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11991505 No.11991505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is my scalp looking juicy and tasty?
Wanna lick it?

Just finished my second and final session of FUE hair transplant

>> No.11991517 [DELETED] 

lmao enjoy having the entire middle fall out and only the edges survive

>> No.11991592

i'm too hungover for this, OP

>> No.11991596

fuck off you attention whoring sad fuck

>> No.11991612

How long until it starts to lok normal? can you wear hats?

>> No.11991634

i bet its just some lonely faggot who found a picture on a forum and now reposts it because hes so fucking desperate for attention to have to post this kind of shit to get any response

>> No.11991657

They say usually a day or two but in my case it's gonna take longer because for some reason my head bleeds like fuck and makes huge scabs

Can't wear hats because the follicles aren't properly fixed yet

>> No.11991661
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Good job man, if my hairline gets much worse I'll prob do this.

I have one question though, when you got it done, did you have far to travel home? Did you use anything to cover it up?

If I get it done I'll prob go to London on the train, and if I can't cover it up that's a big deal. If I get it done I want to do it like a ninja with nobody knowing.

>> No.11991669
File: 38 KB, 634x358, 3AAB921300000578-3962664-image-a-180_1479866062162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my head bleeds like fuck and makes huge scabs

That's normal man, I am pretty sure it takes a fair while to heal etc. Also, the bits will fall out and then hopefully you will get some regrowth.

Also how much it cost? Where you get it done?

>> No.11991674

I just took an Uber to the clinic and back home both times
Didn't feel safe driving under all those meds and no way I was taking public transporation

Nah even the doctor said I was bleeding exceptionally so the procedure was a bit longer and harder

Cost 4000€, in Spain

>> No.11991685
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>> No.11991690
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Ah interesting, did you travel to Spain especially for this? Did anyone notice when you were traveling after the operation?

If you do live in Spain, you live locally to the clinic? If not I presume you picked a hotel close to it.

>> No.11991693
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>> No.11991697

I just want to grab a credit card and scrape that shit off

>> No.11991699

No, I already live in Spain and in the same city as the clinic

Never considered travelling abroad for a FUE

>> No.11991700


>> No.11991711
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>No, I already live in Spain and in the same city as the clinic

I think my closest clinic is in London where I have to get the train.

What is your plan for the healing process? Will you stay indoors like a hermit until it looks presentable?

If I ever get it done I want to get it done, quickly get home with as little public contact as possible and then stay indoors until it looks better with no human contact.

>> No.11991714


>> No.11991720

Yeah, I'm planning to stay home the entire weekend
But I have to go back to work on Monday so...I hope it's presentable by then.

They said usually it should be, but in my case the bleeding and bruising was much more than normal (very vascular head or something) so they can't promise how normal it will look by Monday

Plenty of people don't even get any bruising or bleeding after surgery, really depends on your genetics I guess

>> No.11991729


Am not sure about that man, I have heard it takes longer than that and that the scabbing/bleeding is pretty normal.

>> No.11991733
File: 1.54 MB, 1152x1220, 1471630082403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Out of interest, were you a diffuse thinner, receding hairline or chrome dome? What type of balding did you have? How many 1000 hairs did you pay for?

>> No.11991742

chrome dome, thinning, a few dozen hairs

>> No.11991743

Yeah, but they mentioned mine was out of the norm
I was squirting blood during both procedures and feel so weak getting home. I'm a bleeder I guess

Diffuse thinner all over the top with absolutely no temple or hairline recession.
I would say I only had 20-30% of my hair left up top but my hairline was intact, really weird balding pattern

I got 2700 grafts. How many hairs will result from that is hard to estimate, since one graft can give birth to anywhere from 1 to 4 or even 5 hairs

>> No.11991754

tfw not balding but have a really receded hairline all my life.
is it even possible to get a similar surgery to like lower my hairline, i don't really know how this shit works.

>> No.11991769


>> No.11991772
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>Diffuse thinner all over the top with absolutely no temple or hairline recession.
>I would say I only had 20-30% of my hair left up top but my hairline was intact, really weird balding pattern
>I got 2700 grafts. How many hairs will result from that is hard to estimate, since one graft can give birth to anywhere from 1 to 4 or even 5 hairs

Nice man, having your hairline intact is pretty lucky, and with this operation you could be looking at near perfect hair again.

I am nearly 24 and have had some recession at the temples and am a bit spooked, I think my hair on top has also thinned a bit but not too drastically.

My father is a chrome dome but the men on my mothers side still have hair on top at a very old age. Am hoping my genetics lean more towards my mothers side lol.

Interestingly the father of my bald father had a full head of hair at age 70. Which leads me to think he got the balding gene from his mother who was Polish. I have heard that balding is a big thing in Poland but can't say for sure.

>> No.11991783

I would advise getting on Finasteride if you're not taking it already

I got on it in my 20's but by the time I started taking it I already had very advanced hairloss.
The first time someone commented on my hairloss I was 16~17, it started really early for me

>> No.11991785

>is it even possible to get a similar surgery to like lower my hairline, i don't really know how this shit works.

Yeah prob man. When you were a kid didn't you have a more full hairline though?

If you have the type of balding where just the front disappears, you really should get this operation. It is an easy fix.

>> No.11991792

>When you were a kid didn't you have a more full hairline though?
nope, got bullied for having a big ass forehead as a kid too. :^)
but yeah it seems like a good solution, def gonna look into it. hair is pretty important to looking decent and i cant get any nice hairstyles because of my shit hairline, my hair is also kinda thin but it doesn't bother me as much as the hairline.

>> No.11991795
File: 221 KB, 962x786, 3A8A006900000578-3951994-image-a-38_1479544324288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What age are you now man?

I got the Propecia tablets, I took them for a week and experienced some side effects (that I think I am still experiencing to this day several months later).

>> No.11991805

I'm 26 now
I think you wouldn't feel any side effects after just one week unless you are really reaaaaally unlucky, and even then they should resolve after you stop taking them

My advice is not to spend too much time on hair loss forums, most of the guys there are hypocondriacs and very OCD and negative about everything,which might influence your thinking as well

>> No.11991828
File: 36 KB, 480x480, 1476439499073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its a bit crude to say, but after taking them I don't think my manhood works as well, rarely projectile (whereas before I would often), perhaps a bit less bulbous and more difficult to get as hard. It still works ok, but it just doesn't seem like its at its max potential (and this is after just one week taking Propecia many months ago).

Also whilst taking it I may have felt a bit more flat, tense, legs tense, high energy when trying to sleep. Am a bit more unsure about this, but I think there may be psychological sides also.

I barely go out in general and spend a tonne of time on the computer chair so perhaps stuff like lack of exercise can exacerbate side effects, there are reasons for me to be an outlier in terms of these things.

Have you not noticed any sides? I do understand psychology can play into things for people.

>> No.11991832

Imagine running a bit of sandpaper over that dome

>> No.11991862

hello rato no balding pls

>> No.11992005

Might be mental man, I don't know.
I remembered when I first got on it my libido and orgasm volume actually increased, and eventually normalized.

Other than that, didn't experience any sides

>> No.11992017

hello rato helllo ratto

>> No.11992027

would it hurt if i scraped them off?

>> No.11992032

(also hello rato, you bald fuck)

>> No.11992088

hello rato!
have a nice day and please don't let me go bald ok?


>> No.11992094
File: 90 KB, 800x557, Armitage_Siren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will strongly consider it, may even just do it at a lower dose. I really want to take it, but of course like many people I am afraid of the sides and have likely had some already.

>> No.11992134

hello ratto

>> No.11992152

hello rato

now kys

>> No.11992163

hello rato
oririririririginalllll pppppposssst

>> No.11992213

hello rato pls no baldo

>> No.11992504
File: 712 KB, 705x844, Screenshot_2016-11-24-19-42-54-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do about this ?

>> No.11992515

hello rato


>> No.11992523

Probably just a maturing hairline. Happens to virtually every man after puberty and doesn't necessarily lead to further hairloss. I'd just keep an eye on it and see if the hair's actually thinning anywhere.

>> No.11992524

hello rat

>> No.11992525

hello rato
wagwan rato

>> No.11992538

hello rato

>> No.11992572

hello rato

>> No.11992576

hello rato
no spamerino
no balderino

>> No.11992581

hello ratto my man

>> No.11992583

hello rato
jk im already bald orz

>> No.11992601

Hello ratto, I love you mom

>> No.11992602

hello rato
pls no bald

>> No.11992622

This is literally impossible after one week it is all in your head

>> No.11992629

i wanna bash u over the head and make ur pustules pop senpai

>> No.11992634

hello rato
i hope this reverses my hair thinning

>> No.11992647

hello rato!
not spam

>> No.11992812

hello rato

I know what you're thinking, this is spam, right? Well, it's not.

>> No.11992840

hello rato


>> No.11992922

helo rato

>> No.11992934


Hello rato
What a champion

>> No.11992938

hello rato

not spamerino

>> No.11993023

hello rato .

>> No.11993029


hello rato


>this thread again

>> No.11993049
File: 67 KB, 400x453, 252_treecko__02__by_adfpf1-d83evte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello rato cmom dude why do you have to do that

>> No.11993075

hello rato

not spam

>> No.11993096

hello rato not spamo

>> No.11993151

hello rato


>> No.11993161

hello rato hi

>> No.11993168

hello rato ''

>> No.11993196
File: 234 KB, 960x720, anselmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello reto you sick fuck

>> No.11993201

Hello rato fa thinks this is spam

>> No.11993205

hello r a t o

>> No.11993443

hello rato!!!!!

>> No.11993516

hello rato


>> No.11993533


>> No.11993561

Hello rato
This is not a spam post

>> No.11993564

hello rato


>> No.11993660

hello rato! i'd rather not bald thanks

>> No.11993698

hello rat

Please save me from this nightmate

>> No.11993738

hello rato!

>> No.11993744

hello rato
not spam pls

>> No.11993748

hello rato pls

>> No.11993756

hello ratto

>> No.11993764

hello ratto

>> No.11993844

hello rato

is rato actually wombat

>> No.11993852

hello rato
no spamo

>> No.11993860

hello rato not spam

>> No.11993871

fuck that op, i will go clean shaven before my head looks like that.

>> No.11993885

hello ratto
fuk u btw

>> No.11993895

hello rato hoho

>> No.11993902

Hello rat

I usually don't reply to these but I'm being safe here.

>> No.11993953

Anyone here on dutasteride? How's it working?

>> No.11993958

I hate seeing this fucking picture every time I scroll down, disgusting.

>> No.11993960


That looks pain op.

I wish you a fast and healthy recovery.

>> No.11993973

hello rato
no spam0

>> No.11993992

hello rato

>> No.11993996

hello rattto

>> No.11994023

fuckin same

>> No.11994047

*Hello rato*

>> No.11994053

hello rato

pls save me

>> No.11994111

hello rat

>> No.11994120

hello rato
pls no bald

>> No.11994170

lol imagine being this vain and conceited to get surgery haha
just accept ur a ugly bald loser and leave the rest of us alone, faggot