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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 168 KB, 1366x2048, photos (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11882452 No.11882452 [Reply] [Original]

even if ur a poorfag u can still afford nice things
save up u mongoloid stop buying everything from adidas and uniqlo

>> No.11883211

Ha nice one
Now shoo go not be a poorfag, richfag

>> No.11883217

My trousers are uniqlo u and theyre pretty sick mate

>> No.11883225

am poorfag that saves up for nice pieces instead of making "good shoe like cp's?" threads
ye they prob are
uniqlos good
not great
but good for what it is
would be nice if they released a turtleneck in that mustardy brown colour

>> No.11883228

op you live at home and get welfare cheques

>> No.11883229

I'm Black and do this

>> No.11883231

you could have just said "im black" and the rest would have been a preconceived notion

>> No.11883238

Indian here and this >>11883231

>> No.11883243

no i have a job and i have enough self control and am prudent enough to minimise unnecessary spending and save money to things i know id rather have
id rather not play the victim and use that as an excuse to be a dilettante

>> No.11883250

you live with mum and dad

>> No.11883255


>> No.11883265

yes you do

>> No.11883269

you do

>> No.11883857

stop lying

>> No.11883907

but that's what I can get by saving up

>> No.11884116
File: 62 KB, 498x1006, perelman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a student in US, my parents pay for rent and i have a $200 monthly stipend, so my daily allowance is about $7. My courseload is so heavy that I can't get a job or else my GPA would nosedive, i dont have time to watch a movie or read a book without bombing an assignment or something

I spend about $15-20 on food a week, but that's only because my school has a lot of tech talks and stuff where I can steal food and stockpile it for later. Pop tarts are surprisingly nutritious and <60 cents a pack if you get them in bulk

I've spent about $150 on clothes over the past few months, just minor eBay cops here and there and some jeans from h&m because my black jeans were ripped in the crotch. I'm currently saving for this one apc carhartt jacket on grailed

i have no social life tho so what's even the point? if i just stopped buying clothes i'd probably spend it on proper meals and save the rest. but i dont have free time to spend on other hobbies. fashion doesnt take up much time and i think id lose it if i didn't have some interest on the side

>> No.11884120
File: 67 KB, 1000x400, 1462572115064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11884121
File: 1.22 MB, 1795x2700, Christophe-Lemaire-SpringSummer-2016-Collection-Paris-Fashion-Week-DerriusPierreCom-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to become a full Lemaire boy.

>> No.11884164

I don't like that guys style, I'd rather buy stuff from adidas and uniqlo

>> No.11884175

wheres your full lemaire kiddo?

>> No.11884189

I don't know why you're getting hate, this is what a hobby should do, help you get through and make your life even a tiny bit more pleasurable

>> No.11884197

I'm quite rich but want to pull off poorfag-core.
Any essentials?

>> No.11884219

umm , same but why the fuck would you want to look poor ?
anyway , faux fur , strange colour/model of nikes or otherwise off brand sneakers
ill fitting clothes in general
generally stuff with bad printing and bad material
literally just buy cheap shit

>> No.11884236

the struggle is so real m8, though i might have a better balance of school/work/social life
>>11884189 is right

>> No.11885404

>umm , same but why the fuck would you want to look poor ?
I can't look poor even in poor clothes. Just want to pull off the poorfag look.

>> No.11885405

being unable to afford nice things is why poverty sucks though

>> No.11885408
File: 1.04 MB, 916x798, 1462283640109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm imagining you as pic related

have you tried falling down a flight of stairs? for the first few days it'll fuck up your walk and stance and shit to the point where you look delinquent

>> No.11885416

literally looks like me except I'm not blond

>> No.11885799

Hey OP, I agree. Not a poor faggot, or a rich faggot, but I've built myself a neat little wardrobe this past year.

>> No.11885828

fuck thats funny

>> No.11885853
File: 1.19 MB, 2000x2000, u turtleneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's this, don't know if the color is the one you mean though

>> No.11885880

im so sorry

>> No.11885910

this is pretty much what i do, once you have the basics, there is no reason to be wasting money on crappy shit. I also hunt in thrift shops in rich suburbs and on ebay and also frugalmfa to build a more quality wardrobe on the cheap. I estimate my wardrobe to be worth 20k retail but have only spent like 8k so far over the past 3 years. Some of my nicest cops have been shoes and have copped CPs for $100, a ferragamo oxford for $200, and some versace sneakers for 350.

>> No.11885917

>ferragamo oxford for $200, and some versace sneakers for 350.
>nicest cops

wew lad, pick one. at least you got them cps memes

>> No.11885928

you sound mad desu probably wear superstars or some shit

>> No.11886099

And what's the point? You save up 1800€ for a designer piece only to realise that you will wear it with cheap basics anyway.

>> No.11886102

what the heck do you study

>> No.11886190

>1800e for ANY piece of cloth
sure, I just won't pay for rent, food and anything next few months to get this sweater

>> No.11886205

students being expected to work jobs for regular income (as opposed to odd jobs for friends or family) is ridiculous if they are also expected to do well at university and have time for their hobbies

this is even worse for me because i spend 2.5 hours commuting to and from university every weekday

>> No.11886207

My country doesn't even have uniqlo yet

>> No.11886432

so give me a list of brand dats i should save up for

>> No.11886467

whatever u want really just dont act like you cant afford nice things and pity yourself
u can achieve the world friend

>> No.11887614

Statistics, undergrad. Taking some math and machine learning and physics courses ATM. It's actually really fun, I think most people would enjoy it.
Hope this thread isn't dead