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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 85 KB, 1190x595, 7-outdated-fashion-rules-that-men-can-now-ignore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11886364 No.11886364 [Reply] [Original]

I am a 30 y/o geezer who used to be hip af and is now getting back in top shape and want to be effay again. With a twist. At my age I can't and don't want to dress like a 20 year old, will be getting married soon and have a successful investigation career. Will be starting to meet with clients face to face and I want to start dressing "classically fashionable".

Do any of you have any advice for a more conservative look? Does not need to be high end, but it should fit well and look classic and handsome, no matter if it is professional or relaxed.

>> No.11886372
File: 1.63 MB, 1066x1368, Screen Shot 2016-10-18 at 11.58.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try something like this

>> No.11886376
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>> No.11886378
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>> No.11886379


>> No.11886383

full rick 24/7

>> No.11886386
File: 36 KB, 664x443, guide-to-pant-breaks-no-break-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. DESU I am not very savy on brands. I mainly have been buying/looking at Brooks Brothers and BR. Which I'm sure people on here will make fun of, but they fit well and look nice enough.

I just want to find something between those prices that fits really well, looks nice and I can buy from completely, knowing the brand is what I fit in and look good in. Not having to shop around for different wardrobes.

Maybe jeans...

>> No.11886397

where do you live?
invistigating what?
are you dressing for a reason/to give an impression ie a uniform if you will, or for yourself?
if the former whats your average clientelle like?
whats your hair like?
what would you never wear?

>> No.11886409
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>> No.11886413

>meeting face to face with clients
Do you have a dress code?
You could go for a sports coat sort of look, or as an hardboiled private eye you could rock a charcoal suit and hat. Remember to remove all color from your office, to increase the old movie vibe!

>> No.11886420

I live in Virginia. Travel all over VA, NOVA, WV, DC, MD, PA and New England.

I do surveillance for workmans comp fraud. So when in my vehicle I am not going to dress well, it's just too uncomfortable to dress nice and sit in a car for 12 hours. Plus my sweat would ruin my clothes in the summer.

This is for meeting with my boss, and clients. As well as my girlfriends friends, who are all 25 or younger and still in college. Most of them at VCU are in film or art so are hip and cool, I feel like a dad around them.

I would love to have a "uniform" look. Like brown/green/khaki/navy/black. Earth-tones with button ups, polos, chinos, jackets for some occasions.

VA gets very warm and very cold, and I personally react poorly to extremes in weather, forcing me to want to wear slip flops and shorts or dress like an Eskimo.

I generally am a bit outdoorsy/nerdy. Have always liked darker earth-tones and blacks. Corduroys are a shameful favorite. I long for te late 70's that will never happen again. Seemed so comfy then.

My hair it brown, I have a high hairline, widows peak. Not receding at all, I've looked like I was about to lose hair since I was little, just a shitty line. Glasses, reddish beard, freckles.

I don't really care for light pants. Think "country club" look. That's not me. My gf's family are super blue blood DC socialites who all wear three piece suits and make me feel like a complete pleb. I don't want to dress like them, but I want to start looking a bit more socially acceptable in their circles.

Maybe I will. Screw it.

No dress code at all. It's literally how I want to present myself to people. I definitely don't want to go for the classic PI look. *tips fedora*

>> No.11886429

>slip flops
>long for te late
>hair it brown
wew, kill me

>> No.11886445

IMX, wool clothes are great if you have to stay put in your car, or deal with extra cold or warmth.
If you don't want to be an hard boiled private eye (come on!), then maybe the sports coat look? Comfy wool pants when you're out on the field, courduroy or linen in summer when in the office.

>> No.11886453

$4000 casual suit
$20,000 casual fall jacket

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.11886626

Your GF is fat

>> No.11886661

Oh? How do you figure that?

>> No.11886709

6th sense

plus you're a fucking autist so there's absolutely no way that you could score anyone above a 6/10

>> No.11886726

ha ok my dude. Whatever makes you
feel like you have a big dick on the internet. Completely wrong of course. But I'll let you feel good.

>> No.11886821


pick one

>> No.11886854
File: 183 KB, 500x699, 1476148607280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11887603

at 27 I'm kind of in the same boat as you so let me just say you came to the wrong place. This board is mostly 23- and most aren't remotely interested in the style you describe. Honestly although it gets shit on a ton here MFA would probably be your best bet. Every once in awhile an inspo thread will pop up with some great stuff but that's about it

>> No.11887627

What is MFA?

>> No.11887637

Nevermind. Got it. Thanks man.

>> No.11887694

hot dad fashion

>> No.11887851
File: 1.67 MB, 3179x4928, 1455845660946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this pic is any frame of reference, you're doing a bad job
Pic 1: V neck tucked into lowrise jeans under a blazer with the sleeves rolled up? cmon
Pic 2: Matching shirt and shoes with MUH BOLD COLORS. Also tucked into a lowrise trouser
Pic 3: Sleeve roll is shitty, and the tuck with the single button is not good at all
Pic 4: Matching tie and pocket square? gross unless black tie white shirt. Also the tie is wayyy too big, relative to the lapel.
Just dress with the aesthetic (minimalism) of pic related and you'll be good old timer. hopefully ur not fat

>> No.11887960

Where to cop good cords? LLBean any good?

>> No.11888995

If you are investigating you should look the part of a upper middle class white person in the south

so vineyard vines and boat shoes. All the time.

>> No.11889003
File: 404 KB, 1200x1714, Chrisgov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conservative fashion

>> No.11889004
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>> No.11890037
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