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11945219 No.11945219 [Reply] [Original]

with TRUMP as the new President, will Pink clothes be fashionable again?

>> No.11946747

I hope so, I love my pink suit but never get to wear it to work

>> No.11946873

Every day will be like a convention. Every day will feel like a hotel.
Every day will taste like champagne.

Get your vacation clothes ready.

>> No.11946896

Pink clothes won't be truly acceptable until gays are shoved back into the closet or alternatively when all men queer off with each other.

As long as there is suspicion placed on men for engaging in effeminate behaviours most men will not engage in them because it threatens their ability to mate.

>> No.11946901

>not reveling in the ambiguity of your sexuality and becoming a being of pure uncategorizable charisma and sex
NEVER (read: never) going to make it.

>> No.11946917
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I hope so

>> No.11947070

Acting like you are gay greatly decreases your options to breed. Women do not like it.
>but this tumblr girl says...
There's some weird fetishist girls out there, sure. If you want to make that your niche then maybe that will work for you.

>> No.11947078
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>Acting like you are gay greatly decreases your options to breed

>> No.11947091
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I'm bi and you are not making an argument. My assertion is that men won't wear pink clothes as long as being gay hurts their success with women. It's an instinctive thing.

You think you're going to put on your pink shirt and become David Bowie: you are not David Bowie. You will look more like this man. It's possible you will score a 5/10 girl with blue hair but she will be into polyamory and you will be one of several men she is fucking.

>> No.11947101

It all depends on the shade of pink.

A hot pink t-shirt is hardly going to work, but a linen shirt in a pale, pastel-y pink can look fantastic. And of course; worn in the summer.

>> No.11947107

are you really placing that much importance on men wearing a certain color

fuck you guys are sheltered

>> No.11947115

No dude, I think you're actively trying to misunderstand me at this point.
OP is asking if pink clothes will become fashionable. I am saying these are reasons why they will not.
I am not saying they are good or compelling reasons. If you wear a pink shirt and ask a girl out she is going to assume you're at least part-way into girls because you are asking her out, right?
But heterosexual men simply do not like doing things that their instincts tell them will make people think they might be gay.

>> No.11947132
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jokes on you, I'm not even the same guy

Anyway, Pink has always been a great color to wear

>> No.11947177

>You think you're going to put on your pink shirt and become David Bowie: you are not David Bowie.

>> No.11947180

I'm bi, I wear pink on occasion, and there are constantly both men and women trying to steal me from my gf

>> No.11947220





nigGA WE nEED THE 80s and 90s back!!!


>> No.11947223

Damn, this

>> No.11947237

/nohomotho/ master race

>> No.11947773

Pinks been pretty popular for like a year now
I swear to god half you fuckers just come here to shit post about maga hats