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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 556 KB, 590x406, effayjap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11775831 No.11775831 [Reply] [Original]


C'mon, /fa/gs, spill the feels. Can be gud/bad/whatever. Feel free to post some in High/Low/Sleeper format. (c:

>> No.11775834

what's "High/Low/Sleeper format"???????

>> No.11775842

high of the day/week, low of the day/week, and sleeper (something you didn't anticipate or something that shocked you) of the day/week

>> No.11776091

starting a new class, a year or so late. dont know anyone, theyre all friends, im just there
social anxiety is through the fucking roof, when im home like now i dont even know what im anxious about really, mostly just reading out and shit adn answering questions, i feel like a fucking teenager starting his first day at hs. anyway to deal with this, my old therapist used to say exposure therapy was the best cure, as in just dont let the sa stop me from going and it will go away. ive been wearing my best fits possible for each class, but soon ill run out of fits

>> No.11776690

>when ur finally undressing a qt asian girl but she's wearing all mall-tier clothes and it bugs you internally to the point of unrest

>> No.11776716

all countries should have martial law enacted if you're not wearing designer clothes

>> No.11776733
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Just ordered the first shipment of patches for my online store and I'm feeling anxious and accomplished

>> No.11776802

>copped a new Supreme hat for the first time in 3 years
>Refilled my Xanax bar prescription last Friday
>I have weed fresh from the Bay Area
>once I get paid I'm gonna cop some visvim FBTs and flex on everyone wearing ultraboost NMDs

>> No.11776865

>save cool inspos
>browse cool runways
>dress mallcore/normcore

>> No.11776954

>finally ask qt asian friend out on study date. have a pretty good time
>too afraid to ask her out on a real date

>> No.11777374

>got a new job
>bought a new house
>bought a new car
>got a new gf
>realise my life has become the normie meme
>normies aren't effay

>> No.11777387

i know this feel. when youre going at it heavy and her clothes come off and you see shes wearing a target or walmart bra. ruins the entire mood desu. dropped

>> No.11777406
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Sometimes I imagine what it must be like to be attractive for do long that I forget that I only have one life and this is the ugly body I'm stuck with forever

>> No.11777429 [DELETED] 
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the best feel is when I am cruising with the top down blasting synthwave in my 1992 Geo Tracker, the official car of /fa/.

The worst feel is knowing that most people will never experience that joy due to the rare exclusivity of the car.

>> No.11777438

Dude, stop trying to force a meme

>> No.11777872

fuck kill me

>> No.11777882

literally 90% of the board enjoys this meme

>> No.11777958
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my 6 month relationship ended in june and I'm still thinking about her everyday, nothing interests me, I find it hard to connect with my old friends and I'm too lazy to make new ones, I also think I might have asthma. I've been drinking quite a lot but the hangovers damage my psyche a lot so I think I have to stop. The phase I'm going through in my studies right now bores the living shit out of me.

I have made some good cops recently tho

>> No.11777968

sorry for cucking you lol

>> No.11777970
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>caring about clothes when you're about to fuck

>> No.11777976

nice statistic. when did you make your poll?

>> No.11777988

Not target or walmart, more like aerie and an old navy jacket. I can't judge too hard because I was wearing cheap pants in that situation. Not going to drop, the upside is we talked about black clothing and she's in art so she must be aware of design. Oh also, she's kinky :^)

I will mould her

Reminder you're on /fa/, I judge girls heavy

>> No.11778029
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>tfw ordered something from KYCVintage

>> No.11778032

I can relate man, best of luck 2 ya buddy

>> No.11778038

let's see the inspos then lad

>> No.11778044

>he thinks he's going to be flexing in a supreme hat and fbts

>> No.11778105

>Trying out new fits
>listening to vaporwave
feels good tbhfam

>> No.11778571
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I hate online shopping and all the stores I want to try on are too far to go on a weekday. I'm in between sizes and it doesn't help that my weight has fluctuated since I visited /fit/. I've been wearing the same pair of chinos on weekdays for the past 4 months. I just want properly fitting clothes /fa/.

>> No.11779297

>briefly meet qt at a house party
>add each other on Facebook like normies
>exchange bants and shitpost over a period of two months, nothing major
>went to a concert together two weeks ago, have a lot of fun and find we have a shit ton in common
>messaging more frequently, feel a crush beginning to build

We made loose plans to hang out at a Halloween party, but what I really want is to go on a date with her some time soon. Problem is we're about an hour away from each other and I don't have her number. A part of me says forget about it because of distance, but I'm getting the feels boys. Is it lame to ask someone out on a date over FB messenger?

>> No.11779310

Where the tailor at?

>> No.11779579
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Ordered some adidas sambas and they came 3 days early, fit perfectly, i think im sorta coming into my own style of clothes.
Im finally 158 lbs, /fit/ got me from 230 lbs to 165 but the motivation to lose the last few pounds is mostly due to /fa/

Want to talk to qts in class, but scared of the rejection, social anxiety still crushes me

>> No.11779601
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>Have literally 10/10 friends who are actual models
>I'm very close friends with them
>People make it not so subtle that they think I'm the "ugly friend"

>> No.11779627

>Get intersted in this girl
>Like her
>Think she likes me
>Always super friendly to me, hugs me when she sees me
>Find out she has a boyfriend
Fucking why, she's so gorgeous, just when I think my shitty luck I've had the past few months is finally is turning around :/
Only consolation is it's her boyfriend from high school, so that'll probably mean it'll crash and burn eventually, did for me and everyone else I know anyway
Probably shouldn't have a girlfriend at the moment anyway, but I'll definitely keep an eye on her and see if her status changes

>> No.11779630

Then make them effay

>> No.11779633

>wanna be /fit/ and /fa/
>struggling with both of em

>everything i find online that i like is either out of stock or too expensive

>> No.11779688

EZ to be both if you're ottermode

>> No.11779989

realised that the antidepressants have worked in keeping the worst of the lows away but I haven't experienced much of the highs. I saw my favourite band the other day and only really just enjoyed it, afterwards I just felt like I normally do. it barely fazed me. I can't even remember if I experienced highs before, it's been so long since I've been happy.

>> No.11779991

>mfw im a 20 years old ascending wizard

>> No.11779999

quads to prove my skills

>> No.11780016

Highs is I had been out of a job for 3 months kindda took the whole summer as a vacay, pretty /fa/ job if you ask me. barista at a nice modern fresh place. it started with me playing pokemon go and making gr8 bantz with the owner of the place without realizing it and he offered so i accepted,
on the low I just found out one of my best m8s is going away to the military and hes like an older brother to me. He is the one that made me go to the gym and get /fit/, the one that taught me everything i needed to know about alcohol and beer and hes the coolset. And on the surprising side it was just made clear that this super qt punk girl from UCLA is into me and she wants to hang out smoke, cruise around and pretty much have "great sex" as she put it. when I tought she was completely out of my leauge.

>> No.11780023


>> No.11780030

Holy shit

>> No.11780038


>> No.11780063

Why don't you ask for her number?

>> No.11780074

jesus christ is jason born

>> No.11780091
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>> No.11780167

my bf asked me out over facebook and we've been together for 2 months now, go for it dude. he also lives about an hour away but we make it work.

>> No.11780175
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Haven't hung out with freinds since June
Don't even have freinds anymore
No money for good cops
No job because everything I applied to rejected me
Gonna be a commuter to college next year
Literally did nothing in HS and this is my last year

>> No.11780178

I'd fuck you

>> No.11780316
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>> No.11780322

>be me
>match with qt on tinder
>meet up to fuck
>he's wearing nudies and super dry

>tfw my pussy gets super dry after noticing it

>> No.11780420


>> No.11780437

bruh if she is even willing to hang out with you it means shes likely willing to go on a date. If you're anxious just think that everything you say has value. Like act like it. Be enthusiastic chicks like that

>> No.11780451

>have a crush on my French teacher
>besides everything else she always manages to dress well with just the right amount of professionalism and variety without being boring or overdoing it
>she's playful with her tops, pulling off everything from form-fitting turtlenecks to motherfucking banjos with the ease of a parisienne
>easily blows the 19 and 20 year olds in class the fuck out of Fashion Bay
>she dressed sombre everytime shitskins proved their inhumanity and caused her to lose another friend from her times as an exchange student in Paris, but she never skipped class even though her eyes were visibly red a few times
>literally saw red when some blind faggot brought the killings up with her before class
>when the topic of age came up, she told me that I don't look like my age at all, making me realise that I do look like a fucking punk arse teenager when compared to someone of her caliber
Every week is a ride and I don't ever want to get off.

>> No.11780469

>have long hair
>girls come to me naturally, drown in pussy
>have short hair
>have to do all the work


>> No.11780477


Strong mother, weaker or nonpresent father?

>> No.11780494

The latter but for both? Dunno, I'm not fucking a psychologist.

>> No.11780592
File: 1.19 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160921-103011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13th year of HS cause I'm autistic
>0 friends at school
>1 friend outside of school (has a new group of friends)
>disgusting hapa
>rick and undercover are the only things that keep me from being a slob
>starving myself to lose weight
>want to be a qt girl
>spend all night writing suicide note
>read manga for a bit
>pic related comes up

I can't stop thinking about this and it just makes me want to do it even more because I feel like an even bigger pathetic fuck.

>> No.11780613

Practice practice practice, if you don't try at sucking then you'll never become better. Just don't let stuff discourage you, keep going and get a good attitude. What I mean is if you don't keep practicing or start you'll never be good at it. The more you do it, and the less you overthink it. The easier it becomes, it's going to be shit in the beginning tho senpai good luck

>> No.11780634

Top class get my man

>> No.11780696

confirmed wizard for life

>> No.11780785


Nah just ask for the date and her number.

>> No.11780794


The fact that she isn't turned off by you means you have a chance. If you're trying to get a girl and she's in a relationship, you have only one guy to compete against. You could be the one to get her.

>> No.11780839

>people looking at me funny
>beat to shit brown derbies
>rolled pants because flooding
>blue hooded zip up
>black mac over it to protect from rain

Not trying to be a tryhard, shits just flooded and I had to campus fuckers

>> No.11780911
File: 13 KB, 354x354, 14341343_1090727311023749_874428307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>last year of high-school
>pretty shy guy
>consider myself above average
>live in a small-ish town in an Eastern European country
>therefore 90% of the people don't give a flying fuck about /fa/ or anything /fa/-related
>there's this chick in one of my classes
>absolutely fucking stunning
>is /fa/ too, has her own distinct style
>had no bf, and no exes either from what I could tell
>even has this fucking neato backpack, pic related
>instantly stop focusing on the class, start focusing on her
>decided i needed to write to her
>was too shy to write to her the normie way
>so i drank a bunch of wine and gathered up enough false confidence to write to her
>was still very sober to understand everything
>after chatting for a while, she turned out to be the most generic, uninteresting, basic persona i've ever laid my eyes upon
>asked her for her interests, duhh "sleep and food lol : D"
>chatted like this for a while until I've had enough

Why isn't there a qt gf out there for me who's an interesting character, feels fucking bad man.

>> No.11780923
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>all those pathetic cucks in this board

>> No.11781275

>live in buttfuck nowhere eastern europe
>normie friends are fun to hang out and drink/smoke weed with, but are pretty shallow and don't share my interests
>friends who actually share my interests are insufferably autistic
>neither of these two types of people are well dressed

>> No.11781284

post fit

>> No.11781405

Yeah maybe, my friend who has known her for years said she's really nice but they've known each other for a long time and she would never hug him when they saw each other
She's known my for like 1 month and hugs me when she sees me
I'm not gonna try and like steal her away, but I'd like to keep an eye on her for when her status changes, gonna try and get her snapchat and stuff, I'm in no rush to be in a relationship at them moment anyway so patience isn't an issue

>> No.11781412

>ultraboost NMDs

>> No.11781420

He's dating an ugly pseud.

>> No.11781526

I am not ELiza huehuehuehueehe

>> No.11782341

This girl I like is dating this guy who is just not attractive, it upsets me more than it should, she's beautiful

>> No.11782367

Girl I like is dating a dyel guy who talks like a nigger unironically

>> No.11782369

tfw people don't comment on my outfits unless I'm in a big city
do normies in my hometown not care or not notice or think I'm a gigantic faggot?

>> No.11782373

Perhaps they'll see the error of their ways soon

>> No.11782966
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>remember when /fa/ was a avant-guarde forum with its own subculture
>was introduced to a new world entirely filled with like-minded individuals
>a series of obscure hobbies and interests similar to my own, ones which i previously failed to find in others
>great discussion in regards to fashion
>this is board is now overrun with normies who make dull repetitive threads such as "is x effay??" "skater inspo" "does anyone here own x? whats it like?" and an assortment of shitposts

>> No.11783018

You might as well wait until you're at a stable body weight to really start buying a new wardrobe.

>> No.11783157
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desu i have yet to be in a relationship where we can bond over mutual interests like fashion. there are people i connect with on a personal level but most are so reluctant to hearing about or trying things i like. i just want both

w2c a nice effay bf

>> No.11783280

About the and a half years ago I decided to put effort into the way that I dress.

I think that I am still developing my style. I think most of my influence comes from casual styles of the 60s and 70s, with a bit of 80s.

I have received multiple compliments from both guys and girls. I am a straight guy by the way.

I don't wear super skinny clothing. I wear basic and clean clothing, but I do put effort into coordination and the way the it fits.

Unfortunately, some girls have had the impression that I am gay.

Though the have been many who didn't or found out I obviously wasn't, it kinda bothers me. It's not that it's bad, just inaccurate.

At a bar, a woman said to me "I don't want to offend you, but are you gay?"

At a party, after finding out I wasn't, a girl said "We'd be best friends if you were gay."

I have had gay guys try to kiss me. One of them told a friend of mine that he was going to eat my asshole. Another guy just came up to me and sucked on my ear one time at a club.

I think that part of this is because many men around here don't appear to have an obvious interest in the way that they dress. Today there was a career fair at school. Not only did none of the suits fit well on the guys who wore them, I did not see any shoes that did not have a squarish toe. Other just went in dress shirts that were obviously too large and looked like polyester, or pants that were casual with patch pockets. It's not expensive to dress decently if you look around.

>> No.11783291

I take off the tags on some of my cheaper clothing because of this. I have found some stuff that I have really liked at places like Old Navy, and one girl tried to check the label, but nope, nothing. I had already removed it.

Some people can wear expensive clothing and look like shit. Others can put together a great outfit for a small sum of money. I prefer a person be creative and do what they can with what they have rather than try to buy style.

Even though I say that, I still don't want girls to find the labels on my clothes because I am weird like that.

>> No.11783300

>New job, hate it
>broke it off with s/o, felt like shit but feeling way better
>playing/setting up a new low key techno/house event with best mates

feeling good, but god damn work does ruin it all due to how badly its run and how hectic it gets on the weekend

>> No.11783304

Do this >>11783018

I thought I was at a decent waist size two years ago with a 34 waist at 6 feet of height.

I decided to start running, I lost two inches and dropped to 32. My 34's started to look odd on me, so I bought a lot of new pants.

I thought being at my height and have a decent frame that my waist would not get smaller that 32. I was wrong. I have dropped to 29. Since I can't find 29 too often, I settle for 30. Depending on the brand, I can fit into some 28 jeans since they stretch more at the waist.

I have now accumulated about 50 pairs of pants withing a short period of time.

Thankfully, I own a sewing machine, so I have been able to make some pants smaller. Others I just have to give away because if I tried to make them my size, the rear pockets would overlap from bringing in the seat.

>> No.11783311

Try to get to know her better. I often try to come up with generic normie interests (self deprecation is a part of that) until I know a person well and know that he will accept mine.

>> No.11783419

post model friends

>> No.11783426

>tfw want to spend money on clothes and improve myself but also need to spend money on gear so I can make music


>> No.11783443


>> No.11783445
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i think im in love /fa/

>never got her name
>only a vague recollection of what she looks like

the main thing i remember is how she told me that democracy doesn't work and we need a strong and benevolent dictator/ monarch

i need to turn back time

>> No.11783448

13. 11. Never baguette

>> No.11783452

i believe, god bless

>> No.11783483
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>addicted to caffeine to the point that I get migraines if I drink less than 500mg per day
>sleep cycle mimics that of a mental patient
>workouts are fucking terrible. Been slacking on morning runs and haven't made progress on any lifts since June.
>this is the hardest semester in my majors curriculum by far
>have been giving zero shits about appearance and just fuck around in jeans, sweats, and hoodies every day
>anxiously waiting for the results of 3 tests
>dumped my girlfriend who loved me more than anything because I just didn't want to be in a relationship anymore like a selfish fuckface
>finally go out with coworker I've had a crush on for 2 years and it turns out she is a full blown coke junkie and alcoholic.
>know she's a terrible idea so break ties, but still really want her.
>been fucking other Ex-gf that I've been in love with for 4 years casually, but know that nothing will come of it.
>hate myself for fucking over gf that I dumped and the fact that I'm letting females have this much sway over my emotions.
>no longer read books
>have had to blow of bros constantly to study

>> No.11783500

The thing that's bugging me the most is that she's a pseud. I guess that means he is too, so I should probably forget about him. Fuck.

>> No.11783512
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>never got her name
Is that you, me?

>> No.11783547

TFW student exchange made you less anxious and now you can just relax and enjoy life

>> No.11783566

Where do you live that anybody who dresses well is gay?

>> No.11783578

tfw i cant pull this off cuz my face is aggressive looking af

>> No.11783684

w2c scowl core

>> No.11784376


the guy i used to like gf was fat as fuck and face was busted it use to piss me off but they were HS sweethearts so i get it. they broke up now and he tried to talk to me but now i don't care

also he's a cheater

>> No.11784821
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Good feels
>Finally 18
>Getting comfortable with my image
>Coordinating fits better
>A tad skinny but it works for me
>Taking care of myself
>'mirin from the ladies

Bad feels
>In a pickle with my living situation
>Working two wageslave jobs
>Terribly vivid and unpleasant dreams all month
>No one to room with, friends are all lazy at their parents houses
>Convinced this will all change If I found some cool person to room with in NYC while I take EMT classes

As resourceful and confident as I am, I still stress nonetheless

>> No.11785186

I was completely fine with being a 177cm manlet before I came to /fa/
now I hate my life

>> No.11785365

Dallas. It depends on the part of the city.

>> No.11785391

>be me
>first year in uni
>almost a month in and haven't made any decent friends
>the school uniform might as well be vineyard vines and sperrys
>everyone seems to have found at least one relatively close friend to regularly eat with go to parties with etc.
>not like I'm invisible, everyone in dorm hall at least knows who I am and I have convos with people every once in a while
>still find myself alone when I'm not in class 90% of the time
>tfw introverted autist

If it's like this for the whole semester I might as well fucking kms

>> No.11785417

>apply to tomorrow is another day agency
>get excited
>receive an email from them
>hope it says yes
>"we don't think you're a great fit for our agency"
Considering suicide.

>> No.11785443

I like it

>> No.11785445

It's okay I like you, anon.
Everyone's an autistic their first year. Try joining a club.

>> No.11785467

Oh my fucking god
Who needs pussy when you have gets like that

>> No.11785692

Want to have sex with a 8/10 flirtatioua Spanish girl
Slept together very intimately but didn't fuck
She is having sex with a good friend of mine
Turns out they were more serious than I thought
Feel very bad about going for her
We are having a break from talking/seeing each other
Ex gf starts messaging me (lives in another country)
Says she's changed and is being really friendly
Love ex gf

>> No.11786153

depressed as shit so I try to do things to make me feel better about myself like spending lots of money on clothes and dressing better

but guess what

it doesn't work. never bought anything that gave me more than a moment's gratification.

>> No.11786192


>> No.11786203

painting my nails is such a pain in the ass that i frequently only paint one hand.

>> No.11786210

>tfw dress up only to compensate for shortcomings

>> No.11786212

Im going on vacation to america and have absolutely no clothing to take, maybe two outfits. was going to buy some online after i got some cash in, but now they wont arrive in time for my trip.

>> No.11786214

I like it cocksucker

>> No.11786218

what the fuck?

>> No.11786221

Being the ugly one next to 10/10s shouldn't be weird that doesnt mean your ugly. Also how did you meet such attractive people and also who the fuck calls you the ugly one caus eif it's your friends that's fucked up and you shouldn't deal with that senpai

>> No.11786258

Always studying.
Taking 17 credits this semester and I feel like I have to drop something but every class is really important so I don't know what to drop.
Hit up some friends I haven't seen in a long time. They always have excuses or they're busy or whatever. (Not all of em just a select couple I want to catch up with)
I always have to be the one to go out of my way to hang with them, never the other way around.
I want to stop hitting then up but the voice in my head says "they really were busy next time you'll get em"
Left my gf, caught her cheating with her ex
She begged for me back multiple times
Gotta say made me happy that she realized what she lost
Now though I'm kinda bummed thinking I'm never seeing this girl again really even though I'm happy were not together she was nice to chill with
Buying clothes. I feel good looking nice in public, makes me feel empowered but at the same time what's the point of looking nice if you don't have girls to hit on. I don't do it for "women" or anything but still. Whatever I feel nice so that's what matters.
No chick ever hits me up in class, I creeped one out by asking her name on the first day apparently and she doesn't even look at me now
I dunno I feel like I radiate creepy vibes or something.

I feel like I'm depressed but going through depression threads I don't cry, or think I'm a failure or a loser or whatever. I just feel kinda bummed and bored more often then not.

>> No.11786321

Flex on em anon. Flex.

>> No.11786368

joined a few clubs, theyre not bad but it's still the same thing. I have a few conversations with people and that's it, at most we might say what's up to each other if we run into each other between classes.

>> No.11786381

If it's such a hassle why do it at all?
It's not even that hard.

>> No.11786637

just a reminder your better off than 60% of all americans

>> No.11786684

>cop pink acne sweatshirt, runs a bit large
>get xxs, supposed to fit like a true small
>arrives in mail
>try it on
>tfw doubting if i should have waited for a small

>> No.11786688

6 feet so not TALL tall
150 pounds so not that skinny

>> No.11786709

I do the same.

One of my favourite sweaters is from Kohls Sonoma brand.

>> No.11786758

its just the wait time. if you have to do a couple of layers it can take over and hour, over an hour of sitting perfectly still or youll fucking knock your nail. I had to do five layers of polish and thats only on a single colour. One base, three layers of colour to get the right pigment depth, and a top coat. Quick dry base coat takes ten minutes, then when you put a layer of nail polish on top it "melts" the layer under neath so now it can take 30 minutes for the "two" layers to cure enough that it wont get imprinted on. they can be dry in 15 minutes but still soft enough that if you knock them they'll dent and tear and you have to start over.

>> No.11786810

>3 layers of colour
That seems like 1 too many and a cause to use a different brand. I guess if you're not willing to deal with imperfection it is a lot of work though personally I would hate only having one hand done more.

>> No.11786849

>broke up with my girlfriend of almost 3 years about a year ago because I'm a fucking idiot
>find out she's with someone else and they're about to move in together
>feel like shit and lonely but don't want to try any kind of new relationships because I'm a toxic person and I know I'll ruin it

At least I dress better now

>> No.11786868

heavy dark colours always need that extra one to get the right colour or you have to use a heavy white/black nail polish before you do two coats which defeats the purpose anyway. i have fuckloads of polishes in different brands from versace to $3 pots.some colours are better than other but variations within brands is huge.

i love filing my nails at least

>> No.11787828

You will find someone else with whom you'll want to be with.

>> No.11787880

>Visit and post on here multiple times a day
>Full on /fa autist
>Meet a beautiful (to me anyway) girl
>We get together, stopped posting on here, cared less about clothes, I felt content and less angry
>Have the most incredible 18 months of my life, but our relationship is marred by bickering
>We decide to reluctantly break up despite loving one another

I tried to get her back to no avail (she says she can't go through any more arguing with me) and if anything I just made myself seem desperate and unattractive, all I can hope is that we get back together one day haha. Either way, I'm back here now, wasting my life away.

>> No.11788245

>Shoes I want to cop
>They are out of stock in the size and color I want everywhere online
>It's been 24 hours and it feels like they're never coming back ;_;

>> No.11788595

if she has that backpack she is not /fa/

>> No.11789336

>learn electrical engineering
>everyone in the college is authistic with social anxiety
>they speak with me but never go out
>0 real friends
>i want to go out
>going to "techno interests me" club alone
>see /fa/ group
>they look so cool
>hate my life
>never have friends
>go home and cry

>> No.11789468

It's not that I dont want to be with someone else. I just don't want to hurt more people because I either do that or fuck it up when it starts going good

>> No.11789479

Go make friends with the /fa/ kids

>> No.11789493

Dude all the Angelenos (ppl from Los Angeles) here probably spend an hour in traffic everyday just to move a few miles. An hour is nothing. Make it happen.

>> No.11789496

Christ is born

>> No.11789500

Killing yourself would only prove that you are a pathetic sack of shit. Do something for yourself for once in your goddamn life and get some help.

>> No.11789515

Kek has chosen his earthly incarnation
Remain a pure virgin anon lest you lose your meme magic

>> No.11789522

buy some there and take it home with you

>> No.11789607

>transferred into good university from CC
>so few transfers that we all got roomed together
>roommate is super fucking weird
>chuckles after half the things he says
>caught him watching TMZ when he expected me to be gone, on multiple occasions
>point blank asked me why my shorts were above the knee
>at least he brought an xbox
>difficult to make friends, as everyone in my grade already has friends at the school
>issue only exacerbated by my social retardation
>talking to some kids in my classes, but as i am a transfer, most of them are younger than me
>don't want to be a junior who hangs around a bunch of freshman
>show up to parties trying to socialize but they all just blast trap music, can't get into it no matter how much i drink

might just join a frat to inject myself into a pre-constructed social group if the issue persists


>hung out with a 5/10 girl yesterday who gave me shit about not being able to grow a full beard at 20

its not like i'm even trying to grow one but she asked about it

whatever at least i'm doing really well with the weight loss

>> No.11789669

>been with gf almost 6 months now
>longest relationship up to date
>she is perfect but butterflies are gone
I know I still love her but the feeling is so much different and its just not the same and I dunno how to deal with this

>> No.11790293

>tfw no gf

>> No.11790426
File: 180 KB, 750x973, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never had a gf

life is suffering