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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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11934547 No.11934547 [Reply] [Original]

Some of you will probably disengange your critical thinking after a few sentences and direct some abuse this way, but if you can make it to the end of this post and then think about what you want to say, then there might be some hope after all.

/fa/ is troubled

We don't need to worry about post history, but that doesn''t necessarily mean we can cunt eachother off endlessly. Sure, some people need to be told, but it is depressing af when you go into the WAYWT thread and people just reply "shit, kys yourself" rather than at least trying to help.

Threads like "are bulges kino", "are my friends effay" and "what core is this" are a shitshow.

So how do we get /fa/ back on track?

Less complaining about the old days and newfags? Fine it's a bedtime story but humankind/Christianity needed Judas since without him there wouldve been no resurrection and no saviour of our time shit.

w2c general, waywt, cop or not, fuccboi/qtddtot etc are essential, but there needn't be 3 cop or not threads ffs.

Be constructive rather than destructive. There's a lot of angst flying around, but it's killing the community. If you don't like a certain topic you don't need to go in to tell everyone, it brings the thread quality down and reduces the willingness of people to post OC.

Let's not embarrass ourselves by having two threads (currently cringe and fashion oblivious) laughing at other people when our own WAYWT is 68% being a dick to some stranger on the internet that may be behind the curve, or too far ahead of the curve.

Let's have a /help/ thread.

/fa/ needs to play it's advantages - anonymity, high post turnover, honesty - without being degenerate. /fa/ may have never been great, but it can at least be a good place. There's a lot of potential for the primordial ooze that persists here to turn to something genuinely interesting and dare I say it, fashionable. No need for trips or people pushing their own style on others. Let's just be creative and constructive, if we can.

>> No.11934551

How many times have people tried to revive /fa/ this year? 20? 30? Stop wasting your time with stupid shit like this.

>> No.11934568
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>ctrl + s

>> No.11934570

seek medical care

>> No.11934576
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There are a lot of really superfluous threads that pop up and stick around, like the r8 my Instagram thread that got created when we already had an Instagram thread going. Or the endless stream of winter boot threads that get created when the last one has 80 replies. A lot of threads are just circumventing the FBG

>> No.11934578

we need a better sticky

>> No.11934582

There's also a lot of unproductive cynicism. Literally why would you fight trying to make this board more productive.

>> No.11934584

the sticky is dated af, idk if it's even updated anymore

good point, a lot of threads asking for urgent help about pairing shoes with a belt or some shit get 3 replies then just sit there, same with circumventing w2c
where are the janitors that can clean this shit up

>> No.11934588

should change it to something else xd

>> No.11934603

I'm not fighting trying to make this board more productive but why arre you fighting for making it more productive? if you care so much about productivity why don't you do something else? this is a waste of time.

>> No.11934608


It needn't be a hateful, demoralising waste of time.

>> No.11934609

KYS :)))

>> No.11934612

The real problem is highschool kids, as shown ITT.

>> No.11934623

Its always been like this newfag

>> No.11934628

The real problem is that apparently this board doesn't have any MODS.

>> No.11934636


actually enforcing global rule #2 would solve like 90% of the problems, but we all know that that will never happen

>> No.11934641

We need active moderation. Or a reprise of the board rules.

>> No.11934648
File: 183 KB, 1500x1500, yumi zouma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about a new rule on /fa/ similar to what /ic/ has:
>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
>2. Only constructive criticism will be accepted. Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban.

Except ours could apply exclusively to waywt threads?

>> No.11934652


Rules mean shit when there's no moderation.

>> No.11934653

The community needs to take some responsibility in that. Moderation starts with reporting.

>> No.11934655
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Didn't even know this board existed,
went there and saw the same shitposting

>> No.11934670


What exactly are the issues that moderation would address?

They need to be identified and rules need to exist that target them.

For example, op references abusive, unconstructive posts in the waywt threads, but strictly speaking these are not against the rules. You could say they are not "quality posts", but the quality of posts rule is very broad and rarely enforced. I've never been banned for quality of posts, only ever received a warning, suggesting the low priority of these among the moderation staff. If, however we have a targeted, board specific rule like other boards have, moderation staff will be more equipped to identify and act on certain issues to a helpful degree (in this case meting out a ban rather than a warning). But, again, this starts with reporting. It's not reasonable to expect mod staff to act on this alone given the size of our board. Expecting otherwise is an entitled attitude and merely results in fruitless complaining.

So, please. Let us do as Hiroshima suggested and propose rules, not merely complain.

>> No.11934677

Single most important problem is that no one likes anything else people post. It's always 'shit'. All other boards can even reach a modicum of consensus but not here.
People are mocked for any style.
Avant garde faggot, workwear hipster, menswear fedora, basic bitch, fuccboi,

The only reasonably productive threads are the skincare, perfume and fragrance generals. You can actually read through those and learn stuff or have new ideas or whatever. Everything else is circle jerk.

People cling to their ideals of upper class or their in-groups too much to do anything productive.

*allowing the main basic styles to be worn without automatic dismissal (workwear, scandi minimalism, prep/modern menswearish/spretz, streetwear)
*have a runway analysis general
*discuss the business side of the industry
*we sadly don't have enthusiasts actually sewing making stuff, repairing, mending etc..
*move past the interior design threads with "architectural homes worth USD5mm+ with almost no furniture save for that one designer sofa worth 8k and that 3k chair and I swear it's not staged and photoshopped to death"? It needs more anons posting regular shitty homes/rooms and their modifications to it.
*race, pol and politics in general: get rid of it.
*have a hobby general where we discuss how effay they are and our current projects/plans are so we can avoid the whole catalogue plagued by "is __ effay?"
*sci has an amazing sticky. We should upgrade what we have and structure shit out.
*people are too young
*again board too insecure and aggressive with no intellectual or aesthetics basis for it.
*and please stop falling for the quality/expensive diktat. I'm tired of reading Hermes is the pinnacle of leatherworking. It is not. The only reason it's that expensive is brand exclusivity/aura and self imposed scarcity. Many other brands try that with various levels of success.

>> No.11934735


Agree with this post.

I've looked at reporting and it's so non-specific, so as you (and the /ic/ poster) say, rules are needed.


Another good post. Like OP says, if a thread is not your flavour, don't eat it.

Really good points made in both the highlighted posts, IMO. But how do we get this from a thread to being put into use (RE rules/guidelines).

>> No.11934747

I think /fa/ needs to flush out the retards who start threads which can be answered in one question. They're archiving great 200+ post dead threads which are actually interesting; I mean who checks the archives unless looking for a specific thread you already saw? People need to make use of the fuccboi gens etc. and make threads on topics which will spark discussion, stop being greedy little fucks polluting our board, fuck you

>> No.11934750

I find myself hiding over half the threads just to filter out the shit, we really shouldn't need to do this???

>> No.11934762

Ideally we could get some level of consensus on the issue just so we can say to the mods, "hey, this is what the community wants" and not just "hey, this is a good, sensible idea".

>> No.11934787

we need a dedictated mod. its never going to happen though, so just give up or try to make ot better by posting good fits or making good threads. reporting threads not related to fashion takes a while and it usually gets to a good number of replies until its reported which only makes it look like tolerable behavior. >>11934677 got it right though

>> No.11934811

Well, that's something else that be codified in a rule, but I would object to doing and I'll tell you why.

I don't come to 4chan to post in generals. I don't come to 4chan for some mod to delete my post and say "you can't make that thread, there's already a thread for that". I hate that about traditional forums.

As a general guideline I think we should encourage people to post relevant questions in generals (eg Fuccboi Gen, Hair Gen) and mods should intervene when there is a preponderance of redundant threads, but for the sake of having an open forum with less intrusive moderation we should tolerate some redundancy, even low quality threads. I'd much rather have a board with threads that ask dumb, entry level questions, and dumb "is X /fa/" threads than a board that is a gulag of generals and is slower and has fewer new threads than we have already.

>> No.11934828


What is the process by which mods are appointed?

Furthering some of the previous posters' suggestions, shall we collate the problems that can be realistically dealt with at a moderation level? If something can successfully be implemented, the quality of posts should come about relatively naturally... perhaps? I don't know, at least to me it seems that if the board in general becomes more ordered, people will tend to self moderate. There will always be those that don't, but it's a start.

So far it seems to be the biggest gripes are:

* Terrible sticky
* Selfish thread starting
* Multiple staple threads
* Shitposting in 'style' threads

The multiple WAYWT threads can be dealt with relatively easily by appending a visible start date. The rest should have a facility by which they can be reported and subsequently removed as the current rules don't really allow for correct reporting.

>> No.11934866

>What is the process by which mods are appointed?
There are application periods for janitors. idk if we have any dedicated janitors at this point. There are no dedicated mods for any of the boards so we'll obviously never get a /fa/ mod.

>> No.11934912

spot on, they should put word filters

Does anyone know how to make all this real ? Like how do you reach out to mods.

It's been ages we said we want a new sticky

>> No.11934914

oh yah i forgot. i meant a janitor rather in my post

the sticky was somewhat improved compared to before but i dont think the wiki client would do us good. just make it like a profession website or something with a few pages on styling, beginning wardrobes, short overviews for brands, etc. some anon posted a zippyshare link of a proposed wiki and that could do

generals are largely good but the biggest problem would be getting one up and running with a constant userbase. i've seen too many generals fail

>> No.11934924
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this is too much

>> No.11934929

You email the admin. Sometimes posting on /qa/ works, but it's less reliable.
>It's been ages we said we want a new sticky
And replace it with what?

Let us all remember the immortal words of moot:
Any idiot can complain, it takes a non idiot to come up with solutions

>> No.11934931

we've had an active interior design and general inspo thread for like a week
board's doing fine

>> No.11934934


>> No.11934953

i remember not that long ago people were working on updating it, and adding infographs to it and stuff, but I don't know what happened with that.

>> No.11934963

and i bet you didn't even submit one report...

>> No.11934966

only a few of those are reportable
out j**itors don't really do much unless it's overt

>> No.11934975

definitely agree. My biggest issue has always been how no style general is safe from getting constantly shit posted in and being made fun of. That's how ROG died, which was a big shame cause i learned a lot in those. But now if you look at a techwear or prep general its half people who don't like/care for the style and just make fun of people for liking it

>> No.11934997

It's one of the major problems of getting things done as a group. You have something that needs to get done, there's no deadline, and you get the whole bystander effect going where responsibility is displaced over the whole group.

It really only takes one person to get most of this shit done. Years ago I was actually working on a comprehensive sticky and then the whole movement to create a sticky took off. I tried to involve myself in it, but there was a lot of idiots working on it and I ended up kind of backing off. It takes a certain sensibility to create a sticky or a general 101 guide and a lot of the people working on it just didn't have it.

I did contribute to the sticky a bit, though.

>> No.11935004
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Give me a list of potential rules.

So far I only have 1:
>Only constructive criticism will be accepted in WAYWT threads. Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban.

>> No.11935010

We literally need 2 tyrannic mods who can spend 12 hours each banning everything that's out of line and doing it very publicly so that group discipline can take place.

one cop or not everything else banned.
non constructive posting banned
getting that sticky off the ground
and attracting more quality posts.

We need the dynamic /ic/ has.

Basically paint this whole board with (BANNED FOR THIS POST) until the discipline sticks.

>> No.11935012


>Only one w2c/cop or not/recent cops/boots (or similar) thread at a time unless the existing thread is at 280+ posts

>No "is x effay" threads that are just bs like smoking weed

>> No.11935016

I dunno even comfy rules are kinda bullshit
For example, if a crossposter starts a thread about how a heavyset guy/girl can dress it usually gets flooded in thinspo spam
But honestly I like that /fa/ isn't a hug box...anybody who posts here knows they can get roasted and for the most part the "bullying" is all tongue in cheek

>> No.11935018



>> No.11935022

really good points
theres nothing we can do about kids being on here though.. its a parameter we have to work with instead of going all fascist on

>> No.11935028


yeah it's nice that it's not a hug box but there is a line
being roasted for wearing something is character building and helps build thoughts about what is good, but only when it is constructive. getting shit for wearing something that someone else wouldn't isn't fair

like there genuinely are some objectively dece fits with hype items --that are great fits in that style-- but it doesn't mean i would wear them. do i need to tell them to off themselves for it?

>> No.11935036

Nah it's just a bit of bants

>> No.11935038

Stop acting like this is so important. It's a board on 4chan.

>> No.11935044

Less hypebeast shit.

Less nigger shit.

Less teenager edgy shit.

Here saved fa.

>> No.11935048

Some ppl come here for a hour or two a week, they don't want to waste their time seeing shit threads

>> No.11935058

i believe r/navyblazer is what u seek

>> No.11935062

agreed to an extent, but roasting and actual constructive critisism arent mutually exclusive... Someone on the WAYWT thread can always say "you look like a 13 yearold autistic hypebeast" but then go on and say what the person could do to actually not look like that.

>> No.11935067

You're already wasting your time by coming here for more than 10 minutes.

>> No.11935079

>no rate my fit threads outside of the waywt
>for advice go to the fuccboi general

>> No.11935099

>Only constructive criticism will be accepted in WAYWT threads. Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban.

>no rate my fit threads outside of the waywt

>Only one w2c/cop or not/recent cops/boots (or similar) thread at a time unless the existing thread is at 280+ posts

>No "is x effay" threads that are just bs like smoking weed

>for advice go to the fuccboi general

>> No.11935101

What do you think of "is /x/ fa?" general? In hopes that people won't make several threads about these anymore; would it work? I doubt that it's possible to complitely get rid of them.

>> No.11935104

also bring the drawthreads and hygene generals back, they were actually good

>> No.11935109


Yeah that would make sense

/skin/ and /fragrance/ are already pretty good for that it seems
but the draw threads were a good respite from being super fashionable ofc

>> No.11935112

I hate them.

Self conscious people asking strangers on the internet their opinions

>> No.11935115

Me too, but that's not going to stop these threads appearing

>> No.11935118

>for advice go to fuccboi general
that's already in the sticky

>> No.11935123

List of approved general threads?

cop or not
recent cops
is x effay
x inspo
buy sell trade

i feel like if these threads were consistently positive then the board would follow

>> No.11935127

this can be shortened

combine w2c, is x /fa/, and recent cops

draw? why?

rest are ok I guess

>> No.11935141

Yeah these are like the fixed threads to cover those topics, it's just a matter of stopping people making loads of separate threads for shit that should come under them. I think the problem with w2c threads and shit might be people not helping each other out. I don't ever post in those threads unless I see something I know and where to get it but I feel a lot of people who post looking for answers don't respond to other posters queries

>> No.11935142

honestly some really good conversations have come out of weird threads
delete this post

>> No.11935145

Kill the facerate and thinspo threads.

>> No.11935150


>is x effay

should not be there

>> No.11935151


>> No.11935152


thinspo is literally white kids glorifying anorexia, why is that on a fashion board?

>> No.11935153

Rewriting these in a more neutral format:

>Refrain from reposting. Check the board for pre-existing and similar threads before creating a new thread.

Hopefully this would be enforced as a warning and not a ban.

>Do not post low quality or off topic threads. Threads of the format "Is X /fa/?" will result in a deletion or ban.

I think this would be a terrible rule for reasons I articulated here
I think it would stifle discussion and make the board more akin to traditional forums and reddit, eliminate many well established topics of discussion, and prohibit the most common form of requesting the general discussion of a topic. For example, these threads would be against that rule

>>11933615 (this one is incredibly stupid, but amusing. let's not take ourselves too seriously)
>>11928789 (provides a space to talk about /fa/ of 4chan past.)
>>11931119 (a bit annoying, but it's a very simple way of introducing a subject for discussion)
>>11928766 (dumb at face value, but the contributions within the thread make it both on topic, and of value)

Having this sort of rule would give mods and janitors *too* much leeway to delete threads and ban people. Simple op posts are used because they are often effective. If we don't like them, the best response is to ignore them. If they're off topic enough then they can be reported for being off topic. But you'll find that many of these threads garner a significant number of replies, suggesting that a lot of posters find value in them. If posters find value in them, why should we seek to see them eliminated (assuming they're mostly on topic)?

But I'll reiterate the rules that you suggested in the rewritten format. I think we should vote on them, but the second rule is so potentially dangerous it seems necessary to say so.

>> No.11935154

I think we should let the autists have their space, it's needed rn

>> No.11935156

Hide Instagram threads
Hide face rate threads
Hide is x /fa/ threads
Update the sticky
Get a janitor to clean up this mess of a board
Get people who know what they're talking about to come to this board

I like this. Designer general would be cool, too. There was a poorfag/thrifting thread recently and people were really helpful in there.

Thinspo has a small community and they don't bother anyone outside of the thread.

>> No.11935162

>Thinspo has a small community and they don't bother anyone outside of the thread.

but why is it on a FASHION board, it should be on /fit/

get rid of that shit

>> No.11935166

good point

>> No.11935173


Fair post, I see your point on the is x effay stuff.

>> No.11935176


>Only constructive criticism will be accepted in WAYWT threads. Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban.

>Refrain from reposting. Check the board for pre-existing and similar threads before creating a new thread. Post in general threads when appropriate.

>Do not post low quality or off topic threads. Threads of the format "Is X /fa/?" will result in a deletion or ban.

modified the reposting rule to reference generals

>> No.11935181


true, but just as it is hard to dress as a larger person sometimes, it goes the other way for the slimmer people.

i don't use and have never been in a thinspo thread, but the fact that it is consistently there and they don't spread propaganda into other threads it seems like it's perfectly fine

i genuinely think a inspo thread for larger people would be fine, but it would be a huge target for abuse.

>> No.11935184

Both of these are fine imo

>> No.11935197

>Get people who know what they're talking about to come to this board

I don't necessarily think that's crucial
I don't want to be told how to dress by someone that 'knows what they're talking about', I'd like constructive critique from an equal rather than someone saying 'you need to wear this because this is cool' and then we all turn into drones

>> No.11935198

Face race threads belong in /soc/, they contribute nothing in regards to fashion

>> No.11935202

It would be deleted or banned on /fit/. Thinspo is /fa/ related because thin as an ideal is unique to the fashion community. Think of models who are excessively thin. Personally I think it's disgusting, but it belongs here.

>> No.11935209

Thank you. The format is annoying because you see it over and over again, but I don't think a rule against it is the best course of action.

>> No.11935218

Ok I'm all for sieving out the shit but these threads do no harm. I think face threads are good for boosting the ego's of people who never get compliments irl because they're socially inept. If you look in those threads sometimes people ask what glasses/hairstyle would suit them its not all about 2/10 etc. Thinspo is fine this is a fashion community board, the fashion world is full of anorexia if it's to thrive anywhere let it be here in ONE thread
Why no instagram threads? Instagram is a great way for us to extend our community to social media. I often take a few months off of /fa/ but like to be kept in the loop, instagram allows this. It's great for inspo, sharing creativity, and developing new interests. Nothings wrong with instagram sharing threads

>> No.11935221

this is a fashion board on fucking 4chan. Although quality posts appear every once in a while, it was bound to be full of memes and low effort content. if you honestly want to put time and resources into ''rebuilding'' a fashion board on a fucking weeb forum, you should probably rethink your priorities in life.

>> No.11935220

I see your point, but whether it's on topic is debatable. A lot of face related subjects are fair game on a broad based fashion forum: acne, skincare, hair care, makeup use, ultimately what our faces look like. If we view our face as part of our entire presentation of self in addition to our outfit it seems to be appropriate for a fashion board.

>> No.11935226

you're missing the point though.
why do you come here? what do you get here that you can't get elsewhere?

>> No.11935232

I completely agree with you in regards to instagram threads. Back in the day we used to have inspo threads, but tumblr and intagram threads essentially replaced the need for inspo threads. I think that's okay, especially because instagram threads are merely the successor to tumblr threads, which we've had for literally more than 4 years

>> No.11935235

Yeah I agree with the bit about instagram threads, its where I find half the inspo I post here since I cba looking through anything other than social media

>> No.11935239

Hence the importance of rule creation. Building a community is an intangible thing, but a rule is ostensibly a stick in the sand, something that won't wash away when the tide goes out.

Write the rules, get them posted and then the work is outsourced to the mod/jan staff. Then all we have to do is report things every once in a while.

>> No.11935242

constant instagram threads are stupid, it's going to be the same handful of people sharing their profiles each time

>> No.11935246

a community that doesn't take itself too seriously and will call me out on my bullshit if my fits/cops are retarded.

>> No.11935266

Well neither would I if my job was for free.

>> No.11935273

Most of the time any fit is called shit, no matter which style or how good it actually is. Anonymity and criticism don't work well when board is full of natcissitic middle-class kids.

>> No.11935283

i believe kanyetothe is where you belong nigger

>> No.11935391

Reasonable though draw is always so slow

>> No.11935441

dont forget the magazine dumps

>> No.11936296

you forget the hotpockets

>> No.11936342


I've transcended /fa/ so goddamn hard that it's impossible to really even try to explain it to you guys here

The conclusion I've come to is that it's just not possible. You only start to really understand fashion and its facets after having been at it for years and coming full circle.

It could be improved yes, but people who have "found" it don't feel the need to try to talk to 4chan about it, it's just a non-issue. When I am inspired or I have ideas, I live those things, I don't come make a thread about it, because why would I?

I am also 21 now and I could provide styling advice in waywts or whatever but why would I want to do that when waywt and /fa/ is literally high school kids making mistakes, which they should?

Do you see it now? It's all pointless, just work on yourself and you will move on

>> No.11936431
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>When I am inspired or I have ideas, I live those things, I don't come make a thread about it, because why would I?
this desu
if you're interested in fashion, get the hell out of this shithole and check out archives, interviews, documentaries, etc.
y'know, people who actually know what they're talking about

>> No.11936452

Were all gonna get banned =(

>> No.11936482
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too many flyover state teenagers

not enough designer garms

>> No.11936521

we need more catwalk stuff and actual couture. this is supposedly the fashion board, but it's mostly just street style

>> No.11936526

A ban of offensive comments in WAYWT specifically wouldn't prevent people from (justly) burning down the fatshion threads with thinspo and fat hate.

>> No.11936559
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>annoying trips who will all eventually self-destruct
>bring back fabrixquare
>MINIMUM of 13 threads about hitler youth and gothninja
ok guys let's get to it!

>> No.11936613

>ban of offensive comments in WAYWT

sensitive boipussys need to leave

this board is no styleforum hugbox

>> No.11936750

thats gay off youtself

>> No.11936774

Permaban everyone in black hair generals.
Ban any faggot threads.

>> No.11936792

face rate threads belong in /soc/. Any skincare, hair, or otherwise face related posts can be made in thier respective threads. A new thread can be made for a specific issue, with the jani / mod determining if said thread is against the rules.

>> No.11936806

At least /fa/ would be effay again.

>> No.11936810

fascist faggot wasn't political tho

>> No.11936813

There's moderation. I get banned every time I come here.

>> No.11936817

I got banned after my first post
it said magazines were off-topic lol

>> No.11936849

honestly the issue is that /fa/ is now fairly mainstream in the online fashion discussion world.

anytime this place is mentioned on any of the reddits, even pleb shit like MFA and streetwear, theres like 50 comments like everyone knows fa exists. there's just been an influx of kids and people who don't know shit about fashion and as a result the overall quality of this board has decreased.

>> No.11936878

Do the archives from 2012 need to be posted again

why do people keep talking of an /fa/ that literally never existed

>> No.11936950

You cant just "save" a board. Its the entire website being invaded by teens. People also respect for others, which is a major issue. Fits arent judged objectively, they are being judged based on what I like. If I wouldnt wear a suit then the guys fit is garbage. If I wouldnt wear Rick Owens then the guys clown shoe look is garbage. If I wouldnt wear X and so on.

There is no interest in high fashion, no proper WAYWT because most people left, no adults actually knowing shit about how to properly dress. Just the same questions from crossboard posting kids who want to buy a good pair of boots for 100 bucks, a suit for 50 bucks, and entire wardrobe for 25 bucks and so on. The rest of the threads are fucking questions that Google could answer in half the time it takes for someone to respond with a post.

The board isnt dying because there is nothing to discuss, it is and has been dead because the websites demographic drastically declined in age and instead of /fa/ being a niche board, browsed by users with disposable income who have a strong interest in fashion, its now inhabited by high school kids who try to build a wardrobe using pocket change. Which results in most of the "dumb threads" still being related to fashion but simply being on such a low intellectual level that browsing alone seems like a waste of time. You cant force this to change.

>> No.11936957

or good posters leave because they don't need the help and don't like the trolling

>> No.11937026
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we might aswell rename the board clothes
its more people seeking for a quick fix to their social awkwardness and its one of many autistic steps of a "how to turn from beta to alpha" threads on /b/
people just dont respect fashion as a legitimate artform, theres too much of a hivemind and excessive need to conform
although there are things we can actively do to make the place better, the sad truth is that the demographic of this website makes it impossible to be what we want it to be
we can improve but we'll never be able to achieve this utopia you speak of
but yes, redo the sticky, enforce rules more blatantly, etc etc
i also see i have been warned for shitposting in the vegan thread
which is good i assume

>> No.11937032

this, anyone whos stayed long enough to escape the rut of this place has no obligation to stay and help idiots
as much as this is controversial, trips are essential to a good board

>> No.11937069
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the good ones are the ones trolling

>> No.11937079

The only way to revive this shit board is to purge it of faggots posting gay ass fits and nigger-tier sneaker worship.

>> No.11937084


>> No.11937281
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>hmmm what do you guys think about this jacket? It's a local designer
>it's shit kill urself fag just go to h&m

Lack of constructive criticism is the main thing that is killing this board, look at any feedback threads and its full of mass replies telling people to kill themselves. Just calling something shit without explaining why doesnt help anybody and drags the quality of discussion down

>> No.11937338
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Not even high fashion, mid-tier is getting harder to talk about here. Look at pic related talking about Our Legacy in a Scandinavian minimalism thread. These high schoolers can't appreciate a decent garment for what it is, they just think how many hours they would have to grind at Burger King to get it and start screeching.

>> No.11937499
File: 574 KB, 1280x775, 0b91a3df5084bc55a794eb9e6a8e818b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do good infographs still get made? They were especially handy but I dont know if we still have the knowledge base. I remember seeing this one not long after I first started coming here

>> No.11937612

the "why get ___ if you can get _____ for 10x cheaper" meme needs to die
some kid fucking lost his nuggets over a 30euro tshirt and no matter any rebuttal he just chimped out and called anyone who would consider buying the tshirt "spending money to feel rich"
theres a deep problem within this board

>> No.11937629

It would be nice to see some threads focused on design. I assume a number of people get deterred by the negativity here and as they should, your designs probably suck. That said, it would be nice for all of these aspiring designers to have a general where they can bounce ideas and get some real criticism instead of started threads and watching them die at 3 posts.

>> No.11937636


I've been called a retard on here for buying CPs or MMM Gats because there are cheaper equivalents. I've seen people on here buy fake stans ffs

>> No.11937645

there has been thousand fucking threads like these in the past
nothing comes out of them ever aside from few new tripfags who think they are hot shit and have some sort of authority because they decided to adopt thread in a thread like these
and that's like the opposite of 'saving /fa/' or making it better

>> No.11937649

>it is depressing af when you go into the WAYWT thread and people just reply "shit, kys yourself" rather than at least trying to help
the quality of waywts only show how clueless the average user of this board is
I don't even want 'constrcutive' criticism or 'help' from these people when they are just straight up dumb as shit
not to mention the average teen browsing here thinks saying something positive = constructive when sayign "oh I like the pants" or "it's shit" bring just as much to the table, which is fuck all

>> No.11937654

and on this note, I believe the only people who give a flying fuck about WAYWTs are the tools posting in those, you have got to be some sort of a retard to post in those
people who could have something insightful to say about fits don't browse those, 'criticism' or advice is nonexistant and if you actually dress well you have literally no reason to post there, you don't need advice in the first place and there is no need to impress bunch of teenagers here either
WAYWTs are basically like facerate threads, people collecting (You)s to feel better about themselves and have other people stroke their egos

>> No.11937669


>> No.11937709

The overall quality of a waywt is horrible when out of 300 posts 50 are fits and 180 are people bashing others like children

Its justa den of shitposting

>> No.11937721

The main problem with waywt is that its a den for kids shitposting. When I first came here I just posted a fit and asked where could I start improving, I got actual advice that pointed me in a direction. I go into them maybe once a month or two but its always the same shit
20% of posts are fits and 70% are shitposting insults and bashing

>> No.11937724


/fa/ is 4chans personal blog and stylist. Many robots and btards and neets come here after deciding "today is the day I change!!" And good in them for that, honestly.

But then they make a personalised thread and get passive aggressive to any suggestion that is t in there middle American taste, and to top things up, the people suggesting advice are the ones who are like the piano teacher that stays one class ahead of th student.

That's fa I'm a nutshell though, People entitled somehow to there voice being heard without a unique voice.

That said this thread comes up once a month. With the same things said over and over again, sometimes more coherent or articulate but th same point none the less.

To be honest effay hasn't had original content in years, it's the same shit, just typed in the newest meme.

>> No.11937729

>The main problem with waywt is that its a den for kids shitposting
The main problem is that the people using those threads are clueless as fuck
Mean comments are probably more helpful to lot of the posters if they only would be able to fucking read them instead of taking it personally and be offended.
"Advice" from someone who doesn't know shit is worth nothing and that's what the demography of WAYWTs are. There is nothnig to fix about them really, it's just containment thread of a kind.

>> No.11938117

ic is a strange board. It's ostensibly trash, but if you browse the threads, you can find some pretty great advice and discussion. It's one of the better boards on this website and better than this board by a longshot.

>> No.11938916

I dont have a problem with people who think their opinion isnt thrash its just that the amount of mindless shit is too much.

I just say in my case insults and bashing gave me an idea of basic shit and got me into this board and fashion before i used any other of the threads herea few years back, its also probably one of the threads types with most traffic in /fa/ anyway.

Theres not much to read in the comments these days that isnt a meme or an entitled opinion, banning this overdone shitposting will improve quality x3

>> No.11939051

like what?

>> No.11939060

you are just asking for waywt to become a hugbox
which is like the only thing that is different about /fa/ compared to other fashion forums
why not just go to one of those if they serve your needs better, legit question

>> No.11939071

I was here in 2012 and it's worse now

2012 at least had an alright amount of knowledgeable people mixed in with the shitposting

>> No.11940705

I feel like seeing as there has been a literal dick on the front page for hours it's pretty safe to say we don't have any moderation

>> No.11940827


>Daily reminder that you're on a site known as "The arsehole of the internet"

A containment board for ages 10-21 would be a good start.

>> No.11941021

not gonna happen.

>> No.11941074

didnt they move to a discord or something? anyone got a link?

>> No.11941080
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>kys yourself

>> No.11942182

>discuss the business side of the industry
>*again board too insecure and aggressive with no intellectual or aesthetics basis for it.

I think that these points are the two most important. People just say shit and don't say WHY they have that opinion. The improvement of the sticky is essential to better discussion imo because we need to give people resources on how to critique fashion. Runway analysis will also help the discussion over the entire board.

>> No.11942207

I very lightly skimmed this thread just now cause I thought it wouldnt take off when it started. I think no matter how many rules you implement the problem always lays with the userbase rather than the administration, but both ends can make some effort.
Nothing wrong with shittalking in WAYWT, recent/copperknot etc threads as long as its justified (e.g 'its shit' vs 'its shit because the upper silhouette is too heavy compared to the bottom, you look like a tree')

>> No.11942208

>Threads like "are bulges kino", "are my friends effay" and "what core is this" are a shitshow.
> there needn't be 3 cop or not threads ffs.

nothing changes without real moderation. pointless complaining about changing others behavior, because the people posting that shit don't care about /fa/, and will continue unabated as they ever have

also this

the only way to improve /fa/ is for knowledgable and/or passionate people to make content-rich threads and not abandon them after five posts. they will attract like-minded people. generals and inspo, generals and inspo.

>> No.11943378

more /haute couture/ on here


>> No.11943461
File: 161 KB, 900x1352, 20-yiqing-yin-couture-spring-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yiqing yin

post some too since i barely follow couture bar her

>> No.11943484

>2013: save fa
>2014: save fa
>2015: save fa
>2016: save fa
when will this meme die

>> No.11943494

when fa will be saved