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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 118 KB, 640x624, 1479183620786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11968639 No.11968639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

black guy on the left should be cropped out because his look isnt working

>> No.11968642

Looks better than the faggot on the right.

>> No.11968647

2 in the middle are the best

guy on the right jeans are to tight and his shoes are shit. but his hair and top half is good

nigger on the left is an underman. needs to be ethnically cleansed

>> No.11968665
File: 63 KB, 743x638, holyshitlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder

>> No.11968671

can you blame me though really. all of those threads got a couple hundred responses

im just as baffled as you as to why so many people get uncomfortable at the thought of white people talking about themselves as a group

>> No.11968676

>his fits bad it must be the fault of his skin color !

"white fashion" is prep-core, that's it. if you look closer, prep core is only rocked by white guys, whereas the OP pic is like rocked by everyone nowadays, it gets less and less white.

>> No.11968682

>whereas the OP pic is like rocked by everyone nowadays

post a single picture of a shit skin pulling that style off. i need more inspo

>> No.11968683

>hair is good
>premature balding making him comb it forward to cover it

>> No.11968687

it's owned by everyone now. it's everyone's property

>> No.11968695
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>> No.11968703

dude on the lefts fit is fire

right is kanye core

>> No.11968706
File: 3.72 MB, 5312x2988, 1445004572069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968707


>> No.11968712
File: 59 KB, 640x434, 1446933786623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just have fun while you aren't 30 yet. go wild with clothes. even your prophet Gavin Mcinnes said that

>> No.11968715

lmao is that you? this is embarrassing man

>> No.11968718
File: 777 KB, 1987x3334, IMG_0671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah because he's black right ? it's okay though use this thread as your safe space, vent out darling

>> No.11968721


>> No.11968724

lol no of course not. i took it from waywt ages ago, newf.

>> No.11968732
File: 52 KB, 540x700, 1448126275240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i WILL dress like this and i'm not white

>> No.11968737

proved op right 2bh f4m

>> No.11968738

oh lord what has /fa/ become. it's supposed to be a melting pot, fashion should be something inclusive, western designers take inspirations from eastern culture, vice versa. you can't be fashionable if you're exclusive only to your culture.

>> No.11968746

thats a pretty good fit honestly post more. cant see a nigger pulling it off though

>> No.11968751
File: 377 KB, 1242x2115, 1445985582207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pic related white core ?

>> No.11968752

no thats cuck core. that fit would look ok on a nigger. on you it gives off the vibe you look up to black people and think drake is cute

>> No.11968754
File: 3.63 MB, 5264x3536, 1449086029221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pic related also white core ?

>> No.11968756

It's not /fa/, it's like ten neonazi polcucks posting thinly veiled propaganda, trumpshills, or racebait over and over and over. Thank your local jannies and mods for enabling these fags.

>> No.11968757

nah thats shit core

>> No.11968758

it has nothing to do with fashion you cuck, it just so happens that you happen to be browsing the site that houses arguably the largest community of fascists on the internet

JIDF plz go, you edgy nu-male kike shill, thanks for Correcting the Record™ though you libtard

>> No.11968761

>i can't look up to him because he's black.
you're just as bad as wiggers. as weak, as fragile, as insecure.

that nike wasn't designed by a black, it wasn't designed for the black community, but you refuse to wear it because it's worn by blacks, you think it's like taken by blacks. lol you're just as cucked as wiggers.

>> No.11968766

then why are you posting on a fashion board you retard ?

>> No.11968767

>justifying the fact you're a white male who not only looks up to black people. but actually chooses to convey that message through his clothing choices


>> No.11968771

if you post on /pol/ it would be safe heaven for you like there would be hundreds of hordes backing you up, telling you words that you need to hear.

this is /fa/. the bests of us are communists. you're in the wrong neighborhood, amigo

>> No.11968772


>10 pol users

pol has like a million users at any one time. its the most popular message board on the whole internet right now. dont think its very far fetched of me to say you're wrong. /fa/ is /pol/s fashion board

>> No.11968775

>million users at any time
In it's PRIME (years ago) 4chan got 22million a month across the board.

>> No.11968779

I have a dream that we live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

some people just don't think about race at all. i can idolize a black man, a white man, and still define myself as my own character, not polluted with racial identity.

and yes i support trump as well

>> No.11968782

am I missing something? pic is for ants but the guy on the left really doesn't look that black to me, looks more hispanic or maybe mixed italian or some shit.

either way every single one of those fits is fucking god awful but the leftmost one is the only one that looks "casual" and inoffensive enough in the sense that the person probably isn't completely unbearable to talk to. in other words he looks like a normie and not an ugly hipster that listens to nothing but shitty lo-fi and indie music and runs a tumblr blog complaining about social issues.

>> No.11968787

>In it's PRIME

2016 pol is more popular than /b/ was in its prime. i dont think you saw the election google stats for pol. pol is probably the most popular sub-board on the whole internet in its current form

>> No.11968793

yeah you put the wrong adress in the hotbar reaadditor

>> No.11968806

>CTR shills in full force
>election over it goes back to normal
>millions of unique users at any time
It has MAYBE a few thousand up to 10k at any time. Not anywhere NEAR 1million. Tard. If just /pol/ had 1,000,000 unique users at any one time 4chan would be the top 5 most popular websites in the world.

>> No.11968810

2010 and 2012 4chan had more visitors than the last two years bro.

>> No.11968828

you know how dumb you look pulling out facts right now in this shit post thread. wow feel bad for you guys. you probably have google analstics open in the other tab lmao!

>> No.11968856

>I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.11968861
File: 20 KB, 336x340, 5ed61f14e488befec9b9f8e0bc384ccb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was being informal, well rounded and factual in an internet argument on an anime website


>> No.11968930

I can't blame you. Fuck em.

>> No.11968986

You should get bonus points for using every single popular neonazi buzzword

>> No.11969000

>muh white oppression
surely you cant be serious?

>> No.11969006

>finding a good vein of irrational anger and using it to shit post is the same as unironic identity politics

hahahaha this is the internet bro

>> No.11969008

white priviledge and white oppresion don't exist

>> No.11969012


wear chelsea boots tho

>> No.11969017


next time i'm visiting the us i'll dress like this fuck you it's everyone's property now.


>> No.11969019
File: 37 KB, 701x587, turok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahaha ya got me bro please dont shit the board up more when you get drunk thanks

>> No.11969023

we already have white man general. move

>> No.11969033

even though i am shit posting. i still find it baffling these threads trigger people 2bh. all we wanna do is talk about white people fashion.

if a proud white man being proud of his heritage and culture makes you mad. you deserve "your" board shitted up

>> No.11969038

i could beat you up

>> No.11969044

i could find and post a picture of a white man fucking an asian girl and make you mad from the comfort of my living room

>> No.11969048
File: 342 KB, 2048x2033, spacedog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. nearly all of the inspo pics posted are either whites, asians, or have their faces cropped out of the picture. theres really no point to these threads because theres plenty of good inspo around

2. what led you think you being proud of our culture makes anyone mad? these threads piss people off because you exclude them for no good reason

3. never claimed it was "my" board

>> No.11969050

The topic doesn't trigger us, it's the constant stream of this transparent pol shit masquerading as fashion because you fancy yourselves a bunch of babby goebbels. Tiresome shit.

>> No.11969054

>this topic doesn't trigger us

he says in a triggered tone

>> No.11969058

i can find you pics of black man fucking white woman because all colored people are on the same team.

>> No.11969060

did you even read the sentence m8?

>> No.11969062

i could still beat you up

>> No.11969068

did you even read the thread?

>> No.11969081

yeah, what >>11969050 said was spot on. did you?

>> No.11969087
File: 316 KB, 1500x1225, stock-photo-angry-asian-businessman-pointing-at-camera-focus-on-face-140238844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11969094

i dont believe that youre "just shitposting" anymore. youre actually triggered lol

>> No.11969142

using dean blunt is cheating

>> No.11969149


>> No.11969316

>projecting this hard

>> No.11969321

dudes at street etiquette will be more /fa/ than you coul ever be

>> No.11969332

>bullshits facts
>gets told the truth
"dude lmaoo why are you trying so hard i bet you have statistics in other tabs"
why do you hate being wrong so much

>> No.11969335

>fashion styles ONLY white people can pull off
>"but you're just posting normcore and just anything white people wear (everything) and cropping out/talking trash about the non-white people"
what this guy said honestly, so many people just trying to SUBTLY post race-bait in order to get some kind of negative reaction and then feel good about themselves because they are above all these non-redpilled "normies" that havent been indoctrinated by the echo-chamber of /pol/

>> No.11969397

Subhuman Americucks and their obsession with race..Lmao.Its pretty obvious now why they have double digit iq and promote degenracy