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/fa/ - Fashion

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11820005 No.11820005 [Reply] [Original]

Proof that being rich or asian doesn't make you effay. How can one be so rich yet have such a disgusting style? Money doesn't buy taste I guess.


>> No.11820019

nigger culture

>> No.11820033

Idk wtf is it but many Asian Americans like to copy nigger culture, especially all those from shittier countries like Vietnam, Philippines or China.


>> No.11820038

>Idk wtf is it
because asian men are constantly shown as being pussies,nerdy and emasculated. black men are shown as being the ultimate alpha and the symbol of masculinity with rap music,sports and in western culture.

>> No.11820131

Where the hell did that stereotype come from? When I thank Asian guys, I think Bruce Lee, and the amount of fucking Asian people need to do to have such a high population.

>> No.11820133

Oh, and Genghis Khan.

>> No.11820153

Every hypebeast deserves to get chewed out by an asian mom desu. Paying all that money cus Kanye wears it, smfh.

>> No.11820197

This is now an asians trying to dress like kanye west thread.

>> No.11820213

I could put up a better outfit with basic ass clothes from Uniqlo or Gap than this guy throwing money away for some gaudy ass expensive clothing.

>> No.11820312

western culture thinks asians are frail nerdy pussies

>> No.11820332
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>> No.11820387
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>> No.11820391
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>> No.11820397


> nigger culture

Bitch, they are getting more poon than you. School shooter incel KEK

>> No.11820402

Everyone in this thread is retarded. Taste is subjective, stop getting so triggered about other people's taste in fashion and focus on your own problems first. This is why I primarily hate this board, no-one can accept anybody else's taste with a pinch of salt. And no, I don't dress like a hypebeast.

>> No.11820413

The worst part about this video is how hard he tries to sound cool. Everything is so forced.

>> No.11820414

Who cares, it's fun to laugh at them.

>> No.11820451

I don't see the problem with pointing out that shit is shit. Stfu is stop defending this gaudy faggots.

>> No.11820453

>dressing to get pussy

Typical nigger, no wonder there's so many fatherless nigger kids in America

>> No.11820463

Please learn to read the entire post before deciding to speak out of your backside. Literally after 6 words in I clearly said "taste is subjective", and you give the most bait reply of saying that "shit is shit". You literally just reinforced my point with your comment. Thanks!

>> No.11820474

>stop getting so triggered about other people's taste in fashion

It's not getting 'triggered' little snowflake, just pointing out the obvious.

>no-one can accept anybody else's taste with a pinch of salt

If you want a board that just compliments everyone who has shit taste then go to reddit or tumblr.

>> No.11820475

>identifies bait
>replies to bait

>> No.11820492

>not getting triggered
>using large range of obscene vocabulary to assert your point
>telling people to kill themselves, kek

yeah okay

>wanting a board that just compliments
i never said that, just that when someone posts something different there's a flat out roasting. if someone posts streetwear, there's flat out roasting, literally no constructive criticism. people won't be able to progress their fashion sense if you just keep putting them down and not giving any positive input and helping them and giving recommendations. there's a difference between just complimenting and a balance between complimenting and roasting for a stupid-ass fit, not roasting for an actual coherent fit where people feel that a certain anon is better dressed than themselves so they have to put them down in order to feel more alpha

I have literally nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon, so I might as well bite the bait to make some little anon satisfied for once

>> No.11820503

>if someone posts streetwear, there's flat out roasting, literally no constructive criticiism

Ricegum is a pathetic fuccboi with shitty taste.

>> No.11820509

It's just clothes you fuckin nerd.

>> No.11820516

I mean in general, I couldn't give less of a fuck about ricegum or his taste. I'm talking about the people who actually have the confidence to post their fits on here.

>> No.11820523

If you think like this then I'm afraid you shouldn't even be here. In fact, you should not be taking an active interest in fashion at all.

>> No.11820555

Why even bring it up in this thread then

>> No.11820561

lol he should learn to dress like based Leafy

>> No.11820566

objectively bad taste is real

>> No.11820569

Because this attitude has appeared in this thread, so I decided to say it.

also nice trips

>> No.11820588

>taking /fa/ seriously

no one does that after hitting puberty. just lurk in the cop or not threads or something. other than that this board is painfully autistic

>> No.11820597

chose one

>> No.11820612
File: 62 KB, 735x986, god-damn-i-love-being-white-original-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw wearing fake Supreme
It looks and feels exactly the same for 20 times less.

>> No.11820615

Maybe to some, but not to others. From the viewpoint of a hypebeast, you may look like a person that has no taste in fashion to them.

>no one does that after hitting puberty

I'm confused. By this, do you mean taking /fa/ seriously or dressing streetwear?

>> No.11820620

taking /fa/ seriously

>> No.11820625

ok, thanks for clarifying. i already lurk the wdywt thread, but not the c/n as much. i'll lurk that more, thanks

>> No.11820737

>muh dik

Fuck off Tyrone

>> No.11820804

I love this pic

>> No.11820815
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>> No.11820835

Why are Chinese people so god damn materialistic? They always have fucktons of money, and they're always fucking spending it on things, whether it's expensive clothes, big houses, or fancy gadgets to show off.

They try so hard to impress white people, most of whom have already discovered real joy in life (ie. without forking over tons of cash), so they hardly ever succeed. They just come off as losers who can't make any sort of impression by themselves, so they have to buy shit to compensate.

Damn Chinks need to fuck off back to China.

>> No.11820844

he's vietnamese you dumb burger

>> No.11820857

Same shit. And I'm a Canacuck living in Hongcouver, so I'm well acquainted with Asian people.

Chinese and Viet people act very similarly. Koreans are also similar, but not quite to the same extent.

Japanese people are the only ones who don't act similarly to Chinks.

>> No.11820873

I've talked to lots of Asians about this, Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans, and the general consensus seems to be that people buy the most expensive and popular clothing they can in order to be noticeable. When you come from an area where genetics have caused everyone to look practically identical, you need to find ways to stand out.

>> No.11820882
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>mfw ginger
>mfw decently good looking
>mfw I don't need to buy anything fancy, and people will still notice me

>> No.11821044
File: 142 KB, 600x900, TK-2014-01-18-006-002-Harajuku-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese are based. Gaudy Japanese people are a rare breed. Meanwhile you'll basically have no shortage Korean, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese fuckbois who somehow thinks Supreme, Off-White, Bape are the epitome of fashion lmao.

>> No.11821319

Is this the guy that's rich and semi-famous for bullying kids on youtube?

>> No.11821405

Doesn't look bad there.

He dresses so fucking awfully usually like a monster energy teenager. He's a millionaire so I don't know what he's doing. He's cute as well so he should get some taste

>> No.11821456

His mother perfectly summarised why buying fakes is acceptable.

>> No.11821481
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>> No.11821538

China and russia were former communist states, where gaudy expensive shit was the only way to stand out in the dreary masses

Japan and korea on the other hand developed under the ludicrous hypercapitalism they're renowned for, and therefore branding doesn't matter as much

>> No.11821609

Yeah he looks hideous in that picture but he usually looks good

>> No.11821648

everything here is peng

>> No.11821663


aka the dimension where delusion comes from

>> No.11821689

man, fuck him for doing that to his mother just because he knew it would upset her

>> No.11821804

he's half chinese

>> No.11821831

just imagine the smell

>> No.11821954

Probably not. You ask anyone on the street and nine times out of ten they'll pick this dude

>> No.11822006

What are some good fashion YouTube channels?

>> No.11822027


>> No.11822032
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whoops nvm forgot what board I was on

>> No.11822036

am i the only one that got a heart boner for his mom, she looks really sweet bet he doesn't even appreciate her home cooked meals and shit.

asian nigger doesn't fully appreciate his loving mother and just purposely tries to upset her for his youtube fans.

>> No.11822442

Because there are very few niggas in china so the youth think it's like the new cool think

>> No.11822453


>> No.11822456

Im not saying youre wrong but as an Asian American, its more like its hard to relate with White culture for a lot of Asians because Whites pretty much hold a cultural hegemony over the world. I think many would see that as selling out

>> No.11822477

Pretty good episode

>buys $1k supreme hoodie
>dad and mom put him on blast that it will never get that cold in vegas

>buys yeezys
>mom says they look cheaply made in china for $30
>calls him fuccboi for buying 3 pairs

>> No.11822534

so fucking true. I have a friend who is Chinese and he is CONSTANTLY buying and selling Mac products. Like he will buy a new laptop then sell it a month later for the new model and shit.

>> No.11822594

how does he afford that shit when his parents live in such a shithole house i would beat his ass too

whenever i see asian kids wearing this stuff i assume their parents are rich or something

>> No.11822789

he's got 4mil+ subs on his main channel so he probably makes quite a bit with that

>> No.11822793

lmao she said they look like rice bags

i like his parents, they seem nice

>> No.11822945

Nah he loves his mom 100%

>> No.11823013

Cracker, you need to get back to your poor hicktown, Hongcouver is we asian now

>> No.11823022

you'll just look Japanese kek

>> No.11823024

Fuck off chinkmale.
You'll never be as beautiful as the white man.

>> No.11823027

The supreme stuff I've seen so far has mostly been fake kek

>> No.11823029

>implying whites don't buy name brands

>> No.11823034

>photo's literally from Japan

>> No.11823037


Did you get triggered? Whites age like shit anyways, personally I don't care about euro-centric beauty.

Plus, I'm not gay, why would I want to look like a white man?

>> No.11823046

White men age to look wise and respected.
Asian women age to look mature and beautiful.

Asian men age to look grey and tired, with spotty faces and patchy hair.
White women age to be wrinkled up prunes with none of their youthful beauty.

Really makes you think, huh?

It's almost like your women were made for me, and my women were made for you.

>> No.11823284
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I think about this everyday. I live in the San Gabriel Valley, pretty much the heart of Asian America. You would think I'd get use to see everyone and their dogs dress like this, but it's the opposite

>> No.11823303

>but this japanese nigga's wearing that trash HBA

>> No.11823330

Which one of his parents are Chinese? They were both speaking viet in the video

>> No.11823338

>tfw this is sydney right now
but all the hype beast chicks wear assc hoodies, NMDs, gold UBs.

>> No.11823806

idk but he says it in this vid

@ 4:10

>> No.11823948

Palace is decent tho

>> No.11823968
File: 5 KB, 200x152, ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there's no white people in sneakerboy anymore

>> No.11824076

both of his parents are speaking vietnamese
they sound like they care about him a lot

>> No.11824106

ITT everyone tricked into giving him more views

>> No.11825366

Ronnie Radke?

>> No.11825423

Found the hypebeast cuck