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11804541 No.11804541 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to complain to a company about one of their employees damaging garments I was wearing? Pic unrelated.

>> No.11804545

Tell us the story.

>> No.11804560

I'm not 100% sure if the damage has occurred yet. I was walking to my car during a downpour, with gutters flooded, and a courier company's van dove through a round-a-bout quickly enough to splash enough water on my to saturate the entire area below my knees. The shoes I was wearing had been waterproofed in the past, and have stood up to heavy rain, but I'm not so sure they can stand up to a full dousing of stormwater. They're drying now.

>> No.11804578
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kill yourself

>> No.11804586

Are you saying you wouldn't want to complain were you in the same position?

>> No.11804598

I'm not
But I think that you shouldn't complain, also you shouldn't wear your nice shit in the rain.

>> No.11804611


I think that's exactly want he's saying.
You are bitching about clothes getting wet in the rain.

>> No.11804617

fuck up faggot

>> No.11804626

Are you going to answer my question or not

But it wasnt the rain that got me saturated and got the water all on me. I had an umbrella. I was on my way home too; how do you expect me to know a downpour will occur right as Im walking to my car to go home?

>> No.11804630

call the company and record it. i wanna hear this autism for my own ears hahahahhaaha

>> No.11804631

I'm not your mama so I can't make you not file a complaint if that's what you set your mind on.
What I can say is that would be a douchey thing to do.

>> No.11804650

How is it douchey? It's like walking past a restaurant and having a waiter spill a plate of food on you, only it cant be drycleaned out.

>> No.11804658

>come to a korean whaling forum
>whine about getting some shit dirty
>ask if I should file a complaint
>everyone says no
>get ass angry when their opinion is not the same as mine

>> No.11804697

I didn't ask if I should, I asked how best to go about it.

>> No.11804735

Arson would be your best bet.
FBI Note: The message contained herein is satire, for the purpose of mocking the original poster.

>> No.11804744

Epic xD

>> No.11804746

damn that sucks desu
sorry to hear that
don't think u can do much about it since it'll be hard to prove

all u can do is get over it and hope it drys properly maybe start searching for a new pair

>> No.11804838

Literally not his fault he's driving. It sucks I'm sorry but i doubt he was exceeding the speed limit or driving dangerously in which case it's you just being in the wrong place at the wrong time

>> No.11805664

sounds like your fault desu senpai

>> No.11805673

sounds like your fault famalam

>> No.11805706

your retarded. as a store manager. I would laugh in your face if you came to complain to me about that. then if you got mad at me laughing in your face I would give you the phone number for my own manager so you could complain to him about it and me. then when you were done talking to him he would call me and we would laugh about you together.

>> No.11805719

Hear me out.
You don't really have any grounds to complain;
You should not have been walking around in bad weather in clothes that you did not want to get wet.
You should not have been walking close enough to roads in the rain that cars can splash you. This is common sense.

You're going to sound like you're just looking for someone to blame for your own poor decisions (which you are) and at best you're going to get in an argument over whichever poor soul picks up the phone to you and come off feeling worse.
Just act like an adult and accept that you made a poor decision.

>> No.11805723

no its not. this is Bait. not even funny bait.

>> No.11806319

you beta faggot

>> No.11806714

>samefagging this hard