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11968999 No.11968999 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 5'8'' tall 125 lb male who has a 32" chest, anyone know of any etsy/ebay/amazon sellers out there who make clothes that could fit me?
Also, Wooster because why not

>> No.11969172

I've got the same issue.. Even size S dress shirts feel like I'm wearing a trash bag...

>> No.11969224

start lifting fuccboi

>> No.11969236

Bulk up till you're like 145 lbs and start lifting you faggot

>> No.11969241
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>> No.11969256

>32 chest
Damn, literally toddler size. I am basically your size and perfectly fit into 36 sized blazers. No adjustments required, even the sleeves usually fit. Thank god for that.

>> No.11969259

Start lifting. I'm almost the same stats, but my chest is a 34 or 36. When I wear athletic shirts I've got a pretty big looking chest even though I'm still skinny and lean. I'm going to keep lifting because the athletic aesthetic makes clothes look fucking amazing on you.

>> No.11969271
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>> No.11969611

>shorter guys
End yourself manlet

>> No.11969781

Australia there doesn't look very happy.

>> No.11969793

Start eating and lifting. There is nothing attractive about being a holocaust survivor.


>> No.11969956

So basically I should get things taken in then?

>> No.11969960

jesus im the same height and 155. And im still pretty lean. you must be skelly with absolutely no muscle

>> No.11969976

I dont fucking have time to fucking lift.

>> No.11969982

Honestly, when you're that small you might as well look into some women's clothes.

>> No.11970034

Or in the kids department.

>> No.11970173

It's an hour obligation.
3 time per week.
Don't do too much.
Get a door pull-up bar and rings.

Dynamic stretching and warm up.
Sets of pull-up, inverted rows, push-up, squats, etc.
Static stretch and cool down.

Add weights and more demanding exercise like dips after you built a habit.

If you don't have time for that, you got bigger problems than clothes.

>> No.11970263

Yes you do

>> No.11970380
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>> No.11970393

>5'8" 125lb

Lift some weights and stop being a vegan you fucking 3rd worlder.

>tfw only 5'6" but 145 lbs

>> No.11970399

Tfw insecure midgets giving rare based manlets a bad rep..

>> No.11970826


Clothes are designed for short people as a base because almost all people on the planet are short. I don't see why you would have issue.

>> No.11970837
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>15 years old

>> No.11970846

I'm the same weight but one inch shorter. It's not skelly tier you guys.

>> No.11970917

5'4 should i become a trap?

>> No.11971477

My diet is comfort foods. The last thing I ate was meatloaf.

>> No.11971486

at 5'4 you should just kill yourself

there is no hope for you desu

>> No.11971496
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is tucking in your shirt ok when you are 5'9?

>> No.11971506

thank you hungry skelly

>> No.11971508

Damn. I was thinking he was heavy. I'm right on the cusp of 6 foot, with a 36 - 38 chest, and I weigh 115 - 133 averaging at about 125, but I still feel flabby.

>> No.11972812

I'm 5"4 just get a qt short gf like me

>> No.11972874

You mean a midget?

>> No.11972876

Boy's section at Bloomingdale's

>> No.11972894



>> No.11972906



>> No.11972936

Suit supply has jackets down to a 32. Only place I've seen so far.

>> No.11973063
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>tfw 5'11" and 120 lbs

>> No.11973667

why you americans cant have normal units?

>> No.11973820

They lack intelligence

>> No.11973892

5"9 and 125 lbs here. Wear Rick Owens and Undercover and it fits me just fine.

>> No.11973953

Five six here, can someone point me in the direction of the tall, loving mummy dom girls please?
