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/fa/ - Fashion

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11776762 No.11776762[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey there /fa/!

I'm pisspot. I forget why I've been dubbed that, but it works just as well as any other name on the internet.

So to preface: this is pretty much a shitpost. I'm not important and there's no reason my opinions are important. I'm an internet nobody. I just happen to be a girl that starting going on 4chan at age 15 (mostly /sci/, /lit/, and /mu/), then went through puberty and got semi-attractive. I learned how to have a normal social life and am now an adult in a happy relationship that is probably the result of me becoming self aware about my appearance and how I can improve it (which opens the door to meeting people who will then have similar interests as you, such as science, literature, and music!)

I became really interested in fashion about two years ago. My main "look" is silk shirts (usually vintage blouses/lingerie tanks), black skinnies, and chelsea boots.
I really like consulting/advising people on their appearance and how to best capitalize on their good features, which is why I frequently give anonymous advice on all the "how do I look in x with x haircut" threads here.

I'm going to try namefagging for a while so people know where this advice is coming from. People might care more or less depending on my gender, personal style, etc., and I think you all should be able to make a judgement call based on my credentials (or lack thereof) of if my advice should be taken seriously. I do post here a lot, and I think you all should be able to choose if you consider my advice, because it's really all my personal opinion and my style isn't very developed yet.

You'll probably notice from pictures I occasionally post:

- I wear a lot of makeup
- my jaw is p strong/kind of masculine
-other things that indicate I am far from a perfect human

but I hope you can see past it and we can get a dialog going about fashion!

That being said, if anyone wants fashion advice from someone like me now, feel free to post it and I'll respond!



>> No.11776771

Tits or BTFO

>> No.11776777

Oh! and if you have any questions about me I'd like to answer them. I want to be a helpful person on this board, even if that seems kind of hopeless. Also the picture I took just now is very odd now that I'm looking at it. As I said, I'm far from perfect :D

>> No.11776781

what do you like on guys

>> No.11776783

Is this what it's like when attention-whoring tripfags first try to colonize a board?

>> No.11776785

who's your favorite designer
what are some of your top grails
which trend you don't like and why

>> No.11776789

trips checked

What's more attractive: techwear or milspo?

>> No.11776790

I like it when the fit seems a little risky.

When I first met my boyfriend, he had on a shirt with holes in it and velcro shoes.

I think as long as it suits your body well, taking a chance is important. People see white t-shirts and jeans everyday. Do something unique to yourself!

>> No.11776791
File: 93 KB, 1198x1200, 5122844+_4aacc60d471b7354a7db86e1c68b62b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove youre not b8

>> No.11776792

Who do you think would take advice from someone with such a bland, meme style?

>> No.11776794

what are your thoughts on guys who wear full rick? and would you date one?

>> No.11776796

>tfw a girl has stronger jaw than you
gonna end it now tbqhwy

>> No.11776804

asian girls flock to my tricky ricky

>> No.11776805

why are you attention whoring?

>> No.11776806


>> No.11776809

Post your feet and/or shoes

>> No.11776810

nice blog

>> No.11776812

YSL would have to be my favorite. I wish it could be some cool indie brand, but I'm just so captivated by them for some reason.

I don't have specific "grails", I go antiquing/vintage shopping a lot and usually have certain ideas of what I want in mind, like a certain style of boot or specific type of dress style.
I don't like the ninja goth vibe. I feel like one of the points of fashion is to make you accessible and interesting, but that's just a scary look to me D:

>> No.11776817

Techwear is almost indistinguishable from ninja goth. So much so I thought people were joking at first

>> No.11776819

Maybe people who take a more casual approach to fashion.
For example, if you wanted to appeal to a normal girl, I could probably help with that!
I can't help if you want to appeal to true fashion elites, not by a long shot.

>> No.11776823

get the fuck off this board cunt

>> No.11776825


Honestly I chew lots of gum and I really think that might have something to do with it!

(Someone shoot me down if this is pseudoscience)

>> No.11776827

>ninja goth
please lurk some more before attempting to offer advice to others
thank you have a nice day

>> No.11776831

what do you think about band t shirts

>> No.11776836
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>> No.11776846

Well, I'm wearing one right now.

As long as it doesn't have a lot of colors, they look good most of the time with nicer jeans/boots. It's hard for anyone to look really bad in a cool band tee.

>> No.11776849

>if you wanted to appeal to a normal girl, I could probably help with that

i already know how to wear rick owens

>> No.11776850

I've been lurking here for over a year!

Pardon any weird language I use, I'm sure there are things I don't realize I don't understand. The point of this all is "I'm a normal person who wants to give advice from the perspective of a normal person!" if that makes sense

>> No.11776860

Let's clear something up
Does circumcision matter to you

>> No.11776861

Do good fits make you overlook someone's shortcomings? Both physically and personality wise.

>> No.11776863
File: 44 KB, 500x406, thumb-up-terminator pablo M R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty. I don't have any money but slowly little by little am working on building up my wardrobe. what are some top priority things I should get first? i.e. things that I could wear with pretty much anything

>> No.11776879

I will controversially say I think pants matter the most.

If you have nice pants, you can be wearing thrift store t-shirts/shoes and no one would notice or care.

Invest in your butt! in your legs!!

>> No.11776887
File: 22 KB, 400x266, Anxious-Depressed-man-in-tunnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i be /fa/ with in coming grey hair? i'm only 19 fml and I already have streaks of grey growing near the sides of my hair. my hair is really dark so it's pretty noticeable if i wear my hair up or braided. if i wear it down a certain way it's barely there. the only reason people dont think i'm 40 is because i have a somewhat cherubic face. is there anything i could do other than dye? or should i just kill myself

>> No.11776889

Yes of course
I can't wait for gray hair

>> No.11776892

top brands for pants?

>> No.11776896

just roll with it my man grey hair can look cool imo

>> No.11776901

you should be the one getting fashion advice

>> No.11776902

no one wants your advice you vapid attention whoring cunt. you're just like every fucking girl who "browses" 4chan. if you're so interested in fashion, why not post a fit?

>> No.11776907

I need new clothes that are good for fall. Can you give me some inspo? I usually wear sweaters skirts and tights but I think I need some pants. I would also enjoy any tips on how to make sure they fit okay and don't look weird.
If I'm allowed to be picky I can't wear denim and I have a big butt but I'm not fat.

>> No.11776908

Do girls actually like thin, tall guys? Or do I upgrade to ottermode?

>> No.11776911
File: 55 KB, 667x358, Premature-white-hair-white-hair-at-a-young-age-teenagers-20s-30s-and-children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty guys that means alot. its so stupid but it kills me everytime someone comments asking me if im stressed out. pic related is pretty much what it looks like. it just creates a really dirty effect on my hair because of how unruly it is. anyone here going through this if you can spare any maintenance tips

>> No.11776914

I ask for it a lot on here! I agree

>> No.11776923

I thought the wingtip eyeliner trend ended about two years ago.

>> No.11776925
File: 139 KB, 576x1024, 1474189206149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming your not some fat sweaty faggot, you're not attractive at all. Like you said, this is one big shit post and we could have gone without it.

Also sage

>> No.11776933

you fucker

>> No.11776940
File: 985 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this!

>> No.11776943
File: 839 KB, 540x721, 1472828975619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post some photo shoots of your style

>> No.11776944

pisspot you are now my waifu <3

>> No.11776957
File: 1.35 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_7631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought these shorts if that's indicative of anything

>> No.11776959

el ooooooooooooooooooo el

>> No.11776962


>> No.11776964

>I'm a normal person who wants to give advice from the perspective of a normal person

I'd understand this on /r9k/, but you're not really a unicorn here. "Normal" is in the majority here.

>> No.11776968


>> No.11777020

Yes then the beta nu male reddit fags swarm them

>> No.11777038


What's your justification for using this horrible makeup technique that makes you look like a cheap Disney cosplay whore?

>> No.11777052

goth ninja is the definition of interesting

>> No.11777070

I already see it happening.

>> No.11777078

Thoughts on long hair (men)?

>> No.11777080

This thread is gross and your opinions are basic af. Fuck of to /soc/ if you wanna attention whore but spreading cancer advice here is a p shit thing to do.

>> No.11777123
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, 1453698896614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pisspot, queen of /fa/ggots

>> No.11777128


>> No.11777133

Usually hard to pull off unless you are naturally very very handsome. Post pic!

>> No.11777134

>neckbeard slut imposter posts some bullshit (didn't even read it)
>+60 replies

God you skinny weak virgins are pathetic. I miss the days we actually had big strong men on this board like piggie or trunks.

>> No.11777148



>> No.11777164

All me

Thanks for all the (You)s friend

>> No.11777219
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, pisspot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Pisspot. I'm the anon from that hair rate thread where you asked me to explain the L O N D O N meme, and I'm also the one who originally dubbed you Pisspot way back in May lmao.

You say you can't remember where Pisspot came from, and desu I can't either, but I think it was just because you posted a photo in a bathroom. At least that's what I'm guessing it is, cos the first picture I have saved of you titled "Pisspot" is you in a bathroom.

Anyway, post your IG already

>> No.11777225
File: 647 KB, 1156x623, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof here

>> No.11777244

You are gross and scary. Kysmm

>> No.11777246

That's a lot of pics of me haha! My ig is kind of lame and doesn't have pics of me, but it's "catmoonco"

>> No.11777254

fuck you

>> No.11777271

>he doesn't save pictures of effay qts

get the fuck out of here, faggot

>> No.11777291

>manjaw basic attentionwhore

Literally the antithesis of effay qt

>> No.11777295

>would bang
how this shit happens? ???????

>> No.11777314
File: 192 KB, 383x480, IMG_7748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying ur not jelly of my manjaw

>> No.11777315
File: 191 KB, 1200x1688, keira-knightley-at-wimbledon-tennis-championships_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying strong jaw on a girl is a bad thing

l m a o

>> No.11777320

How old are you? J-just asking for a friend :^)

>> No.11777328

young ozzy ozborne was kind of good looking to be honest

>> No.11777339
File: 54 KB, 332x396, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mostly /sci/, /lit/, and /mu/

>> No.11777354

I laughed.

>> No.11777405


>> No.11777448

Get back to /soc/ you filthy disgusting attention seeking whore

>> No.11777461

>minecraft head with round glasses

>> No.11777490
File: 1.26 MB, 890x858, deus ex look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, /tg/ here. Could any of you heretics help?

I have a particular look i like, however it doesnt actually seem to exist in the shops. Its sorta like the clothes in deus ex mankind devided (pic), i love everything about the world theyve created there, including the glasses!

I like techwear but think it goes too far. I like moderate techwear, ive somewhat accomplished this by purchasing high tech fabrics for my undershirts, but im looking for outer layor stuff more like the deus ex, does anyone know of anywhere that sells suff like that?

>> No.11777511

you can't even make your eyeliner even you stupid whore

4chan isn't your personal blog, fuck off

>> No.11777516

nice blogpost cunt, fuck off

>> No.11777538
File: 239 KB, 1280x784, tumblr_ne2kmkD9Sk1sn7xlfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11777588

Hi pisspot, where do you live and what are the odds I can steal you from your bf

>> No.11777597

Hi pisspot, where do you live and what are the odds I can steal from you and your bf

>> No.11777615

is this a internet

>> No.11777618
File: 15 KB, 316x202, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's mine