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/fa/ - Fashion

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11864958 No.11864958 [Reply] [Original]

Why /fa/ doesn't discuss Avant Garde fashion any more?

>> No.11864960

/fa/ died when all the tripfags left in like early 2015
board peaked late 2013

>> No.11864962

I don't know but it's ok, it's pointless to discuss that here, there are better places to do so.

>> No.11864970
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All other places are dead or slow as fuck. This is one of the most active fashion forums, and I know it's 4chan and that this board has always sucked but there used to be crossposters and interesting discussion pretty often. I want that back :(

>> No.11864974
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I agree desu

'12 - '13 /fa/ was golden

>> No.11865154

because people think pre 2007 raf helmut and rick are streetwear brands and would rather discuss uniqlo

>> No.11865165

I think you'll find that there are people here open to discussing avant garde fashion with you, especially if you make a thread with that aim rather than one lamenting the lack of such threads.

I've had some really good discussions with people here in the past year. Given all the young teens, streetwear enthusiasts, and clueless people coming here just to check if the fit on their jeans is right,it takes someone jumpstarting a real dialogue to make it happen.

>> No.11865175

haven't seen a Japanese designers thread in awhile but there are definitely a few dudes on /fa/ who are obsessed with em

>> No.11866055

/fa/ isn't very experimental, they have to ask if every decision they make in their life is /fa/

>> No.11866086

Stop saying desu you weeaboo faggot.

>> No.11866088

nice b8

>> No.11866091

Kys and go back to Ieddit

>> No.11866119

baka senpai

>> No.11866145

Because there are much more relevant and pressing topics such as what brand of toothpicks is most effay.

>> No.11866191

early rick was definitely streetwear

>> No.11866197

you seem lost kid

>> No.11866208

Avantgardefags = attention whores desperate for attention

>look guys I'm wearing weird notice me pls sguys plssssssss

>> No.11866214
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>> No.11866224

>All other places are dead or slow as fuck

Personally I enjoy reading old threads.

I see you posted a ccp pic... but what do you want to discuss about that kind of things? there's not much to discuss, ccp hasn't done anything like in 6 years, related brands just release new collections every 6 months and that's it, also there's not much online access to that kind of things online, almost everything is sold in real life only and probably not even 1% of /fa/ visitors can afford it.