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/fa/ - Fashion

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11881332 No.11881332 [Reply] [Original]

What is about white men that makes them so exceptionally good at designing clothes?

>> No.11881343

Lol epic thread OP

>> No.11881349
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Japanese fashion designers are clearly superior

>> No.11881366

even japanese designers design to a western standard. Its really hard to create modern clothing without accidently being influenced by european fashion. our fashion spread the world over

>> No.11881712


Because fucking white males are superior.

>> No.11881725

That is not unique to fashion. Western culture is highly contagious and superior, so it is expected to spread without halt

Also, since when did Western automatically mean "white male"? What you just said does not further your argument at all

>> No.11881742

the overwhelming majority of top designer are white males. almost all western styles of clothing were innovated and distributed by white males. everything from the jeans to the derby to the running shoe to the plimsoll to the bomber jacket was created by a white man. thats what i meant. its physically impossible to make fashion and not be heavily inspired by white male designers

>> No.11881771

White gay males

>> No.11881794

Holy fucking shit, how insecure can /pol/acks be. Hey retard, stop shitting up with these stupid threads

>> No.11881878


>> No.11881922

why does this thread bother people. what hes saying is true?

>> No.11881956
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because this is what it looks when a black male necrophiliac dude do fashion