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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.13 MB, 1502x1920, selfieOctober.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11851968 No.11851968 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fa/, how's your beard doing today?

Beards general thread.

>> No.11851991

shave that shit off until your deadlift is over 400 lbs. you're not a fucking lumberjack you look retarded

>> No.11851992
File: 211 KB, 336x600, Jude-Law-Pictured-with-a-Severely-Receding-Hairline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is now a bad hair genetics thread

>> No.11851993

beard day to you my fellow beardsmen haha hope you are doing well

it's a fine day in the year 2013 and i'm happy to be posting here with my fellow beardsmen on my favorite website reddit

make sure you take your beard growth supplements to maximize beard growth

>> No.11851998
File: 385 KB, 1105x620, trimpast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to decide what to do with my mustache right now.

What do you guys think - trim it and keep it short, or grow it past the sides of my lips?

>> No.11852002

Really don't understand why he doesn't shave it all off. He's not ugly with that hair, but he would be handsome af with a 1 or 2 across his dome.

>> No.11852006

Can't speak for Jude, but for me at least I've got scars all over my head. Looks kinda funny when I cut it short.

>> No.11852007

Trimmed, no question. The right looks try hard and hipsterish, whereas trimmed just looks like you give a shit about your beard

>> No.11852015
File: 14 KB, 475x313, Receding-Hairline-in-Young-Men-Wayne-Rooney-before-going-for-hair-transplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rooney is pretty effay right lads?

>> No.11852033
File: 1.45 MB, 4288x2453, DSC_0714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never realised how different my face looks with facial hair until I looked back on a photo of when I always shaved. I don't think I could go back.

>> No.11852043

Looks good both ways

>> No.11852044
File: 647 KB, 953x1200, beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both look good. You've got a shorter face though so I'd grow the beard out just a bit more. The darker color of the beard slims it vertically even more, so add some length to compensate.

>> No.11852058

post a pic of ur face retard

>> No.11852065
File: 1.32 MB, 1261x1920, haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. It's the first pic in the thread. Here's another:

>> No.11852070


good day to people who can't grow more than 5 and half hairs on their face

>> No.11852079
File: 435 KB, 1050x1080, numale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nu-male lul

>> No.11852093

Couldn't be more reddit if you tried. Which is amusing considering if that's you, then you very regularly post on reddit.

>> No.11852095

Thnx brah.

>> No.11852115

I know you'd tip your fedora at this point but you wouldn't want to show off those last 5 and a half hairs on your head

>> No.11852149
File: 123 KB, 720x1280, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my beard? This is 1 month grow. I have 11 month grow pics if someone wants.

>> No.11852230

Toats decent. Really good thickness. Maybe get a little more growth on the sides to darken them.

>> No.11852292

you look like a fucking nu-male. get the glasses to complete look

>> No.11852310

eh not really imo

>> No.11852313

lmao fuck why does this make me laugh. is it the terrible clothes. the balding head. the shitty haircut. the bow tie. the beard. how closely trimmed the beard is. the stupid look on your face. I wish I was a girl so I could laugh at you in public and for you to see me do it. so why do you need feminism?

>> No.11852326

...g-go be b-beard deficient s-somewhere else beta hypebeast f-faggot

>> No.11852335

I have a beard too you nigger

>> No.11852337

Not that guy but I'd take my full head of hair over being balding with a overcompensating Reddit beard and wardrobe any day of the week, pubeface

>> No.11852353

yeah seriously. the beard draws attention to your balding. it's like a short guy with big muscles. you know he only worked out that hard because he's short. rather embarrassing really.

>> No.11852369
File: 122 KB, 600x454, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck did you say bitch

>> No.11852419
File: 82 KB, 400x600, 4L_pRTiHdTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11852423
File: 94 KB, 500x460, 4L_PiNTLf2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11852425
File: 122 KB, 500x601, 4L_yJKVjSlH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11852445

fuck m8 you look like a poofter

>> No.11852461

lmao this is the fag with spacers and terrible tattoos lol

>> No.11852572
File: 260 KB, 1080x1350, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for the sides, that would be the best my genetics can do. Pic related is a trimmed 10 months full growth. Any advice for growing the sides? Products or anything, really.

>> No.11852580

I get more pussy than animal control

>> No.11852595

are you fucking retarded? nothing will help your hair growth. only time will tell. no wonder your ears are stretched and you have tattoos.

>> No.11852596

do you regret getting tunnels?

>> No.11852607

i was being sincere with that question by the way
you're a good looking lad but do you eer wonder if it's now a handicap?

>> No.11852636

No, not at all, i actually love my tunnels and i will stretch them a couple mm more. Currently standing at 24mm.

>> No.11852637

No, not at all, i actually love my tunnels and i will stretch them a couple mm more. Currently standing at 24mm.

>> No.11853272


>> No.11853850


>> No.11853876

You total faggot. Do you stretch your anus for your boyfriends as well?

>> No.11853888

Looks like you've got stuck in 2013

>> No.11853927

>beardcucks BTFO
When did having a beard become associated with being a hipster nu-male? Look at this moron for fuck's sake >>11852065

>> No.11853945

yeah he looks like a joke

>> No.11853996

lmao why does this make me sad

>> No.11854037

it's funny how people can make something that was once manly so cringe worthy and faggy looking. this nigger screams beta. how the fuck did this happen?

>> No.11854057

you're trying way to hard m8. It screams insecurity. A fucking bow tie. How long did you pose for? Jesus Christ

>> No.11854379

it's funny because he thinks he's stylish lmao

>> No.11854418

Or maybe it has something to do with your facial expression and angle to the camera mate.

>> No.11855062


>> No.11855827

>tfw 18 and still can't even grow stubble around my cheeks

There's still time for it to start growing, r-right?

>> No.11856207

if you're still not growing it by 25, you're done for. you still have plenty of time.

>> No.11856212

you should go back to shaving. you look like a right nonce now.

>> No.11856385

I can grow a good beard, but it's patchy on the cheeks. Is there anything 8 can do to promote hair growth there?

>> No.11856865

yeah believe it or not but cumming is really good the skin and promoting hair growth. it's literally a superfood full of vitamin rich nutrients. jerk in the morning and lather the Cum in your hands till it turns to a white foam and apply to your face. rub in until it evaporates.

>> No.11856868

not true. I'm 27 and noticing new hairs in my beard all the time. it wasn't until I was 25 that my shot really started to get good.

>> No.11856947
File: 260 KB, 570x558, 5ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-Is this true?

>> No.11856996

>not having a strong jaw and chin

LMAOing @ nu-male beardcucks

>> No.11857000

we all know you do it anyway and you're trying to justify it now

>> No.11857053

>It's bully the bearded guys thread

>> No.11857195

it's funny because I bet they thought that would never happen to them.

>> No.11857291

Man, people here get really angry about beards.

>> No.11857307

bruh it's like coming to /fa and posting "hey /fa how's your numale style going?"

numale general thread.

>> No.11857342
File: 186 KB, 688x1434, DSCN0663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad beardlets

>> No.11857456

Whats wrong with being a "numale"?
Serious question.

>> No.11857497

Grow past. Have some god damn patience instead of chopping shit off because you cant handle it.

>> No.11857506

those cheeks are way to sharp. Yeah i take it back, Trim it. Trim it alllll the way gone.

>> No.11857509

Only two. I'm fine.

>> No.11857533

Well they are pretentious punchable faggots for starters

>> No.11857558

I mean in an aesthetic way only.
My understanding of numale by /fa/ standards is a guy with beard, man bum with shaved sides and back, optional glasses, apple gadgets, skinny jeans and flannels. Am I correct?
If so, what's wrong with it? Is it that you rejectors can't pull it off and, in consecuence, throw a hate train every single time someone shows up that way?
I think archtypes are shit, and not every guy rocking a """numale""" look is a pretentious, SJW, whiteknighting fedora wearing faggot like you pieces of shit claim.

Tldr fuck you and give good reasons for asking people to not wear what you can't wear.

>> No.11857573

triggered the numale lads

>> No.11857574


weakens sense of masculinity which is a stepping stone to increase of cuckholding and decrease of tradition christian family values

>> No.11857591

Look at that numale pic and if you don't feel like attacking at least half of them you are probably a numale yourself. Its not necessarily the aesthetic look, its the lack of masculinity and testosterone in their face. Look at the stupid half grins on their face. Basically if you can tell someone is a softcock then they are basically a numale

>> No.11857608

its ok

>> No.11857628

If it's not for the aesthetic, then why relate the looks with the cuckolding? I've been called a numale a lot here and i'm not a faggot like those in that pic you mention.

>> No.11857644
File: 240 KB, 987x1125, DSC_0166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks and it's hard to find barber that has free schedule. Otherwise I'll have to wait for like a month and half.
How did you guys learned to cut your beards?

>> No.11857649

because the aesthetic is an identifier in the wild. Many of them have the same style. Dress like them, expect numale comparisons.

>> No.11857678
File: 217 KB, 1280x1046, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Rollo's beard effay?

>> No.11857699

ITT: Balding chinlets

>> No.11857702

I had a beard 3 years ago

>> No.11857721

Fuck the beard man you need to learn how to get a real hair cut

>> No.11857766

so true

>> No.11857909
File: 774 KB, 800x800, 1409387173666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is nu /fa/?

Literally Nu-males circle jerking about their beards? I left for 2 MONTHS and this is what I come back to?

Fuck, it may as well be reddit at this point. How deplorable.

>> No.11859177

Holy shit you look like a faggot. Don't try so hard

>> No.11859387

when does your beard hair stop filling in? I'm 23 now it still seems to be getting thicker like two the connection between mustache and beard was thin but now its filled out nicely.

>> No.11859391

you guys get way too triggered about someone having a beard

>> No.11859574

I'm 29 and mine is still getting thicker ever year. Takes time man.

>> No.11859578

Just practice it. Use a comb and some buzzers for macro-shaping, then refine with a razor/scissors

>> No.11859600

fucking lol. I actually cringed.

go back to the 19th century or some shit, m8.

>> No.11860537

faggot thinks he's a model or something. Christ thats cringeworthy

>> No.11860637

>you can't wear a bomber jacket unless you're a pilot

Ok bro.