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/fa/ - Fashion

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11784853 No.11784853 [Reply] [Original]

How has your life changed now that you've become more fashionable or are on your way there?

>> No.11785118
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become more interested in music, art, and literature
confidence is much higher
people pay me more attention
people call me artsy/hipster now

the second two are eh but self confidence and the arts are cool

>> No.11785121


*last two

>> No.11785169
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Definitely more confident, caring about fashion also makes you care more about other things like hygiene, hobbies, cuisine, arts you know aesthetic things. But

>tfw no friends

Nobody I know cares about fashion and look disgusting and basically likes hobbies I don't give a flying fuck about like anime and online gaming(ie overwatch). This has basically caused a lot of social disconnect and loneliness. Also the only "fashionable people" here are Anti social social club hat, Supreme tees, skinny jeans and vans.

>> No.11785226

it has made my life objectively worse, at least socially.

i've withdrawn from society. i only leave my house to go to work or sometimes to get food. i spend most of my disposable income on SIQ DEZINER CLOTHES that i never wear--that i more admire like pieces of art. i feel simultaneously superior and inferior to all of my acquaintances, i hardly talk to anyone. my #1 social outlet is talking to strangers on obscure clothing forums about fucking fabrics and silhouettes and shit. i am more withdrawn, more insular, more sexless, and more socially anxious than at any other point in my life. i used to be pretty relaxed and decently popular too.

my life is going nowhere. i waste so much time. i'm not even a respected contributor in any of my digital fashion-related social circles.

on the plus side: learning to identify quality in clothing has simultaneously made me more discerning in all aspects of my life. it has improved my taste in everything.

>> No.11785366
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>> No.11785378

I have less money.

>> No.11785392
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I feel like I'm starting to fit in. I was always the awkward poor kid but now that I have some money and take care of my appearance I feel my confidence rising. Next thing is to get fit. Thanks fa for the help

>> No.11785408

Honest just don't get too invested into it or you'll become a sad faggot like these two.
Just take what you need and run away. Don't invest in $1000 pieces and then realize that it's all pointless and nothing but an addiction.

>> No.11785413


>> No.11785427
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more depressed than before dont ask why

>> No.11785429

I was diagnosed with depression and became detached and unconcerned about my life, friends and family, and feel like I can't relate to anyone.

My friends just feel like people I spend time with to distract myself from my mental health and suicidal thoughts. None of my friends listens to the same music, has the similar interests or at least dresses in a similar way or even is remotely fashionable. And it's not like I can meet people who are closer to me, because 1. it's hard as fuck finding motivation being depressed 2. living in buttfuck nowhere czech republic, the friends i'm looking for don't exist outside gentrifying neighborhoods in Prague.This might have sounded condescending towards my current friends, but that wasn't the intention. I respect them and some of them are very intelligent and interesting people, but they're very different from me.

What depresses me even more is seeing so many people that look like I would get along with them when travelling. I try to go for a 90s slacker/skater inspired aesthetic, which is pretty common on /fa/ and in bigger cities in the US/Europe, I listen to Xiu Xiu, Grimes, Mac DeMarco, Sufjan Stevens and similar stuff, which is honestly not very obscure at all, just entry level independent music. But I still struggle to find anyone remotely similar in this shithole and my friends think my tastes in music, fashion, movies etc. are extremely obscure.

For some reason though I would never trade any of this back. It feels shit, but it feels real.

>> No.11785444

>expecting your life to change because you put on different clothes


>> No.11785449
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Worse lmao

I'm much, much more critical of myself. I have body dysmorphia to an extent that the longer I look in a mirror I literally start to hallucinate my face morphing in the ways I hate most. Every good comment is someone being sarcastic, every bad one is the truth that will stay with me forever.

I've got fucking mental problems, OP. FASHION DID THIS

>> No.11785471

100 percent this

>> No.11785482

Holy fuck people here sounds like Elliot Rodgers. Don't go shooting up people guys kek.


>> No.11785513 [DELETED] 
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Ever since I purchased the 1992 geo tracker, the official car of /fa/, i've noticed I have a real problem with girls jumping into my car at every red light. It's not so bad in the country but if I drive a few city blocks in downtown Toronto, with the easily removable hardtop off, I have to shoo off 7-8 girls rubbing their soft parts against my variable hi-lo 4x4 gearshift and my 4-speed manual gearbox. I swear my whole car smells like fish and cheap perfume.

>> No.11785518
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Its worse
Much much worse.
I can't stop thinking about fashion and not looking good at all fucking times.

I have shit myself 4 times in the past month because my trousers were pressed perfectly and I didn't want to cause crumbling by pulling them down.

I am constantly anxious about my clothes.

My heart rate has gone up by 10 bpm due to stress

Last week one of my new belts got caught on a door when I was casually leaning against it to appear fashionable in a new shirt I was wearing. I got so angry that I smashed the door handle. My University is making me pay the damages. Initially I tried to response by filming myself dressed as a door handle hanging myself with the belt but gave up because I couldn't tie a knot


>> No.11785523

lol funny post anon thank you

>> No.11785524



>> No.11785527
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>Initially I tried to response by filming myself dressed as a door handle hanging myself with the belt but gave up because I couldn't tie a knot
>in orbit

>> No.11786603
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I don't feel good about myself anymore and it's eating into my social life.
Completely disinterested in sex along with everything else. All I want to do is get drunk, smoke weed and watch documentaries about fish.

Atleast I have my meme music.

>> No.11786998

I would date u in a heartbeat

>> No.11787028

Fashion actually got me away from the shittier hobbies I had like games. Spending so much time on myself got me more confident which got me away from less-social stuff.

At the same time I'm also becoming more critical of others though, When I first started getting into fashion at the beginning of college, I was near broke but even tiny changes in where I got my clothes from and fit seemed to make huge differences for me. Because of that I tend to look negatively on people who don't care enough to make even those minute changes in themselves even though I know it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

I've been starting to get really interested in the actual design lately though, but don't really have the time as an engineering student. I'm hoping to pick up a good sewing machine over the summer though so I can start making alterations and maybe trying to make some stuff for me since I still can't afford some of the more avant-garde stuff I think could compliment the designer things I do own.

>> No.11787059

Fashion has become psychologically handy for me since I'm basically /r9k/ on the flesh and doing "rare" cops is my autistic hobby, I live in a cool ass city in the third world so there's a pretty solid niche for "sophisticated" people. I love the fact that being really not much different from other consumption-based interests, fashion is socially acceptable and celebrated, so it puts me in a really comfy spot in terms of status. Girls I would be too beta to even look at like my fits. I know that I'm ugly as sin and socially retarded but feeling "part" of something as elitist and complex as fashion makes me want to think that maybe there's still hope for me. I also developed a deep love for girls with bangs el ou el

>> No.11787156

I live in a shit hole in the middle of Europe where af1s and alike are considered the peak of fashion, unless you're not bearmode you're not a "real man". I have absolutely no one to discuss my only hobby with and your fits rarely ever get appreciated unless you're wearing the latest faggot trend.

I'm glad I found /fa/ regardless, I'm really happy with the way I look and that's the only thing that's important.

>> No.11787166

This, but get rid of weed and replace by dexies and techno

>> No.11787177
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>share the sentiment to the maximum

>> No.11787182

unless you're bearmode*

>> No.11787711


>> No.11787727

>watch documentaries about fish.
lol let's be friends

>> No.11787741

>less money
>anxious about everything
>very self conscious
>judge people more

>> No.11787754

I have a lot less money than I did before.

>> No.11787764

honestly hasn't. some people think I'm gay now though. like people I've never met.

>> No.11787836

>Talking to a guy once about a girl we both know
>Bring up how hot she is
>He asks me "wait you think so?"
>Looks me up and down
>"Wow you dress nice"

It's a bit weird every time it happens

>> No.11787860

I feel like buying a shotgun and unloading it into the crowd every time I go outside.

I mean I sort of had fantasies about that for a long time, but it wasn't eating at me like it does now.

>> No.11787940

Damn man. Is it really that hard? I'm from Bulgaria and I have a few friends interested in fashion and I don't even mean the basic hm/Street West/trend hopper kida way. We don't necessarily have the money to buy designer buy we discuss and have a sense of style. Many of my friends listen to a lot of /mu/ core music as do I and we like to talk about stiff different from the latest radio hit. But maybe thays because we all study music at an academic level

>> No.11787977

>we all study music at an academic level
Yup, that's exactly it. If I were a university student in a major Czech city (basically just Prague and Brno), I would probably feel much closer to the people there and find common tastes in fashion, music, etc.

I'm a high school student in a small city with little to none interesting stuff going on, no cool places to hang out, and no people I could feel connected to. I hope it's gonna get a lot better once I graduate and move out for college/take a gap year and meet new people, which is honestly the only reason why I haven't killed myself yet.

>> No.11788023

>which is honestly the only reason why I haven't killed myself yet

Go find a hobby anon, fuck. Play music, learn skateboarding, work out, paint, shit there is so many individualistic things you can do and enjoy by yourself. If you get good enough/average at these things you'll find like minded people online or in real life. Honestly, don't be a boring fuck and find something you're good at, else you'll just feel like a suicidal cuck, doesn't matter if you're in Prague or shitting in some unknown forest or something.

>> No.11788030

I'm aware of all this, but I'm at a state where I just don't have enough drive to take up anything. Makes me feel like absolute shit but I don't think there's much I can do. CBT isn't doing anything, so I'll probably end up on SSRIs, I really fucking hope they help.

>> No.11788083

well at first /fa/ made me get an eating disorder and a bunch of other mental illnesses (but honestly that might have happened anyway)
but i also felt like such a useless piece of shit that it made me pick up a hobby (piano) since i felt like i had no purpose in life.

honestly im happy the way my life turned out, but learning to play piano started so much other shit. I dropped out of highschool and now im dreaming of becoming a composer, which i never would have imagined a year ago.

but im also still suffering from what i think is depression and severe avant-teen syndrome.
even though all my friends are interested in music, i just wish i could be part of an artistic movement like impressionism. Just a bunch of artists discussing their works and philosophy.

i just feel like most of the stuff my friends like/make is so unoriginal or boring.
one thing common interest i share with them is techno though :)

>> No.11788108

post fit?

>> No.11788131

girl will walk up to me at school and at parties and ask me if I'm gay and when I say I'm not they seems disappointed. what does this mean?

>> No.11788290

My life hasn't really changed. Still as anti social as ever, I just look less autistic when I go outside and people treat me with more respect.

>> No.11788301

girls look at me now with smile. still too autist to actually tak to them

>> No.11788373
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>I have shit myself 4 times in the past month because my trousers were pressed perfectly and I didn't want to cause crumbling by pulling them down.

Anyway, I've been on /fa/ for almost a year now and I feel mixed about how my life has changed.

For one, I definitely shop more for my figure and that's helped a lot in terms of confidence and overall quality of fits.

Knowing about fits and brands has allowed for more conversation pieces. Also, even though I'm not as into it as some people here, within my group of friends I'm considered the "fashionable" one, and they often ask me for advice, which again goes with the confidence. (Luckily they aren't fashionless, but I really don't judge people based on their fits unless they make a point of it)

The worst thing to come out of it is getting something, and then my anxiety makes me think that I can't pull it off, and it legitimately torments me until I either find a replacement or find a certain situation where I do end up wearing it and then I realize I love it.

>> No.11788956

Yeah I feel exactly the same it's a good feel

>> No.11788980
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Started getting laid on the regular with alt/hipster chicks

>> No.11789260
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>stopped being embarassed about my drawing and painting because turns out normalfags think its cool
>took gap year and moved to a little artist village on the outskirts of Guangzhou, to study art and work in a family friend's business
>social circle tripled in size
>stopped playing vidya
>got some modelling work, including runway
>started dating lanky qt model
>stopped drinking
>permanently broke because money all goes towards clothes
>%1000 increase in people thinking I'm gay
>similar increase in "techno interests me" jokes at my expense
>now part of the obnoxious cool kids clique in this part of China
>have become infatuated with sad pigeon girl
>still depressed

>> No.11790612

>stopped being embarassed about my drawing and painting because turns out normalfags think its cool
Is it?

>> No.11790652
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>tfw becoming effay reduced my interest in gaming, comics, "geek culture", etc. and made me critical of others but my social skills haven't improved
I know how to dress but that hasn't affected my ability to talk to people so i'm still a no friends kissless virgin i just have good taste

>> No.11790666

Are you me?

>> No.11790668


>> No.11790684

Get the fuck out, normie

>> No.11790686

Huh, I don't remember posting this

>> No.11790687

you made my day

>> No.11790702

I feel you

>> No.11790705
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music tast has changed a lot, used to listen only rap, now; post punk, synth wave, neofolk, new techno, 80's pop, indie rock etc. still listening rap but narrower range of it.

>clothing and style
i wear less logos, when i started lurkin /fa/ i was changing my style from street wear to more high end stuff, i had to get clothes with logos so people would know that how expensive clothes i wear, now i wear designer clothes but i don't try to "flex" with it and mostly dress up just for my self, also i have stopped reading highsnobiety and hypebeast (kek) i also try to avoid memes tho i do wear gosha and rafidassometimes but thats about it.

also fucking hate my friends outfits dressed up to h&m/zara joggers and ripped skinny jeans and wearing some fucking dad caps, i never say it to them but it has some way made me slightly apart from them
(sorry bad english I'm euro fag)

>> No.11790708

not much tbqh

girls show more interest, say i'm stylish etc.

getting in shape helped more though.

All I wear is plain tees, black jeans, CPs

a few nice knits/hoodies, a bomber and overcoat for when it's cold.

AKOG/Ervell/Acne usually what i'm dressed in.

>> No.11790748

this is so fuckin gay

>> No.11790752

I get mad bc I cant afford shit online
but I try to get some nice things once in a while
I barely have the time to go look to second hands and military surlplus shops alone
My friends are not effay and they dont care, better than being hypebeast fags
I've become more critical of other peoples clothing(in my mind) and have to tell this hypebeast that I dont like supreme and bape everyday
Music got me into effay thanks ecco

>> No.11790771

First one and 3rd one.
My confidence is like a bouncing ball though. I go from loving myself to hating myself all the time.

>> No.11790802

>Nobody I know cares about fashion and look disgusting and basically likes hobbies I don't give a flying fuck about

Maybe if you weren't so judgemental, you'd have more friends.
You can't rip on people who aren't trying to be fashionable. Most of my friends aren't into fashion but I have some other common ground with them.

You will never have a close friend if you keep thinking you're superior to everyone, anon.

>> No.11790813

I'm a 27 year old man and I feel like a fucking teenager in my clothes but I'm too autistic to find a style for myself. I want to grow into a more serious and mature style but I'm bad at picking stuff and the things I see online are often too out-there for me to feel comfortable, also they don't fit my build.

It hurts.

>> No.11790968

I'm interested in fashion but I'm not. :/

I want to be, but I have the feeling that if you don't have money it's hard.
Maybe it's just that I don't know myself enough.

>> No.11791006

Guys I knew since school days started to hit on me, when they were ignoring me back in school five years ago. Also people seem to take me more seriously, but I'm not sure if this began while my style changed or due to my increased confidence.

>> No.11791011


>> No.11791013

Try outlets. I get high quality stuff for 30 Dollars at max regulary. But I also may have just lucked out because i fit into that stuff, that the majority can't wear.

>> No.11791019

I judge people's clothes everywhere, but i still dress like shit, mostly because i've never found clothes id really like to buy, still wear my basic slackercore

>> No.11791028
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>> No.11791030

this, thrift my friend

>> No.11791171

I was a reclusive NEET for 7 years, barely went outside and all that.
Just figuring out how to look semi decent and what clothes to wear has helped me a lot, now I can leave my house without worrying so much about how I look.

>> No.11791184

i feel cooler, got suicidal depressed and lost all my friends

>> No.11791187

how ? why ?

>> No.11791192

what's the context of this photo?

>> No.11791307

>1 dad cap has been deposited into your closet

>> No.11791319
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>tfw haven't gotten more fashionable at all
>just buy fits at Target that look like /fa/ fits

>> No.11791371

IRA fighters. Don't know much else, tbqh.

>> No.11791780

>Nope, it's not loaded

>> No.11792054

Listen to what >>11790802 says.
One of my closest friend is not into fashion at all and that's totally okay.
Instead, we talk about anime, manga, tech, computers, etc.

There's an appeal in other hobbies too.
Don't let your life revolve around fashion as there's only so much you can get out of purely consuming fashion.
If you want to get friends with other hobbies then you gotta respect their hobbies and genuinely be interested.
Be more open-minded as there's ton of interesting things besides fashion.

>> No.11792598

they want you to be their gay best friend and treat you like an accessory and novelty since it makes them look like a good person, because they're so "tolerant".

>> No.11792610

dealing with this right now, except i look horrible

>> No.11792704

No wonder, you care about fucking clothes m8, who gives a fuck, what do you do, sit around talking about jeans? you sound boring as fuck. I only checked out this board to see if people take it seriously, hilarious.

>> No.11792720

I think more critically about things that are not math based.

Native Chinese people post on here? Or are you foreign-born chinese? Who is Sad pigeon girl?

>> No.11792745

people are attracted to me even more than before, kinda makes it difficult to go out in public because i can feel everyone's eyes looking at me

also a lot more social media followers for some reason

>> No.11792805

ugh this

>be me thriftfag
>go to store, see qt
>awkwardly stalk her around the store trying to build up courage to talk to her
>say one thing to her
>she walks away

I go there every week now at the same time just hoping to see her again so I can try and correct my fuckup

>> No.11792963

holy shit im the person u replied, and i stalk girls too. kek

>> No.11792979

also recent autism story
>be at open air cinema event tumbl tier people made
>very few people, like 10-12
>try to appear and act like junkie
>2 seats empty
>i take seat
>qt i like takes sit next to me
>tries to talk to me
>fake im napping and sleeping
>give her some yes no tier answers
>offers me chips
>nsay no
>movie ends
>there she saw some puppy
>pets it
>i look at that puppy with disgust
>we go home

im lvl 1000000000 autist

>> No.11792987

girl here

guys like you are the reason i carry pepper spray with me anytime i go out...wish i could carry a gun but desu im afraid of shooting myself on accident

>> No.11792995

p-pls touch my penis

>> No.11793014

that's funny because raf simons rick owens is usually what IM dressed in

>> No.11793017


>> No.11793116

Fashion is an artform. It's self expression. Men usually aren't expected to give their outfit much thought, so actually caring about fashion is a form of rebellion while it also boosts your confidence and sense of individuality. Fashion is the very beginning of the path to your true self whilst still being conform. Meanwhile I dress just slightly better than everyone else and keep copping clothing I regret. Really it's hard to have your own unique style and not look like a fucking poser. Kids these days are becoming more and more fashion aware really.

>> No.11793156
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I notice what people wear first before I lok them in the face. When somebody approaches me I check their outfit out first then look at them to thr point where I'm judging their outfits even if they don't care about what they wear. I silently judge every outfit I see

>> No.11793180

fag hags
it means fag hags

>> No.11793201
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>> No.11793370
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I started feeling more confident until I left the house and realize I'm basically still incapable of socializing with people outside my friend group and can't talk to people I don't know unless they approach me first.
Then I started to reevaluate the way I was dressing, coming to realize it still wasn't very good and I'd lost all sense of personal style, buying shit b/c it looked cool on screen and I've just started to figure out what I want to aim for, but I don't have any money. And I'm starting to think of my future and my dream is just to run a clothing store which is kind of unrealistic but I have no other goals because I've lost interest in quite literally everything outside of fashion and music so I have no ambitions and no real idea of what to do to make a basic living and I've never had a girlfriend. I hate myself and want to die, but I'm afraid of death and have no will towards suicide.

>> No.11793419

there's a huge difference from me trying to figure out what to say to a girl and someone stalking a girl home

>> No.11793431


link a documentary about fish. I

>> No.11793440


>> No.11793503

>but I don't have any money. And I'm starting to think of my future and my dream is just to run a clothing store which is kind of unrealistic but I have no other goals because I've lost interest in quite literally everything outside of fashion and music so I have no ambitions and no real idea of what to do to make a basic living and I've never had a girlfriend. I hate myself and want to die, but I'm afraid of death and have no will towards suicide.

why do I relate with this so much

>> No.11793587

what the fuck im laffin

>> No.11793671
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>treat you like an accessory and novelty
>so tolerant

Why do women do this to gays? It's always been portrayed that women have been so tolerant to homosexuality, when I swear to god men are the only ones who treat them as an actual person, and not an "accessory".

>> No.11793873
File: 53 KB, 850x400, quote-working-out-is-modern-couture-no-outfit-is-going-to-make-you-look-or-feel-as-good-as-rick-owens-80-31-68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11793882

Daily reminder that I love all of you.

>> No.11794006

Girl here. My ex just replaced his game addiction for fashion. He's now a hoarder with all his clothes inside boxes and wears H&M shit to his work where no one gets his aesthetics. I had to leave him...he was destroying his life with credit card debt

>> No.11794009

how narcissistic do you have to be to earnestly post in a thread like this?

>> No.11794030

Lost weight
Gained confidence
Got gf
Went from shut in to going out
People compliment me and my style
Time management got worse now that I take 30 minutes to decide what to wear in the mornings

>> No.11794195

Anon im sorry to be the one tk break it to you but outlets arent selling overstocked brand items. Most of them have lower quality items that just have the brand logo on them to make you think theyre the higher qualoty ones.

>> No.11794238

Started browsing this board in like 2013? At the time i pretty much hated myself, had terrible skin and no self confidence or pride.
Fast forward to 2016 finally understood how to "love myself", have become more confident, cleared up my skin and no way near as insecure as I was.
>tfw i made it /fa/
Though the more i talk about it I feel as though this may be going to far and these might be more narcissistic in nature
>tfw not 100% secure

>> No.11794268


>> No.11794403

Not much has changed
2 years ago I was a hipster tool bag, Then I just went full normie. Found /fa/ a year ago, went Fuccboi for a minute. Then got infatuated with Tech Wear.

I care about how I look more, and how I am presented.
I just get this confidence from being blacked out in full tech, Its hard to explain.

My main issue is I live in a Normie ass city, And to them I just look like an edgy sperglord.
So as how I dress in the public's eye nothing has changed.
Some women find my style interesting, But it hasn't increased my pussy intake.

Life is still the same, But at least I dress better.

>> No.11794407

not much really
I have bit more broader perspective on fashion and clothing
Discovered lot of desingers/brands that I like

>> No.11794454

human with a penis here. you should kill yourself with that gun and it would solve all your problems

>> No.11794486
File: 251 KB, 2480x2480, Standard-symbol-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my standards for people has increased so I like people less but I also like people that meet my standards much more

but i don't really know people that meet them so I've become more lonely

not sure if it was worth it but I can't go back now

>> No.11794496

pretty much this

also I've met some incredible people due to getting more interested in art, music and photography

but I'm lucky it co-incided with moving to a big, worldly city.

>> No.11794501


>> No.11794540

how did you meet these people?

>> No.11794584

And here I am on Sunday morning listening to other peoples problem's. You got me again /fa/

Thanks to /fa/ my life changed a lot. I managed to lose 40kg, started going to gym and got a nice body. Now I always smell nice and take care of my skin. I've got somewhat disgusted by cheap disposable fashion and all those who wear it. In fact, I've became disgusted by everything disposable.

I used to live in Bosnia which is probably one of the worst countries in Europe but I managed to find decent friends with whom I still stay in touch. We had amazing times together and I've learned that the most valuable thing in life are good friendships. I feel for all of you anons that are still lonely, but remember we will all make it one way or another.

/fa/ helped me to become a better observer of society in general. Now I am able to cut trough all the noise and notice things that are important to me.

Since I last visited /fa/ it has been almost two years and I've managed to move to another European country where I am trying to start my own business. If anything /fa/ thought me is that true self-motivation or confidence to do something comes from within. I've managed to transform from a fat kid that was supposed to commit suicide into a good looking and self confident person who actually is tailoring his life according to the measurement of his dreams. I've recently got married after just three months of a relationship and my partner and I moved in together. He is super talented musician who plays this special kind of Portuguese music called Fadu, he is very good looking and above all very understanding towards my asocial and weird /fa/ nature.

I still do have may things in life that I need to take care of such as learning few more languages or learning how to cook or to be a responsible adult but at least now I know that if I set my mind to something there is nothing I couldn't do and this goes the same for everyone.

>> No.11794593
File: 11 KB, 200x211, d2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

became more depressed
can't put 1 and 1 together but it has happened

>> No.11794598

oof, >>11790802 worded exactly what I thought. As for >>11785366, >>11785471, >>11787177 and >>11790686, please read the first post no I replied with.

>> No.11794602

>>got some modelling work, including runway
post pics

>> No.11794706

Honestly just by going to things.

For example, I went to a small photography opening last week, went for a smoke and a couple asked me for a light. We got to talking and ended up hanging out the entire evening smoking, talking about art and photography etc.

But like I said, I've got the convenience of living in a big city with massive array of interesting cultural activities to do, so I go to these things all the time. Also at concerts for lesser-known acts, it's very easy to get to talking to people as they're likely into the same kind of thing.

So yeah, basically having some social skills and living in a big city. I was empty and felt like I couldn't ever really express myself before I moved here, now I feel really content with my life.

>> No.11794717

Du kleiner rebell du iksde

>> No.11795043

(Not them)

I don't really care if my friends aren't fashionable. I just have no friends.

>> No.11795358

Cough up the fish documentaries friendo

>> No.11795644
File: 214 KB, 746x718, 1394759509331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people show slightly more interest in me
>think im cool/different etc
>still can't shake the crippling loneliness that colors my every waking moment

having friends is great but when you can't satisfy your desire for intimacy it can be difficult. such is life

>> No.11795666

Lots of conversation starter with the opposite sex

>> No.11795676

quality post anon

>> No.11795873

I'm getting a lot more attention from girls and people in general but I don't really know what to do about. Was a fat ugly fuck most of my life and learned to be as least of a encumberance to everyone as I could possible be. I suddenly became a lot more thin (and a lot more attractive, apparently) a few years ago but the mindset is already set in stone. I think people just view me as this touch-me-not pretentious type now. Even though it is really, really far from truth.

Shit, I still have to try really, really hard to overcome myself and ask a girl out even when it's pretty clear that she is basically waiting for an excuse to jump at me.

>> No.11795951

boy oh boy is this relatable

>> No.11796079

>but the mindset is already set in stone

I feel this. I was never really fat or ugly, just always had a shitload of anxiety and dressed autisticly (same t shirt jeans and hoodie all the time).

Now I'm 23, tallish, good looking, and well dressed, but I still have a really hard time talking to people, especially girls. I probably come off as a haughty asshole but I'm really just too scared to talk to people or to display emotion/enthusiasm. And forget about approaching strangers. The closest I get is when I talk up a dude wearing a shirt from a band I'm like when I'm drunk during one of my rare outings.

>> No.11796681

Hey man, getting out of nerd shit is good for you, as long as you develop more productive hobbies, you have improved. I was the same way. Believe me, you are heading in the right direction anon

>> No.11796704

I met a bunch of new friends, I go to local concerts and shit, I go out pretty much every night doing something productive or enjoyable now.
I am way happier, I don't hang out around normie friends as much as I used to, I have come out of my shell quite a bit. I have started learning to play music and worked on art projects with all the cool arts students I hang with now.
In all honesty, moving away from my mundane, "normie" life has had a huge positive impact on me. I don't obsess over how I look as much as I did when I was unhealthily obsessed with fashion, but I have a system down and look great every day. Hair, skin, posture and body have improved tons. I have never been happier honestly.

>> No.11796766

Anon, good for you. Sounds like youre the most put together and sucessful in this thread.

>> No.11796918

My life is going pretty great for me, have a few extremely close friends that are almost clones of myself but with a twist that makes us different, have a job at a clothing store, girlfriend of two years, a home, honestly more than I ever could have asked for. Although suddenly caught up in a routine, so I'm getting out of that asap.

But suddenly started to feel extremely shallow, like everything I have bought or the activities/hobbies I do has purely been to increase my self-esteem. From decorating/designing my room to buying expensive clothing and trying my best to make myself look/feel better and cool, of course all of these things are important factors in making yourself the person you want to be but when it feels so forced it sort of strips the appeal away.

Someone started a thread a while ago on here and it was basically about what inspires/motivates you that aren't objects. Someone talked about those certain individuals that are completely 100% themselves and have this aura around them that when you look at them you just feel like they're so authentic. When I progressively over the course of 3-4 years started actually taking care of myself and the way I look I was always gaining more confidence, got out of my shell, stopped being the odd one; basically hit puberty. Got attention from girls etc. etc. you know the story.

But know it feels like I'm stuck in this loophole, everything I do is so jinxed and I can't stop thinking about the way I look or what gestures look the best, how I act and what I do. I just feel like a fucking inauthentic piece of shit. Call me a pussy or whatever, I have no idea what to do about this.

Maybe it's just a phase.