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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.71 MB, 3157x4735, e3BfcX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11870393 No.11870393 [Reply] [Original]


It's over /fa/, we're done

>> No.11870398

This would be a good fit, on an attractive person.

>> No.11870407

It'd be a cool fit for a summer cookout but his pants are up really high so he looks like a dork imo

>> No.11870411


jesus christ

I will be a little nice though and say 8 and 10 would look good if the guys were better looking

>> No.11870413
File: 149 KB, 720x1077, OP2qyFx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFA will defend this

>> No.11870423

why are his feet so small?

>> No.11870591

To be completely fair, there are 2-3 of these fits that I think are pretty great.

>> No.11870654

it's just a normal guy

>> No.11870668

ID on desert boots?

>> No.11870674
File: 454 KB, 660x993, qnSntkQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is really cool

>> No.11870675

people like you are the reason low waisted pants are still a thing and i hate you

>> No.11870685

you gotta be memeing me

>> No.11870689

shit this the dude from /fa/. Plz don't let me be the only guy who recognizes him

>> No.11870698

There are at least two cross-poters there, the ginger slp fag and smokehead fatleg

>> No.11870705

yea i saw smokey too. btw wtf is this fit, how is this the top 20 of the month. It's a fucking basic ass sweater and jeans

>> No.11870706


>> No.11870712
File: 681 KB, 1580x2494, wtfisthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops forgot pic

>> No.11870714

In addition there were another 5-6 fits that were completely ok.
The rest were painfully mediocre with only a few being cringey.

>> No.11870718

My time machine worked! I'm back in 2014!

>> No.11870724

autismo, could be a cool fit like those vintage inspos we have but ended up cringey, unless he's at some themed party
could be a nice fit for your average yuppie dude but the cuffing here makes it horrible
>looks at yeezy runway once
lumber-yuppie core, everything fits nice here (esp pants), probably updooted because >viberg

>> No.11870976

If this was posted without someone knowing it was from reddit people would like it, but because they know they can't

>> No.11871000

he's wearing the pants higher than the rise is made for, which is why it looks dorky instead of decent.

>> No.11871041
File: 917 KB, 1517x1517, E4HORIb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#1 beating techwear threads at their own game lmao

>> No.11871046

F U T U R E C H A V (fire emoji)

>> No.11871049
File: 540 KB, 1067x1600, xR3S6we.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw Rick Grimes is stylin on them zombies lmao

>> No.11871053

great fit on an ugly man

>> No.11871059

That's what /fa/ is all about lmao

>> No.11871076
File: 2.21 MB, 2737x4537, Bdr1cqz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11871160


>> No.11871223

#6 is dope everything else is trash

>> No.11871231


this tbqh

>> No.11871246
File: 768 KB, 3024x4032, 52iqgAo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c walkers??

>> No.11871254

MFA =/= Fashion

They aren't going to downvote someone playing it safe. Just like the /fa/ uniform wont get a lot of cringe (you)s.

>> No.11871257

fucking cancer

>> No.11871262

These are okay compared to r/femalefashionadvice

>> No.11871268

I think 2010 called and they want their shoes back

>> No.11871388

the saddest part is recognizing all of the crossposters, like op

you cant pretend to be better than reddit if you browse it

>> No.11871419

I never said they should be low waisted, only that his are too high up. Don't assume that people hold the polar opposite view. It's not so black and white anon

>> No.11871630

80's coke dealer

>> No.11871659

>we get it, you are a manlet

>> No.11871667

The search feature makes it really convenient to find sales or items.
Some people have some really nice guides there. Aside from that, reddit is funny.

>> No.11871678

Crippled and still more /fa/ than you.

>> No.11871818

There's also some decent DIY stuff.

>> No.11872059

If you don't like MFA don't browse there dicknuts. And if you're gonna come back with a
> I-I-I j-just do it to m-make fun of MFA
Then the rule is the same as it always has been, talk sit post fit.

But if there's one thing that this picture shows its the importance of fit. He's got interesting stuff but it fits on him poorly and fits together poorly, so he looks like crap.

>> No.11872074

Why didn't anyone on mfa know what an iron is

>> No.11872078

Why the fuck would this nig where geos with this fit

>> No.11872297

His pants look really nice. Only bummer about this fit is the fellas face.

>> No.11872308

>His shoes will never wear-out.
Why even live.

>> No.11872310
File: 868 KB, 1813x1813, sexy rexy mfa fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11872334

his pants are not too high up, the guy tries to style in the 1920s, 30s with high waisted pants.
the lack of fashun knowledge in here... christ

>> No.11872367

the lack of tailoring knowledge and pant fitting knowledge in here, criminy. he is wearing those pants at least an inch above where they should be. if he wants to wear his pants that high, he needs to buy new pants.

>> No.11872380

yeah you're right on those pants
but he does try a lot with high waisted stuff in general


>> No.11872399


always liked 26idt fits alot

>> No.11872507

not DB, might be meermin suede boots

>> No.11872548

>supreme hat

>> No.11872549
File: 2.06 MB, 3024x4032, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one: >>11870674 and pic related are the best imo.

in general these fits are fine. make a best of 4chan waywt and it would probably be worse. maybe that has to do with overall number of users, but it seems kinda silly to make fun of reddit's fits when most are fine at worst. but yeah there were a couple stinkers.

>> No.11872614

cool pic but the supreme hat needs to be exchanged

>> No.11872626

really hope not meermin cuz if so im not gonna cop after all

>> No.11872630

are those vibergs?

Didn't think was possible to make those look bad.

>> No.11872632

w2c glasses

>> No.11872640

These are pretty awful
But /fa/ WAYWTs are way fucking worse
Not only are the fits complete shit but the pics are usually selfies taken using cum stained mirrors in basement with candle light

>> No.11872645

imagine the resell value if he had milk dunks bruh

>> No.11872650

these threads are what make this board so insufferably elitist
"well my fit is bad and i literally have no idea of what im doing but at least im not r/mfa haha right guys"
theres just a huge cherrypick and its dumped onto these threads and retards will lap it up, if any of you have seen our waywt in a while its absolutely fucking trash
/fa/ is no better or worse than r/mfa/ atm

>> No.11872663

>theres just a huge cherrypick

Exactly, but the ones cherrypicking are Reddit who have made absolutely basic bitch fits part of their BEST OF THE MONTH while you compare to the average daily WAYWT.
/fa/ best of a month picks would be unironically better.

>> No.11872675

>/fa/ best of a month picks would be unironically better
no they wouldn't
today is 18.10.
I will from this point on start saving the fits from WAWYTs that get the most positive replies just to prove you wrong
see ya in a month

>> No.11872690
File: 2.07 MB, 720x1280, 1476757027202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we have the most popular fit of the current WAYWT for reference
really standing out compared to these mfa plebs am I right?

>> No.11872697


It's better than half of the shit MFA made their botm already.

>> No.11872698
File: 213 KB, 562x1000, 1476542644055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another winner
woah we are absolutely destroying those mfa guys on their own game aren't we

>> No.11872701

it's the exact same garbage
maybe even worse
I don't know why you faggots have to associate and identify so hard with this board to the point you are willing to lie to yourself about shit like this
/fa/ is garbage, WAYWTs of this place even more so
don't know much about mfa other than their best of the months cause they are posted here all the time but judging purely from those versus waywts of /fa/ they are heaps better

>> No.11872708

It's really not.

Your problem is that you prefer your own shit to someone elses shit, so you say that your shit is clearly better than their shit.

>> No.11872713
File: 72 KB, 419x911, 1476568670494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next up this
had to go 3 threads back to find actually good fit with positive reaction from /fa/
but still have to admit this is actually great

>> No.11872719
File: 830 KB, 1600x2560, 1476586958156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also like how people claim they prefer /fa/ because it's less 'circlejerky'
case in point, this guy
complete fucking garbage fit
lot of positive comments
purely because he posts 5 times a day and has a name attached to his posts

>> No.11872723

Hardly, I mean sure if you're attractive it's not gonna matter what you wear you'll still be attractive, but this fit is gonna make anybody look plain goofy.

>> No.11872725

actually fuck collecting these pics, browsing waywt's here is too depressing
I really don't care enough that people live in their effay bubble

>> No.11872739

but /fa/ and r/mfa arent actually supposed to be the same thing
/fa/ is intended to be discussion about fashion and things in relation to, r/mfa is just making people go from autism to absolute basic bitch, the intentions for both are different and thus cant be directly compared
reddit has good fits, some of which dont get realised because whilst we think its good its not reflective of their taste
dude is trying way too hard to look like he's not trying
our waywt is equally as circlejerky as reddit, we just dont have an upvote system
absolute shit will be given an average or decent score from another poster that is trash and the cycle perpetuates
the whole
>muh mfa hivemind
meme implies that we dont have people asking if social contact is /fa/, needing justification from retarded anonymous strangers to see if their cuffs are high enough, with the risk of getting shit from the "cool kids club" that is /fa/

>> No.11872805

shoes are awful and his hair is the worst i've seen in a long time.

>> No.11872818

I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is no real difference between reddit and 4chan's fashion boards. People hype terrible outfits here just as much as on Reddit.

>> No.11873660

As long as we're talking about mfa things:
>wool trousers
those things are comfy af, but look weird and wide in the leg, and can't be worn off the rack.
what alterations do you do? how much do you cut off? slim the leg, hem to measure, that's it?

>> No.11873666
File: 2.05 MB, 2663x3535, WfSThGe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one

>> No.11873670
File: 149 KB, 960x960, 1936119_1113072858743822_7455276753921008345_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi i just asked a girl out
is it ok to wear this on date?

>> No.11873677

I also like this one now that it's getting colder

>> No.11873679

No, leave those ears at the door. The toupèe as well.

>> No.11873694
File: 156 KB, 640x640, LwjuX6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.11873721

Those people look ALOT better than the people in the WAYWT threads here on /fa/.
Are cool fits. The rest are boring but ok, they look better than the average normie I think.

>> No.11873738

>mfw /fa/ got crushed by MFA

>> No.11873946

this got 2 replies tho? how is it "the most popular"

>> No.11873969

>the guy tries to style in the 1920s, 30s with high waisted pants.
>the lack of fashun knowledge in here... christ

so not knowing that some stranger is trying to emulate the 30s is a lack of fashion knowledge?
I didn't know he was trying a specific era, I was only given a pic with no context
he still looks like a dork

>> No.11874009

That's what I usually wear, just without the suede

>> No.11874051

Judging from waywt threads you guys don't really have a right to make fun of them kek

>> No.11874053

>/fa/ggots think they dress better than MFA


>> No.11874761


All of these are so fucking regular.

>> No.11875742

>Stan Smiths
>can't even stan

>> No.11875772

>people circlejerking over me
w u t
i get like 90% negative replies

>> No.11875787


>> No.11875788


ID on boots?

>> No.11875884
File: 23 KB, 480x402, 1467081535965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even gonna lie. I want that shirt.

>> No.11875910


>> No.11875942

let's see it
from the back

>> No.11876082

>waiting for the chunin exams be like

>> No.11877092

W2c sick jeans

>> No.11877126

When will they learn?

>> No.11877765


>> No.11878081


>> No.11878096


>> No.11878141

>fat fifth grader hands

>> No.11878146

Great audience

>> No.11878151

>Drop shoulder
>Loose cuffed sleeves

Best way to look like you have T-Rex arms. Horrible proportions.

>> No.11878157

what is that pose and why is it always fat hypebeasts who use it?

>> No.11878165

"Hanging head in shame"

You fucking know why.

>> No.11878846

fucking poses

>> No.11878852


I'm getting some Prisoners vibe from this fit

I'm not saying you look like Jake Gyllenhaal, don't get me wrong

It's just that this entire outfit has the same shades and pieces from the movie. Blue button-up, slim pants, boots, dark jacket.

>> No.11878860

>"manlet and his car, 2016"

>> No.11878869

keep doing you, dude

>> No.11879386

fucking this

>> No.11879392

i like you anon just ignore other shitposter

>> No.11879444

this guy must have a lot of money and is just doing it for the lols

>> No.11879587

Yea i hate tripfags too

>> No.11880306

if the pants were tailored and cropped so that he could get rid of that cuff then this would be perfect

>> No.11880309

the parka and the boots don't fit really, makes his legs look short as shit

>> No.11881598


>> No.11881664

#13 & #15 are the only ok ones.
i think #23 is one of the mfa meetup meme characters

>> No.11883441

MFA was never intended for edgy stuff. It mostly guys in their late 20s to early 30s who are entering the workplace world and just want to stop wearing band shirts and ill fitted jeans.

The goal is not for your clothing to be super expressive, but for you to look decent.

>> No.11883447

in general /mfa/ fits are too formal but not like the tryhard thrift-core fits on edgy underages on /fa/ are much better

>> No.11883452

ITT: reject autists making fun of boring normies

>> No.11883454

Black reject autist here, can confirm.

>> No.11883458

Are they, dare i say it, elite?

>> No.11883511

underrated comment

>> No.11883785 [DELETED] 



>> No.11884403

this is actually good

>> No.11884520

thats pretty nice though

>> No.11884529

Wtc pants ?

>> No.11884530

No it isn't.

Also >Trying to be /fa/ in a state that people only care about it they're seeing a Rogers & Hammerstein production

>> No.11884544

Damn, I'm a manlet (5'9) and this dude looks fucking tiny to me. I wonder how short he is.

>> No.11884547

(love maison)
better than out last waywt

Also the danish(?) guy mark(?) is a god of scandinavian minimalism

>> No.11884553

>No it isn't.
You don't decide that. It's subjective. Saying you disagree would've worked better

>> No.11884564

Bright orange jackets are objectively shit.

>> No.11884565


>> No.11884582
File: 239 KB, 870x1110, image4xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baka they all ugly

>> No.11884602

I love this dude

>> No.11884680

I've lurked enough to know that MFA is the subreddit Men's Fashion Advice, but why does /fa/ shit on it?

It's like his legs got blown off in Iraq so the surgeons that operated on him attached his ankles to his knees

>> No.11884748
File: 680 KB, 780x1200, S38mu77[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this

reminds me of how 60 psych rock bands used to dress

everything else is pretty shit desu all tryhards and numales

>> No.11884809

its not that the outfit is bad
its that he is bad

>> No.11884823

lol what's bad about him

>> No.11884825

Ugly, narrow shoulders, gross hands, awful mustache

My theory is that you're actually him and you're trying to feel better about yourself

Post selfie with timestamp

>> No.11884846
File: 181 KB, 1708x930, Screen Shot 2016-10-22 at 00.39.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one who you originally replied to mate, pic related.

I find it amusing that you're so worked up about hating on Dom but you're accusing other people of "trying to feel better about themselves".

Kind of struggling to believe that someone who spends their free time getting mad about and anonymously hating on someone they've never met is totally happy in themselves.

Pots and kettles.

>> No.11884937

Intangible inanimate objects aren't real

>> No.11884942

Now this is ugly

Because we jealous

>> No.11884944

Because his dick is so small

>> No.11884946

Would look good without the cuffs and if he weren't so fucking skinnyfat.

The first step to looking good with clothes on is looking good without clothes on.

>> No.11884950

I've never been a fan of the "I'm only pretending to be homeless, lmao layering amiright?" look

>> No.11884954
File: 41 KB, 420x515, 1476691990069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11884967

It's a culmination. He's probably 5'7". But he's fat, slouching, wearing straight leg pants, and his jacket goes past the waist- shortening his legs.

>> No.11884989
File: 795 KB, 1920x1080, some faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking piece of hair always triggers me, I bet the rest of his hair looks like some 2009 scene faggot fringed mop burned with a straightener, for christ sake just buzz that awful shit off, you look 1000% gay.

>> No.11885050


>> No.11885165

>when you're skinnyfat and trying in the wrong places first

>> No.11886494

is this from the monster mv?

>> No.11887281

This tbqh, you can see the fucking shirt coming out between his belt and the pants on the left side of the pic, he's clearly hiking that shit up to an insane degree when he should've just gotten a much higher cut, like 2" higher minimum. If he had, it would've been a good fit. As it is, he looks like a sperg.

>> No.11887299

This guy's the epitome of human failure, fuck. He's like 40% hand, and then with the haircut as well he looks like his mama fucked Michelangelo's David but he inherited her shit facial genes. Then on top of that he's got Earth's worst moustache and he's leaving his shirt unbuttoned halfway down without the least bit of chest definition. Fuck. Gah. Get help.

TL;DR bleached dago/10, gross.

>> No.11887374
File: 269 KB, 1000x746, cotton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


C'mon grease monkey, lets tango!

>> No.11887453

lurk moar dumbass

>> No.11887476

Leafy look

Grandpa, is that you?




That layering and those combat boots... ha ha!

Not as good as 5.

Pfft, what the fuck...

Looks like a cunt. I thought MFA were obsessed about colour co-ordination.

Ha, no.


OK if only he'd roll his sleeves down.

Skinnies and Chelseas don't work. At all. Looks really effeminate.







Whoever thought that was a good colour combo?



Check? Feminine Shoes... urgh.




Honestly both you guys are an embarrassment to men and to masculinity.

>> No.11887544

Man, I really want to see what people like you look like

>> No.11887567

>that fucking hair

>> No.11887581
File: 101 KB, 691x839, haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me

>> No.11887965

>Skinny jeans and Chelseas don't work. At all. Looks really effeminate.

Hahahahaha okay dad

>Honestly both you guys are an embarrassment to men and to masculinity.

The most embarrassing thing here is this sentence tbqh

>> No.11887992

>Skinny jeans and Chelseas don't work. At all. Looks really effeminate.
>Hahahahaha okay dad
You dumb fag, skinny jeans and Chelseas *are a dad look*. That's some Mick Jagger shit, it belongs to the era of boomers aping the Stones. Your fat dad wore this, or if you're young enough your granddad did. Either way, it's a dated faggot style and Jagger did it deliberately to look effeminate, your shit is weak.

>> No.11887998

I'll be sure to pass these messages along, faggot

>> No.11888009

>it's a dated faggot style

Sorry mate I didn't realise that wearing stuff from previous era isn't allowed. I guess we should stop wearing... literally all clothes in existence?

>Jagger did it deliberately to look effeminate

what if I told you that so does everyone else who wears it, you dense insecure moron

>> No.11888053

>what if I told you that so does everyone else who wears it, you dense insecure moron
Then I would tell you that you probably shouldn't have chimped out at anon for saying it's effeminate, you absolute mong.

>> No.11888085


I didn't say it wasn't effeminate. I was laughing at him using "effeminate" as a reason why it doesn't look good.

>> No.11888122

>I'm not a moron, I'm just a candy-ass fruit
You're doing real well here, Priscilla.

>> No.11888149

I guess effeminate is better than this faux-manly style I see a lot of clueless guys into fashion going after, this Mad Men inspired shit. That's the worst.

I want to look like a man when I dress, not some metrosexual.

>> No.11888173

>I want to look like a man when I dress

or you could, you know, dress in whatever you think looks cool instead of trying to conform to some meaningless concept of "masculinity".

>> No.11888179

Go back to what I wrote before. I don't buy into faux-manliness. Is it really so hard to accept that my style and effeminate style are two separate things?

>> No.11888881

got me

>> No.11888959


>> No.11889092

I like this fit pose is great you can tell hes in another league from every other fag in that album

>> No.11889110
File: 205 KB, 683x1024, highwaistbutlowtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really liked this look from the article you linked

>> No.11889610
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1471668583233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a second i thought his fucking shoes were tied together.

>> No.11889616

don't get it

>> No.11889692

actually a reasonably good fit, guy is short af and kinda ugly but its a good fit

>> No.11889978


Is this Kim Jong Un?

>> No.11890033


>> No.11890038

jimmy from south park

>> No.11890678

w2c parka or coat??

>> No.11890836
