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11921058 No.11921058 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a grounds maintenance and laborer for a govt facility. We can't have cell phones on property and I'm sick if not being able to tell time.
Need a watch that is tough.
I think this one fits the bill and it apparently is smaller which is good since my wrist are thin
You guys like?

>> No.11921100
File: 162 KB, 1024x768, vostok-komandirskie-811306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plastic analogs are for autists

spend $30 and get comrade, russian military issue

>> No.11921112

What makes them autistic though. Should I not buy that watch, I mean what do you even dislike about it.
The one you posted is alright. Doesn't look good for working though...

>> No.11921135
File: 334 KB, 1500x957, cheapsimpletondiver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not in the military and getting hit by fucking flashbangs every other day in training, you don't need a G shock. g Shocks are throwaway watches for military grunts in training and autists. If you really want a cheap watch that you don't need to worry about and will only use it doing maintenance/labor, get something like this casio diver


>> No.11921198

Sorry OP this board isn't the place to ask. Unless you're mainly buying the watch to look good, the advice here won't be good.

I agree the analog ones look good, but for something dependable and sturdy I'd get the g shock. Quartz digital is pretty much the most accurate you'll get in a watch anyway, and plus you'll get timer, stopwatch and alarm functions plus a backlight.

I have skinny wrists and still wear pretty large watches, not so large that the face takes up my whole wrist though.

If you get a more expensive gshock you'll get more features, but you'll be fine spending far less. I normally wear a cheap casio watch that was 40$ and it's fine going underwater, getting smashed and stuff. I would like a gshock though for its ruggedness.

So yeah. Just don't blow an inordinate amount of money, even like $100 is fine for a decent g shock.

>> No.11921298

Not OP, but what gshock would you recommend for ocean use (surfing, specifically)? Looking to spend at most ~$100.

>> No.11921437

Honestly pretty much any of them will be okay. Make sure it has water resistance of 10bar, or about 100m. 5bar might work but 10bar is on the safe side. Anything above that is good too. Hell, even my $30 casio illuminator would be fine. And that's 10bar rated.

Bar means atmospheres btw. So basically ANY gshock will be fine for surfing, you'll spend less than 100 for sure, but you'll get a basic model.

Other than that just go on the casio gshock website and look at the ones that you like, then buy it on Amazon or something.

>> No.11921476
File: 239 KB, 1241x1500, the_infamous_ChilliShock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has both, the G-shock >>11921058 and a Vostok >>11921100 (Amphibia though), heres my 2 cents:

They both are quite robust, but the G-shock is more so. I have dropped my Amphbia quite a few times, and I even went downhill biking with it, but generally mechanical watches are less robust than G-shocks. Especially when it comes to vibrations.

Also, the G-shock has an alarm and stopwatch, so if you think that would come in handy, go for that one.

You can however use the diver bezel on the vostoks (or other dive watches for that matter) as a simple timer.

However, the G-shock isnt that durable. Mine is a bit over 10 years old, and the band starts to get brittle, and its a non standard band. Also, the color on the surface wears off. Pic related.

But the Amphibia is loosing its chrome plating on the bezel, so whatever…

>> No.11922255
File: 171 KB, 316x510, DW5600SL-1_xlarge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yourself a DW5600 G-Shock, it's pretty small compared to other G-Shock models(and you can nab them pretty cheap). I'd personally replace the resin band with NATO strap adapter + good NATO/Zulu strap(since I personally like the nylon straps more than the resin one on Casios). If you don't really need it to be a waterproof watch(being submerged for longer times in this case), you could just nab off cheaper Casio digital watches because they're pretty solid, I served my time in military with a Casio W800-H and it took the abuse pretty well(mud, heavy rain, crossing streams etc). Managed to snap the resin strap on it tho, but since it had more regular lug width it was easily replaced with aftermarket strap, which is the another reason I'd recommend other Casios than G-Shock. Not to mention 20 bucks watch if lost because of accident hurts less to replace than more expensive model. Hell, F-91W might fit your bill perfectly and it looks fine on smaller wrists, not to mention they can take ridiculous amounts of abuse for cheap and simple watch, not to mention you don't have to worry about regulating it and readjusting the time unlike with automatic watches like with Vostoks.

>> No.11922271


>> No.11922604
File: 25 KB, 380x380, f0bd103809fadc14872fcb3a1657b933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out Marathon. Their quartz watches can take a serious beating