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/fa/ - Fashion

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11922431 No.11922431 [Reply] [Original]

I saw a thread like this earlier and also wanted to know how /fa/ afford expensive clothing? Such as rick Owens, Y-3, raf, so on
>works at a cafe
>stays poor

>> No.11922434

stop spending money on weed
oh wait thats my problem

>> No.11922454

>Well paying job
>No student debt
>Car almost payed off
>Sell hype yeezys on the side for money for cops
>Don't smoke or do drugs
>Rent isn't too expensive

>> No.11922634

In America it seems impossible but in Europe you can live cheap and save up for nice things.

>> No.11922647

I love my explorer jacket, it's amazing.

>> No.11922663


>> No.11922668

>well paying job
wow why didnt I think of this, who knew you could afford nice things if you simply had a well paying job?

>> No.11922704

>in Europe you can live chea

>> No.11922729

Thrift. You don't HAVE to get everything brand-new direct from retail. It helps if you live in a relatively fashion-forward city though. I'm not far from Tokyo and I got myself an Issey Miyake cardigan for pretty goddamn cheap.

>> No.11922735

>he still needs to be spoonfed on how to get designer clothes on the cheap

>> No.11922869

i study in germany and i get around 200€ from the state each month that i am supposed to spend on buying textbooks and other shit for my studies.
i also work in a restaurant once per week. in the evening on that day, i can eat for free and bring some stuff home.
i live with a friend and only have to pay a pretty low price, below 200€ (this is the amount of money i get from the job)
that means i have around 200€ left for everything.

now, i just eat a lot when i finish the job and starve myself for the rest of the week (or have my roommate pay, because he's a rich guy from saudia arabia and recently inherited a few 100k€).

i pirate my books i rarely buy anything but clothes. so i have around 200€ per month for that. that's one decent piece each month or a great one from grailed every two. still, i would consider myself rather poor.

>> No.11922879

>manager at a carwash
>going to college that is already paid for
>$400 a week
>$250 a month for car
I just save what i have left cause all i have to pay for is my car

>> No.11922885

in the context of this board, I would say most of the Dick Owens and such clad people here are trust fund kiddies.

Come on, don't tell me you guys already pull so much cash that you can blow it on designer clothing while being barely 20.

>> No.11922901

>he actually believes this

Americans have more buying power and higher wages and lower taxes, friend

>> No.11922930
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>no student loans
>own my car
>no bills except for gas, drinks, eating out
>live at home

money is pointless plebs, always had plenty, always will.

>> No.11922933

Also don't have to pay VAT unless it's above $700/$800 ish :)

>> No.11922953

If you don't fuck around and bang out college in a reasonable time you can have money while still young.

I fell for the STEM meme and got a grad position doing EE @85k a year, ez money for cops and I'm 22.

>> No.11923063

Buy everything secondhand (except for underwear and socks and shit like that), and make informed decisions. Sometimes It'll be months before I decide to purchase something.

>> No.11923069
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>be me
>living in Scandinavia
>Big Mr. Government comes and takes 90% of my money
> :(

>> No.11923556
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>Such as rick Owens, Y-3, raf

>> No.11923709

what car do you have?

>> No.11923843


well than give me some pleb

>> No.11923851


>> No.11923861

That's sad that you think you're rich when you have to go to a 9-5, wagecuck.

>> No.11923870

I'm Yuro and you probably have a romanticised picture of life here. Cost of living in any industrialised European country is insanely high. Sure, infrastructure, food quality, medicinal care etc. is much better than US on average, but more and more people turn poor, same as 'Murica. The Western world is fucked.

I just live rational and save. When I really want something badly, I do extra hours for a while until I can afford it. NEVER buy anything on credit.

>> No.11924145

Nothing special. 2015 corolla. Ik its boring and not /fa/ but its nice. My other car is p effay tho its a 1984 325i e30.

>> No.11924154
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Well it's still an e30 and you like it so that's a-okay.

>> No.11924515
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top fucking kek

>live in Germany
>grad student
>14K€/year salary after taxes
>taxed at lowest tax bracket
>fucking 30%
>go back to US
>get training fellowship at gov't institute
>entry level salary
>$32K pre-tax
>taxes like 15% tops

Holy fuck the EU is socialism central, it fucking sucks and the only reason it is slightly acceptable is because of the architecture and culture makes up for their shit economic bondage

>> No.11924520

dad buys me expensive clothing as long as it's something like ralph lauren or burberry or cartier or anything by the lines of those

>> No.11924528


Not to get into a /pol/ tier argument, but the US has the best medicinal care in the entire world.

>all the top medical schools
>top hospitals
>most cutting edge medical research

Not that it is available to everyone though.

>> No.11924529

be a new money asian

>> No.11924549

Never heard of anyone paying sub 22% income tax in that bracket, where at in the US? I'm getting tired of nearly 30%.

>> No.11924564


NV right now
>no state income tax
MD soon
>4.75% is the bracket I will be in I believe
>plus sales, federal, etc.


>> No.11924586

I work construction and buy archival raf and acronym

>> No.11924594

save and buy used. I buy like one piece every 2 months.

>> No.11924847

i suck dick for clothes money

>> No.11924860

>Most important things
Never buy anything outside of sales (literally no reason to ever buy any high fashion pieces outside of sales)
Know what you like and will like (if you can build up your wardrobe over a couple years its actually somewhat easy)
Buy versatile pieces and try to add one every now and then
Buy the right pieces (you dont need 5 pairs or shoes or 10 trousers, focus on the important bits like tops)

I've been a university student for like 6 years now and build up a wardrobe almost exclusively consisting of high fashion pieces (Prada, Marni, Paul Smith mainline mostly) and it wasnt even that hard. Most important part is to be experienced, to know what you want and stick to it. If you havent tried out a lot of things you shouldnt go for high fashion because you will probably change styles. But if youre experienced and know that THIS SPECIFIC STYLE is what you'll be wearing for years upon end? Well, then you can build up a wardrobe and it will always grow.

>> No.11924867

Iktf, norway the land of illegality laws ans taxes

>> No.11924871

>literally no reason to ever buy any high fashion pieces outside of sales
except that lot of great pieces never go on sale because they are sold out before

>> No.11924888

There are so many websites that sell high fashion pieces that youre almost guaranteed to get what you want. Sure, if you only check 1 or 2 shops then you'll probably miss out. But my list consists of like 10-15 online shops, and a lot of them share pieces. Of course, sometimes you simply wont get the piece you want. Thats something you have to deal with. A lot of pieces are never even sold online to begin with. Another thing you have to deal with. Thats the compromise you make for paying less.

Also I dont know what labels you buy from but I'd argue that the amount of pieces that are truly sold out prior to sales are minimal. Unless you really buy SLP although I dont see why anyone who doesnt have the available money would even buy that brand. Its only selling point are the extremely high prices pieces, see leather jackets and crazy blazers for 2.5k+ a piece.

>> No.11924930

we'll make it out sometime and escape the eternal winters

>> No.11924935
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>21 and havent finished undergraduate

>> No.11924936

>There are so many websites that sell high fashion pieces that youre almost guaranteed to get what you want.
No you fucking aren't
Either you have never actually done any research to this or bought anything retail but there is ton of shit that just doesn't make it to sales
Fuck there are 2 pieces from Rick's latest collection I was thinking of trying to buy during sales but both are almost sold out at every site that stocks them already.

>> No.11924937

>Either you have never actually done any research to this or bought anything retail but there is ton of shit that just doesn't make it to sales
Or maybe I simply dont buy clown uniforms. But go ahead, share that massive amount of pages you buy from because I am pretty sure that its missing some of the most obvious ones who, coincidentally, have some of the biggest stock.

>> No.11924953

>Or maybe I simply dont buy clown uniforms.
m8 you could have just told me you are clueless as fuck and don't actually know shit from the start

>> No.11924961

Impeccable counter argument. I think you missed the point of the thread Jamal: OP doesnt ask how people buy Rick Owens on sale. He simply provides that label as an example. But continue to exclusively browse Ssense and end up being mad about missed pieces.

>> No.11924993
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>be American
>live in SF
>make 80k at my job
>take home pay is $4500
>rent is $3800/mo for a modest 1br apartment
>have $700 left over for various other expenses every month
>try to save at least $100 of that towards retirement
>never do it
>am 15k in debt to capital one from living out here for 3 years

fuck this stupid fucking country I'd rather get beheaded in sweden than live another 3 years here

>> No.11925018

>explorer jacket

this fucking guy

>> No.11925024

Why the fuck are you paying almost 4000 a month just for housing holy shit

>> No.11925027

Sorry to double post but I re read your post and it's boggling my mind. A "modest" one bedroom apartment? Even in the city a decent one bedroom apartment would be like 1200 - 1500 (and that's for something really nice)

for that price outside of utilities you should have like a 4 bedroom house

>> No.11925038

>food quality, medicinal care etc. is much better
lol irl, bait

>> No.11925044
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ok heres the deal,

if you consider yourself poor dont buy designer clothing. if you keep spending money youll keep being poor, this is the reason most people never make it. you can still buy great clothes for p. cheap, most designer clothing is based on some ordinary piece that you can normally buy for a fraction of the price, the looks mostly come down to styling, it also helps if you have besic sewing/embroidery skills, and if you can screenprint. im studying fashion at a top5 uni, and even here you dont see a lot of people wearing crazy expensive designer shit, most people just wear shit they make or alter and look way better than people in 10k fits, of course there are the odd few whose parents can afford to dress them in designer clothing.

one thing you start to realise over time is how overpriced designer clothing really is, compared to say, midrange brands. you can get a fully seam welded gore tex pro shell from a popular outdoor brand for 300$, why should a simple wool coat from a design house cost 1000 and up? the reason behind this is a thing called "luxury tax", and that is a tax you cant afford to pay as someone that isnt from a rich family.

i understand that there are pieces that you just really want and there is nothing else like that out there, thats what grailed is for, but you really dont need a full wardrobe of designer clothing to look good, i have a few expensive pieces and i got them all either from grailed and sample sales/outlets. just be smart and figure out what you like, and never buy stuff just because it looks cool in an editorial, really consider if it fits in with your lifestyle.

and the most importand bit, clothing can only look as good as you do, so be active and dont eat like a pig.

>> No.11925051

Dad makes 140k a year. With taxes. 60-fuckin-percent. 60. In murica he would have made 300k.

>> No.11925062

you missed the part where he said
>live in SF

>> No.11925063

>Work a fairly well paying job for my age
>Study from home (couldn't be bothered to attend a proper uni)
>Buy and sell clothing for a profit
>Live at home

I'm so shit with money, though. I spend it all so fast.

>> No.11925068

for someone studying fashion in top5 uni you are fucking clueless holy shit

>> No.11925096

care to elaborate?

>> No.11925107

>Not that it is available to everyone though.
That's the kicker. No point telling a homeless that he can always stay at the Hilton if he doesn't want to sleep under a bridge.

>> No.11925256


Does /fa/ even buy expensive clothing anymore? Seems like half of the threads here are about vans and H&M

>> No.11925885

cauz he lives in SF, aka the most expensive place on the planet

>> No.11925887
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>mfw interested in fashion
>mfw not interested in owning the clothes

>> No.11925949

>live at home

Dream life lmao

>> No.11926572
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there's nothing wrong with the country dummy, move to Las Vegas you could be paying mortgage for a house in downtown for half of that .

>> No.11926790
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>las vegas
>80k job

>> No.11926804

Take home 2k a month. 1k goes to my apt. Am I poor?

>> No.11926944


>> No.11926963

>implying that fit looks good

>> No.11928561

where in MD?

>> No.11929057



>> No.11929063


Maybe if you had a real career that was viable outside of the most expensive city on the planet

>> No.11929075


>> No.11929082


>> No.11929086

>>14K€/year salary after taxes

are you retarded?

>> No.11929129

>>live in SF
well, there's your problem

>> No.11929145

>work in sf
>live in sf as well
That's where you fucked up. Live in one of the surrounding suburbs and commute.