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/fa/ - Fashion

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11912738 No.11912738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are chads /fa/

>> No.11912745


>> No.11912747

those 2 letters say alot more about you than chads

>> No.11912760
File: 1.03 MB, 1882x2503, 1473190469768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Being beautiful is fa and effay as fuck. Fashion is for beautiful peoples, not uggos.

>> No.11912797

nah senpai

>> No.11912802

>that empty toilet paper roll

>> No.11912805
File: 46 KB, 400x400, IMG_5822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking board

>> No.11912806

>you will never be a sexy white muscular chad who owns the pussys of every woman he comes in contact with

whats even the point in living if you arent a white chad?

>> No.11912828

It is possible, but very hard.

>> No.11912841
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No, they dress so fucking poorly.

>> No.11912844

doesn't matter. they won life already

>> No.11912859

No but I'd rather be a Chad than effay

>> No.11912883

Chad and Under Armour go together like meat and potatoes.

>> No.11912891

Yes, face/frame/height are all that matter.

>> No.11912898


These guys are just chilling in their casual clothes, waiting for the girls to come over on a nice summer day.

I'd relax bro, perhaps concerning yourselves with others is affecting your life.

>> No.11912903

i genuinely dont want to sound like a bitter cunt, but how do these people live?
i've hung out with chads and the girls that chads habg out with and its awful, they dont like art, they dont like music that isnt just typical pop flavour of the month, they dont read, they only like action movies (you get my point). i get that theyre happy and thats good for them, but like what do they do? how do they fill their days? without art i dont think i'd even be a person, i'd just be like a plant or a vegetable or some shit

>> No.11912909


jesus christ

kill yourself

they go to the gym (probably) and play sports (probably) and go to work (probably) and watch breaking bad four years after the fact (probably)

who gives a shit

>> No.11912913

Watch netflix

>> No.11912917

I used to wonder about that too. Never was close to a normie until I got into uni

For these chads, the answer is menial work, lots of gym, socialising, tv and social media (fb scrolling is quite a huge timesink)

>> No.11913108

Gondola isn't spurdo

>> No.11913116

they talk to people

>> No.11913126

My sister is a Stacy and her bf of 8 years is a Chad.

They do like music, but just not music that you like. They do things like go to festivals, go out drinking and eating pizza, go to the gym, play sports, go hiking or to the beach, watch netflix, go to work AND school AND volunteer.

Some Chads and Stacys are good at artistic things like singing and painting. Maybe it's not "deep" enough for you, but they they are really busy people, so that's part of why they are happy. They don't have time to think about life and sometimes it's better that way.

>> No.11913139


You people need help.

>> No.11913163

I'm sure they're perfectly normal dudes. I wouldn't be so worried about how others/dress and act unless its overtly retarded and/or dangerous.

>> No.11913165

Nah, they don't have to care about fashion

>> No.11913196

Ever see a Chad try to make art?

>> No.11913205
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But anon, Chad's body is a work of art. It is his masterpiece.

>> No.11913210

didnt mean it in a cunty way at all, im a britbong so we dont get chads over here really. just the way theyre portrayed and shit makes them seem like they dont have a personality or anything

>> No.11913298
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>tfw chads always complement how you dress and call you their bro/nigga
feels good

>> No.11913307

open your eyes cousin
the uk chad equivalent is the banteriffic lad you find on a night out in a wasitcoat

>> No.11913346

they want ur boipusspuss

>> No.11913390
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>> No.11913395
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they have painfully protruding nipples

>> No.11913438

Who cares?

The girl you have a crush on / your girlfriend would instantly fuck the shit out of a Chad if given the chance.

>> No.11913444

This. Also, protip: the geekier/goofier a girl looks, the more she wants to get pounded hard by a fit, confident Chad.

>> No.11913455

Yeha, this is true.

>> No.11913468

How do I become a chad?

>> No.11913471

Be born that way.

>> No.11913472

Not really,most chads(like 99% of them) look ridiculous in clothes and fashion is about clothes

>> No.11913476

Chads dont give a fuck if they're /fa/ or not, they are chads and chads will get laid regardless of their clothing and shit

>> No.11913480

You have to be born from a rich family, in a wealthy socio-economical environment and have good genetics (no baldness, tall, good to great facial aesthetics).

At that point, you just have to get fit and enjoy life on easy mode.

>> No.11913530




>> No.11913577

>they go to the gym (probably) and play sports (probably)
If you go to the gym you will not have the energy to play sports afterwards. Unless you literally have freetime 24/7. Going to the gym also doesnt fill more than an hour, even if you do it every single day. So they fill their day with other shit, which is mostly related to watching TV and browsing Facebook. Most of my friends are normies so I know what their average day looks like.

>> No.11913606
File: 147 KB, 982x1024, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you woulndt worship these chads cocks

>> No.11913708
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i hate myself so much right now. im so fucking ugly.

>> No.11913726

that's what i think too

>> No.11913753

Jesus Christ, what's the point of having a girlfriend anyway?

You know that she'd lust and be wet as fuck at the sight of those fit Chads, even if she says to be in love with you. I couldn't stand it, I'm SURE that she'd be going to rub one out thinking of those perfect bodies and godly facial aesthetics.

We just can't compete.

>> No.11913762


What if I told you that your girlfriend would say the same thing about a bunch of women that are out there in the world. That's just the way it is.

>> No.11913775

Me too :)

>> No.11913777

It's not like I would blame her. It's like those guys belong to a different species, I'd deserve to be cucked.

>> No.11913788
File: 72 KB, 760x752, tumblr_o1gqhtzEZA1ubm73lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit laughed

thanks anon

>> No.11913900

fuck you

>> No.11913903


>> No.11913907

what the fuck

>> No.11913909

ginger ale

>> No.11913914


>> No.11913918

Here is the average day of a college-level Chad, with no exaggerating:

>wake up
>early because you're excited to attend a Halloween party where there'll be tons of amateur Instagram fitness models in slutty costumes, some of which you've already banged
>get ready to hit the gym with the bros, ready to smash a Bench PR today and get mired by sloots
>go to gym, greeted by other regulars, catch 9/10 blonde staring at you, get her number and think that maybe you'll have the time to bang her soon, high testosterone makes lifting enjoyable
>take shower at gym, sculpted godlike body on 6'4 frame and 8x6 dick makes everyone around you feel inferior
>dress into your plain t-shirt and shorts, laugh at the pale skinnyfat guy who you saw was on the treadmill the entire time dressing into his Rick Owens or some shit like that
>get to business class a little late and sit in seat that 8/10 brunette saved for you; her beta orbiter stares at you with envy
>professor stops whole class to greet you really quickly, he's a real bro who has a $120k starting job for you straight out of college, who also has a really hot daughter
>finish class and 8/10 asks if you want to grab something to eat, she pays for it, obviously wants the D but you're saving your energy for a 9-10/10 tonight

>> No.11913919

is being bisexual /fa/

>> No.11913927

>Jesus Christ, what's the point of having a boyfriend anyway?

>You know that he'd lust and be hard as fuck at the sight of those fit Stacy's, even if he says to be in love with you. I couldn't stand it, I'm SURE that he'd be going to rub one out thinking of those perfect bodies and godly facial aesthetics.

>We just can't compete.

>> No.11913935

Yes. It is the most /fa/ sexuality.

>> No.11913958

>they dont like art, they dont like music that isnt just typical pop flavour of the month, they dont read
Im sure all of this applies to you, the difference is you pretend to like reading and art and music, but its likely all just a very surface level interest thats used to affect sophistication

>> No.11913977

have you ever... talked to a girl

>> No.11913981


>> No.11913993

like... who even is bothering to type this shit out? who cares? this website is so embarrassing

>> No.11913999

go back to your containment board

>> No.11914055
File: 364 KB, 1382x1841, IMG_0474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this condsider almost chad mode?

>> No.11914217




Gay as fuck

>> No.11914228

These aren't chads . These are Tyler Brian Rick Matt Luke and Keith

>> No.11914237

They're physically attractive, but fashionable per se.

>> No.11914243

Noice pubes.

>> No.11914246
File: 117 KB, 659x697, 1435189247390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I am that orbiter

>> No.11914249

These are the Gronkowski brothers they are literally the chad deities. Guaranteed they could go to any college age girl and just point. Your girl would push you into traffic to get a picture with them

>> No.11914252

But my name is chad so your theory presents a paradox

>> No.11914253

*Not fashionable

>> No.11914279

you have muscles, but too much fat for it to really shine, i'd recommend losing a touch of weight
overall nice body though, and yeah at least trim your pubes lmao

>> No.11914302
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pretty boys>>>chads

>> No.11914330

didn't realize that the crossover from /fa/ and /r9k/ was so strong

I guess a lot of you are robots in remission

>> No.11914339

I moved a lot so I never really developed social skills. I learn to make my own fun, and I do t admire chad lifestyles at all. I don't find going to the gym, working 9 to 5, drinking beer and watching sports, or going to bars fun.

>tfw I just want to fund a qt to play smash Bros with

>> No.11914570

He would be a Chad if he started lifting.

>> No.11914587


>> No.11914781

This. If you are attractive when you go to the gym, you'll be attractive even if you don't.

>> No.11914808

too bad Gronk makes more money in a month then you'll make in a lifetime

>> No.11914834

elias would laugh at these bafoons :]

>> No.11914863

beautiful bodies are /fa/

>> No.11914887


EXCEPT i couldnt get those hot girls, but chads CAN fuck my gf anytime

>> No.11914977
File: 690 KB, 3375x1900, What if the largest countries had the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamnit that dad chad

>> No.11914991

>no exaggerating
(not true, by the way)

>> No.11914998

In the least resentful way I can put it: no. Not because they are dumb reeeee normies whatever, but because they were borne extremely beautiful, get to fuck so many women effortlessly, and participate in so many social events that they don't (and shouldn't desu) care about fashion, or most art in that matter.

>> No.11915008

>Argentina is in Europe

>> No.11915069
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>> No.11915074

Chads are not effay. They're very beautiful human beings, but they dress like shit which is not effay.

However... they do get laid at will, unlike any of us on here though.

>> No.11915078

youre so pretentious dude
alot of people who play sports gym to improve their body and hence the sport are you literally retarded
do you think youre so above them when you think about the meaning of life in your shower and then jerk off to hentai at night?

>> No.11915079

>argentina is nigeria

>> No.11915144


I agree that there are people who lead more interesting and fulfilling lives than normies and Chads, but its not most people on this board, or on /mu/ for example, who just think theyre so deep and enlightened

unless youre seriously invested in the arts or academia beyond a surface level interest (hint: youre not), or spend most of your day wortking because you need to provide for yourself/ a family, youre not above the normies, you just fill your day with a different brand of time-wasting

>> No.11915302

even feigning interest in interesting things is way more interesting and fulfilling than browsing facebook and going to the gym all day

>> No.11915417

nice anon. thank u for posting that.

>> No.11915883


You are 100% wrong, what a fucking dumb ass

Also pro tip - if you're friends are normies, you're a normie too, no matter what you tell yourself when ur wanking it in bed at night

>> No.11915894
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have you?

>> No.11917213

cont. please

>> No.11917374


They're too busy having sex and socializing to even begin to give a shit about philisophy and art lmoa

>> No.11917556


>> No.11917569


>> No.11917874

gay pose but sure

>> No.11918426

being a dilettante is literally just as bad if not worse than being a normie

>> No.11918826

That's considered too much fat and shit posture.

>> No.11918837

germany and sweden in middle east.

>> No.11919232
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>tfw cursed to be str8
>will never truly be /fit/ or effay

>> No.11919268

Christ no

>> No.11919573

Also, I think they just don't care. They just go with the flow.

Yeah, I find that shit boring af, but who am I to judge people? I'm fucking typing with weebs on a chinese cartoon boards, how do you think chads would feel if you told them "Yeah, I'm on this image board talking about clothes, check it out." and they "bruh, Why is everybody posting those anime images? Don't you go out bang chicks and get wasted?"

So yeah, fuck off with your double standards.

>> No.11920121


>> No.11920691
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>> No.11920699

why are you sticking your gut out like that

>> No.11920708
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>Ireland is still in Ireland

>> No.11920805
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i forgot the reason why i still come here

literally nobody here has any clue how life operates outside of their little bubble but are so cocksure they completely understand the lives of people they know so little about

on the other hand everyone is so insecure and concerned with the most inane, superficial things and allow themselves to become this miserable husk yet claim to be intelligent enough to be above it all. jesus christ

>> No.11920840
File: 60 KB, 728x450, 1464126417052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had all the potential to be born a chad
>was born a high testosterone female instead

>> No.11921048

post pics or at least describe what that looks like

>> No.11921081

No, and that's my point. Those that do end up making something that "losers" make. Most Chad's are not self aware enough or have been critiqued enough to make art.

>> No.11921091

Could you please beat me up?

>> No.11921095

Im not her but im the same i think
High metabolism, high muscle mass (compared to my size), big shoulders, ect. I'm not especially tall but i'm taller than all my female relatives, and i have a smallish cup size (32C) with noticeable pecs underneath.

>> No.11921127

32C isn't small.

>> No.11921194
File: 194 KB, 440x582, IMAG_1028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this


>> No.11921274

>implying androgyny isn't /fa/

>> No.11921306








>> No.11921642

you look like a more attractive zarya

>> No.11921653

holy shit

>> No.11921676

why not just be gay?

>> No.11921845
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>> No.11921879

rick is actually beautiful in an unconvential way tho.
>dat smile
>dat hair
>dat athletic body

I don't like his clothes on anyone else but himself. he's got a certain aura that's really attractive imo.

>> No.11921883

can confirm.

>> No.11922350
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Why the fuck is this so true

>> No.11922411
File: 96 KB, 180x294, 1476988140959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad

>> No.11922552

>not even light eyes
Lost the lottery.

>> No.11922563

Kek say that to Donatella Versace

>> No.11922577

not really.
those banteriffic lads usually only have sex with other chavs

>> No.11922711
File: 162 KB, 500x749, doggo contemplating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are bugs bunny posters always the most reasonable? Is it a genetic thing?

>> No.11922733

i agree. but you are not beautiful. mabye a 7/10 at best.

>> No.11922817

I'd smash

>> No.11922887

You have more than lucked out in genes holy fuck

>> No.11922918

More pictures, plz.

>> No.11922919

more like chDad mode hahah

>> No.11922929

That's pretty fucking /fa/

>> No.11923729

intresting as fuck, thank you for posting this

>> No.11923863

Hot as fuck.

Why you hate.

>> No.11925090

that's what an average upper middle class california normie does, not necessarily a chad. a chad rides bikes, cycles, mountain climbs or surfs on top of a high paying job and banging instagram camwhores two times a week he picks up at his favorite bar in SF

>> No.11925329
File: 114 KB, 570x881, 43a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHAD can wear a piss, cum, sweat, shit, pus, vomit and dirt stained torn, oversized tracksuit and STILL get more compliments on how fashionable his outfit is in ONE HOUR than ANY /fa/cels could dream of getting in your ENTIRE LIVES

>> No.11926586

moving around constantly turned me into an omega introvert. after 2 years in one place i opened up though and the Chad naturally came out of me. life is a lot better now after i pulled my head out of my own ass and realized that im not a special snowflake