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11961855 No.11961855 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else completely terrified of aging? I'm 22 and a half and I think about getting old every single day, about my face drooping, about not being in the "know" or considered cool anymore. Idk what to do about it, i'm more afraid of aging then I am dying, I feel ancient right now at 22 and get so anxious when im around people younger than me.

>> No.11961862

If you are a woman then yes you should feel worried. If you are a man then embrace aging. Aging for men is the best thing that can happen to us

>> No.11961865

I'm a man, age is only good if you have perfect genetics. Look at people like Ricky Gervais or Micky Rourke, hell even Chris Pine is going down the shitter. I even think dating women 4 years below me is creepy, and with age I have less and less societal room to just fuck around.

>> No.11961867


This. If you take care of yourself, you'll be slaying in your forties, maybe even beyond that

>> No.11961875

>I even think dating women 4 years below me is creepy

Caring this much about what other people are thinking is not effay, anon. Stop being a beta cuck

>> No.11961886

So what be one of those guys everyone thinks is creepy in their 40s fucking some 20 year old

>> No.11961945
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>tfw 18 and realized I just blew my teen years out the ass and I can't go back and fix it

>> No.11961949

>I'll soon be too old to fuck 20 year old twinks
I intend to kill myself before 40.

Your life starts now, faggot. Between 18 and 24 are where the real good times are. Don't waste it.

>> No.11961955

>where the real good times are.
What did he mean by this

>> No.11961972

not that guy but 14-24 is the best time because you have little responsibility, probably some money and or support from mommy and daddy, and girls will fuck you even if you're broke.

>> No.11961974

OP here, 22, 18-22 has been no picnic.
>broke af
>figure out what you wanna do
>find out life is shit when you already thought you knew how bad it was it gets worse
>everyone is still stupid as fuck

everyone tells me 25-32 are the golden years, here's hoping.

>> No.11962021


All the alpha old guys are fucking twenty-something years old girls, dude, in what world to you live in?

>> No.11962033

>all these boys worring about getting old

Men peak way later than women. With age, you get wiser and richer. Ofc you can lose the genetic lottery and lose your hair or get fat, but otherwise, you're set up for a pretty swell time

>> No.11962044 [DELETED] 

>I intend to kill myself before 40
Me too anon.

I'm fucking 17 and have no clue what to do with my shit life

>> No.11962054


>> No.11962057

As someone who fucked up and is about to finish a sociology degree please please get a real degree and pursue your interests on the side

>> No.11962064

30 year old here. The only thing you can do is embrace it. The older you get, the less of a fuck you give about what other people think, anyway.

>> No.11962066

You can start by learning not to admit guilt when you don't need to.

>> No.11962084

28 is when you stop being young

36 is when your adult life is finished and you should just end it

>> No.11962148

how old are you

>> No.11962155

just kill yourself you cuck and get it over with

>> No.11962267

I don't care about aging. All I want is to live long enough that I can travel space. Even a trip to the moon would make me die happy.

>> No.11962289

it never gets any better

>> No.11962306

i'm only 25 but 25 so far has been a really hard year. way harder than 18-24, though those also sucked. maybe 23 was okay.

>> No.11962468


>> No.11962486

This is the problem with a serious topic on a very young and superficial topic board, lack of perspective.
Unfortunately the only way to figure it out is experience and time. The very best thing you can do is not waste the present at any point or put off doing things 'till later' thinking you'll always have time.
Also I think Rick Owens or omg Karl Lagerfeld would be amused at 'old is not cool, msn' thinking.
Or Sean Connery.

>> No.11962516

Rick Owens is not cool senpai, he looks disgusting.

>> No.11962539
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>high school will be your golden years, enjoy it anon
>college will be your golden years, enjoy it anon
>your late 20s will be your golden years, enjoy it anon


>> No.11962541

If you're alive in 30 years, chances are good you may also be alive in 1000 years.

>> No.11962549

10-16 are your golden years anon. No responsibility, just fuck around and hate shit.

>> No.11962552

Unless I don't age I'd rather just die.

>> No.11962580

What the heck is this memery

>> No.11962594
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What he is and what he does is cool, which is what you learn once you are and can do something.
Unless you become an actor or model, good looks and $5 will get you a cop of coffee. It's nice to "look good" but you'd better have a lot more to offer the world than that.

>> No.11962597

The singularity is coming.

>> No.11962711
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25 here. All of that is true. Its all down hill from now