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11788644 No.11788644 [Reply] [Original]

Advice for guys with big noses? Do some women actually like that?

>> No.11788669

blind women

>> No.11788671

french have big noses

>> No.11788680

How big are we talking here buddy?

>> No.11788681
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>> No.11788683

Just own it anon, really. That's the sexiest thing. You could literally make any facial feature work, even when it's slightly larger, smaller than usual. The only thing that's really off-putting on someone's face is terrible skin and non-symmetry. Nothing larger than Cyrano though..

>> No.11788716
File: 25 KB, 292x253, IMG_1586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate already in a long term relationship with a qt3.14
Pic related
I actually laugh at jewish remarks, after all we're on 4chan
Actually this i think

>> No.11788737

>Advice for guys with big noses?

Support Israel

>> No.11788744

Seriously dude, i get it. I dont even get phased anymore. Any advice?

>> No.11788782
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>Non symmetrical jaw

>> No.11788792

these threads are always so retarded it depends on your other facial features. why is that so difficult to comprehend

>> No.11788796

the guy i like has a fairly big nose. i don't really care. it suits his face.

>> No.11788880

Not even that big. As long as your jaw is manly enough, it should balance it out. Now, it is terrible to have a big nose if you have a mouthbreather chin and no jaw development.

>> No.11788895

I have a big hook nose. I'm the only one who seems to hate it. The only people that have every made fun of me for it are guys. Not one single girl has been turned off by it. I was going to get rhino, but I just started to own it. I still hate it, but it's my fucking nose and does what I tell it.

>> No.11788922

stop controlling our finances

>> No.11789321
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>> No.11789434
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>> No.11790073

No, they Don't Andre

>> No.11790077

My boyfriend has a big nose. I personally don't mind it at all, and besides it's something you don't even notice after awhile. I never even think about his nose and we've been dating for four years

>> No.11790092

it bothers me that I have a pretty big and wide nose. What I did: I grew a beard. Seems to help a little.

>> No.11790157

Girls love big noses when you're eating them out


>> No.11790160

have you tried not being a bird?

>> No.11790205

>all my individual features are literally 10/10

>incredible assymetrical face makes me look like a 3/10

being 5'8 isn't helping either

>> No.11790210

yea, all my mates and other guys r the only people to ever talk shit about my nose but the thing is, i've ALWAYS pulled more and prettier girls than all of them. I think it's because women like masculine features, guys attribute things they don't like in women (e.g. big noses) to themselves, when in reality, this is what women lust for. Once u feel good about it and rock it, i promise u will feel better.

>> No.11790229

I have a big nose and my girlfriend likes it. She says it "looks European" and I guess thinks that's attractive.

>> No.11790620

well, i got surgery, and... it was not worth it, big noses are not bad, people just make fun of them to lough, even though its not really funny in any aspect

>> No.11790683

just because your surgeon is a retard it doesnt mean big noses are attractive. its very easy to spot overgrown parts of the body, they also take focus away from other facial features. you have pretty green eyes? most will only notice the nose.

>> No.11791297

shut the fuck up you fucking virgin fag

god you sound like an insecure little bitch.

>> No.11791481

Watch the film Roxanne

>> No.11791522
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can confirm

also adrien brody is a big nosed beauty, pic related ;^3

>> No.11791693
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I don't think size is the problem. Adrian Brody looks great with his. The problem is how bulbous or sharp is your nose. His is pretty sharp, OP's pic is pretty bulbous.

Also a outward curvature of the nose bridge is also quite fucked in my opinion.

I have a high nose bridge and the stubby asian tip, i think it's my worst feature by far. I actually came to /fa/ cause i was thinking about it

How do I into less self-conscious of my nose /fa/ it's holding me back

>> No.11792833
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>> No.11792835

also ugly scars, huge foreheads and moles

>> No.11792849

its a masculine feature

>> No.11793010
File: 346 KB, 1112x1356, tumblr_o0ne9k9Wh71sao7l9o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a little insecure about my nose until I realized some of the best looking men have the same kind. Nothing to worry about if it works with your face.

>> No.11793011
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left is my current nose, i'm def considering getting a rhinoplasty in late winter/early spring to get it similar to the one on the right, which in my opinion is the perfect nose and would suit my face a lot better

>> No.11793019
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>> No.11793452
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I liked the guys nose on the Good Wife, who was also in Dead Poets Society.

>> No.11793461
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>> No.11793507
File: 3.40 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-09-24-22-26-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is it doc

>> No.11793509

not a bad schnoz at all. your chin would look unbalanced with a smaller one

>> No.11793511

tiny. now get the fuck out.

>> No.11793520

Thanks anon
It looks bigger and more crooked irl I think but I couldn't capture it in a photo

>> No.11793560
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Girls actually have told that they like my nose because it is very masculine looking (how true was it is up to discussion), so if a nose like mine doesn't bother the majority of women then I think you guys are safe. Just never use sunglasses and you're pretty much safe. The only people that care about your nose are apparently your friends when they make fun of you, but really it's just banter between friends.

>> No.11793567
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Akiline noses remind me a lot to the Roman statues so I think that's why I like them a bit.

>> No.11794346
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I wanted to mention Adrien Brody as I was scrolling this thread, my bf has similar features and I find it extremely attractive desu

Although consider this comes from someone who finds jewish features attractive :^)

>> No.11794347

Move to Israel.

>> No.11794390

Jews aren't a race. You consider north semitic features attractive. You'd probably like alawite arabs as well.