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11944075 No.11944075 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11944078


Stopped reading there.

>> No.11944080

I'm thinking about how it makes me sad that white people are becoming to America what Jews were to the nazis

I'm also thinking about how those shoes are okay

>> No.11944083

>I'm thinking about how it makes me sad that white people are becoming to America what Jews were to the nazis
you can't be serious

>> No.11944087

I just watched a considerable portion of a crowd in a Trump protest yell "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" a few times

>> No.11944090 [DELETED] 

nowhere in the post or picture is the words "vans"

you probably cant even read in the first place can you

>> No.11944091

damn you're right better skip town before trump puts up concentration camps for whites

>> No.11944094

wow that sure equates to being fucking rounded up and starved/overworked/gassed to death in the millions

>> No.11944095

nowhere in the post or picture is the word "vans"

you probably cant even read in the first place can you

>> No.11944100

No no, I don't mean that it's anywhere near that severity

I'm saying that we're becoming a similar scapegoat that all issues can be pinned on without any consideration for the individual. Nothing close to what happened to the Jews will ever happen to whites though, I didn't mean to imply that

>> No.11944114

Hey, I just started visiting /fa/ last month and I wanted you two to know it's already the sanest experience I've had on 4chan, bulimia thread notwithstanding.

>> No.11944115

well you did imply that in your first post but alright.
i do somewhat agree with you, in that "cis" white men etc etc are flamed by sjws when 99% of us are just normal people who haven't done shit and haven't had easy lives. but can't you try to understand the perspective of those who are actually subject to racial/homophobic prejudice?
i don't really give a shit if on paper i'm lumped into a demographic of conservative, racist assholes. if any of those people actually layed eyes on me they'd know i'm not their enemy.

but lmk when liberals start actually threatening all white people and then i'll be on your side

>> No.11944116

/pol/ gets their grubby mitts in here occasionally but it's fairly level headed here

>> No.11944118

I probably do have a skewed perspective because I live in one of the most liberal parts of the country and I get to see shit like that a LOT. I imagine it's far less severe elsewhere

>> No.11944120


>> No.11944122

It was a joke.

But I'm not mistaken in seeing the Vans stripe on that hi top, am I?

>> No.11944133

im just being a dick kiddo
boy this place has changed since i last was here

>> No.11944134

i use tumblr so i've become aware of some pretty ridiculous political and social views too. but still, none of it has been directed at me personally and i don't feel like much of the really wacky "radical" stuff extends to the real world.
people deserve to be pissed off that this fat righteous orange assbackwards billionaire fuck is now the figurehead of their country.

>> No.11944135

sick bro you skate?

>> No.11944145

No absolutely, I'm pissed that this happened too. Most of all I'm scared that these trials Trump is facing will disqualify him and we'll have Pence as president, which is arguably far worse.

I actually have had some of it directed at me, being told to stay out of conversations because I'm white or that I'm hurting people by using my voice on a place like Facebook

>> No.11944150
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I know I should have just replied with this but I am not bringing my A game today, fampai.

>> No.11944155

I got those, got some compliments for them. They are nice just nothing special.

>> No.11944184

So say what you want to say anyway. You still have the platforms to do so even if people react negatively.
There is a lot of hypersensitivity and censorship with sjw shit but you should also consider the possibility that if people are telling you you're hurting them then you're being an asshole.

>> No.11944196

I'm a left-leaning guy and I'm considerate about what I talk about. The only times people have been upset with me are when they point out my race and say I should shut up, it's never about anything I actually say

>> No.11944202

Yeah then fuck those whiney bitches. But still, you're not being oppressed because those people have no actual power over you.

>> No.11944207

Oh trust me, I know that
I'd be no worse than them if I didn't

>> No.11944212

I think I got the wrong impression from your first post then. You seem like a pretty smart and reasonable guy.

>> No.11944214

As do you, anon
Cheers, mate

>> No.11944222

>x was bad, thats why its okay to do y.

how does this even makes sense? how much can you bench press?

>> No.11944227

you said it yourself, there is like 1 percent of really racist of people, the other 99 percent dont deserve all that hate thrown their ways, im saying this as someone who literally accepts people of ALL walks of life, but saying "fuck white people" is simply not ok, thats like 3 steps away of actual white genocide.

... and thats why i voted trump, because people need to learn :)

>> No.11944232

>thats like 3 steps away of actual white genocide.

>> No.11944242
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>> No.11944244

>1% of really racist of people
get out a little more lol

>> No.11944258

well im not, i dont keep company with any, i mostly call them out on their bullshit if i detect any, but i dont see how i should suffer for the crimes of a few idiots and dont say "thats what muslims have to endure everyday", because im also not a fan of how muslims are treated, but its a downwards spiral of hate if we continue like that.

>> No.11944604

nice meme, Tannenstein

>> No.11944622
File: 177 KB, 1440x1080, 1443579636588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op asks for opinions on vans
>discussions on the white man's modern day similarity to the jews genocided during the holocaust

>> No.11944630
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>> No.11944695

i don't think anybody assumes that people wearing vans skate anymore
they're so common it's almost like going up to a person in converse high tops and asking them if they play basketball

>> No.11944780

while i get your point the difference is converse are legitimately outdated and bad for playing ball compared to modern basketball shoes while vans are still perfectly fine to skate

>> No.11944839

that's fair. (i'm probably going to get a pair soon and do not skate)

>> No.11944956

Stan Smith

>> No.11944981

yea just dont wear a thrasher hoodie and people wont think your a poser