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/fa/ - Fashion

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11902521 No.11902521 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ youtube channel ?

>> No.11902592

No, not fashion related stuffs. More like, we know that watching jacksepticeye isn't /fa/, right ? So what is ?

>> No.11902617

I don't know about channels, but I like watching those "silently walking through major cities in foreign countries at night" videos. They give off a pretty fashionable vibe and are good to chill with music to or have on in the background.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L87rGrAJ_ZU link related. I'm sure there are probably some channels dedicated to this.

>> No.11902735

the antlers was great on this

>> No.11902750

When will this

>using /fa/ as an adjective to describe anything which isn't even remotely related to fashion, much less the /fa/ board on 4chan.org

meme die?

>> No.11902891

These faggots want to revolve every aspect of their lives around this forum, like they think the shit posted here is original and unique or something.

>> No.11902941

I just wanna be as good as everyone else here, intellectually

>> No.11902956
File: 227 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_1419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine, a person, liking Duster and Red House Painters, dressing like pic related (not me btw), is an INTP, but enjoying meme tier let's player youtubers ? I have to change some things in my life to make everything harmonious, so that when i look at myself in the mirror, i see the person i want to be, someone i would be impressed by. I've been working on my book and film taste

>> No.11902963

You've got a warped idea of an ideal life dude

>> No.11902982

You practically described me and it's fucking depressing.

>> No.11902987

Well i can't do anything about that

>> No.11902992
File: 21 KB, 315x600, 1471926408964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just described the white suburban teenagers that make up 80% of this board

>> No.11902996

and why is being like this considered bad?

when you meet a woman who dresses slutty but is actually a real nerd is pretty interesting right

they be shock wow u dont look like you like these things

>> No.11903007




Common apparel

>> No.11903011

Yeah. But it doesn't make me want to date them, or be attracted to them. Both traits are not attractive to me, they come from the worlds that i don't want to be associated with, that i don't want to be seen as part of. I know what's interesting what's disgusting. What's happening to me is disgusting and i want to change that.

And i'm not white

>> No.11903016

I've subscribed to them. As i said before, doesn't have to be fashion related, but just something that reflects your intellectual superiority.

Just, ah, i know you're all better than me, so why don't you guys just tell me your favourite youtube channels ?

>> No.11903021

Subscribe to Dramalert or keemstar

>> No.11903035

Jamesclo DESU

>> No.11903044

Oh no pls don't do this. This is not the right time for jokes. i'm not some fat kid who's late for trends who still likes dabbing who listens to Flux Pavilion who's a fan of Jimmy Fallon, ok, that's the person i avoid to become.

>> No.11903052

I have. Anything else ?

>> No.11903060

yea but youre following youtube channels about fashion

>> No.11903064

Look at OP pic, that's cool, that's /fa/, the bands are unheard of, trying to like it will make you a better person.

Maybe anymore like it, like maybe short films or philosophical discussion or vlogs that are cool that are not filled with meme tier materials.

>> No.11903073

I am but the question was youtubers that has good aesthetics and good quality content, according to the people of /fa/. I trust you taste because i believe you're all better than me.

>> No.11903083

what is your fucking problem

>> No.11903113

nothing. what's yours ?

>> No.11903137

I like the school of life. They do really decent introductory videos that summarize the basic ideas of famous philosophers. The Marx, Sartre, and Nietzsche videos are all good.

>> No.11903158

oh man i've been watching school of life too. it's great.

any more youtubers that you like ?

>> No.11904157

we're not better than you, just normal, or below normal people, don't trust the shitpost and most of the stuff you see here, and look for other websites/magazines, or idk

>> No.11904190

s h o w s t u d i o
some of you hypebeast dropkicks could learn a thing or two from this vid

>> No.11905255

Omg dude you have like serious trust issues. Quit watching youtube and seek professional help. Not even kidding.

>> No.11905289

I love watching Vice Japan with the audio muted. It's fun lipreading Japanese.

>> No.11905352

nerdwriter1, school of life, and other essay-form channels are very laid back and chill, and you look comfy and intellegent when watching with a cup of hot coco in your hands.

>> No.11905365

Ishitani Furniture.

>> No.11905378

there videos are so cringe. they are all fukin specimens.

>> No.11905548

Watching youtube can't be effay.
Just watch what you enjoy and don't talk about it

>> No.11905690

>I have to change some things in my life to make everything harmonious, so that when i look at myself in the mirror, i see the person i want to be, someone i would be impressed by. I've been working on my book and film taste

The problem with this isn't so much that you want to be someone you're impressed by but that you're letting that someone be decided by others

>> No.11906232

yes, decided by people who i trust. i trust plumbers more than i trust myself to fix the pipe thingy, well i'm not good yet at this whole thing, when i compare my instagram with the bests of /fa/, i'm nothing, like i have no taste at all. what i enjoy is too plebeian and memeistic. i hate it. this is supposed to be something i'm good at.

>> No.11906238

>Ishitani Furniture
oh man thank you. ok, so, nightwalk, clothes review, record labels, japanese furnitures. i feel better, a lil bit.

>> No.11906272


Very concise, high quality review of shoes and on foot.

>> No.11906279

lol this has nothing to do with your tastes it has to do with your horribly low self esteem Anon

finding obscure avant garde things you enjoy half-assed all while delusioning yourself to believe that "i dont like it that much because im a pleb but this is TRUE patrician taste" isnt going to fix that

>> No.11906284

I think Paul Joseph Watson is. Being informed is very /fa/

>> No.11906292

i'm not white and christian and i feel like i'm their enemy (paul j watson, millenial woes, stefan molyneux, alex jones, evalion, etc etc) so idk i guess they're a bit biased

>> No.11906295

i'm not fixing anything. self esteem is bad but there's nothing i can do about it so i don't really try to fix it.

>> No.11906316


>> No.11906329

>I have to change some things in my life to make everything harmonious

yes you are you literally said this earlier. you're trying to FIX your identity, you want to feel more comfortable in your own skin and you believe the way to accomplish this is by rejecting your "pleb taste" interests and finding (as you said in >>11903073)

>youtubers that has good aesthetics and good quality content

youll find something which fits the criteria, you'll get bored, and you'll come back asking how to overcome this boredom. (((from a purely subjective viewpoint based off what youve said in this thread)) youre not an interesting person. at all. if you worry about your image more than your interests, you never will be.

if you worry about your interests more than your comfort, you'll never be comfortable with who you are either.

>> No.11906331

just try be a vegan and a model. you'll get there one day.

>> No.11906348

no. meme.

very difficult is to be comfortable with something that you know will make people put you in the wrong category. because you believe you're better than this, you deserve more. you deserve more than watching Dodger and meme tier acoustic cover.

i just can't believe it. my fashion taste and my entertainment taste don't match. this is very embarrassing and humiliating, and degrading.

i'm not interesting, i know that. but i can't do anything about it, i've kind of accepted it that i won't ever be interesting so maybe i'll just impress people. it just feels good knowing that people put you in the superior category. i've felt that before, putting someone in a superior category, and i was like "i wanna be like that guy i want people to do that to me too". i wish i could be like that without effort though, like how it's supposed to be.

>> No.11906361

i've been thinking about diet. but idk about going full vegan, like i wouldn't be eating testosterone-friendly food. that's bad, i don't want that, i need more testosterone i have very few i guess.

what do you think about consuming salad a bowl a day ? i've been stopping consuming sweets.

>> No.11906372

I would post the shit I like, but I want to share it with someone who's looking for new content to enjoy, not new content they can use to posture themselves

>> No.11906391

>will make people put you in the wrong category

You sure do say "i", "me", and "my" for a person with no autonomy whatsoever. How you're perceived by others and who you are, are two differently entire people. If you're only worried about your image, your identity, then just continue doing whatever is you're doing. No one's impressed by someone who knows they're a fraud and makes no effort in hiding it.

>i just can't believe it. my fashion taste and my entertainment taste don't match.

Your """tastes""" don't have to match. You're capable of having a wide array of interests.

>this is very embarrassing

According to whom? The only thing embarrassing thing about you is how little self esteem you have. You don't have to be embarrassed if you don't want to.

>i'm not interesting, i know that

No you don't. I said you weren't interesting, YOU never said that. There's absolutely NO reason as to why I would know more about YOU than YOU do. Stop letting others tell you who you are, grow a spine Anon.

>but i can't do anything about it

objectively wrong

>it just feels good knowing that people put you in the superior category

Even though you don't belong there? Why are you so worried about how others perceive you? The men you idolize don't care about who you see them in the slightest, ironic because that's the trait you lack and admire the most.

I'm pointing out the problems I see in you in my eyes, but there's no reason as to why I couldn't be wrong. The only person who knows what you want is you, just as is the only person who knows how they'll get it.

>> No.11906420

i do understand everything that you said. it's just that, now i can't even see what i genuinely like anymore, it's all blurred. idk what to do to loosen up. i can't even be natural at all in front of other people. idk how to, i forgot how to.

i can't stop idolizing other people. and i can't feel satisfied about my own self. i want to be what i'm supposed to be (natural or whatever) but idk where to start idk what to do. it feels very empty and hollow.

i'm just bored man i need something that wow me. i enjoy lets players but everytime i watch it i feel disgusted abt myself.

>> No.11906429

>I believe you're all better than me
You either have a very warped impression of /fa/ or insane self-esteem issues.

>> No.11906440


but i can't do anything about that. it's too strong and i'm too weak

>> No.11906450

please do post, sir

>> No.11906467

What the fuck is wrong with board

>> No.11906656

yes pls

>> No.11906745

thanks for that!

I-D magazine has a youtube channel with some interesting videos

>> No.11906834

Jesus Christ you're allowed to enjoy whatever you want to. I love fashion yet I just watched a 4 hour playlist of angry video game nerd and listened to old country music. Why? Because I genuinely enjoy the things I like even though it's not all that great. You don't need to be this insufferable pretentious asshole. Everyone WILL hate you. Be genuine with yourself.

>> No.11906983

i guarantee you won't ever let anyone know that you did those stuffs.