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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 120 KB, 778x612, 53486ea10999945d88274fe7e63b2b7ca812b8a17b7a1969e4f0fd6a7d73d6d2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11951262 No.11951262 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 21 year-old male and due to a disorder of my endocrine system my body hasn't developed in a very masculine direction.

My silhouette is more feminine than masculine and this makes it really hard to dress. Men's shirts look ridiculous on me, and I look way more heavyset than I am. I wear unisex tees, but those don't fit all that well either and I still look sort of bulky. Regardless of what I wear I have visible tits, and I have to wear an open jacket with virtually all of my outfits to hide the problem.

My face has also been impacted by the lack of testosterone in my body and it looks feminine/androgynous. I've tried wearing bulky men's frames in order to cover it up a bit, but they don't do much.

I don't know what to do.

Could I have some advice?
Does anyone have a similar problem?

>> No.11951264
File: 66 KB, 528x704, 20161112_112626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the next couple of posts I'm going to go against my best judgement and post pics of my body.

>> No.11951266


>> No.11951268
File: 62 KB, 528x704, 20161112_112636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse

>> No.11951274
File: 64 KB, 528x704, 20161112_112302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now from the front.

>> No.11951279
File: 69 KB, 528x704, 20161112_112340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the last pic I'll be posting. I feel comfortable letting my face out on here

>> No.11951280

You've tried wearing loose pants?

>> No.11951284

Not even memeing
his stuff is minimalistic in that it hides the natural silhouette of a body, it's 'democratic' in that sense

>> No.11951291

Yes, they don't fit very well and just make me look even fatter, so I go with tighter ones.

>> No.11951298

That's an expensive meme-brand.
I will stop looking chubby/androgynous and start looking like a post-apocalyptic wizard with no money and frankly I don't know if that's an improvement.

>> No.11951321

pls halp

>> No.11951327

idk man just bee yourself

>> No.11951351

I already bee myself.
I just don't know how to clothe my body :(

>> No.11951358

Go for the cute trap look

>> No.11951361

Can't you get rid of the gyno?

>> No.11951369

no, only with surgery. It would cost a few hundred and it would leave me with awful scaring for the rest of my life, and there's a good chance the tits could just grow back, it happened to a friend of mine with gyno.

>> No.11951395

You got blessed with transgender genetics. My gf is trans and has a similar build. Just way thicker.

>> No.11951410
File: 22 KB, 592x466, cat horny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dick
Post more

>> No.11951413

Imagine being so subhuman you have a trans gf.

>> No.11951420

If you have an actual disorder and not just shit genetics has no doctor really suggested test replacement therapy?

>> No.11951457

Yes, actually. And my body resists the therapy.
When I was 15 my parents sent me to an endocrinologist and they ended up giving me testosterone injections. The first one caused me to go into shock and my body rejected it. It's not something I'd consider again.

>> No.11951461

What do you want to achieve? Look more manly or look more /fa/?

>> No.11951462

I just don't want to ridiculous in what I wear. Make me /fa/ and not ridiculous please, I physically cannot look manly.

>> No.11951481

Subhuman? Lol what. They're harder to find and harder to love. Regular girls are a walk in the park senpai.

>> No.11951485

Would you fuck OP in a dress?
If the answer is yes I have some bad news.

>> No.11951486
File: 85 KB, 786x506, 56245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you can consider taking inspiration from Ann Demeulemeester? Her stuff is dandy but a little bit androgynous at the same time and the ability to layer could allow you to hide anything you didn't want to show off

>> No.11951498
File: 171 KB, 800x800, Ann Demeulemeester Spring 2017 Menswear Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some ideas for more summer-y looks

>> No.11951504

Stuff designed to be loose, not oversized shit

>> No.11951505

> unisex tees

>> No.11951509
File: 55 KB, 640x640, double_1_xly3fz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. A dress doesn't make you a woman/transgender. If he identified as a straight female and was on hormones...Then probably. Not sure how feminine his face is though.
Broaden your horizons senpai

>> No.11951510

What would happen if you started working out?
Maybe that would fix your proportions. A lot of modern cuts are pretty loose. Try a local h&m.

Not that guy but
>fuck yeah

>> No.11951511

do u actually even lift m9

>They're harder to find and harder to love
>harder to love
lol wat

>> No.11951515

I dunno dude. You look like one of the ramones. I think your problems with your body are in your head.

Develop pectus and get back to me

>> No.11951516

You should post more pics so that I can analize your body type better and figure out what would make you look good.
If you posted one where you're kneeling down and licking your fingers for example it would help a lot.

>> No.11951542

you're gay and that's okay, you don't need to be ashamed.

>> No.11951571


The actual solution is HRT. They can get women look like men nowadays after a few years of HRT. It would make you man the fuck up in no time.

But by the way you dress and your pics I'm not sure if you actually want to be a man.

>> No.11951582

Wish I was. Everything would be so much easier imo.

>> No.11951774

this - what about working out, OP?

>> No.11951799

literally go on HRT

>> No.11951846

Why not go full korea?

>> No.11951875


>> No.11951973

do you touch her feminine penis?

>> No.11951992

l o s a n g e l e s

>> No.11951993

*unzips penis*

>> No.11952024

Should probably mention I'm straight. If I were a huge homo my life would be sooooo much easier.

Do you know how many girls want a man with tits, girly hips, and a girly ass? Really, really few of them. 80% of the girls I've been with were Lesbian/Bisexual. I don't hate my body, it's just difficult sometimes, especially when finding a partner or clothing.

>> No.11952108

>80% of the girls
If I'm not dumb you went out with 4 girls or more.
That's more than me and I don't have tits, girly hips and a girly ass (and I'm male).
Your body was "given" to you and you have to deal with it. It might not be perfect, but it's working (to an extent). Don't be ashamed because of it, you couldn't do anything against it.
You might try to change your body now, it might work or it might not work. Whatever the result may be, you will still be you.
Maybe that wasn't very helpful, but I hope you get what I mean. Good luck.

>> No.11952206

Also, did you go to more than two doctors? They often have different opinions and different methods.

>> No.11952332

why would you want to look masculine with genetics like that baka

>> No.11952371
File: 45 KB, 800x741, 262b48f9e82dc9d1662b7d448ca75c3812446eab37a1d1dbb1a0a72745db3de9_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11952390
File: 85 KB, 500x500, znmwlmV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahshit I didn't think anyone would notice.

>> No.11952748

Why are you dressing up like girl if it is a problem, buy Rick and work out.

>> No.11953093
File: 29 KB, 490x551, 1.0x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried loose-fitting knitted tops? Those are great for giving a thinning appearance and also covering up tits and ass to a good degree. Plus they can look pretty good if paired with the right jeans and some high tops.

I'd find something a little less edgy than picrel but you get the idea.

>> No.11953103

don't worry about looking fat.

>> No.11953136

>Hi welcome to Hot Topic my name is Raven but you can call me Rav3n

>> No.11953140

cut your hair at the very least its not making you look more masculine

>> No.11953141

I don't get it

Aren't there drugs for this shit?

Look at FtM trannies.

>> No.11953147

bind your chest if you have tits
if it works for trannies it will work for you