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/fa/ - Fashion

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11974831 No.11974831 [Reply] [Original]

How does one rock a suit jacket casually on a day to day basis? Or is it impossible?

>> No.11974833

>How does one rock a suit jacket casually on a day to day basis
You wear suit pants with it.

>> No.11974880
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Depend on your work and context.
Ie. As a university teacher, I can wear a suit jacket with the suit or with some plain jeans and a plain shirt. Make sure it is not too framed and somewhat fitted, or wathever, it is all about attitude man.

>> No.11974889

So as a university student, how much would you cringe if a student came in with the same style, except maybe with a button up shirt and tie?

>> No.11974930
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You see all kinds of shit on classrooms nowadays, so when a student shows up with a proper shirt, tie and shoes is kind of refreshing.Doesn't happen too often though.

Just don't try to overdo it with hats and shit and keep it cool, if anyone goes, "why so formal anon?" just go "Because I can".
I have seen some cringe too , There was this one girl that showed up for a serious presentation in a cocktail dress and his faggot friend with I shit you not a cane and and a stache.
I could post pics I guess , but ethics man.

>> No.11974991

even a casual suit jacket is too much imo

>> No.11975099

I had a professor at Uni that would wear a full suit on exam days. I always enjoyed the intensity.

>> No.11975111

A blazer, chinos, and OCBD (with or without a tie/bowtie) was practically my uniform in college and I still wear them almost daily.

No one's going to make fun of you for it and you'll probably sleep with twice as many girls because of it.

>> No.11975116

2 * 0 is still 0.

>> No.11975118

Let me guess, you probably wear jeans that look like they belong on a woman and trendy /fa/-approved tshirts every day, right?

Or you've never actually been to a real college and seen how people dress before.

>> No.11975125

I did say "probably". If he spergs out around women dressing nicely isn't going to help that. But otherwise I can almost guarantee more college girls will want to fuck him if he dresses like that.

>> No.11975144

>But otherwise I can almost guarantee more college girls will want to fuck him if he dresses like that.

lol no shorty is gonna holler when u looking like u raided ur pops wardrobe and cant dress appropriate to ur age group

this is a fashion board not how to ostracize urself and get no bitches in one outfit board

>> No.11975160

Everyone would assume you have a presentation that day, a job interview, or that you just came from or are heading to work.

>> No.11975166


>> No.11975169

> Implying I care what 'Shorty' thinks of me.

>> No.11975200

You can't
Suits aren't casual and never will be.
So unless you plan on telling everyone you just got off work, don't wear a suit jacket.

>> No.11975297

Why the fuck does it matter? Is that your main concern? What other people think? I wear a suit on a daily basis. Whether I shop groceries or go to a lecture. You simply need to know how to wear it and what style to go for. Dont wear Oxfords, dont wear a tier, wear casual shirts. Boom, suddenly the outfit is casual as hell. Suits are incredibly versatile so if some little cuck who wear nothing but hoodies looks at you in an awkward way then why would you bother caring? Because he chooses to dress differently? Considering the fact that you even ask this question I'd say that you probably couldnt even pull off a suit in a confident manner. You'd just feel bad about yourself and jump right back to hoodies on the following day. So dont even bother.

>> No.11975299

>Suits aren't casual and never will be.
Completely depend on what one considers to be casual. Not everybody think that the term casual is exclusive to sweatpants and hoodies. Suits can be casual as hell, see high fashion.

>> No.11975386

First of all, there's a difference between a suit jacket and a sportcoat or blazer. You should never wear an actual suit jacket without the rest of the suit (unless your iconoclast game is really on point), but a good casual blazer can be great with jeans.

Secondly, it matters what you look like. Generally, the older you get and look, the better you can pull it off. You're gonna seem autistic if you look like a nerdy teenager or if you're a fatass, no matter how good the outfit is.

I do the jeans and blazer thing a lot, not just because I like the look but because it's a good weight for fall evenings in SoCal, and generally get pretty good reactions. I'm a 30 year old professional type, though.

Just curious, what do you teach and at what kind of college? I'm going back to school next year, with the long-term goal of getting my PHD and teaching some kind of history at a university.

>> No.11975402

>First of all, there's a difference between a suit jacket and a sportcoat or blazer. You should never wear an actual suit jacket without the rest of the suit (unless your iconoclast game is really on point), but a good casual blazer can be great with jeans.

People in this thread can't seem to be able to understand the difference between. A suit coat vs. a blazer/sport coat.

I dress biz cas for work and sometimes throw a blazer on if it's feeling chilly out. It's not that big of a deal. But then again I work/live downtown so there are plenty of other business people around.

>> No.11975659

If the clothes look like they're meant to fit you and not your father I don't think that will be a problem.

Also, the look is timeless and fits any age group. There's a reason that particular style hasn't changed very much over the hundred or so years it's been around and if you ever stepped foot out of mommy's basement onto an actual college campus you'd know that the style is still extremely popular, especially among the college age-group.

There's more to fashion than skinny jeans and dressing like a ninja. Not everyone wants to dress like a twink/like you. I think he'll be fine.

>> No.11975719

Curriculum design and project evaluation for English students(Pedagogy) at a private university.

Altough it is a pretty expensive Uni (in comparison), people from all over the city study here. The oldest guy I've seen in class was 35 studying for his master's degree.
It is a pretty chill job, most teachers are here are really nice and serious with theur job, unless they are just academics with a teaching license that is, and you can be as /fa/ as you want if you really care about context..

>> No.11975759

But for real, if your suit jacket doesn't seem out of place without the rest of the suit, go for it. Otherwise a blazer is what you are looking for.

>> No.11976104

High fashion by definition is not casual

>> No.11976316
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you have to be over 18 to use this website.

>> No.11976331

>unless your iconoclast game is really on point
can you show a proper orphaned suit jacket iconoclast fit?

>> No.11976357
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Ah, nice. That kinda sounds like the kind of gig I'm hoping for. I'll probably be that 35 year old guy in class before I get there, though, since I'm 30 and barely even have any undergrad credits. (I went to a private college that later lost its accreditation, and studied a stupid subject anyway. I know, kill me.)

It works in specific situations, I know some rock musicians who use them effectively as parts of stage outfits, but the same fit would look stupid on a normal guy on the street.

I think you can pull it off if you're a rich eccentric rocker type like Magnus Walker (pic related), but only because he looks ridiculous in everything. Johnny Depp is another guy I think could pull it off.

>> No.11977591

>Suits aren't casual and never will be.
Lounge suits are BY DEFINITION casual, faglord.
Dinner jacket ("tuxedo") is semi formal, white tie is formal. Any other suit is for casual daily wear. If you're not a hobo or jogging literally at that moment you should never wear sweatpants or hoodies outdoors.