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11813360 No.11813360 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to be effay if you're autistic af?

>> No.11813369

Autistic but self-aware? Yes.
Chris-chan level autism with no self-awareness? No, you're fucked.

>> No.11813377


>Chris-chan level autism with no self-awareness? No, you're fucked.

You could let someone else dress you.

>> No.11813383

Interesting.. Define self-aware-..

>> No.11813384
File: 802 KB, 2400x1720, autyści.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism is a spectrum with widely different cases
if you're the kind of autist that just shows little emotion and has little need for human interaction, but is normal otherwise, then I say that's pretty effay

>> No.11813408

Basically, self-awareness is being aware of your actions. Like if you're going to buy a shitt, you're obviously not buying that pink My Little Pony shirt because you know its going to make you look autistic as fuck. I don't know much about autism though so Idk if autistic people can be self-aware. However you can tell people like Chris-chan are not self-aware AT ALL otherwise he wouldn't upload a picture of his cut scrotum and claim he's growing a vagina.

>> No.11813409

I don't mean literal autist
I mean autistic like having no friends and being bad at normal social interaction and being awkward

>> No.11813423

That's not really autism, but it can get you misdiagnosed as having autism.

>> No.11813679

I wasn't diagnosed yet though but they are trying to diagnose me with being psychotic but I'm not psychotic

>> No.11813735

Spoken like a real psycho

>> No.11813739

How do you tell if you're self-aware?

>> No.11815075

I took an online test and while I'm sure I'm juse really anti-social, I could have borderline assbergers.

>> No.11815503


>> No.11815810
File: 36 KB, 194x259, IMG_2685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying "she" isn't effay

>> No.11816496

Excuse me? I know it sounds like a lie but it's true trust me! I'm not psychotic it's just some people who want to diagnose me .. It's a long story

>> No.11816529

I just realised I fit into the mouse category of robot perfectly. What the fuck I feel terrible about myself now. I don't even go to /r9k/

How do I unrobot myself?

>> No.11816585

well, here in russia there's no diagnosis "autism" if you are adult, only "schysophrenia", and schysophrenia can be pretty fucking effay as satoshi kon and his mimicker aronofsky showed us

>> No.11816617

I think the best thing for an autistic person to do would be to observe what people wear, imitate it, and NEVER trust their own judgement.

>> No.11816657

Tfw gyborg

>> No.11816690

you didnt say the magic word anon

>> No.11816694
File: 168 KB, 936x936, 1472896284052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Be around normies all day. It'll help slowly but surely

>> No.11816744

I'm a Sloth

>> No.11816748
File: 96 KB, 241x228, 1475205423828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never heard of this before and the cerebrotonic sounds like if someone tried to describe me.

>tfw doing pretty good at cooking, shopping, fashion, haircuts, and exercise
>doesn't matter

>> No.11816786

Fuck up cunt

>> No.11816879
File: 77 KB, 534x640, super space feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK OFF, Cerbrotonic is almost completely me, but I'm also a wage slave, and a fucking mouse, not physically thankfully, but mentally I'm worried about fucking up and previous fuck ups all of the time.

>> No.11817828

I sure hope so.

>> No.11817854


>tfw you almost are the super autist with the exception of self-awareness

>> No.11817900

That's the worst of them all.

>autism debuff: -10 to all social interactions
and yet you don't get the
>blissful ignorance, autistic lack of self awareness: +2 to enjoyment of life

You got the worst of both worlds.

>> No.11817930

I'm not even sure you can be a super autist if you have "self-awareness". He's probably just another Sloth.

>> No.11818245

I'm scared too anons

>> No.11818263

>mfw a combination of the cerebrotonic and the mouse
>mfw I look exactly the same as the cerebrotonic