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/fa/ - Fashion

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11827495 No.11827495 [Reply] [Original]

>Went to a diverse part of town (gentrifying this bitch)
>Went to a predominantly African American barbershop
>Was told to wait
>15 minutes passed and the young loud African Americans are still at the barber's chair
>There are 2 other gentlemen around the chair chatting with the barber
>Barber would comb over a patch of hair on the young man's head and proceed to pass over it with the clippers then move away to talk to the gentlemen around him
>The hair never changes even though he keeps doing this
>he does maybe 5 seconds of the above and a minute or so of talking
>this goes on and on and on

WTF man? What is wrong with these people? I just want a haircut! BAKA

>> No.11827498

why are people so proud of being completely and utterly ignorant of the world around them?


>> No.11827511

I'm just saying, why not cut the dude's hair and be done with it?

For a people that claims to be masculine they are acting like a bunch of females in a salon.

Maybe i should just go to a salon, at least there will be qts

>> No.11827782

Take your whiny ass to Supercuts then.

>> No.11827835

this is what you get for not supporting your white barber you hopeless fag

>> No.11827846

Niggers have no jobs and plenty of time so it's fine

Also fuck outta there, ain't no niggas gonna bare with yo white ass whining, they customer base is big enough

>> No.11827854

It's a social gathering place of the community.
They use the opportunity to chat as well as get haircuts so no one cares if it takes a while.

>> No.11827865
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>another thread about adventurous whitey going to black barbershop to feel special.

>> No.11827873
File: 168 KB, 771x522, 2017_BMW_R_NineT_Racer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call in advance and schedule an appointment?, specifically mention you don't have a lot of time to waste in a polite way? stop being a passive bitch watching the world pass by you as if you aren't present?

>> No.11827875

Their culture, not your people so don't even try. Barbershops tend to be very tribalistic so they probably acted different when they saw a creepy ass cracker waiting for a haircut. Every six months they probably have some idiot like you walk in to try something "new" .

Go to a old white barber senpai.

>> No.11827877

You're in the wrong kind of barber shop anon. Barber shops like that you go to for the people and the atmosphere. It's supposed to be fun while you chat with the boys. I have one on my college campus it's exaxtly the same, takes like an hour and a half just to get a regular cut because everyone is jiving and joking around. It's the kind of place where like 70% of the customers are regulars and know the barbers on a first name basis. In short anon, you are the problem, not the barber shop. Go to Great Clips are something if you want a bored barber to cut your hair on autopilot and not have fun.

>> No.11827897


>> No.11828048 [DELETED] 

>having fun
>while cutting a mother fuckers hair with scissors

bruh listen

"ey Jack, I behdat bih Hillary doe, she gon work good f'us niggas meh, nah'mean?"

"dat trump nigga doe, i mean look atcho skin nigga, ha'dat gon work f'ya?"

The dumbest shit I hear, I hear it around blacks.

>> No.11828061

In black culture, salons and barber shops are hangout spots. Like places where mean go to talk shit and get away from their wives

>> No.11828086

>a people that claims to be masculine

No "people" is making this claim. You just have a skewed world just like any other racially centric faggot.

I mean, bro, you must have no clue how stupid shit like this makes you look.

>> No.11828123

>>Went to a diverse part of town (gentrifying this bitch)
Your first mistake was going there.

Your second mistake is being the type of dumbass that isn't aware that there places have their own cultures, ESPECIALLY THE BARBERSHOP.
I'm black communitis going to the barbershop doesn't revolve around a haircut, it's the people.

> I just want a haircut! BAKA
Also judging from this you're possibly an autistic weeb, no wonder they didn't serve your ass

>> No.11828153

So wait, you went to that part of town just to get a haircut or what, or did you recently buy property there as the gentrifying thing implies?

>> No.11828170

>What is wrong with these people?
They are niggers. :^)

>> No.11828188

However hard you try, you can't justify that "business" atmosphere, barbershops are for haircuts not for hanging with your friends.

Black "culture" truly is inferior.

>> No.11828200


Yep. Because niggers are backwards as fuck. Look ITT we have people defending how unaccomodating these niggers are just because the OP is white.

In what world is it acceptable to fuck over a customer for his skin color? Oh wait if niggers do it, it's ok.

>> No.11828207

Woah there.

While I do think mass genocide of entire groups of people is completely justified on terms of high crime rates and low IQ's and hereditary intelligence, in this case nothing objectively harmful was happening so I can't say there's need for this kind of hostility.

The barber was actually doing something he was paid for, and people must be paying him to do it for the shop to be able to continue business, so I see no problem.

Plenty of reasons to advocate the purging of billions, but this isn't one of them.

>> No.11829485

T H I S I'm black, and it's this.

>> No.11829494
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>> No.11829500


>> No.11829521

Do you have any idea that this is L I T E R A L L Y how the mighty Romans spent their time? Many of the patricians went to the barver every single day. It was the meetingplace of the entire social strata.

>> No.11830009

op youre just a retard
im white as hell and i go to a ghetto barber since my also white friend works there. it always takes that long. its part of the experience. most barbers take pride in their job, and usually do a really good job. a haircut to these niggers is expensive, plus they have nothing better to do than dap up all the barbers when they walk in and talk to their niggas for half an hour.
its actually pretty fun if youre not a social retard

>> No.11830017


>> No.11830023

Many Romans also spent half the day raping their slave boys. What's your point?

>> No.11830027

s.m.h. word-filters to baka

>> No.11830031

Dominican barbers are hands down the best in the hood. Walk in, out in 10-15. Plus they generally have more experience with different hair types as they're all pretty much mutts. T.Washington heights native.

>> No.11830046

some autists don't know how barbershops work. they probably don't have the 'go-to barber' that knows them well.

>"hey Richard, how are you ?"
>"good. how's the business ?"
>"it's fine. do it as the usual, okay"

>h-hey s-sir. c-can you do my hair like t-this picture ?
>t-thanks... hehehehh

>> No.11830048

shit. i'm in /pol/ again

>> No.11830067

why guys ? why be like this ? why is america like this ? pls don't discourage me from moving.

>> No.11830078

go back to tumblr you fucking queers

>> No.11830148

a stance I can agree with

>> No.11830155

Go back to your containment board.

>> No.11830161

white male please leave

>> No.11830201

>durr muh /pol/ boogeyman

The day racism is shunned on 4chan is the day it's time to pull the plug. Fucking Moot...

>> No.11830433

>this business place isn't only for business, it's for socializing!

>> No.11830449

Most niggers arent efficient at doing anything. More news at 11. Why are you even surprised at this?

>> No.11830813


the post

>> No.11830818

>gentrifying this bitch
>diverse part of town
>African American

t. clueless cunt, why would someone white go to a black barber shop and not expect this, you're trying to be hip and cool but just stick to white stuff, you don't know shit about niggers

>> No.11830844

Just a reminder that this thread is barely about fashion and is most likely a thinly veiled /pol/ thread.

/pol/ has threads about co-opting other boards regularly and there have been numerous threads and posts on /fa/ over the past several weeks with /pol/ style racism and antisemitism slightly mixed with fashion. I don't have a problem with racism on 4chan obviously, but if you're mainly from /pol/ please keep it on your board. It's off topic and just stirs shit up (which is the point I guess).

Also, if you see any thinly veiled /pol/ threads please report them so the mods can delete them.

>> No.11830871

Lol i have literally never seen anything on /pol/ about shilling on /fa/. They don't give a fuck about you, paranoid faggot.

>> No.11830879
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They talk about other boards in general and there has been more /pol/ shit on /fa/ than usual lately. It wouldn't surprise me if they were posting here too.

>> No.11830880

thats what you get for not patronizing small business owners of your own race, cuck

>> No.11830881
File: 42 KB, 658x370, 1474438909315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a pale boy
>live in diverse part of town
>go to black barber for a shave down the street
>shaves my head with the clippers pressed a little too hard
>gives me a fucked up line even though I didn't ask for one
>scalp and forehead is red
>tip anyway

>> No.11830892

requesting pic

>> No.11830913

/pol/ is gonna disappear soon, they have to integrate into other boards

>> No.11830935

Let’s get something straight, African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is not broken English.
We’ve all been told to speak “right” when using language unique to black Americans. We’ve all been made to feel as if there is something inherently wrong - more importantly, inferior - with speaking AAVE. The truth is, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way in which most African Americans speak.
Language is language. There is no right or wrong way to speak which would justify the mistreatment of those whose English differs from your own.
The only reason AAVE is considered to be a bastardized version of English is because we are a marginalized group in a white supremacist society. Dassit.

>> No.11830938

>Doesn't make an appointment
>complains about having to wait
Look at this entitled bitch, look at him and laugh.

>> No.11830945


Stop false flagging /pol/


>> No.11830961

Why do niggers constantly use the wrong words and fail to use plurals?

>> No.11831047

Cultural illiteracy is not /fa/

>> No.11831080

probably scared of calling to strangers

>> No.11831094

Thats true. and as long as white people have all the wealth and power, speaking like that will guarantee you front row seats on the poor train.

>> No.11831138


Well yes, like a café, a bar, a club and countless other establishments

>> No.11831276

>ITT we have people defending how unaccomodating these niggers are just because the OP is white.
That's not why, a friend of mine has a cousin who owns a barbershop that whites visit all the time.

Op just doesn't understand how to conduct himself in a black barbershop.
What he described is just as awkward as a loud black family in a 4 star resturaunt.

>> No.11831329

Black haircuts are about hairlines
Whites don't care about or don't want hairlines next time go to supercuts buddy right up your lane.

>> No.11831779

I browse /pol/ a lot for happening threads, and haven't really seen many.

That aside, from the sound of it OP is a social retard who's never been to a decent barber shop, black or white.

>> No.11832389

Can confirm. Live 10 miles south of DTLA. Same shit. Took like 30 damned minutes to get a haircut and another 45 to do a simple high and tight.