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/fa/ - Fashion

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11796880 No.11796880 [Reply] [Original]

Apartment General:

>> No.11796882
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>> No.11796886
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>> No.11796904
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>> No.11796919
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>> No.11796922
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>> No.11796950
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>> No.11796957

holy fuck. this is my ex girlfriend's old bedroom. where the fuck did this come from? how did you get this?

>> No.11796959

i was there nigga

>> No.11796966
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I think you know how?

>> No.11796971

this is fucking me up. seriously, where did this even come from???

>> No.11796974


>> No.11796979
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I don't kiss and tell

>> No.11796984 [DELETED] 


>> No.11796986

pls STOP with samefagging

>> No.11796991
File: 356 KB, 1536x2048, 14086255_10153902613633226_2566833848682236685_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my obnoxious studio lol

>> No.11797000
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>> No.11797001

sick malm nightstand my dude

>> No.11797007

it looks cozy anon

>> No.11797066
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Oh anon... she never told you

>> No.11797080

rare ikea x supreme collab

thanks :~)

>> No.11797107

I actually find all of these rooms disgusting

>white/black monochrome
>everythings a shade of brown

>> No.11797179

in agreement, all ITT sucks, last thread was way better

>> No.11797189

post then?

>> No.11797191
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>> No.11797194
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Hey guys, I'm getting a studio apartment soon and I would really appreciate some specific inspiration/advice. Where should I be looking for cheapish furniture. Tips on making the most of space? Experience? Also I could get a larger apartment father away from where i work but I would rather be close and cut my commute down. I work around 12 hours a day so anytime I can save is gravy. Plus rent in my city for a studio is like 1300-2k a month unfortunately. Thanks in advance friends.

>> No.11797197

nice! I like the couch and little bed it looks cozy

>> No.11797201
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>> No.11797209
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>> No.11797212

I'd go for dark furniture wit alot of green plants

>> No.11797249

W2c coffee table

>> No.11797252

is that an attic

>> No.11797254

I think so

>> No.11797259
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>> No.11797263
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>> No.11797304

Poor anon
You should have known from the dream catcher, she was a cultural appropriating hippie slut

>> No.11797387

from her new boyfriend who has sex with her here laughing about you and how she'll never love a loser like you

>> No.11797442


That space needs to get enclosed in and then its maximum comfy. though I don't like the metal/futurism vibe to it either

>> No.11797464

replace the window frames and this look is perfect

>> No.11797497

>infinite jest

>> No.11798197
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>> No.11798701
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>> No.11798745

>wine stored flat on the floor
>triggered hard

>> No.11800051

>ceramic elephants
I don't know if you could get more normie than this.

>> No.11800163
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>> No.11800271

How does it feel to constantly clean paint scraps falling from the ceiling? Also that wall and wood look so dusty. Does anyone actually live here? lmao it feels like it's just made for a magazine because it looks pretty.

>> No.11800290

>all devoid of Vitsoe shelving

>> No.11800314

>implying all these pics aren't staged

Look at 90% of magazine spaces and they look so uncomfy and cumbersome

>> No.11800735

i just hide under the blanket

>> No.11800739
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>> No.11800822
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>> No.11800825
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>> No.11800837
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>> No.11800937

very nice anon

>> No.11801030

Way too basic (in a bad way), and cluttered. Reminds me of any old folk's home.

>> No.11801050

>Art Nouveau posters
Terrible aesthetic.

>> No.11801051

>>wine stored flat on the floor
What's wrong with that? They're horizontal so they don't get corked, but what's so bad about floor?

>> No.11801789
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>> No.11801790

how very gatsbian

>> No.11801799
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>> No.11801813

imagine getting cucked by someone on fucking /fa/

that's pathetic

>> No.11801814
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does anyone have any multipurpose/guest rooms?
with a bed and a telly and a couch all in one room?
Preferably no desks, not looking for a bed/study combo

>> No.11801970
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Here's my living room and bedroom.

>> No.11801973
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>> No.11802012

C-can I live with you?

>> No.11802079
File: 1.07 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My room
I have no idea how to use all this space
Bad picture but it's fuckhuge and the ceilings are almost 4meters
Yes, german jewish master race architecture

>> No.11802094

Where do you live? East germany?

>> No.11802105

Frankfurt actually lol
This place is cheap too

>> No.11802107

>two copies of Moby Dick


>> No.11802111
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>> No.11802130

how big is it and what do you pay per month?

>> No.11802139

400sq ft

>> No.11802142

little enough to be able to live in it as a student
dunno who this guy is.

>> No.11802193


>> No.11802199

What's it feel like living with black mold?

>> No.11802257

this looks like hell in winter. Those stones and windows are probably from the 19th century.

>> No.11802455

>little enough to be able to live in it as a student
great, thanks for clearing that up

>> No.11802462

from myself after finishing fucking her up the ass brosef

>> No.11802467

looks like an average hotel room, bland as blander

>> No.11802524
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>> No.11803470

kinda cool but the spread on that table looks too deliberate, like a waiting room at a trendy law firm or something

throw some pencils and misc. clutter around and it will seem much less sterile

>> No.11803481

I live in Düsseldorf and it's freaking expensive.
Always heard frankfurt's too expensive for students so some friends of mine had to move to offenbach

>> No.11803764
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looks like a horror movie scene

>> No.11803774



>> No.11804624

Hello ling ling

>> No.11804776


>> No.11805213
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x900, IMG_20160928_102229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no space for a couch

>> No.11806338

this bed is for 6 midgets to sleep in width-way or so it would seem from that pillow arrangement

>> No.11806351


>> No.11807162
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>> No.11807188

How do you guys keep your room clean? I hardly have time and energy for it (and yet I'm posting on 4chan, I know).

>> No.11807235

But I'm Jamaican :(

>> No.11807330

nice vibration fucking up your needle by having your speakers touching your turn table.

>> No.11807552

The pic is from /lit/, thread about cozy reading set ups

also, mocking having books? really?

>> No.11808559
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>> No.11808573
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