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11909681 No.11909681 [Reply] [Original]

Who here #nevergetscompliments

>> No.11909704 [DELETED] 

I get a decent amount, mostly because I look like a strange mix between a prettyboy and a masculine hunk and my face is somewhat assymetrical, so people notice me. To quote some author, "His face didn't have the right features, but he was very pretty.". My eyes are very eyecatching as well, so those get compliments as well.

Despite that, I am a very hollow person and I can't say that the slight release of endorphins upon being approved by the opposite sex makes my life anyhow better. Yes, life is easier whilst looking good, but of what use am I when I am so utterly foolish and stupid in almost all of my decisions. Not so recently I messed up my relationship with a girl due to some petty reason. One of those few people that I actually got to know very well and let myself be known, and now, it is all for nothing.

I am not sure why do I write this, I suppose it is in some part due to my somewhat vain, narcisstic nature and also due to my self awareness, which is a curse at times. The main reason is that I lack friends and the chief cause for that is unwillingless to open up and a fear of being truly sincere.

My feels reach ever growing levels of complexity as they mature, but I wonder if all of them are actually there for some simple reason that I am oblivious to. I suppose I might know the answer. Could all of my plights be just due to lack of sex, lack of girlfriend, etc., -- simple things? Or it is delusion to think that those fix anything?

>> No.11909729

just find a qt /fa/ gf, you can do it anon

>> No.11909758

qt hairdresser told me she liked my lemaire shirt and pants yesterday
feels good mane

>> No.11909954

Actually a black girl in riteaid said I looked good so that's one person. It does feel good desu.

>> No.11909979


Wear a HAWAIIAN SHIRT or at least 1 loud piece that is effay and then you will get compliments on it

>> No.11909988

Used to get compliments, then I started balding.

>> No.11910115
File: 226 KB, 300x237, 1472612226351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get compliments
>I have crippling low self esteem so I assume they're either lying or making fun of me


>> No.11910141

who cares about compliments

when someone compliments me i point all of their mistakes out.

also there's nothing worse than when i'm visiting family and my aunt compliments some pants i just wore because i never use them and they were the only clean ones and actually i dislike them, then my aunt says "oh those are some very pretty pants, anon" and i have to smile and say thanks, but really i just want to call her a fucking pleberina

>> No.11910158

Be thankful fuckhead

>> No.11910163


you sound like a cunt

and your daily fits are probably shit m8, your family probably has private talks to discuss how they're going to get you to dress normal again

>> No.11910164

wow anon that's so cool you're so humble and modest you totally deserve all those compliments, self-deprecative humor makes you so charming, there's nothing people like more than a bitter faggot who disguises his pathetic cries for help under a thin veil of weak humor to seem cooler.

>> No.11910189

I do, but only because I used to be fat and dress like I had autism.

I'm not joking about the autism part, looking back at old photos of me make me want to kill myself even now.

>> No.11910193

I'm sorry, did I strike a cord with you, buddy?

>> No.11910213


>> No.11910354

im convinced i give off a really autismal aura that makes people not even want to be near me

>> No.11910367

Oh thank god it's not just me

>> No.11910377
File: 50 KB, 547x471, 1430370788462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here #alwaysgetscompliments?

>> No.11910393
File: 30 KB, 396x385, 1431224718739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everyone trash talks every fit you wear

>> No.11910397

>Everyone thinks I am a celebrity or in some band
>People have even taken pictures with me
>Always get compliments

Spoiler: I have hardly any fans and I'm not famous.

>> No.11910404

Same. Except this only happens with FOBs at bars/clubs or when I am in Asia. My aunt told me I look like a certain porn actor before, so I don't know if it's because of that.

>> No.11910405

Same, almost all my clothes were hand me downs and i basically wore shirts that went down to my knees until i was 18 years old. I get compliments all the time now just for wearing the correct size

>> No.11910413
File: 200 KB, 563x600, 1467938775866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. Actually this is ok, I think, because I'm ugly. I even don't have any friends, for years. No gf too, lol.

>> No.11910420

>"Hi hows it going, you look familiar"
> Ah oh really?
>"Do I know you from somewhere?"
>"Did you go to-"
>No you don't know me I'm not from here
>"Were you in-"
>haha no I get this all the time

Every week

>> No.11910431

its just a conversation starter

>> No.11910443

I know when it has that intention, but being stopped by TSA agents, random people on the street, and foreigners in public places is a little different.

>> No.11910444

Post a picture of yourself.

>> No.11910450

uh oh

>> No.11910792

oh god i know that feel