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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11940146 No.11940146 [Reply] [Original]

post your /comfy/ city. I'll start with Edinburgh

>> No.11940152
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only lived in this city for 8 months but I think about it every day

>> No.11940153

Fuck you. I firmly believe this, Edinburgh isn't relevant enough to be /fa/ but it's also not irrelevant enough to be /fa/ it's just one of those places that sucks no matter what.

>> No.11940154
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>> No.11940160

Where in edi do you live though? The housing developments out in the suburbs are cozy and old town is fun to walk around late at night.

>> No.11940161

Edinburgh isnt necessarily /fa/ but its one of the most beautiful places in the world for sure. Unless you live in Leith like OP. (correct me if im wrong btw)

>> No.11940172

Nah, I lived right off the meadows since I was at the uni. Pics above are Silverknowes, Holyrood, and next to the botanical gardens. Walked to Leith a ton, though. I think Edinburgh was so /fa/ for me because it was the first city that made me take long walks at night and really take it all in.

>> No.11940182

ahhh, i was wrestling between Leith and Silverknowes alot of public parks have that exact same playpark design same colours and everything. And you're right its an absolutely amazing city to walk around in, sometimes i legit feel proud to have been born in such a nice place. Again though i wouldnt necessarily say it was particularly /fa/ tho. The people arent either.

>> No.11940194
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yeah, the playparks in scotland are pretty great - nights out always seemed to end up on a playpark at 2am. Coming from the US, the people were charming - not /fa/ but kinda soft and happy in a really genuine way.

>> No.11940317
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Stockholm actually isn't /fa/, people dress like they just step out of an H&M ad but November is nice and gloomy

>> No.11940324

you produce goat techno so that's good enough to be effay in my eyes

>> No.11940361

This is a pretty cool thread. What exactly is it about these settings that gives off this calming effect?

>> No.11940363

woah that's really pretty. looks kinda similar to my home town in new zealand but much more wintery.

>> No.11940393
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Brownstone is beststone

>> No.11940488

tokyo and kyoto

>> No.11940518
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>> No.11940537


This makes me slightly hard

>> No.11940974

unfortunately the comfy areas are completely gentrified. oud-zuid is GOAT though. Also would love to live on a boat in say, Prinsengracht, seems really comfy too.

>> No.11940976
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>tfw lifelong Londoner and have never felt comfy.

I wish I had some memories of suburbia/small town living to fall back on and occasionally visit for a nostalgic stroll.

>> No.11940984
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>> No.11941055
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>> No.11941060

can someone give me some places to go in Edinburgh? i wanna check it out

>> No.11941088

toronto is gross. have you ever been to any other city? I'd rather live in Hamilton lmao

>> No.11941097
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>comfy architecture
>snowy winters
>french language qts

is there anywhere more comfy than Montreal?

>> No.11941114

Québec mon frére

>> No.11941115
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>> No.11941117

sure it's windy as shit and the winters are slushy, and the TTC is a joke, but the west and east end are cozy and I like the parks.

>> No.11941137
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Manchester for me, specifically the northern quarter and shopping district, since I live in a shitty backwater northern town it's the closest haven for me

Tfw when born in a country shithole when I'm a city guy wanting to be a yuppie

>> No.11941324

I think göteborg is comfier, especially out in the skärgården. But most of suburban sweden is pretty nice, I think.

>> No.11941329

/comfy/ magic. I think it's the combo of warm light (from street lamps and from windows) with cold/foggy climates.

>> No.11941334

Edinburgh's the best. Do all the obvious stuff like Holyrood (try to walk around the whole thing) and the royal mile, but also make sure to check out Blackford Hill and Cramond Island (accessible by foot twice a day when the firth tide goes down). Also just give yourself time for long walks around the suburbs (silverknowes, leith, newington) at night to see stuff like in this thread.

>> No.11941345
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Marchmont, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
All the row houses look like castles :o

>> No.11941362
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Bath, UK is one of the best places I've lived

>> No.11941382

Marchmont is GOAT. The little shops on marchmont road and the meadows right nextdoor...

>> No.11941474
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Not too many /fa/ in this cities but realy comfy :)

>> No.11941476
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Big church, nice views, cute italian cramped roads and old houses, it looks well kept

Altough it's more of a town than a city

>> No.11941504
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>> No.11941535
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ive got a massive folder, will commence dump

>> No.11941538
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>> No.11941542
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>> No.11941551
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>> No.11941561

what city is this? or do you mean edinburgh

>> No.11941564
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>> No.11941567
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>> No.11941569
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>> No.11941572


>> No.11941574
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>> No.11941575

ça va? Tu gères ton français?

>> No.11941577
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>> No.11941585


>seen here, the eponymous bath

>> No.11941603
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>> No.11941607
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>> No.11941625

armpit of ontario

>> No.11941635
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Buenos Aires, i love this city. In the winter time we got perfectly temperate weather and we're surrounded by beautiful architecture. Yes there are bad areas but recoleta, and palermo are goat

>> No.11941639
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Warsaw during summer nights

>> No.11941642
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no competition to tokio

>> No.11941653

very /fa/ but expensive

>> No.11941656

parks are nice, but its difficult to live dt without being rich and you pretty much require a car to get anywhere if ur from the suburbs since as the other anon mentioned ttc is bs

>> No.11941668

Utrecht is better

>> No.11941673

Was in Warsaw this summer, you guys put a fucking huge Kinoworld ad in the facade of this building, what the actual fuck?

Cool city though, really liked all I could see of Poland desu

>> No.11941867

tfw live in Merchiston, poor man's marchmont

>> No.11942097

>not being in camden market/town h24
What are you doing with your life

>> No.11942240

edinburgh! It's taken from the top of the salisbury crags in holyrood - the big well lit building in the top left is the scottish parliament

>> No.11942256

Merchiston isn't bad senpai, walked through there a few times when I got lost in Morningside

>> No.11942265

Why does travel have to be so expensive man. This thread makes me feel awful. I travel frequently already - my family places a high priority on travel - and yet I still want to visit a bunch of the places here

>> No.11942315

the north of england is not effay in the slightest. as a brit i would honestly say the only effay places would be london, bath and places in scotland like edinburgh and parts of glasgow specifically the cca. theres something about england that just isnt effay in the slightest
ps i live in the midlands so i live in a shit part too

>> No.11942323

going to edinburgh uni after my gap year
whats the night life like?
any good underground music places to check out?

>> No.11942344

shit go to glasgow

>> No.11942346

the cca? Centre for Contemporary Arts?

>> No.11942388

Right, except places like the northern quarter in Manchester, it's clean and tidy yet not scummy or full of chavs. It's an alternative area hosting to awesome /fa/ graffiti art and alternative clothing and vintage clothing stores. it also has an array of bars etc it's multicultural and isn't full of chavs. and the architecture is a mix of comfy Victorian and modernistic, nothing cosier than nightwalks around the old abandoned Victorian warehouse, gothic but cosy, it reminds me of Nolan's films

>> No.11942395
File: 257 KB, 1024x768, dublin-river.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is newcastle a comfy city?

what cities are comfy in the UK

quite an old picture of dublin, but a comfy city nonetheless

>> No.11942397

also there was nothing fa about edinburph or any of Scotland for that matter for me. Edinburgh just seemed like and other average city in the country, way too gloomy for my liking.

>> No.11942405

Edinburgh is awesome, I was there last year

>> No.11942486

Some parts of Pittsburgh aren't half bad. Not really /fa/, but comfy.

>> No.11942506

t. weeb

>> No.11942509
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Gamla Stan is super comfy

>> No.11942513
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>> No.11942519
File: 2.37 MB, 3840x2160, Visions-of-Antwerp-Belgium-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than any European city, I liked Antwerp the best.

>> No.11942525


And you can pop into Stephan Schneider's storefront

>> No.11942535
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forgot to post pic

>> No.11942536
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>> No.11942544
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Bend is pretty dang /comfy/

>> No.11942663



>> No.11942710

I mean, there's hive and big cheese and stuff for clubs, but I think the best parts of nights out in edi is walking down long, street-lamp lit suburban streets on your way home. A lot of pubs have live bands most nights after 10 and there are a few literally underground music places on cowgate that are fun

>> No.11942713

eh, glasgow is a quick train ride away and tons of uni students go there for nights out regularly. I much prefer living in edinburgh and going to glasgow than having to wake up in glasgow every morning... edi is just nicer overall.

>> No.11943023
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living here was comfy
many old buildings, relaxed, some bars and small clubs, 10 minutes to the beach

>> No.11943752
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Yeah it's sweet. Music-wise, keep your ears to the ground and you'll find there's loads of good places for electronic music, and Glasgow and Dundee are nearby for bigger gigs. Saw The Wytches last night, Groove Armada, Deathgrips and other bands recently, seeing Julio Bashmore and Chemical Brothers in a month. Cab Vol. and Mash house and Bongo are great for actual house, U.K. Garage and grime, and techno on some nights. Basically you're fine for music. Some of the most beautiful places to live and relax. Most students make an effort to dress well so that helps complete the effay scene.

>> No.11943808

Born there, come back every year - very cosy place, it's the warmer version of Edinburgh haha

>> No.11943812

Yeah it's like the one of the 'trocadero' areas of Edinburgh. Pelting it down middle meadow walk on my bike to make it to lectures on time haha.

>> No.11943861


Why would anyone, let alone an actual Londoner, ever go to Camden Market?

>> No.11943930

This..Dont forget that how much it has contributed to fashion industry with great designers..Truly the most /fa/ city

>> No.11944019

it's the comfiest place there is

>> No.11944074


Spoiler alert: Canada is too expensive and Quebec is too French. Yankees stay home and sit with the problem you created.

>> No.11944248
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r8 dont h8

>> No.11944454
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>> No.11944623
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My walk home tonight (spamming Edinburgh)

>> No.11944651

Went here on a vacation this summer, really comfy
way better than london

>> No.11944686

Nee, Groningen

>> No.11944718

where's this? i think this is my next stop

>> No.11944796

If you have Never been to another dutch city maybe

Den haag, Utrecht, maastricht, groningen etc for comfy

Rotterdam and Amsterdam for 'cool'

>> No.11944817

if the lighting from light poles wasn't so bright and harsh it would be comfy

>> No.11944905

small towns > big cities

>> No.11944914

what a shithole

>> No.11944933

Lived in Eindhoven as a child and I miss it Tbh

>> No.11944973


Other side of the fecking country m8

Also the only good shit Emaastrichten has is a big primark and surinamese broodjes

t. Immigrated to maastricht 4 years ago

>> No.11945005

Only thing Eindhoven has going for it*

Fucking autocorrect, how does it work?

>> No.11945082
File: 317 KB, 1500x1000, Helsinki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helsinki is beautiful. It's covered in amazing Art Nouveau architecture. I wish I had stayed there longer.

>> No.11945087

small medium sized cites with a lot going on > big cities > small towns

Small towns suck so much, it's almost like you're a boring cunt or something.

150,000 - 400,000 is the perfect population size if you have a good food and music scene.

>> No.11945091 [DELETED] 
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not effay
but v comf

>> No.11945093
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not effay
but v comf

>> No.11945204
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meadow path night time memories <3

>> No.11945207
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dumping edinburgh still

>> No.11945209
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>> No.11945212
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bring me back

>> No.11945214
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>> No.11945216
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>> No.11945227 [DELETED] 
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I don't live anywhere special, in fact it's quite bland in retrospect, but there's just something about. the atmosphere here is unlike anything i've felt. it's almost mysterious.

the business parks located only feet away from the cookie cutter suburban housing.
the abnormal amount of trees and other foliage.
the ambient noises that fill the air at night.
the reflection of the not too far away lights of the malls on the clouds of the night sky, illuminating it in a way that's hard to describe.

there's something to be said about the unassuming suburbs.

>> No.11945303

Too bad it's almost completely void of Belgians

>> No.11945384

Utrecht most comfy city

>> No.11945478

Aye but getting raped isnae comfy

>> No.11945482


>> No.11945499

why is that bad

>> No.11946840

cambridge, ma

i lived in burlington, vt last year and it was v comfy, but not much to do there

>> No.11946844

where in edi are you im in EH1

>> No.11946847

the last two times i was out at a park after 12am, I got chased off by the police because apparently hanging out after dark makes you a fucking creep.

fuck the US

>> No.11946851
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bellingham, wa

>> No.11946852

go to bongos and sneakys only. only good clubs dont listen to the other lot

>> No.11946863

yo i live on kulshan st

>> No.11946867

o dam i live on douglas

>> No.11946875
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>> No.11946907

Je mongé jambon avec mes amis, garcon

>> No.11946948

this anon is speaking truth.

>> No.11946955
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, Tourisme-Yvelines-Versailles-Eglise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Versailles, France

>> No.11946983


any cowgate man in

>> No.11946998


pretty much. boteco is ok sometimes. there's nothing /bleep/ in edinburgh for the most part

>> No.11947002

comfy af here m8

>> No.11947042

EH9 but just barely -- just beneath the meadows

>> No.11947054

Go to Glasgow instead

>> No.11947142

Where's a good place to live when the economy goes to shit?

>> No.11947907
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Zermatt Switzerland

>> No.11947917

mile end / little italy are effay as fuck desu. so many qt qc girls 2

>> No.11948079

>i love this city! (well, only about 5% of it, 3 months a year)

>> No.11948508
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>tfw you live in Brussels where everything is grimey and disgusting

>> No.11948700

wow this is amazing

>> No.11948764

Is a shithole. Move to chuckanut you hipster trash

>> No.11948772
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St. Augustine, FL

>> No.11948796
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Vienna Austria

>> No.11948799
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Wüschte, ich wäre noch im schönen Dresden, musste aber wieder in den ausbeuterischen Westen..

>> No.11948810
File: 40 KB, 660x371, _54681770_kremlintanks_afp464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moscow, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation

>> No.11948812

you get some okay acts, see you at meme grab yeh boi?

>> No.11948818
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Zürich - Schweiz

>> No.11948824

Plateau is def effay


>> No.11948826

looks like mid city LA probs near fairfax or la brea
not good place to raise family b/c LAUSD is shit but be fun

>> No.11948990
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kinda comfy, too many cars

>> No.11949106

how comfy is SF (I'm expecting 0% comfy)

I live in London atm and while it's great, I hate the fact that you have to live 10miles away or you can't afford it. It's not rly a city where you live "downtown" so to speak. Some of these european cities look awesome, with great rail, pedestrianised roads etc.

But alas I work in tech so I need somewhere with that industry

>> No.11949193

Mee nyt vittuun pakottamasta

>> No.11949233

>how comfy is SF
-15%, all the shit you described in london except many homeless and living further away and most of people are uncultured tech cucks and everyone that isn't making tech money is very butthurt

>> No.11949246
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I'm gonna just post pics of my hometown, if you folks don't mind.

>> No.11949252
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>> No.11949256
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>> No.11949261
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>> No.11949265
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>> No.11949269
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And that's probably enough for now.

>> No.11949297
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currently living in Lublin, Poland
it's an acquired taste in terms of comfyness. you've got the conventionally comfy old town while the rest of the city has got this rough, miserable Eastern European vibe. I personally like it a lot.
pic related is the main bus station

>> No.11949308
File: 1.32 MB, 1552x2592, 2015-08-25 10.25.35 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck phones

>> No.11949457
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Is Melbourne comfy?

Will be going to Tokyo soon, it's the ______ capital of something, right?

>> No.11949464

little italy is effay as fuck i agree
mile end is way too pretentious and bourgeois to be effay. mile-ex is a million times more effay

>> No.11949468

dawson is wack as fuck lol

>> No.11949492
File: 113 KB, 650x434, 99369c2de8c8da8d41545f5e16e45773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like walking around beacon hill in boston

>> No.11949495

Sneaky Pete's or Cabvol for electronic music. Seen Daniel Avery there, amazing. Cool bars like Bramble and Paradise Palms. Definitely go to glasgow though. Got sub club, art school, berkley suite and swg3 for all the /bleep/ you need. Got Andrew Wetherall and Dixon there soon and have Ivan Smaghe a couple of weeks ago

>> No.11949532
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>> No.11949598

no, it was a sprawling shit hole outside downtown in my experience