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11968725 No.11968725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do we fix asian males

>> No.11968731

we don't. we euthanize them, then breed with their women creating the superior wasian hybrid race

>> No.11968749

that could work but you would have to abort the males. unless you want an elliot rodgers

>> No.11968800

dude keep this shit in your own white thread

>> No.11968805

best asian/white children is AMWF

>> No.11968808

idk why should we fix them ? do you want more competition ? if they're that bad then let them be. it's an advantage for us, right ? other people's weakness is your fuel for self esteem, right ?

>> No.11968809

asians need to be stopped

>> No.11968815

yeah they're such a threat for us just like blacks. i can't stand competitions, i need a comfy space where i can keep winning without dripping sweats.

cleanse them all

>> No.11968824
File: 330 KB, 874x1554, 1475535508127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we fix white people?

>> No.11968839

trump and ethnic cleansing

>> No.11968887

But more Asian woman are breeding with blacks. Not even fucking kidding. I see that shit all the time here in the Bay Area. I don't fuck with asians anymore. I like middle eastern women now.

>> No.11968895

haha your thinking pattern is very pathetic. you have to give up on something and move to the unoccupied areas to avoid competition. what a cuck.

>> No.11968903

this is a good thing. anything is better than asian. the more we breed asian men out of existance the better. its not just better for us because less pathetic asian males to have to look at. its better for them too. because asian men know they are inferior and its probably unsettling for them having to live in this world like that. spare them the pain and do your part, seed an asian girls TODAY

>> No.11968908
File: 88 KB, 750x1334, 1479311013377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder which one of you sad incels keeps making these threads

>> No.11968913

lol okay start with you then. are you getting any ?

>> No.11968914

This post is really problematic

>> No.11968917
File: 59 KB, 500x407, img_47474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a pic of me and my asian girlfriend

>> No.11968920
File: 90 KB, 702x460, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you stay on reddit please

>> No.11968924
File: 316 KB, 1500x1225, stock-photo-angry-asian-businessman-pointing-at-camera-focus-on-face-140238844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968939

sorry mr goldstein, your antics wont get you any upboats here :^)

>> No.11968977

even if it's really you (which i doubt), then okay. i don't have a gf and i don't see you fucking anyone that is related to me so idk why i should be mad like you expect me to be. just because she's asian doesn't mean she's expected to date asian guys.

your behaviour is so pathetic lad like seriously why are you so insisting. if you believe that we're less than you then go ahead, don't expect us to agree with you.

>> No.11968983

ni hao

>> No.11968998

hahahahahaahaahah im just shitposting 2bh bro, sorry mate. ive had a couple beers and this was making me laugh. asians constantly shit post on this board too so dont act like you're above me for this. you have shit posts on your ip right now too. let a white man shit post in peace please f4mily

>> No.11969052

what the fuck

>> No.11969061

im eating pizza now. my asian gf is next to me and even she was laughing at my posts

>> No.11969063

>xe doesn't capitalize the T in Trump
America will never be """"""""Great"""""""" Again.

>> No.11969073

...you dont expect that anyone actually believes you right? timestamp pls

>> No.11969077
File: 121 KB, 500x750, IMG_1683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep my hair short, lift and only date white girls. I hope I'm doing my part.

>> No.11969086

This face is the pinnacle of eternal suffering.

>> No.11969199

anyone have that one with the guy that has giant hair, shitty amish beard, and glasses? he has like jimmy neutron hair

>> No.11969203
File: 218 KB, 540x280, 1461716847650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
