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/fa/ - Fashion

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11774613 No.11774613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is being racist and conservative /fa/ ?

>> No.11774640

Only in hindsight

>> No.11774642

yes, because all being /fa/ is is having an aesthetic which is "other"

>> No.11774650

What do you mean ? How is it relevant to being racist, homophobic, christian and conservative ?

>> No.11774663

Of course.

>> No.11774667
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>> No.11774675

Your subconscious correlations are so fucking tumblr - it's extremely tacky. Kill yourself.

>> No.11774678

being racist and conservative is all of 4chan

>> No.11774685
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I bet caring about what people would think about the outfit you wear would be pathetic in nazi germany society. That's not what being a real man is all about

Liking liberal aesthetics is liberal. Fashion is based on modern and contemporary arts. If you like classical art only because it's /pol/, you can't be /fa/. Being /fa/ you have to be open to any sorts of aesthetics from other cultures. You can't be /fa/ if you dislike isiswave only because it's isis. Being conservative means being against fashion industry. Take a visit to your hometown >>>/pol/ so that you know your true identity. Being right wing and /fa/ is like a bit lost. It's like being christian but gay and not white.

>> No.11774690

Tumblr is /fa/

No don't do this. I'm not white i'm not christian and idk where else to internet

>> No.11774700
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Seriously? Are you OK? Where did he touch you?

>> No.11774707
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We sucked each other actually.

>> No.11774710

cringed irl

>> No.11774712
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See ? Now get out or accept me in your country

>> No.11774714
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>> No.11774717

nah dood, dylan roof was /fa/ as fuck. Milspo is right wing.

>> No.11774719

B-Brian ?

>> No.11774724

Gays like milspo too.

I mean, it's okay to take him as an inspo, after all, it's just an inspo. But liking fashion in general is degenerate

>> No.11774733

>Almost got my name right
You scared me for a bit there

>> No.11774741

D-don't be scared b-bryan, h-here let me hug you it's c-cold

>> No.11774745

Gays like Trump too.
Is Trump degenerate?

Some females like a guy who doesn't dress like a turbo autist, is attracting women degenerate?

>> No.11774748

>Being conservative means being against fashion industry

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.11774760

Not giving a fuck about that stuff and not being a normie and caring about the "commentary" of the time is /fa/.

You're a dumbass and you don't know anything. Know your place

>> No.11774763

>i'm on /fa/ because women

>> No.11774766

The charleston chimp choking champion will always be /fa/.
charleston chimp choking champion

>> No.11774767

>tumblr is /fa/
you're such a faggot

>> No.11774772
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No you are. Fashion is degenerate. Being conservative and racist means you ONLY like milspo. It means you always have war fantasies of nuking the whole middle east. /fa/ people don't think about that we think about clothes and aesthetics and music and modern art.

>> No.11774775
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lol didn't read

>> No.11774779

Is hating colored people /fa/ ? Is disliking a whole outfit just because it's worn by black people /fa/ ?

>> No.11774782

Wow i learned a lot about christianity and conservatism

>> No.11774791

I bet you're only 18. It's okay it's just a phase

>> No.11774793

Fuck jewstianity though.

>> No.11774796

I already have a gf, I'm here for other reasons.

>> No.11774802

I'll still move to your country

>> No.11774806

Daily reminder that trump isn't racist so you shouldn't be

>> No.11774809

Haha do it, faggot, I dare you

>> No.11774827


you are a cute

>> No.11774834

What ? I can just convert it's not a big deal i'm a fedorist inside anyway.

I don't belong here my brain my mannerism my IQ deserve a better society. Asian girls suck anyway

>> No.11774835

The board is loser mecca

>> No.11774836

That's not me

>> No.11774840

There you go. And being a conservative isn't loser right ? Because loser means nonwhites, whites can't be loser

>> No.11774845

only authoritarian left and right are effay

>> No.11774855

Fashion without a sense of freedom doesn't happen

>> No.11774996

modern art=/=degenerate art

Contemporary doesn't always equal liberal, anon. Art isn't a liberal thing in and of itself. There are right wing artists, restoration artists, Christian artists, etc, etc.

Historically speaking, art was reserved for the well off, those who could afford to study it. It has become more accessible not due to liberalism, but simply as another one of the many things the industrial revolution has fascilitated for the masses.

You can throw even fashion into that category of things fascilitated by industrial society. Trade routes, shipping lines, foreign and domestic innovations, etc.

No one can lay claim to it and say "aha! because of faggots and liberal art teachers it's ours!". No such stupidity should be lent credence. Same goes for the right.

>> No.11775016

Lefty feminist SJW types literally encourage ugliness, obesity and poor fashion choices.
Not only that but they are the establishment.

ie. You can't genuinely be edgy and counter-culture by being like them.
However the American election turns out being "alt-right" is going to become increasingly trendy and /fa/.
An anon commented that fashion requires a sense of freedom. Where does that freedom exist in leftist circles?
There you have the freedom to be quiet, the freedom to check your privilege.
If you are beautiful and thin you are fat-shaming and microaggressing.

>> No.11775026

i dont think it matters if youre conservative, but being racist is definitely not /fa/

>> No.11775060

this guy has a point though..

>> No.11775067

>fuck off nigger
>fuck off chink
>fuck off muzzie
>fuck off spic
That's right wing and conservatism for you.

And i'm still gonna move to your country.

>> No.11775077

Yeah but what does right wing say about ugliness ? I mean, should it be just like "you're dead and it's a dead end i'm bullying you and there's nothing you can do about it you can't change it you're shitty forever you're inferior to me your shitskin gene is inferior to me" ?
Is being nonwhite ugly ?

>> No.11775094
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>> No.11775096

Do you understand that modern art and contemporary art are not the same thing?

>> No.11775097
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Wanna talk about it anon?

>> No.11775099

the right will ALWAYS be more /fa/ than the left, get over it cucks

>> No.11775102

About what ? Which one ? It's all clear already anyway

>> No.11775106

neither modern, nor contemporary equal degenerate. The individual may be a degenerate, but nothing else.

>> No.11775107

actual autism

>> No.11775108

Nyc will always be more /fa/ than charleston

>> No.11775109

Yes. Leftism has become the status-quo, and thus the new counter culture is nationalism/conservatism (real conservatism, not George Bush and Cruz le low taxes kind)

>> No.11775110

Political fandom is autistic

>> No.11775111

You mean the "gas the colored" kind of nationalism ?

>> No.11775113

Being non-white is being non-white. We want non-white people to have their own countries and breed with each other while we have our countries and breed with our people.
We do not encourage the races breeding with each other. Even in cases like white+Jew and white+East Asian where those groups have a higher average IQ than whites.

>> No.11775119 [DELETED] 

nationalists dont care about that. most dont even think you are inferior as an individual. they just want their own countries. thats it

>> No.11775122

So it's only to counter culture ? Not because you sincerely hate nonwhites ?

>> No.11775126

Glad that america is not a nationalist society

>> No.11775127

I was referring to the guy responding to the most retarded bait in the world, you fucking inbred. regardless yes, political fandom is autistic, but being anything other than fiscally conservative should be embarrassing because you're showing off your ability on not being able to understand basic math and economics ie kill yourself

>> No.11775130

So your admission is white people create countries better than your own people do and the benefits of living in our countries outweigh any discomfort you might experience.

Why would I be concerned about racial name-calling, then? Why should I feel bad about that when the reality is our people will be giving you a greater quality of life than you experience now? That doesn't make sense.

>> No.11775137

No i mean economically i believe in capitalism. It's just that i'm not white and christian. Would i be accepted in the american fashion scene ?

>> No.11775140

Not to whom you're replying. I get along fine with non-whites. There are non-white that are smarter than me, better looking than me, more productive than me etc.

Their place is in their countries, not in ours.

What I hate is the problems of diversity. It makes a society objectively poorer. For instance, if there were no Muslims in the anglosphere: it would be extremely difficult for them to hatch terror plots in our countries, right?

Also see Putnam's Diversity Study.

>> No.11775150

there is a niche for just about everyone. race and religion is irrelevant. just don't be covered in boils and you can make it somewhere.

>> No.11775151

>our people
How do you feel proud about it ? I might be equally on par in western society. It wasn't you that did the world a favour. You were brought up and educated in the same standard as me.

I don't hate white people i just hate racists and people who make me feel inferior because you can only be superior to me if you've done the same thing as what your ancestors did

>> No.11775163

But what about people who actually CAN assimilate and keep up with whatever you're doing ? What about a nigger asian guy with an IQ of 112 that works and thinks fast and has been really into western thinking and mannerism that he doesn't feel attached to his country ?

Culture is just the way we naturally do things, it's not something we should preserve or embrace, it's like if you feel like you're comfortable of secularism etc etc then you seek place that has the same character. It's almost like choosing religion, you don't force yourself to believe in your parents' religion, you seek one that suits you

>> No.11775165

You're strawmanning me.
The idea that people with my views take personal credit for the high standard of living in white countries is a pretty standard tactic.
I would recommend thinking rather than regurgitating.

You, as an individual, could very well be superior to me as an individual.
I hope that you stay in the nation(s) that belong to your people and use your qualities to help them prosper.

I do not support the West brain-draining the world by picking out their best.
How exactly are your people going to become on par with us if that continues to happen?

>> No.11775170

if what you were saying was true then minority & gender quotas wouldn't be a thing. yes, you might be on par with "white males" but the fact of the matter is you get it easier because society is literally crawling to help minorities, yet you people still get mad when a kid gets shot robbing a store with what looks like or is a firearm or are forced to acknowledge that coyote smugglers are rapists

>> No.11775176

>But what about people who actually CAN assimilate and keep up with whatever you're doing ?

I don't deny that they exist. You are hung up on the idea of "White Supremacy" while I am a "White Nationalist." I want white nations to be... White. I do not want multiculturalism or multi-racialism. I don't know where you are from but I don't wish those things on your people either.

The problems of diversity are not simply one group having a lower IQ than another. In fact: if your group coming here has a higher IQ that is also a problem. (see: Jews)
If your group has the exact same IQ it is still a problem.
Check out Putnam's study. Diversity leads to things such as less social engagement, investment. Less trust and cohesion.

You belong with your people and I belong with mine and both of us should enjoy homogeneity.

>> No.11775188
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>What is Hugo Boss

>> No.11775192

I don't care about my race or my culture. I can't change anything i'm just one person. I just wanna live comfortably the way i want. I want to live in a prosper society and i don't want to wait until my country and culture be on par with your, it's gonna take thousand years. I don't feel attached to my own country or culture. I can only relate to western social cues and mannerism and politics. If behaviour is what you're concerned, then what if i won't be behaviourally destructive ?

Race is just egocentrism there's no objective benefit in preserving one. I don't care if my race extinct either, if i look good and do good with women then that's all that matters.

I just wanna live surrounded by people that think like me. I've been consuming american media for my entire life i don't go outside of the house. But i'n highly functional in society, i mean i can be

>> No.11775197

The majority of your people agrees with multiculturalism anyway. Everyone does. It's 2016 there's no culture anymore. Our current modern lifestyle will be a ""culture"" too in 1000 years from now so it really doesn't matter it's always changing, without us having to preserve or keeping anything. It's like preserving animals, what's the point ? They don't fit in to the current ecosystem anymore let them die and let the new species replace them.

>> No.11775206

>I just wanna live comfortably the way i want. I want to live in a prosper society and i don't want to wait until my country and culture be on par with your...

Do you think white nations just found their high quality of life by accident? They had to work for that. Not so long ago we were snowniggers with nothing.
The fact that you think this way shows everyone that you are not one of us.
You don't really think like us. You just want to abandon your people and enjoy what our ancestors handed down to us.

We will not benefit by taking in people like you. You may not be that much of a drain yourself but every time we take one of you were get a little bit poorer and a little bit different.

>> No.11775214

If we're all the same then why do you need to come here?

>> No.11775263

Our place is different and i like yours better. And the current system okays it (to move)

>> No.11775271

The fact is that they didn't do it for people of their own kind, the did it simply to better the world by creating one descent place for people that actually qualifies.

And you know what, the people that matter, think like me, think like the normal people from the modern era.

White society now is better than what they were before. Surprisingly (or not) it has also been getting more and more diverse. People are happier, and more colorful too. It aligns.

>> No.11775275

And i like donald trump wish he can make everything better so that islam will be seen as okay again.

>> No.11775281


>> No.11775292

I deserve more than this. I'm the only one that dresses good here. I don't want to be surrounded by these people. I don't like religious society. My personal values agree with the american culture. It's really torturing to live here. Like, i can't impress anyone because no one digs what i dig. I don't want to reassimilate to my culture. I'm better than what i used to be, i don't want to move backward. I'm at my most superior state right now, i don't want to downgrade.

>> No.11775309

Yeah, don't

>> No.11775322

This is me representing myself, not my race, not my country. Yeah i agree you shouldn't take in those who aren't qualified. But for those who's qualified, why not ? Look at nyc, look at LA, now that's america

>> No.11775327

I don't expect my race to be accepted, i expect ME to be accepted. I'm a hedonist because i've never really been happy in my life and i recently just found something that makes me study harder everyday here. (Thanks casey neistat)

>> No.11775348

>they didn't do it for people of their own kind, the did it simply to better the world by creating one descent place
>the people that matter, think like me
I'm not even white and I can see the bullshit in this. You only deserve what you fight for anon, your kind of thinking is what makes our current society so shitty because everyone is way too demanding and self centered to build something of their own

>> No.11775358

Do you consider America a white nation? Consider the fact that it was built by many different types of people before responding.

>> No.11775367

No. The one glaring difference between modern liberals and modern conservatives is that liberals are inclusive, while conservatives are exclusive. Conservative "fashion" would consist entirely of telling people what they can't wear. In fact, we see it every day with /pol/ bait threads:
>skinny jeans are for fags/nu-males
>those boots are tumblr-tier

I suppose these points would be fine if they were balanced out with alternate points of what's "acceptable," but they never are (and when "acceptable" outfits are posted, it's always the same, timid, boring shit - or cosplay-tier military inspo that's never worn). Fashion simply doesn't work (or, at the very best, is uninteresting) when approached with such a narrow, limited mindset. In fact, "caring about fashion" in general is something conservative men often abscond.

In short, it modern conservationism (as it often rears its head here) and fashion do not mix.

>> No.11775373

>bothering on writing 3 paragraphs when you are this illiterate

>> No.11775374

I'm trying to build somthing on my own. I work and study my ass off so that i can accomplish the only dream i have, to live in a society where everyone is like me.

>> No.11775377

>nyc, look at LA, now that's america
t. someone who has never lived in those areas for any amount of time beyond a simple tourist visit, if that

>> No.11775382

Some people in the thread were claiming that conservatives can be /fa/, while others weren't. I was talking about this.

What makes you think I'm illiterate?

>> No.11775387

Find Jesus.

John 13:13
Mark 14:61 - 14:62

>> No.11775403

libtard detected also not /fa/

>> No.11775417

>evangelizing on an anime imageboard

>> No.11775450
File: 68 KB, 668x718, 14368762_991540060955556_2182029098813975802_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we stop this dumb argument and get some more dylann inspo?

>> No.11775465
File: 79 KB, 540x360, tumblr_inline_nx8yp3v3Xm1ta5kgf_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.11775524

Where do you stand in this thread ? Who do you side with ?

>> No.11775582


>> No.11775583

Oh god why was i not born white american...

>> No.11775632
File: 52 KB, 385x434, ABAAAgwhIAK-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet caring about what people would think about the outfit you wear would be pathetic in nazi germany society.
I'm going to stop you right there. Hugo Boss designed SS uniforms. Dr. Martens was a former Nazi. Nazi Germany cared about looks. It shows in all their soldiers and leaders. If you understood anything about that part of history you would know that. You're fucking stupid and awful.
Their ideology wasn't to be some macho, primal people.
They thought of themselves as noble and supreme. That means looking the best.

>Being conservative means being against fashion industry.
No, it doesn't actually. There are countless styles with conservative roots, such as prep and many others that are formal, not to mention military and utilitarian.

>Liking liberal aesthetics is liberal. Fashion is based on modern and contemporary arts.
Fashion has nothing to do with being a liberal. Art has nothing to do with being a liberal. Fashion is not limited to modern and contemporary boundaries.

You know nothing about politics.
You know nothing about art.
You're a benighted pseudo-philosopher.

Kill yourself.

>> No.11775652

god I fucking love you.
no homo tho



>> No.11775669

My nigga

>> No.11775692

>not white
>not christian

Fuck off shitskin.

>> No.11775777

Oh no pls don't do that

>> No.11775791

Why did i start this thread, i'll move out anyway, i don't have to seek validations from people that dont matter

>> No.11775803

Thank you

>> No.11775813
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>> No.11775853

Is patriotism supposed to be racist ?

>> No.11775862
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Daily reminder for all of you faggots coming here from reddit:

/fa/ will always be a freind of /pol/

/fa/ is the only fashion forum not influenced by crazed liberals/feminists telling you what to wear.

>> No.11775863

w2c trousers?

>> No.11775893

>/fa/ is the only fashion forum not influenced by crazed liberals/feminists telling you what to wear.

>> No.11775898
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>> No.11775899
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>> No.11775900

Tumblr and instagram thread is always alive. The coolest /fa/ oldfag that i know are communists. It's the newfags that brought racism/white supremacy to /fa/

>> No.11775901

If you're white it's considered racist.
Shame yourself and you may reach "almost innocent" status.

>> No.11775902

/fa/ reall is the most normie board

>> No.11775906

Authoritarianism kills creativity in a society. There's a reason why the US is the birthplace of all cool music and art scene. It's freedom and diversity.

>> No.11775908

Well who cares, i have no intention to be special snowflake, i don't want it, i don't need it. All i know is that /fa/ has one of the best people because they're not autistic. Well at least the least autistic board.

>> No.11775910

hating everyone is
even yourself

>> No.11775912

patriotism is retarded, regardless where youre from. sincerely, hang yourself

>> No.11775922

So what's not retarded ? Nationalism ? Your country is patriotistic and it was always supposed to be like that. You can't wish for nationalism for america, you might as well just move to a european nationalistic country. It's like wishing america to be a communist country, it just won't happen and you're an extremist.

>> No.11775937


>> No.11775946

Except statistics show how countries that are more equal score higher on being innovative.

>> No.11775952

I just want to know how people like you think. Like, people like you and everyone here are what i want to be related to when i move in. This scene, is what i want to be seen in. This kind of people. And i know people like yous are smarter and more redpilled than anyone else. And i want to know how you would think when suddenly a fresh nonwhite immigrant is part of your squad. Like would you be open to him just like you are to your white fellows ? I just wanna make sure that this won't be a wrong decision. Cus i don't want to be part of the sjw tumblr cult, because i'm better than them, i'm here, this is the better place on the internet filled with the better people.