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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 106 KB, 683x1024, Peacoat_Fit_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11954432 No.11954432 [Reply] [Original]

These things are so goddamm ugly and stupid, yet hipsters and other fags insist on wearing them and claim they look good...

>> No.11954436

Jesus this
You should have seen /fa/ in 2009
You'd be too embarrassed to respond

>> No.11954500

Looks better than most of the coats or jackets that make you look like a bloated fat fuck.

>> No.11954521

Still better than Rick lmao

>> No.11954920


Everything is ruined after bearded fucks pick it up. I mean, you could argue it was never good in the first place, but fashion is cyclical.

Something has to bring it down.

>> No.11954927

barbour master race

>> No.11954973

Its never the coat, its the nu-male in it.

>> No.11954984

It always looked shit tbf, too short

This is a stupid term

>> No.11955015

Sunday 4chan is worst 4chan.

>> No.11955146
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>> No.11955151

yes of course its going to look fucking good on a model

whats your point

normal people especially husky dudes cant pull it off

>> No.11955153

The point being it's not the fucking coat, you mongoloid. It's the association it has with the people that wear it.

>> No.11955154

I also dislike them but that's probably because the only people I see wearing them not only look like the fag in OP, but they wear some shit-quality American Eagle version.

>> No.11955155

that is my point

it isnt a bad garment most people are just garbage

>> No.11955159


>> No.11955180

Did someone in a pea coat fuck your bitch?

>> No.11955184


Something about this faggot's face makes me want to smash it in. I think it's the tortoise shell glasses and his skinny shoulders, and mostly the smugness that hangs around him, despite the fact that his biggest accomplishment is getting an easy as shit IT job that pays 80k a year.

>> No.11955203

being this insecure about a picture

>> No.11955211


>looks good

A pea coat is a military garment. If you can support it, it's good looking.

If you look like a twink, or a hipster, or an unmanly man, you'll be better served by some other garment.

>> No.11955216


I have the same glasses and I'm a software developer. My work is moderately hard I'd say, but I do it from a comfy office with free food provided and flexible hours and I get back home after 8 hours.

Why are you mad at people like me being confident?

>> No.11955221

>Most models are twinks or unmanly men
>Peacoats look amazing on most models

You're a retard. It's the general association Peacoats now have with wannabe hipster fucktards.

>> No.11955241

hipsters dont wear peacoats theyre long dead

most people i see wearing peacoats now are people who have no sense of self awareness and think theyre being 'classy' by wearing cheap peacoats they ordered off ebay and newsboy caps

also they almost always are redditors

>> No.11955262


Mostly because he's ruining beards and peacoats by being such a pussy numale, which both can look great if they aren't worn by a pussy numale. He's barely ever touched a weight in his life and will likely be content until his death with his job in IT.

Hell even the tortoise shell horn rims would look okay on someone who's actually manly. I think eyeglasses shouldn't be worn unless you really need them, as in you'd crash your car on the way to work without them.

Anyway like someone else said it's not the stuff he's wearing it's the fact that he looks like a huge pussy with a typical unearned smug liberal superiority complex.

>> No.11955269

You faggots will cry your eyes out if hipsters start wearing Ricks.

>> No.11955298

>I think eyeglasses shouldn't be worn unless you really need them, as in you'd crash your car on the way to work without them.


Who the fuck is wearing glasses without needing them in your life? If I could stop viewing life through a fucking frame I would love to do that.

>> No.11955306


The guy in the picture looks like he's wearing them because they're fashionable, not because he needs them. idk people do that shit man

>> No.11955341


It doesn't even fit him since the bottom button is broke free
Also his pants are shit.

>> No.11955404

Why are you projecting so hard?

>> No.11955409

rick makes peacoats tho

>> No.11955414

The only people still wearing them where I am are weak chinned manlets wearing them with ill fitting striaght leg light blue walmart tier jeans and garbage shopko/payless running shoes.

>> No.11955429

What color does navy Peat coat work with? For pants, I can only see dark indigo or pale grey, khaki, perhaps camel.

>> No.11955622

>>military garment
>>look like a twink
>being this oblivious

>> No.11955666
File: 61 KB, 892x974, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What length peacoat do you guys like better?

Something short-ish like this, or longer like >>11955146?

>> No.11955676


demonic trips, all hail

>> No.11955685
File: 1.29 MB, 504x280, 1466066668249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hipsters insulting hipsters.

>> No.11955710

>/fa/ thinks pea coats look like shit
>/fa/ thinks any type pf leather jacket looks tacky
So what exactly are normies supposed to wear, then? Its not like wearing a normal coat looks good with a jeans. You just want them to freeze to death? (dont answer that)

>> No.11955715

They are shit unless you wanna look like Louis CK.

>> No.11955731

This. Theres value in just-better-than-norm core

>> No.11955735

my biggest pet peeve is when guys wear an expensive looking pea coat with super basic blue jeans. It's the normie version of 'dressing nice' and it looks like absolute shit

>> No.11955831
File: 87 KB, 640x633, 1428329265027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people talking about peacoats

is this thread a portal back to 2008?

>> No.11955858


Denim jackets, bomber jackets, Harrington jackets, M-65 jackets, coach jackets, chore coats, and parkas clearly do not exist in your mind then.

Maybe before you decide to type whatever retarded normie thoughts out for the world to see you could use whatever IQ points you have left to actually think for one second. You're on a fashion board.

You fucking walnut fuckface. Freeze to death.

>> No.11955877

>It doesn't even fit him since the bottom button is broke free
that's literally how you're supposed to wear it, you're just retarded.

>> No.11955895

The only thing that can even be remotely considered to be a winter jacket from that list are parkas. Not everybody lives in fucking Brazil you favela subhuman.

>> No.11955931


Wool topcoats, coach jackets, bombers, and sherpa-lined denim jackets don't work for you?

>relying on one piece of outerwear to keep you warm if it's that cold

Do you even layer you fuck? You're on a fashion board.

>living in a hellish shithole flyover state

Once again, freeze to death in your rotting shithole of a small town

>> No.11956190

did you even read the OP?

>> No.11956196

Kill yourself

>> No.11956199

I did, and I'm ignoring it because OP is a retard. Any other questions?

>> No.11956225

Most chore coats I've seen are blanket lined, should be good down to below freezing point.
Bomber jackets are also good below freezing as are some lined denim jackets. M-65 with a liner probably would be, I've no first-hand experience of those.

If you're talking about weather that is significantly below freezing then it should be clearer to you what you need to wear, shouldn't it? At that point you'd be looking at a niche of clothes rated for that purpose rather than which clothes look most /fa/ in your temperature range.

>> No.11956341


>> No.11956354

Ugly, but comfortable.

>> No.11956367

Yeah thanks for your advice bud. Really means alot coming from you, I know you have a supreme taste in fashion and wear nothing short of the best clothing around.

Do you by anychance own a bomber jacket? Or skinny jeans? Just asking.

>> No.11956374

Are you by chance overweight or using a beard to cover your double chin?

>> No.11956735
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>> No.11956856
File: 99 KB, 776x1023, la pasionaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this massive butthurr

>> No.11956867

Where do you live? Iowa?

I haven't seen people wearing peacoats in years

>> No.11956938

So what exactly is wrong with them?

They are warm, have a collar that you can pop up if there's a lot of wind, good space for layering underneath, leaves space for a scarf, and usually has enough pockets for whatever you need.

If you are too dumb to get a pea coat that fits well, or because you see some dude with an ill-fitting pea coat, then that is hardly the garments fault.

Oh and once more, they are very warm. Of course it doesn't matter in some tropical or mediterranean country, but in arctic countries you actually need a warm coat.

>> No.11956946

Nothing, some people here have just decided they don't like them this season so they think it's cool and extra effay to bash them. Sure there are cheap and badly styled examples but that can be said of any garment.

Peacoats are a classic and certainly aren't going anywhere for the reasons you mentioned.

>> No.11956948

>if hipsters start wearing Rick
do you seriously think there is one single person in the world who wears rick and isn't a hipster

>> No.11957051

You're listing functional points more than aesthetic reasons.

I'm not actually anti-pea coat, by the way.

>> No.11957065

Why do Canadians look so cucky all of the time?

>> No.11957137

Properly fitting pea coats look good imo, if you bring one over to a tailor they can do wonders. They are still quite normie-tier though.

>> No.11958357
File: 476 KB, 400x600, 1262863256305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They insist it looks good because its their first adult looking piece of clothing
t. every 18-22 yr old adjusting their outdated wardrobe

Peacoats can look good however, people need to just stay away from cheap looking black/gray ones.

>> No.11958794

You're hating a coat style that existed for multiple centuries, you're so progressive