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11984738 No.11984738 [Reply] [Original]

Are surgical masks effay?

>> No.11984741

He probably has that on bc he's sick, not just to look good

>> No.11984744

or one of a thousand facial surgeries

>> No.11984748


>> No.11984829

lol no, look at his outfit

>> No.11985823

only makes sense when asians wear it because their sick or pollution or yellow dust in their respective countries. Otherwise it's cringe if anyone else wears them.

Fashion wise it's autism, only time it's fine besides the main reasons is idols hiding their identities.

tl;dr: no they are not effay you autist so once the one you ordered for ali arrives, throw it right into the trash.

>> No.11985929

I'm a white guy in vancouver and see this shit all the time, but never on white people.

Might try it out to freak out the Chinese kids in their shitty "all bape all the time" fits

>> No.11986049

i saw some asian tourists in my country and they put the masks down for a pic but idk they didn't have any hypebeast clothes

>> No.11986091

well most asians (mostly women) use masks if they don't have any make up on. also it's great if you don't wanna talk to anyone since most people will leave you alone if you're wearing a mask.

i'm not sure if it isn't too cringy on a white person. as long as you don't mind being associated with weeaboos try giving it a go.

>> No.11986097

this. If you see an asian kid wearing a surgical mask it's because they have a cold or are otherwise contagious. It's a public health thing, and pretty smart in my opinion.

>> No.11986243

his shoelaces are untied

>> No.11986264

It started as this, now it is also a fashion thing. See: all of the photos of k-pop stars wearing them.

>> No.11986284

Geez, have you ever met Asians outside of the internet? They're mothers are overprotective af, they're literally telling their children about "westerner's bacteria" and shit. That's the reason for 95% of these masks. I believe that boio on the picture is waring it bc fashion puroses, tho.

>> No.11986286
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Chinese beach masks are better

>> No.11986289

their* lololol

>> No.11986705

Too effay for me

>> No.11986712

maybe in harajuku you weeb

>> No.11986749

I´m studying archeology/museology and have to wear these fucking things for hours on some days.

I promise you: No matter how effay they are (or aren´t, imo, too fucking tryhard) - you don´t want to wear one the whole day. You get sweary around your mouth, which is pretty disgusting, breath the same, stale air for hours.

Seriously man, there are few items of "clothing" that are more uncomfortable to wear.

>> No.11986782

He is trying to be Keith Ape

>> No.11986799

No, they're strictly for surgical purposes:

>> No.11986835

I personally wear them to not get sick from other people coughing and sneezing everywhere.

>> No.11986842

You know that's horseshit, right?

>> No.11986858

Comments like this are what make me worry about science in public education.

>> No.11986915

When i lived in Korea i wore them on the subway, wearing them on the subway sick or not is pretty common. Other than the subway sick people will wear, girls also wear them out when theyre too lazy to put makeup on.

>> No.11987034

They wear these for the best reason too, they want to stay pasty, as getting tan is a sign of being a poor ass laborer. Meanwhile every basic bitch in America is at cabana tan x3 a week soaking in the skin cancer lmao.

>> No.11987045

not really

though they serve a purpose in places like China, and I think it's acceptable as a white person to wear one in Asia, but cringey in the west. I saw a group of tourists wearing these in Oxfordshire which was very confusing

>> No.11987055

is nobody going to mention the fact that she is literally wearing shoes 2x her normal size

>> No.11987062

girls are stupid

>> No.11987063


>> No.11987066

For some reason it's only koreans imo that can pull it off

>> No.11987078

everytime someone fa """covers""" their mouth is to signify their premature/weak/flat jaw that would ruin the entire fit

>> No.11987142
File: 59 KB, 494x640, Gt+implying+99+of+them+don+t+look+like+that+_b74f23e20c321e566052647d5d22f2f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be soulless Chicom insect
>can't rook rike firthy raborer ror
>wear facekini to the beach
>fall asleep in beach chair wearing said poorly-fitted facekini
>wake up with tanned racoon eyes, an orange nose, and orange oval around my mouth like Fred Flintsones' five-o'clock shadow
chairman lmao

>> No.11987703

only in japan

>> No.11987731


gook Kanye wannabe with 2 trends too late blond hair

very effay, so much wow

>> No.11987737

God i wish asian men could look more like white men. I wish they could focus more on being rugged and rough. We're losing the competition we have to be like them to win again.

>> No.11987743

>actually taking the time to act like this

>> No.11987750
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the greatest time

>> No.11987860
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Shut it, wong

>> No.11987878

>meme as a response

>> No.11987964

Hey, that sounds stupid enough to be the next crocs. Bedazzled surgeon's masks. Yeezey shutter masks. Et cetera. I'm gonna have to get on this asap.

>> No.11987988


Still a health thing i think. If in public, mostly because if you travell a lot and are surrounded by a bunch of people you will get sick all the time (shit like con sickness).

But it did evolve into fashion, where people fancied up the masks, i think there is a bunch of that in menhera and gurokawa

>> No.11987990


Makes sense. In the "western" culture where working usually means staying inside in a cubicle, a sign of wealth would mean you have so much free time that you can spend on the beach that you get brown.

In the chink world where you have to work your ass off outside, only the wealthy ones can afford to stay pale.

>> No.11988072



>> No.11988123 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11988252

Yeah, because in asia they wear them for health reasons.

>> No.11988518

>Might try it out to freak out the Chinese kids in their shitty "all bape all the time" fits
wow you sound like a huge loser

>> No.11989139


>> No.11989171
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Not an argument

>> No.11990931

w2c japanese gf

>> No.11990969
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If you want to cover your mouth without looking stupid or sick, the only thing you can do is wear a bandana. You'll look T E R R O R tho.

>> No.11990974

bandanas look cool if you ride a motorbike, I couldn't walk around wearing one, though

>> No.11990976


>> No.11990979

He's korean. They're practically born with masks because of hoe pathetic their immune systems have become after spending generations of being docile and letting Americans pick up their work against NK.

>> No.11990981

JESUS CHRIST why is a ~160cm girl wearing size 12 shoes

>> No.11991618
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I wore one of these to EVO and I wasn't even sick, video game events just smell like shit because half the people don't bathe

>> No.11991806

Agreed. They aren't comfortable, especially if you wear glasses because they fog up whenever you breathe. I always feel like shit when I get off a long flight I assume because of all the germs. Picked some of these masks up when u was last in Tokyo and wore them on the flight home. Maybe just a coincide but for the first time ever I didn't get off a plane feeling like I had the flu. Not in Japan anymore but if I find myself in a really crowded place again this season idgaf how autistic I might look I'll wear one again. It helped but it wasn't comfortable.

>> No.11991866

Only if you're Asian/going for an Asian aesthetic.


>> No.11991906

>he's never watched anime before

>> No.11991915
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weird, i dont bathe for weeks but i smell great because i apply scented anti-perspirent every day

>> No.11992216

you probably smell like gypsyes who spray themselves with axe and are water resistant due to the dirt layer on their skin.