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/fa/ - Fashion

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11968112 No.11968112 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Afro textured hair

It's not fair!

>> No.11968134
File: 201 KB, 470x595, 50a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw multi generational Mulatto born with straight af hair

>> No.11968524


>> No.11968540

>tfw black but somehow have straight hair

Feels good man

Kill urself nigger

>> No.11968541



>> No.11968555
File: 462 KB, 3373x2249, russ-ciara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a little bit of native american blood just enough for some straight hair. Russell Wilson has the same hair as me.

>> No.11968561
File: 32 KB, 281x260, 1479011121311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11968576

Fucking yuck

>> No.11968578

I know :(

>> No.11968582
File: 302 KB, 812x813, db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do what danny brown did years ago with your shit hair.

>> No.11968667

God I just hate these types of posts, fags who basically hate the race they were born as and blame the features they got as to why they are ugly. No your ugly because you have no self confidence, some guys can pull off the curly afro look honestly it looks cute to me...perhaps your just ugly?

>> No.11968675

>Implying anyone finds big lips and dark skin attractive

Bring back is awful man :(

>> No.11968692

ayo dawg, i feel you. that's why we need to go back to africa and reclaim our rightful kangdom

>> No.11968694

No fuck that

I'll stay here km the good ol USA

>> No.11969331

You must be fucking ugly

>> No.11969437

I'm 3 quarters black and I think I'm hot. I'm more proud of my black heritage than my white.

>> No.11969445

cool falseflagging, /pol/. we still have your women

stay cucked lol

>> No.11969447

>more proud of my black heritage than my white.

>> No.11969452

Not fair? You get the most powerful hairstyle in the world: dreads

>> No.11969464

The moment I step outta my house with anything other than a Caesar cut is the moment my ass goes up in flames. I'll be roasted alive by every family member I've got. Even the ones who have dreadlocks.

>> No.11969843

The fat nasty welfare ones with major daddy issues, maybe

>> No.11970007

Whoa! Hey there guys.

>> No.11970841



>> No.11970850


>> No.11970858


>> No.11971327


>> No.11971371

No we're ugly because we're not white but trying to play the white man's game.

>> No.11971375

>being proud of something you didn't work for
Arrogance is bad

>> No.11972329


>> No.11972589


*smaks lips*

>> No.11972607

multinational, thick wawy black hair

>> No.11972970

any white women dating a nigger is not worth pursuing anyways.

you can keep that.

>> No.11972992

And thus dies the white race. You guys still have shit options when the rest of the white women are whores/sjws and the ones that aren't are taken. So thus you take the women of what you recognize as lesser races only to be happy to produce mixed raced cumdumpsters and shun your mixed race sons. Your race is cucked beyond repair because of this cycle.

>> No.11973078

Why are there so many insecure /pol/ cucks on this board ?
Holy shit I'm black/white and somehow I care about my "fellow" white/black people.
That's like living in a town where on the other side of it you have a drunk retard who is wasting air by breathing and somehow you're linked because another nigga from another town said something bad about him hence it also applies to you... Find logic in that

>> No.11973100

White people are cucked so hard in the ass. MAGA but every race is fucking white women these days. Have fun being a minority in 5 years, maybe affirmative action will help you then.

>> No.11973120

Core of whiteness = money & power not population :)

>> No.11973145

nig that's not straight hair that's kinda wavy (i know because i have the same hair even though i'm white)
still you're lucky though lol

>> No.11973151

Certainly doesn't help when 60% of whites are on welfare, using my tax dollars to fund their drug use.

>> No.11973585


>> No.11973643

Get the undercut with dreads in your face

>> No.11974040


>> No.11974048
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, ayylmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree, go for it OP

>> No.11974074

>tfw 1/8 native american
>hair just loose enough that it doesn't look right as an afro

What do? I would look like shit with dreads, my head is as round as an orange.

>> No.11974293
File: 961 KB, 1920x2880, GreenAndBrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey op do dis or ur gay

>> No.11975777


>> No.11975866

I'm beautiful and rock my big nigger fro

>> No.11975877
File: 44 KB, 400x451, clip_image004_thumb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wavy hair with nicholas cage hair line

>> No.11977424

Yes you're right, maybe proud isn't the right word, I'm happier about it. It was more just to try and cheer up black OP

>> No.11977745


>> No.11978672


>> No.11978682
File: 200 KB, 2000x1333, 1479168630001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucked out with wavy hair.
>tfw qt white girl would run her hands through it

>> No.11978707

>tfw wavy strong hair but retarded face

kill me

>> No.11979209
File: 1.99 MB, 1500x1264, 1476744825577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11980040


>> No.11980082

can /pol/acks please stay on their containment board

>> No.11981313

Get off the internet sometime. Blacks are still considered repulsive worldwide.

>> No.11981449
File: 58 KB, 551x549, 1469221153847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dawg

OP is a nigger who needs to stop worrying about what white people think. Lots of them wish they had your hair. You can do so much with it, from mohawks to cornrows (which are dope). Stop being a fuckwit and just think about it.


>> No.11982805

>the white man's game
fucking kek. what's that? being on the internet 24/7 complaining about niggers who fuck your women? lmao

>> No.11982817
File: 339 KB, 1242x933, 1478543895495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Leave all of your women to us.
Reminds me of that one time I fucked a racist white girl. She will make a male white racist very happy in the future, thinking he scored the jackpot "YES A WHITE WOMAN WHO ALSO HATES THOSE NIGGERS AND MUDSLIMS", not knowing she got dicked by superior black cock.

>> No.11983519


>> No.11984913


>> No.11985425
File: 300 KB, 783x640, 1474563964443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lies white beta males tell themselves to cope with their hurt little pride

>> No.11986882


>> No.11987493

>be Swedish male
>chemically straighten my hair every month while still having to flat-iron my hair after i wash it
It's still worth it. The effort is always worth it

>> No.11987514

If that was the case why are they fucking all the white women? :^(

Even god damn white couples aren't having kids because white men aren't choosing to breed.

>> No.11987517

Affirmative action is what's been helping them along all this time. All those top universities would be complete Chink towns if they didn't fuck with compensating admissions scores for the white kids. Affirmative action has been a scam keeping minorities in check. Do your fucking research.

>> No.11988016

Yes. Nigger fros are /fa/