in" right now. So pretending to be anti-social, while still being social is a funny idea that got people's attention.

>> No.11993753

Fuck /fa/ is legit 3 years behind lmao

>> No.11993786

and this
on this note, the exact fucking same thing applies to the "thinspo" and pro-ana communities of /fa/. i've had anorexia, been through recovery, and it was the hardest, most traumatic couple of years of my life so far.
yet a bunch of you guys glorify it and even encourage other people to hurt themselves and fuck their lives up too. i really want to punch some of your teeth in.

>> No.11993798


>> No.11993878

not everyone wants to dress in dad-core, or look like a patchwork thrift store project.

>> No.11994110

it's exclusive and has ironic epic name and logo
also kanye wore it

>> No.11994115

>thinking that /fa/ just discovered this shitty smallbrand company


>> No.11994123

Because Cara Delevigne or whatever her name is wore it, so they made fakes on aliexpress, which now chinks wear globally.

Now people think its a real brand that is of any value. Kind of like ripndip.

The best thing you can do for your brand now is to put fakes of it on aliexpress for $2.

>> No.11994135

I've been here since cooltop days fuck u

>> No.11994158

it's part of the shitty pervasive fashionability of depression/mental illness/sadboi

>> No.11994279

Some nigger rapper wore it and you will get lots of likes on instagram for wearing it.

>> No.11994323
File: 451 KB, 1365x1365, 1472708686499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldn't it, assc is dope as fuck and has been for a minute, don't listen to all these emo clowns cause they probably aint even gettin pussy blad

>> No.11994388

Mfw Have ASSC hat and shirt. I suffered with anxiety and depression most of my life lmao. I Have a qt 1.34 Jap gf now tho so I wear a lot of Japanese line fashion.

>> No.11994402

epic :-DDD

>> No.11994548


nah that shit is 2012-core tbqh pham

being right wing is "in" now

get a clue lad

>> No.11996051

Was this always a hypebeast or they just took over it?

>> No.11996057

Bloody o that you?

>> No.11996108

>really want to punch some of your teeth in.
not like they were being used to eat or smile

>> No.11996144

At least wear something good like Yohji or Undercover than, fag.

>> No.11996145

Always hypebeast. Who else is dumb enough to pay for and even proudly wear bogos?

>> No.11996151

And this evening for my delight I have an exquisite "bait; the post" paired with a light, and fruity "bait; the photo"

>> No.11996153

last ASSC drop didnt sell out for like 5 hours...

>> No.11996155

kanye wore it once, that's the whole reason

>> No.11996161

top kek

>> No.11996261

hyped up by a bunch of gooks

>> No.11996289

>extremely muscular or intimidating people could pull that off

Do you have some inferiority complex? That makes no fucking sense.

>> No.11996453


No doofus, that's Asocial, not ANTIsocial

Antisocial personality disorder is a spectrum from a vandal/litterer to school bully to a drug dealer to a rapist to Hillary Clinton to Jeffrey Dahmer to Stalin

Sociopaths and psychopaths and evil people are antisocial... they abuse people. Asocial or hyposocial people are shy and timid or depressed or passive misanthropes, they don't actively harm anybody

>> No.11996465
File: 289 KB, 506x623, tmp_5286-1479400758680-681674731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Use chinks as free marketing
Holy shit, that's genius
They're fucking everywhere. Billions of walking billboards, then the rich whiteys buy your 1000% inflated "authentic" brand

>> No.11996492


>> No.11996497

No, bulky huge dudes look crap in this style of clothing.

>> No.11996669

This isn't considered cool unless your a trust fund asian kid who worships black culture because they have no culture to call their own.

>> No.11997153

oh god that pic lol

>> No.11997234

black ASSC cap is decent, the rest of their stuff are garbage

>> No.11997244

Finally, someone fucking says it.

I'm so sick of the misconception between anti-social and avoidant personality disorders.

Anti-social = anti-societal. It has nothing to do with avoiding people and quite in fact anti-social people are sometimes extremely talented at socializing to get what they want.

>> No.11997296

hit the nail on the head

>> No.11997341

The specific garment or assc stuff