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11776064 No.11776064 [Reply] [Original]

how to get thin?
i am at 70kg now with 180cm. I started at 90kg.
my problem is that i got thin arms, but all the fat is now at the belly. #skinnyfat.

i can't get under 70kg. i am running and i try to eat nothing. and what do you think?:muscles vs thin

>> No.11776076

>2cm taller
>look like guy in OP's pic


>> No.11776078

What's your secret man? Been trying to do the same but with poor results.

>> No.11776080

No, you don't, you delusional fuck.

If you were 70 kg at that bf, you would be decently muscular. You're probably fatter than you think.

>> No.11776088

kg is not kg. the kg on my body are fat at my belly and breast. and i wan't to get rid of it.

>> No.11776089

i quit eating meat and i only eat once a day. drink 2 coffes, smoke ~5 cigs a day. drink iced green tea.

>> No.11776092

Thin as fug.
You're wrong.

>> No.11776095

Sounds healthy lol. Was the weight loss rather quick? My biggest problem is that I'm too much of a fat cunt to eat any less

>> No.11776096

Congratulations on breaking the laws of physics because your stats and perceived bf do not like up, at all.

My brother has a similar body and is around your height, and his weight is 58 kg. You're obviously full of it.

>> No.11776097

You making the tea yourself?

>> No.11776098

Maybe your brother is manlet.

I have heavy bones.

>> No.11776099

He is 181-182cm tall, so no. Not sure if you missed the part about "around your height." You're full of it dude. You're not gonna look like that at 70kg 182cm tall. It's not possible.

>> No.11776101

yes. just use hot water with around 80°C for 3 minutes and put the tea in a can with ice and stay it in the fridge for 3hours. pimp with lemon and mint.

>> No.11776103

Can dick weight like 5kg tho?

>> No.11776105

quick is relative but it was quick enough. you can run 3 times a week to get faster results.

>> No.11776153

holy shit.

im literally same as you. 181 cm and 72 kgs. and all the fat is at the belly ; ; being thin as fuck is my aim at the moment. i started gym, started eating less shit. i hope i can achieve ; ;

>> No.11776163

Try intermediate fasting. It's not how much you eat, but what you eat. Only eat meals you've prepared/cooked yourself from scratch. It's easy OP, you've just gotta be smart about it.

>> No.11776171

so gain some muscle bulk and lift then cut again?

>> No.11776175

>>>/fit/ that's how you get fat

>> No.11776187

get job that's physical labor
you don't really get that hungry during work so just eat a bit to keep energy levels steady
actually have a meal after work
exercise on your free time
I do this kinda work every spring and fall and my body fat drops like hell in a week plus that kinda job keeps me at least really energetic through the whole day surprisingly enough and just generally in good mood

>> No.11777362

>i try to eat nothing
count your calories, eat enough, don't starve yourself you idiot.
if you want stubborn shit to go then do HIIT

>> No.11778988


With all respect OP, why the fuck would you like to be skinny? Everybody looks at me as if i were a fucking addicted or something, i'm trying to gain weight because of that.

>> No.11779018

I was at around 12-15% BF wanted to get a maintainable 8% BF shred, mostly to deepen insertions, improve Adonis belt, and lose some face fat. I started keto 2 weeks ago and got down to 8% within the first week and that was my goal but I want to see how far I can healthily take it without feeling like shit. I haven't even been cutting aggressively so it's been pretty cool. I hit pretty deep glycogen deficits surfing 3 hours a day on the weekends tho.

>> No.11779023

I'm 6'4 155 and constantly trying to put on some weight. Always want what yo I can't have I guess

>> No.11779044

Fat generally comes off in the reverse order of how it was stored. Belly and thighs seem like the last place it all gathers for most people. Fasting yourself won't get you the results you want. Just keep a calorie deficit and work out several times a week. You don't need to go full gymbrah either. Do cardio like running or swimming. Some weightlifting will definitely speed up the process but that's up to you.

>> No.11779129

usually those skinny guys are buttboys, the recieving end of homosexual relationship. Anal sex works as laxative and makes you skinny.

>> No.11779232

>you dont get hungry burning energy

>> No.11780621

You did not go from 12-15% to 8% in one week..

>> No.11780818

>want to get thin to escape skinnyfat mode

will it work?

I heard you have to get actually fat or actually skinny to escape, getting skinny seems easier to me

>> No.11780880

What? Nigga I'm 193cm@71kg and I feel I'm getting skinnyfat after taking on 10kg recently. You're just regular fat, son.

>> No.11780935


Quit drinking anything effervescent, specially sugary sodas.
Eat as minimum simple carbs (i.e: bread) as possible.
Fill yourself with a small bottle of water before meals.

Certain kinds of tea help too. Can't recall exactly which, too lazy to search.

>> No.11780946

impossible. I'm at 63 kg at the same height and I wouldn't even all myself particularly thin.

>> No.11780961

this is according to just the visual reference so maybe I was on the edge of both. I don't have proper calipers to measure, but from the fast online BF calculators they put me at 4% which is a low estimate. My cheeks got a bit hollow and I lost a bit of the fat on my lower abs, which was my goal. Gonna switch to TDEE after dipping just below that.

>> No.11781383

I'm 183cm 57 kg and look like pic relatedl, impossible for me to gain weight tho

>> No.11781478
File: 6 KB, 143x141, thinspo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah you eat a WHOLE sandwich every day and still can't gain weight!11111!1


You got the weight of an anorexic girl as a guy of regular height, yeah, sure you're not thin.


Not significantly so, 70 kgs at 1.82 is rather pretty thin even at low bodyfat.

Here's me at 80 kgs, 1.83.

>> No.11781491

I'm 192 and when I was around 60kg I only just looked like OP

>> No.11781668

my BMI is 18-19 at 63 kg dude that's normal

>> No.11782289 [DELETED] 

>>>11781383 (You)
>Yeah you eat a WHOLE sandwich every day and still can't gain weight!11111!1
I try to eat 2700 calories per day and cant gain weight.

>> No.11782359

i'm putting so much effort in losing my bellyfat, and it's frustrating because it's been three weeks and the only progress i've seen is that now i can wear my belt 1 hole tighter.
i think i'm doing everything right...
anyways, it's been only 3 weeks, maybe i'll see it better in a few months.

>> No.11782362

What are you doing?

>> No.11782378

calorie deficit, quitting alcohol, cycling to work ( i go fast, i arrive there tired and sweating, and the same when i come back home) drinking water regularly...

i thought it would be faster since my life was very sedentary before this, and i also ate unhealthy foods frequently.

>> No.11782398

What is your deficit at? Intake? Expenditure? Maybe take a bit more of an aggressive cut, up to a 500 cal deficit. Make sure you are actually counting calories. Best way IMO is meal prep and portion control. Keep track of your macros making sure you're getting enough fats (been my problem meeting this macro). Dont eat out. Even places that have calories listed are often way off from what their workers are actually making. In the end though the calorie deficit is what matters most so you're probably getting some hidden carbs bloating your numbers somewhere. Watch out for sauces and garlic powder is actually loaded with carbs. If you're doing all this already maybe look into intermittent fasting. But belly fat is almost the last to go really right before face fat.

>> No.11783914

pussy ass motherfucker get your skinny ass to the gym!
mofucker looking like a jew back in the gas chambers


>> No.11785133

/Fit bro triggered

>> No.11785176

Track calories, eat clean, eat ~500 cals under maintenance every day, do cardio and calisthenics, stop being retarded, repeat

>> No.11785362

You should try keto, you can stuff your face as long as you avoid carbs, shit you could probably eat more than you do now and still lose weight.

>> No.11785381

Read about keto first, if you have thyroid problems you should avoid it. But yeah I've been in ketosis a little over 2 weeks now and got to my goal body within 4 days of starting. Still doing it to see how far I can push the shred but eating all this fat is starting to get gross lol. I like the mental and energy effects tho.

>> No.11786761

What type of haircut is this?