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File: 10 KB, 520x620, 27daefc680f98952e4f9a1090231939f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11916992 No.11916992 [Reply] [Original]

who the fuck thought this was a good company name?

>> No.11917007

Probably edgy teens like /fa/ggots

>> No.11917014

proof /fa/ is a dead board

>> No.11917047

It stands for "Ambition to Create Novel Expressions", and the founders regret the name.

>> No.11917173

they don't???

>> No.11918761

The first time I saw this brand was on an Asian girl who actually had acne, I thought she was just to Asian to realize what it said.

>> No.11918768

you sound dumb

>> No.11918773

But why anon?

>> No.11918774

I have autism

>> No.11918775


>> No.11918780

Oh, you mean because I used "Asian" which is such a broad term?

Indian Chinese or Japanese, they're all the same to me anon.

>> No.11918893

Well how about dickies and nudies?

>> No.11918900

>Oh no he told something bad about my superior chinks I masturbate to

>> No.11919013
File: 154 KB, 580x483, acnefinal1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same people who ``designed'' this garbage

>> No.11919019

jesus. Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.11919022

I want to believe this is somekind of ironic joke. But this is Swedish brand so rather not...

>> No.11919254

>Indian Chinese or Japanese, they're all the same to me anon.
Holy shit, Indians aren't even Asian.

>> No.11919370

But they are

>> No.11919385
File: 26 KB, 380x395, fatbong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they aren't you retard.

>> No.11919396

india is literally on the continent ASIA

>> No.11919400

Doesn't make them Asian you stupid bong.

>> No.11919413


am i being trolled or do you literally have a bunch of cigarette butts stuffed up where yout brain should be? fucking ciggy-butt brain

>> No.11919424

>she was just to Asian to realize what it said
wtf does that even mean lmao

>> No.11919583

I get it. We are Asian. But not white. But still Asian.
Okay you asshole?

>> No.11919594

>Indians aren't even Asian.

>> No.11919763

>ciggy-butt brain

Go back to fucking sleep cunt.

>> No.11919775

"statement" clothing is always garbage

>> No.11919794

Well, it stands for

>> No.11920297
File: 195 KB, 368x375, 1477749745019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you literally have an extra chromosome, what the fuck

>> No.11920641

How could they not realise how shitty it was as soon as they put the acronym together?

>> No.11920642

look at a map sometime boyo

>> No.11920657

Haha, nice one!

>> No.11920742

I honestly can't tell if you're being ironic.
If not, shoot yourself.

>> No.11920749

Acne is a meme brand now, do not cop under any circumstances

>> No.11922030

>being this dumb

>> No.11922039

This seems like parody.

>> No.11922714

It's Sweden, so it's definitely not.

>> No.11922767

No, I appreciate your meme but it definitely is.

>> No.11923411

the 'face' patch they throw on stuff sometimes immediately ruins anything, too

>> No.11923821

Their formal pieces are ok. I use acne slim trousers as a measure template, if I fit in them, then I'm slim enough for industry standarts, if they start to feel like tights then it's time to loose some weight.

>> No.11923842

its obviously ironic because the left is pro-tranny and the right is anti-tranny

>> No.11923922

Yes they do, the founder said it in an interview type video.

>> No.11923928

I like the name Acne, of course it shares the same name as another word but it still sounds cool as a brand name.

>> No.11925086
File: 179 KB, 1155x852, 1385795455696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virtue signalling everywhere on 4chan is starting to get on my nerves

>look at me ima /pol/ack i see a narrative everywhere i look please fuck my face

>> No.11925102

It means most Asians can't read English? You stupid?

>> No.11925108

Their jeans and t shirts are great, though I'm not much of a fan of any of their statement pieces

>> No.11925145

link that shit

jonny johansson said he wanted to have a name that was hard to work with, henve acne

>> No.11925510

He meant ethnicaly speaking, not geographicaly. He knows that India is located in Asia, but indians descend from indoeuropeans.

>> No.11925935

>most Asians can't read English


>> No.11925940

I think it's a good name. Not too keen on their products but the name is good.

>> No.11926348

A bad name for bad clothing that just won't go away

>> No.11926362

further proof white people are retarded
its lit

>> No.11926387

Probably my favorite brand. Quality is sick and the clothing looks simple, yet fantastic and timeless. I've to admit that both the gender and the emoji thing were dead, but acne studios makes up for it with its usually perfect designs.

>> No.11926398

Forgot to add that i think Acne studios is a okay name. When english isn't your main language, the brands true translation, isn't anything you think to much about

>> No.11926402

LMAO holy fuck