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/fa/ - Fashion

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11866787 No.11866787 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel knowing that women would chose a 10/10 Chad wearing shitcovered hobo rags over you wearing a $10000 outfit?
To know that all the money and effort you spend on clothes just makes people scoff at your vanity, that they see you as a wonderful example of "make up on a pig?"
I always love threads where former /fa/ robots vent about how their thousands of dollars in clothes/shoes just sit in closets collecting moth poop because all it did was highlight just how socially inferior and sexually unwanted they really are.

>> No.11866790

Careful not to fall for the bait.

>> No.11866797


>> No.11866841

this is why i'm gay :^)

>> No.11866963

pepe the communist meme

>> No.11866980
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it's True that's why I just started dressing like this. I actually get more girls now.

>> No.11866991
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Feels good being a chad that also dresses well

>> No.11867036

But anon, I am 10/10

>> No.11867048

Lol, I'm this thing ladies call "attractive" kiddo, I can enjoy any weird hobbie I want and still slay pussy 24/7

>> No.11867049

and your point? if fashion is about impressing others for you you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11868327

a) who hurt you
b) fashion is about expressing yourself, not about what others like

>> No.11868637

is it weird how you can feel just how thick these guys are and how theyve probably never had a deep thought in their lives
im sure they have fulfilling lives, but i wonder if theyll ever ponder why their entire life is just throwing a ball around and consuming mass media garbage 24/7

>> No.11868823


I grew up and still live around a community filled to the absolute brim with literal 8-10/10 Chad's

All of my friends are like that, and the uglies tend to be smart while the chads are really fucking smart and actually very aware. They just like sports lol

>> No.11868834


God it must be depressing to be such a fucking loser that you actually post threads in which you rant against a strawman.

>> No.11868851

>b) fashion is about expressing yourself, not about what others like

holy shit just stop

>> No.11869155

thats pretty cool
technically true tho

>> No.11869168
File: 80 KB, 640x480, tumblr_inline_ns58s0gM5Z1qzqmwc_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right. many people follow trends like mindless zombies yes. but some of us really don't give a fuck about trends and wear what we want for ourselves, not caring what others think about it. in this way fashion can be used to show your personal confidence.

>> No.11869174

>tfw effay chad

feels pretty good dude

>> No.11869180

>tfw no effay chad bf

>> No.11869183

he's right about the 'not what others like' part
but fashion isn't really about self expression
like even if you feel like clothing is art, collection art isn't expressing yourself, you might have impressive collection of kacere paintings in a neat room and displayed nicely but you didn't actually paint any of that shit yourself
plus clothing and what you can and what you can't wear is so much tied to social norms and what is expected and what is not, clothing was actually about self expression men would walk around in dresses and ton of folk would go about their day naked or half naked without anyone raising an eye

>> No.11869781

its like a coolage

>> No.11869797

they are probably smarter than you, you fucking autist. How out of touch with reality are you?

>> No.11869828

You can judge someone's intelligence just by looking at a photo? Wow, you must be very smart.

>> No.11869837
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and some do that. but in the western world there is still so much different clothing even if you go by the norms of your country. I mean, has there ever before been more different kinds of clothing in the same place? you can definitely express yourself, and much more than you ever could before. look back at history where one or two trends was the only clothing that even existed for most ppl.

idk how many ppl "collect" clothes, but I buy them in order to wear. not really the same thing as having a room with stuff. Coming up with a good fit is a lot like painting.

>> No.11869855
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>> No.11871204

Projecting your own insecurity on others

>> No.11871543

>coming up with a good fit is a lot like painting

Sorry but that is a very embarrassing opinion :/. Painting is a technical skill that is more demanding than putting your limbs through some holes. You're referring to the overlap in colour selection and form, which is only one element of painting. Icing a cake shares the same overlap (for perspective). :/ Sorry man.

>> No.11872500
File: 125 KB, 640x960, 1476772542003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b) fashion is about expressing yourself, not about what others like

This would be a valid argument if you were passionate about fashion as an artform and bothered to learn about it seriously. As it is 99% of the people on this board are AWFUL, simply awful at all things related to fashion and are doing their best to ape popular rappers and high income instagram fashion kiddies. If you are attempting to express yourself by hopping on trends and wearing garbage like skinny jeans and """heroin chic""" then you are actually lowering yourself below where you would be if you just dressed like a normal person and will be judged as awkward, strange, vain, and probably homosexual for how much effort you expend on your personal appearance with shit results.

>> No.11872546
File: 18 KB, 498x520, 1406585368732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow I like this shirt it's nice and a little different and I enjoy wearing it
>Bro wtf you think ur gonna get girls lookin like that you fuckin fag ahahah! wtf r u retarded????

>> No.11872607

Ay i saw what you said to me on the other thread, i appreciate the appreciation. People care way too much about what others think and it's infuriating. People need a mind of their own.