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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 49 KB, 623x622, IMG_5027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11856692 No.11856692 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not lifting?
Isn't having a healthy body the most effay thing?

>> No.11856706

I prefer to work out with only my own weight.

>> No.11856718
File: 467 KB, 791x1404, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna look like a rock climber


>> No.11856729 [DELETED] 

I just wanna look like a real boy.


>> No.11856761

I am

>> No.11856770
File: 166 KB, 1363x1363, O3g6HbGyehY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna look like a real boy.

>> No.11856810

I want to be skinny and weak.
Being fragile is effay

>> No.11856812

I am pretty /fit/, but im not really /fa/.

>> No.11856817

Are you also fragile mentally?

>> No.11856819

Of course.

>> No.11856823

You're also ugly and probably fatter than you think. You'll never be effay my eggshell friend.

>> No.11856838

That's very hurtful

>> No.11856845


>> No.11856848

I just do pilates,tennis and stretching
doesn't help I live in a town where every KID grew up playing football,basketball or baseball
so being /fit/ for girls just makes me look like everyone else

>> No.11856854

I'm tall and skinny, the type of skinny that means I can eat whatever I want whenever I want and not get fat.

I went to the gym daily for 2 or 3 months mostly lifting weights, doing abs and pushups shit, ate "good" and drank shakes and I couldn't see any difference, so it wasn't worth all the stress and exhaustion it gave me. I would frequently get headaches after working out and the shakes were also giving me terrible nausea and sometimes stomach pain.

I would like to look bigger and stronger but I think that with my body-type and genetics I'm just always going to look skinny and the gym would only make me look a little more "toned". And I can't be bothered with steroids or anything like that either.

tl;dr fuck the gym, I tried it and it wasn't worth my time

>> No.11856855

I'm still getting the hang of it.

I can only pick things up currently. Putting them down is a bit trickier.

>> No.11856870

What people dont realize is that it takes years of work to get a good bod.
Literally every single guy with a good body has been spending hours each week for years at the gym. Spending hours and money each week cooking good nutricious food, bulking, cutting, buying supplements, maybe steroids and living like a monk.

Its certainly not a lifestyle for everyone.

Then there are those fucks who can get away with doing it half assed and still get results, but those are a minority. Also most likely on steroids.

>> No.11856904

I know my post comes across as stupid and uninformed, but I did really look into it and give it my best.

Of course it's impossible to see big results after only 3 months, but the truth is I felt and looked exactly the same as I did before I started. People said it would give me more energy and help with my depression (what a joke), but honestly it never got easier, it was a struggle every day. It's not meant to be easy, but I didn't feel healthier or more active or in shape. I would wake up even more tired than I already did before starting. I would have to go to the gym at night because afterwards I would always feel wrecked and too tired to do anything at all except watch TV and fall asleep.

It's true that a lot of people treat it as a lifestyle and it's pretty much their main focus in life. It's crazy how if you miss a few days then your body will notice it and if you stop going for months at a time then all your progress will disappear. But then I would also meet a lot of guys who just went to the gym about 4 times a week and they were decently big and strong, also they just ate normally, didn't follow any sort of diet.

Das it mane, the gym isn't for me. All this shit about having more energy and bettering yourself is complete nonsense.

>> No.11856971

I don't want to be ''big'' i just want a big butt. I'm training my butt and soon getting butt implants. having a big butt is the most effay thing someone can have. I don't want to look like a bodybuilder i want to look like a porn model

>> No.11856977

>tfw 6'1 143p
>starting working out and all the get big stunts
>150 or so in 2 weeks
>get fever
>puke and diarreah myself down to 139 in a week

Its not the first time sickness fucks my gains, currently trying again
146 now

>> No.11856993

Anecdotal evidence my man, working out has always helped me with depression, energy and feeling good with myself.

In your case id suggest looking into small changes in your diet thatll overall just make you feel better, I dont remember the exact name or term for it but just look into what foods carry quemicals that are used in the brain. ie 60%+ cacao chocolate helps makes you happy

Just read up on it man

>> No.11857428

Are you a woman or passable tranny? Please say woman.

Big fake asses are hot as fuck in a disgusting way.

>> No.11857433

you look like ted bundy

>> No.11857555

I'm a gay male

>> No.11857557


>> No.11857568

Shut up white cis bigot! Having a big butt is effay af ''His mouth is full of curses and deceit and oppression; Under his tongue is mischief and wickedness.'' -Psalm 10:7

>> No.11857613

gotta eat more..

>> No.11857617

Only kind of work out I do is move the bottle of beer up to my mouth and place it back on the table.

>> No.11857618

Being a fag is played out desu

>> No.11857626

because I can get a much more effay body from things like swimming and rock climbing

>> No.11857627

Do bodyweight exercises count?

>> No.11857640

I'm gonna post in this thread too in case no one reads that other one about some dwarf with fat legs

What is an acceptable body fat percentage? I'm only 5,8" and with online calculators I score somewhere around 11.

>> No.11857662

Who hurt you? Did a gay guy break your heart? I feel sorry for you anon..

>> No.11857670

>Who hurt you? Did a gay guy break your heart?
Some poof broke my asshole

>> No.11857722


You must choose... wisely.

>> No.11857761

Why waste what little time you have on this earth doing mindless repeatative exercises, when you could be doing thousands of more productive and creative things in its place

>> No.11857768
File: 15 KB, 236x356, effayfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy's right. You can't be fashionable and swo-

Holy shit.

>> No.11857789

I thought the exact same as you before I started. 2-3 months is definitely not enough time to see any real change in physique. If you want to gain mass you need to push yourself until you can't lift any more a few times a week, every week.

>> No.11857819

awww :( I feel so sorry for you.. Are you ok? ...
Ikr... Working will give you muscles .. I mean why not just get a part time job then

>> No.11857825

I need to wear a diaper you fucking homo, no I'm not okay

>> No.11857842

Then maybe you should have used lube faggot. And use my rule: no one above 9 inch is allowed in my temple! It's a rule I follow very precisely in life

>> No.11857883


More of a function of him being attractive.

>> No.11857943

he looks ridiculous

>> No.11857999

Your routine was shit and you didn't eat enough.

>> No.11858106

Wow, that's a real cool story Cletus.

>> No.11858124

If he lost the beanie he'd look fine.

>> No.11858170

My town was the same, but most people stop after high school and gained the freshman 30. A few people have stayed thin, but they are all runners.

Yeah, I've been lifting for 2~3 years, and it hasn't helped with my energy or depression. I've always done sports too, but I have gotten "serious" this past year and a half in the gym. Cardio, however, does boost my mood overall. Strength training doesn't. To be honest, didn't really see much progress until this summer. It was all slow, gradual changes until more recently when I changed programs. Adding calisthenics to a power lifting routine actually helped me a LOT in terms of aesthetics. I had been doing a bodybuilding routine. I don't follow a diet either.

>> No.11858175

What sort of routine did you have? How many calories were you eating? How about rest days?

>All this shit about having more energy and bettering yourself is complete nonsense.
Only if you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11858183

>I don't follow a diet either.
Get serious about your diet and start seeing some better progress. Or just get on gear and continue to not give a fuck. That works too.

>> No.11858369
File: 26 KB, 236x336, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too top heavy to be fashionable, just looks silly.

Something like this would be an effay bod

>> No.11858398

>Too top heavy
>Post dude with cannonball delts


>> No.11858483

Its not as bad as Mr wrestlemania back there

Point is micheal phelps has a hot bod

>> No.11858541

What is the opposite of t-rex mode

>> No.11858566

like posting on /fa/ right my man

>> No.11858613
File: 59 KB, 1080x1080, 14726276_1017381168370814_3982423161525239808_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOME1(ONE) STOP HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11858617

she looks like shell age bad. father time will end he

>> No.11858627

Too autistic to find a workout partner.

>> No.11858642

>ring earrings
She instantly went from waifu status to slut status.

>> No.11858878

But I am. Also that bitch is ugly stop putting ugly fucks on pedestals.

>> No.11858883

Gold hoop earrings on blonde women give me fucking boners. Love that fancy beautiful look. Like the sluttiness too.

>> No.11858903
File: 104 KB, 634x922, 31E6BDFB00000578-0-image-a-1_1457216545347[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too big?

>> No.11858909
File: 22 KB, 640x360, 1474832591416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, steroids are not effay

>> No.11858910

bis and lats too big, shoulders too small

>> No.11858914

if you lift more...you're gonna have to eat more.

I don't know about you, but I don't feel like eating.

>> No.11858918
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, 1474919240113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will still build strength and definition without having to eat allot and bulk out like a larass...why eat allot when you can just not eat allot and skip the entire bulking and cutting phase???

>> No.11858920
File: 1.28 MB, 600x1200, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work out like an autist past few months because i hated being fat
>still wear the same two pairs of cargo shorts
>unappealing grey, brown, dark green t-shirt
>brown hoodie if it's cold
>shoes my mom bought me

>thighs are like tree trunks, and even super baggy jeans are like skinny jeans to me

how do i dress better... ; _ ;

>> No.11858929
File: 70 KB, 399x700, 1476410962001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I am

>> No.11858933

Is that a roid clit?

>> No.11858935

By cutting you dumb fuck. You're fat. Stop lifting and just do cardio for a while, 35-60 minutes a day.

>> No.11858938

this is a joke right, you cant honestly believe u can just grow body mass without eating more

>> No.11858939

Looks like an angel

>> No.11858947

its not a joke if youre not a retard. just eat the right amount of calories you need per workout. 90% of weightlifting idiots will just lift weights and go eat mcdonalds all day.

>> No.11858953

>white """men"""

>> No.11858963

You're a big guy

>> No.11858984

and how are you determining how many calories each workout requires??

>> No.11859004

skipping leg day mode

>> No.11859076

Your calorie intake has to be in the surplus after working out. And your an ectomorph with how you described yourself so the results you desire will take longer.

>> No.11859077

Fucking disgusting thumbs. Hand fetishist here, that's just fucking gross.

>> No.11859448

Pretty much exclusively use /fa/ on the bus home from college

>> No.11859465


>> No.11859512

damn she looks ugly in this pic

>> No.11859530
File: 320 KB, 500x500, hwa.min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hwa.min > okmalissa

>> No.11859579


>> No.11859594

she looks ugly in most pics where she isn't showing off her skinny hapa body

>> No.11860361

Who is this fluid druid and why does she have so many followers?

>> No.11860809


Read the sticky ffs

>> No.11861760

nice meme

>> No.11862051

could be reading a book or sketching something beatufiul

ur wasting time

>> No.11862055

just checked her ig. she has mastered anime gril aesthetic


>> No.11862078

why do people call her a hapa? isnt that a hawaiian word? its kind of stupid because she is half korean i think

>> No.11862168

this chick is so ugly and retarded looking, why do people worship her? she's utterly unremarkable

>> No.11862175

sorry youre incapable of balancing multiple activities and hobbies

>> No.11862386

because i wanna be pale and bony for my boo~

>> No.11862396


Is surgery to increase your height beyond 1.65 an option?

>> No.11862401


But I do, twice a week. I'm lifting later today.

It's pretty hard for me to get huge, I think people generally underestimate how big you'll get even if you lift hardcore. For most people you won't even be able to tell without a pump and it just makes your form look less body or less pudgy under your clothes, which is always a positive. The thing that is attractive/fashionable is low bodyfat, not low bodyweight.

>> No.11862667

Hapa: a person who is partially of Asian or Pacific Islander descent.

>> No.11862687
File: 15 KB, 320x320, 12393888_1533553470289121_2004057925_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut the fuck up faggot she is a literal angel.

>> No.11862949

I think you can see a specialist that'll elongate you by doing something with your bones

>> No.11862965

more like a generic korean instagram

>> No.11862969

because my ulnar nerves are fucked up in both arms, rip

>> No.11862975

That massive underbite lmao

>> No.11863010
File: 517 KB, 585x595, 2016-10-06_17-47-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


her profile is perfect

stay jelly

>> No.11863407

where to find qts like this?

>> No.11863420

this. been lifting for years and still look pretty scrawny which i'm fine with, its just nice having definition instead of being a formless mass of goo