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File: 184 KB, 980x1470, gallery_nrm_1419259338-mcx-taylor-swift-lena-dunham-ootd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11829053 No.11829053 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Lena dun ham so popular among women? Why are women so tacky and unfunny? Also, is it me or has Taytay been getting Gwynneth Paltrov tier aura.

Actually no, Gwynneth is just fucking annoying. Taylor Swift now comes off as a entitled fucking cunt.

>> No.11829059

i like how taylor is wearing earmuffs while hanging out with lena

>> No.11829062

ahaha i didn't even notice
good eye

>> No.11829462

Lena Dunham is famous because she is in that creative crowd, her parents are artists so she has hung with types like these. This is the reason why her book is popular. I have only listened to some excerpts and while that kind of writing is not my style, I like something deeper that I wouldn't come up with myself, she fills the niche talking about "intellectual" and "creative" people while making it easy to understand, almost gossipy, It is the same effect when you see a clickbait or yellow gossip news, you need to keep reading and clicking.
She is quite good producer/writer in "Girls" when it comes to mainstream sitcom for young women.
I find her personality and character annoying, but maybe that was on purpose. I've never seen any interview with her, so don't know. I don't think that she is funny but relatable, especially for girls who don't look supermodel pretty. But again, I find her body quite nice and would fuck her if I was a man.

>> No.11829490

>you need to keep reading and clicking.
millennials out

>> No.11830441

>Why is Lena dun ham so popular among women?
because she got away with molesting her sister

>> No.11830448

>nice body
>would fuck
no you wouldn't

>> No.11830552
File: 498 KB, 262x200, 1332935090361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, girls this brainwashed exist?

>> No.11830561

>why are women so tacky and unfunny
>implying all women are tacky and unfunny
>implying all women like lena dunham

no desu

>> No.11830835

>Why is Lena dun ham so popular among women?
She's really not. She's popular among people who don't watch her garbage.


>> No.11830841


>> No.11831097

> Lena dun ham so popular among women

I'm a woman and if it wasn't for /tv/ I wouldn't know she existed. She's an ugly cunt and a pedophile, if she wasn't Jewish and from a wealthy family no one would give a fuck about her. I guess it's just fucked up American feminist women she is famous among.

>> No.11831213

She's entitled talentless cunt. She's also a sexual predator who abused her little sister and sexually took advantage of her. If a man ever admitted that, he'd done long time ago. She also made up a fake story about a classmate trying to rape her. She's literally a cancerous cunt

>> No.11831229

Disgusting person on the inside and outside.
Too many people make the mistake that it's somehow progressive to be a narcissistic piece of shit if you're not conventionally attractive, and I think that's how her brand of popularity came about.
Her opinions are important because she's "not like other girls", she's a "witty writer!!!!" who talks about female masturbation, and if you don't like her, it must be because she doesn't look like Taylor Swift or Miranda Kerr.
Very annoying.

>> No.11831785

I'm fairly confident Lena Dunham has burned just about every bridge.
All she had left were die hard girls fans but then that whole molestation thing happened and now all she has are a few absolute maniac super fans. even Taylor swift has distanced herself.
If she surges in popularity again though it could be a blessing in disguise. The next crash might bring Amy Schumer down with her. She is literally the worst thing to happen to comedy since Sharia law

>> No.11831818


I'm from radfem tumblr we hate her too lmfao

>> No.11831875

Didn't she molest her little sister? I don't know much about her other than that, and that she created Girls.

>> No.11831904

>Why are women so tacky and unfunny?
why wont girls fuck me
why won't girls talk to me when i tell them their outfits are tacky
why is my bed so cold at night

>> No.11833267

>implying implying

You do this to yourself.

>> No.11833570


>> No.11834735

>I find her body quite nice and would fuck her if I was a man.
No, if you were a man you wouldn't. Take it from us.

>> No.11834861

>Why is Lena dun ham so popular among women?
Here's the thing, okay. Lena literally looks 40 next to Tay. Look at 'em! By acting like this is normal, she gives fugly girls and low self esteem girls(=put together, basically all of them) the feeling that it's cool and not weird to look like a dumpling someone left boiling way too long. They crave validation because the alternatives are fixing your shit, or admitting that it's unfixable. (Or, for the legit pretty girls with bad self esteem, it means dealing with your shit self image and accepting you're hot, which they also don't want to do because it's scaaaaaaryyyy.)